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we've made hash browns on the griddle we've made omelets on the griddle today we're combining the two to make what we anticipate maybe our best breakfast cooked to date you want to see how we make these hash brown omelets stick around while we dig in [Music] hey welcome back i'm adam i'm brett and we are the wall twins if this is your first time here with us though welcome consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you don't miss anything that we do no matter where we're doing it and today we happen to be in the backyard diner for this one and i gotta say brett yep we could talk about it but also we've got some fresh potatoes shredding brown shredded rinsed squeezed out with cheesecloth dried out and they're pinking out so we gotta hurry that's what i was gonna say we've got some potatoes that need to be tossed on the grill so brett hurry and get to the grocery so we can get this good going all right right here we have shredded three potatoes and they are sitting here in this bowl and then we are going to be using onions tomatoes ham cubes and then we'll be whisking up some eggs and laying them over top you'll see the process as we go american cheese and our seasoning of choice the usual suspects right obviously when you're doing omelets you put whatever you want in it and this this came down to more of what we had i would love to put some green peppers in didn't have any green peppers yeah we've got some tomatoes for that freshness we've got some onions which will actually not saute but we'll put on the griddle for just a little bit yeah we're gonna start cooking these up and let's get to the process so you can see how it goes here we go all right for starters i'm just going to lay down a bunch of butter right here all right just a bunch of butter all right nothing's screaming bro let's go ahead and get those potatoes on now and they're going to start browning up so yeah they're starting to get thing but you can see we've dried these out as best we can so these are pretty darn dried out yep and then i'm gonna get these cooking i would break maybe spread it out a little bit more put more butter down this is gonna take up a little bit more space than we anticipated which i'm a-okay with as well as my so the far left is turned on to low the other two are medium-low if you're looking at the hands on the clock you're looking at about 35 past the hour right about the seven that's about typically where we cook at and the far left one is all the way down at about six o'clock then all i'm going to do i just want to warm these ham cubes up so that when they get put on they'll start to brown just a little bit but that way when we're ready to put them on it will actually help cook the eggs and everything else that's good that are going to go on top of the hash browns all right so brett i guess i'll man the ham sure you man the potatoes yeah and those are cooking do we need to turn that down a little bit it was on for quite a little bit all right let's turn that down a little so we can control the cook i just got done talking about where we're cooking the temperature wise but what we've learned is low and so is the best way to start because you can always bring the temperature and change as needed it's easier to bring up that it is to cool down once this is cooking because it is facts [Music] i want to shout out to true north cafe awesome channel if you haven't checked him out please do so he's a really cool dude and we got this little tip from him want to ladies as thin as possible and then we want to cook them about 95 through we're going to throw the eggs in and then they're going to continue to cook we're going you're throwing out the cheese and then dress them with the ham and the veggies as well right another quick shout out i've got to give to them is you know typically when we do these we always go with like shredded cheese we go with uh cheddar something like that i love american cheese yeah he's like you know what do what you like he happens to love those craft singles we get our uh we get our american cheese from the daily in bulk either from the deli or actually from sam's club in bulk we love it it is so good so that's what we're doing today i just love the the meltiness of american cheese which pairs really well with other cheeses but today we're just pairing it with the eggs the potatoes and all the other goodness here so so that's it now i will say one question we get asked a lot about the pit boss sierra griddle and the ultimate griddles in general is the five burner house of the grease trap right here where the sierra has up in the front whether or not we like it to be honest we do love it and part of it is because we can control it we've gotten food in there before just like we used to get food in the rear grease trap system but the fact of the matter is i really appreciate it because i can keep an eye on it and see how full it is and it's it's just never been a problem i think one thing too is maybe that's something that people think too much of or or think that it's going to be a problem and quite frankly it's just not right would you agree that it almost doesn't matter yep man brett those are cooking up nice we're a little bit crispy over here right on the edges where it's really thin yep the middle still probably needs a good five six minutes before we start getting the egg so bread is prepping the eggs we're gonna do six eggs here we may use the whole mix we may not other than the eggs we are putting salt and pepper in the eggs and i'm going to go ahead and throw that back here give me some usual i'll go ahead and do that right now while i'm here really interesting thanks buddy can i give it a little make sure the ham is all right yep tastes like ham all right so usual suspects if you don't know what usual suspects is this is just a mix that brett and i have come up with we absolutely love it we use this for everything it is just a gsp it's a garlic salt pepper with onion powder adobo accent and i think that's about it it's there's not very many ingredients but we love this and we do put this on just about everything and so we do love it and that's what we're seasoning with like i said the information for this will be down in the description below how to make it but also you can use whatever seasoning you like so we're gonna scramble the eggs right here and it's just a real quick scramble [Music] so here's what's going to happen when we lay the eggs down they're going to look like they're not cooking all the way through before we start flipping and moving things around but don't worry about it they will cook all the way through by the time this thing is done and ready to eat bread is it time to lay the eggs the egg is down so it's time to get the eggs in here so we're going to go ahead and lay this in [Music] brett looks like six egg was perfect yep and then you wanna spread that around you go ahead and spread that around [Music] all right we're gonna let that sit for just a minute let that really cook through so these potatoes are really hot so those are going to start to cook the eggs the cheese is going to start melting on top we have the ham cubes the tomatoes the onions everything else and then we're going to divide this and fold these over now we're going to lay the cheese down all right we are making three separate omelettes hopefully so we're gonna be spreading these out a bit per adam's request we're adding more cheese we're