How To Make The Best DEER JERKY EVER {Cheap And Easy}

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everybody welcome back to another mullet man episode i just got done unloading everything from the deer lease if you haven't watched my previous video uh we took the old can-am up to the dearly's me and justin lakefort guy and we both got a doe on the ground so just got everything unloaded now i'm packing up for colorado got an elk hunt and a pronghorn hunt coming up and then i come back for a couple days and i go back up for another elk hunt so i've also been cleaning the freezer out um we are just about through everything that i shot last year um just down to a few things of burger and a few things of sausage so completely out of back strap up until i shot this dough i've had this dough sitting on ice for the past three days i like to bleed out my uh deer for at least three days in a cooler so what i do is put all the quarters back straps turn the ones in a cooler with ice and i changed the ice every single day and drained the bloody water that was in there from the previous day so i do that three times i like to change the ice at least three times depending on the weather it can melt quicker faster or whatever but this meat is perfectly bled out and i have already started on one back ham yesterday i'll show you um today we are gonna make jerky so if you didn't see it in the title we were making jerky today i actually had a batch going yesterday i started yesterday uh pulled some off last night but i figured out that my jerky maker actually it's just a dehydrator it will take one whole deer hindquarter cut my finger yesterday doing it too so um one whole deer high quarter i can fit in this it's four trays um and i load it up i'm just letting the last few pieces dry uh there are some some thicker pieces that i have to let sit for a little bit longer but we'll get into time and temperature here in a little bit and how i season it and everything but first i'm gonna show you what i do with my back straps and then we'll bring in a hindquarter that's already deboned i'll show you how to dress it up and then slice it for jerky meat then we'll uh prep it for the dehydrator and we'll make jerky so i'm gonna get this back strap in here i'll show you how i do it how i package it how i clean it up and then we'll put all that in the freezer then we'll get started on the jerky so i've got one whole back strap here i've already got my vacuum sealed bags pre-sealed all i have to do is throw them in there take there out of them seal them again so what i do you can see that this ice cream makes this meat once i cut into it you'll see that it's red inside but the outside gets kind of ice burned if you will but i cut down to that silver skin and i try to cut off as much silver skin as i can from the beginning but we can always go in there in the end and trim it up see like that it doesn't always come off good but the inside that meat is perfectly red um and it is delicious so i just come in here i always like to trim off my silver skin before i package it some people leave it on there i don't think it makes a difference but you can take it like that and fillet it off just like you would a fish skin on a fish just like that and that is all gristle uh silver skin that's what the indians used to make their bow strings back in the day so i trim as much off as i can and then i like to leave my back straps i like to leave my back straps in chunks just like this and freeze them like that and then i can cut them into the portions that i want whenever i pull it out of the freezer to cook so whether i want to do thin slices for frying or do thick steaks i have that option whenever i pull it out of the freezer so i'll take this piece right here just like that that's cleaned up just enough for me um we'll clean it up a little bit more whenever we take it out to actually cook it and i'll throw this in this freezer bag just like that i'll seal it up take the air out seal it and then we'll label it with a date and what it is so now we have a sealed back strap i'll put the date on there and put bs for backstrap deer and 6 20. so now we have our meat labeled dated and it is ready to go in the freezer so i just do that process with both back straps if you watch my video you know that me and justin ate the tenderloins already so this is all i will have to vacuum seal is the back straps and then uh whenever i trim everything up i'll have some scraps for the burger pile and i'll vacuum seal that until i shoot another deer and have enough to fire up the old grinder and make some burger out of it so if there's any hair or anything pick that off now any dirt clean it up clean that silver skin up and that is perfect right there so just repeat that process take your bag and this vacuum sealer that i have is literally the cheapest vacuum sealer you can get at walmart i think it's like 90 bucks and it has worked out perfect for us do the same thing seal it and date it [Applause] perfectly packaged back strap put bs deer and the date so i'm gonna get that other back strap cleaned up do the same thing and then i'll bring the hindquarter in here and we'll get to cleaning it up and getting it prepped to make jerk all right so we got one two three four five so i packaged them in portions for me and angel and if there's more people i can take two packages out but that is two back straps that's at least five meals so pretty good throw these in the freezer and then i'll probably end up moving them to the deep freezer outside so getting started on the jerky meat um i decided when i shot this dough i was gonna make this whole deer besides the back straps in the jerky so um like i said i got a few hunting trips coming up so it's an awesome road snack and everybody enjoys jerky so um there's a lot more deer that i'm gonna be shooting this year plus the elk that i'm gonna be filling