gonna connect the dots here because why not all right so it is time to get the ham going so brad i'm going to use the big trough here if you will and we're just going to layer the ham cubes like such you know we got two packages of ham cubes this was one yep that was all this definitely this was enough yep and then well depends on your style i like them we have talked about super meaty we've discussed possibly sauteing the onions oh you know what did you want to yeah let's go ahead and put the onions down fact i forgot let's get a little bit of because we've got a little bit of thyme here so we're just going to go ahead and put a little butter and i'm literally just a minute or two on these just to really get them warm and kind of just to get them buttery we don't want to get them too crispy there you go i'm glad brett mentioned that man we've done this before and we've just thrown the onions or as brett did literally just slayed them right on top of the meal the food but this is a little bit better there we go all right all right all right brett you know what we've got some ham cubes that aren't getting it's snacking oh is that snacking i'm taking your snack fine as you can already see the cheese is melting which means the eggs are cooking as well that's right so we're going to get these onions bread you want to start getting the tomatoes in because we don't need these on here for very long at all that's correct [Music] apparently these are what we're calling loaded omelettes loaded omelets indeed all right slightly caramelized so these are going to have a little crunch but not too much right look at those one thing you want to remember is the more you cook onions the softer they're going to get the more transparent they're going to get so if you want them a little more crispy uh you want it you don't want to leave it really throw them on it you can just go through it throw them straight raw if you want them really crispy otherwise they're just going to continue to cook and soften as they cook right all right time to get the onions on [Music] all right brett is going to get ready to divide this say okay so we're going to get up under fold that over all right that nice gbd right we should have just done the burrito we should have just done the burrito you want to turn this omelet into a burrito are we turning this into an omelette trifle burrito break up right there yeah so we're going to break this right here that from that side go in all right and then we can cut it down the middle all right all right we get a little bit more usual suspects on the outside all right britt needs some clearance space to flippity-doo-dah there we go my guy okay so let's put this over do the same thing with this one let me to flappade look at that look at that little split right there but otherwise bret those are what we call in the good business beautiful i don't know if you knew that in our business wow mine nope all right we're gonna let these finish cooking up and we're gonna get some b-roll on this let's do this [Music] [Music] well there it is it is there they are there they are in all their glory yes and now we're going to start the timer we have five minutes to finish these do you know what the winner gets a t-shirt it says i did it and a picture hanging on the wall oh that is not true but man i am super excited to get this in fact it's been sitting a couple minutes yep so i mean it's still piping hot inside yes but this was such a fun process and i i would say overall it turned out exactly how i hoped it would yes i'm super excited to dig in again true north thanks for the tips we learned from you and also griddle grub tell us a little bit of what he did also did a great job on his so go ahead and check him out as well love what they're doing uh in the griddle and cooking community but like we say it can look amazing ah looks amazing oh man like we say can smell amazing can i get a smell yeah smell yeah you can yeah but if this doesn't taste amazing then this was all for naught i'm gonna get a nice big bite right here cheers i'll lead to that my brother bro usual suspects for the win oh my gosh the american cheese for the win onions for the win tomato the ham for the win now i didn't want bacon in this adam said no first of all we didn't have any but that's perfect that is perfect well let me put this down real quick i look at the inside you see that soft potato and they get a little crunch and everything oh yeah the onion the onions got a nice little bite to it perfect usual suspects was was knowing it and this this is massive this was fun to come do a large one on there it was and relatively inexpensive because uh the three potatoes right maybe a couple of bucks there the ham cubes couple of bucks yeah so all in all this was less than 10 bucks for that huge this would be two huge omelettes easily feeding the whole family yep exactly right easily feeding the whole family so we absolutely love getting to come and do this this one was another banger another fun one to do and one we've been doing talking about doing for a while we weren't sure whether we want to do the foldover omelette or we've seen people roll these up like a big burrito no we're gonna have to do a uh uh hash brown burger burrito which i i think so and we could actually like the chorizo in there like a real like i think we're i thought oh the potatoes dot dot dot stay tuned for stay tuned super excited for that one if you did enjoy this and this gives you another idea of something that you can cook on your cradle make sure you give this a thumbs up we really do appreciate it it's one way which you can support us in what we do another way you can support us is through our merchandise there's a link to our store in the description below this video our merchandise is brought to you through digital promotions works closely with across those missions and crossover missions does amazing service work in fact the portion of all the purchases made through the wall twist goes to benefit across those missions and their amazing service we love getting to come and do this and we love getting to work with partners like crossroads missions digital promotions but brett what else we love our patreon shout out to our great entourage we love you guys so much thank you so much for your support in fact if you'd like to find out how you can support us through our patreon that information is down below as well right thank you so much to our great entourage we do love you guys and everybody else for being here thank you so much we love getting to come and share this passion of cooking with you brett aside from coming to make this banger i want to go and eat some more let's get back let's do it why else are we doing this because all we do is twin no matter what with that we bid you a deal and don't forget to like and subscribe and greet alone
Views: 29,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a hash brown omelet, how to make the best huge hash brown omelets on flat top grill, pit boss sierra griddle cook, pit boss, outdoor cooking, pit boss griddle, griddle cooking, flat top griddle, flat top grill, flat top, pit boss griddles, griddle recipes, griddle recipe, pit boss ultimate griddle, how to make hash browns on a flat top grill, how to make hash browns on a griddle, griddle breakfast, walmart griddle, pit boss walmart griddle, waltwins pit boss
Id: 8VLgf48bleM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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