the freezers with so i wanted to make this whole deer in the jerky um so i got one bowl uh one for hamburger which is just the little pieces that i'll be taking off that won't be good for the jerky and then i'll have my bowl for the actual jerky slices i like to use two different knives i have a long skinny fillet knife that i actually cut the slices of jerky with and then i have a really sharp smaller knife that i can break these muscle groups apart and trim them up and get them ready for slicing for jerky so that's all i do anything that you may have on these dirt hair gristle get every single bit of it off and then i like to um cut each muscle group out and then work with that individual muscle on its own it just takes a couple of deer to get a hulk to get a hang of everything but you can literally follow every muscle line if you just put your thumb in different places like right there there's a seam right there that's a different muscle so you want to stick your knife in there and cut that muscle out just like that there's one muscle that will be all burger meat because there's just so much silver skin on it with a little bit of meat inside so i'm gonna trim that silver skin off and then cut it up in the cubes throw it in the burger bowl so here's another mussel it doesn't have to be perfect you can you can make some cuts into the meat it's it'll be all right but you just want to cut these muscles apart just like that one muscle and this is a very good piece for jerky so you can slice a bunch of meat out of that to make jerky so that's all i do to get ready for slicing is just clean up all that nasty fat and gristle and uh clean everything up and then you go on to the process of slicing and uh we'll get into that here in a minute on how thick you want it and stuff like that so i'm gonna get these muscles so i'm gonna get these muscle groups all cut up and separated and then um i'm gonna clean all of this silver skin off of them and then i'll see you whenever um it's time to cut your slices for jerky and get your pieces for your burger bowl all right guys i pretty much have everything cleaned up so what i do i got let's see one two three four five six seven eight eight big muscles pretty much um i got them as cleaned up as possible so i'm going to try to do this next back batch of jerky uh pretty symmetrical the last one i just cut up and uh there's all kinds of pieces and i want this one to dry evenly so i'm not having to re-dry the jerky so what i'm going to do is square off all of these pieces and i'm going to use this meat for jerky anyway chunk it up put it in sorry burger so that's a perfectly square piece of meat and that will make good slices of dirt of good slices of jerky so i'm gonna do that with all these pieces get nice squared off pieces that i can cut into nice evenly sized strips of jerky you don't have to do this i'm just being picky so i don't have to mess with it again like i did last time and as far as thickness goes basically as thick as you want to go the thicker you go the longer you're going to have to wait on your jerky to be done and you do not have to have one of these high dehydrators this is a very cheap dehydrator it's from cabela's probably under 100 bucks i've had it for a long time so i honestly can't tell you how old it is um so this piece is pretty long i'm gonna cut it in half and that's pretty square square off that piece throw that in the burger pile same with this [Music] and some pieces are uneven and you just got to work around it um so like i was saying you don't have to have a fancy dehydrator you can do this in the oven or if you have a smoker you can do it on a smoker there's many ways to do it you can look up some different ways to do it and how they do it uh this is just the way that i'm showing you so i'm gonna start cutting this up into slices i do about a quarter inch thick maybe a little less it's going to shrink down once it's dehydrated so you want nice thin slices you can't really tell on that piece but i just throw it into a bowl and repeat that process so that'll be a perfect slice of jerky whenever it's done it's manageable and it looks good you don't have a bunch of uneven strips and it's presentable so i just keep going in here make those are maybe an eighth inch thick um just make them how everything this size slice i will cook in the dehydrator at 125 degrees for 10 hours and that is a perfect amount of time for this thickness um that's what i did on the batch that is already done i'll show you this in a little bit we'll do a little taste test and uh it worked out perfect so 125 for 10. so i'm just gonna keep see that first piece is really uneven i'll throw that in the burger pile and we'll make some more strips out of this i like the process of cleaning deer and processing the meat and making your own jerky is something i think is really special um and it's a great gift to give to friends and uh it's fun to try out new recipes with jerky i've probably done it a hundred different ways the recipe i'm gonna show you today is one of the easiest and most people have every ingredient that we're gonna be using today in their house so when i get the rest of this meat cut up as you can see i'm just slicing it thin um i got a lot of meat left to cut it doesn't take that much time i'm gonna get it all sliced up and then i'll show you what it looks like when it's done and we'll start the seasoning process i'm gonna bag this burger meat up when i get done with this i'm sure i'll have a few more pieces of throw in there and then uh we'll lay it in the dehydrator and get to making jerky yeah mr ryder he's with daddy today mama's got a photo shoot to go too so he's helping me make jerky so now we are starting the marination process so i would say this about two pounds of jerky um i kind of do everything by feel in sight but i got a we got garlic powder black pepper and paprika so i did a teaspoon of paprika a tablespoon of garlic powder and two tablespoons of black pepper now this is all this all has to do with how much seasoning you like um i like a lot of black pepper on my jerky i like black pepper jerky and then the other two things is oyster shear and soy sauce either one ratio on oyster shear and soy sauce so i put two servings of soy sauce for one serving of moisture shear so i like to just get that soy sauce in there like i said i just play by eye get it to where i know that the meat will all be able to soak in it and then i'll do about half of what i just did in soy sauce with the oyster sugar sauce so just like that now all we do is mix all this meat around make sure everything gets coated in the seasonings and the soy sauce and oyster shear and we're going to let this sit for an hour in the fridge once this sits for an hour we'll put it on our trays and then i like to put um some coarse black pepper over the top of it um i really like black pepper so um i crushed some coarse black pepper over the top as soon as i put it on the trays and that really sticks to the meat and it dries on there just like if you were to buy pet black pepper jerky jack links or something like that so mix that all around that looks good everything is coated everything has been touched by the soy sauce and oyster sugar i'm gonna pop this in the fridge and then we're gonna let it soak for an hour by that time all the jerky from i did yesterday will be done i'll pull that off and slap this guy on and we're gonna do it at 125 for 10 hours so i will see you guys in an hour and we'll put this on the dehydrator all right guys we have still a little bit cooking in the dehydrator but this has been saying for an hour in the fridge just pulled it out um i'm going to lay some paper towels down so whatever it drips off doesn't get all over the counter we're going to load these trays up the best we can and then we'll let them sit until that other jerky is done and then we'll throw these guys on so i try to get as much use out of this space as possible i fill it up to the absolute max um it does take a little longer but i just turn it on leave it overnight and uh it's good to go so let me load this guy up and then we'll get on to the next rack [Music] so [Music] all right so as you can see i got three trays and i only have about six pieces of jerky left so i'm gonna go ahead and add those to what's already cooking um that's almost done probably only has 40 minutes left on it i'm gonna throw this on and uh it's going to sit for 10 hours at 125 degrees and then i'll do a taste test on what i did yesterday same exact recipe so let me do all this to one side so we know what's cooked some good stuff all right move that around this is going on the dehydrator all right she is set to 125 10 hours we'll check on her i think it'll probably take around 14 hours because uh i did cut them a little thick this time but i love thick pieces of jerky so this whole bag right here minus whatever's in there that's still cooking is one ham or one back quarter of a white tail a small white-tailed dough um so you yield a bunch of meat this will last my whole trip to colorado everybody's gonna be eating on it all day every day and this stuff this jerky is so perfect you can see you can see through it that's a thin piece not cooked not too dry um fine so this right here is about the size that i loaded the whole rack up with this is 10 hours and you can see it still um has a little bit of moisture in it this jerky recipe is super super mild um you only allow you only allow it to soak for an hour so it doesn't really penetrate the meat like all the way through it's not like a super um it's not too it's not too much flavor like a lot of people use liquid smoke which i've used in the past like i said there's a thousand ways to make jerky and this is just a mild um good flavor jerky recipe that i like um soy sauce oyster shea salt pepper no salt the salt uh the salt actually comes from the soy sauce but uh pepper uh garlic powder and a little bit of paprika and it turns out amazing i'll give that a 10 out of 10 for jerky i can literally eat this all year long uh this will last forever i can throw it in the freezer but it'll last in this bag for a couple weeks and if i put it in the freezer it'll literally it will literally last for years um so it is a great way to preserve meat and everybody enjoys jerky so i am making i still have the two front quarters that i got to cut up today uh get those ready get them marinated and i'm making all four quarters in a jerky so this will last me for probably half the season and then towards the other half of the season i will shoot another deer and uh do all jerky in that one as well so hope you guys enjoy this video uh how to do jerky just my process on how to do it like i said there's a thousand ways you can do jerky uh you can take it to your local processor and get it done that way it's just expensive um this is super super super cheap um and a good way to do stuff with your meat if you don't really know what to do you can do it in the oven you can do it on smoker you can do it in a dehydrator or you can do it in the sun like the indians used to do it or make like biltong like they do in south africa let it out to dry and uh turns out great so hope you enjoyed it make sure y'all stay tuned like i said i'm going to colorado got a bunch of hunts coming up so make sure y'all smash that subscribe button hit the thumbs up and remember eat good
Channel: Mullet Man
Views: 113,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deer jerky, hunting, mulletman, eat good, catch clean cook, catch and cook, hunting for food, whitetail, hunting the wild, texas, texas deer, doe, dehydrater, dehydrated meat, critter glitter
Id: ps-tJCM4c3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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