How To DOUBLE Your Conversion Rate (Shopify Tutorial)

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hey guys in this video we're going to talk how you can double your conversion rate by implementing some of the best practices of e-commerce so that you can increase the return and the revenue of your Shopify store and we're going to cover some of the best practices that the best brands are applying on their Shopify store so that you can apply them to your store to increase your conversion rate your Revenue per session and therefore the revenue of your Shopify store so without the further Ado let's get straight to the thing the thing that we're going to cover in this video is above default of your product page and for all of you guys that don't know what is the above default above default refers to the content and elements that are immediately visible to your visitor when they land on your page on your product page in this example right without the need to scroll down so when your visitors land on your product page above default is the first things that they see on your product page and for that reason above default is the most important part of your product page so that's why you need to optimize this part and that's what we will focus in this video so just like the hook is the most important part part of your ad above default is the most important part of your product page and 90% of your visitors will not reach past above default which is basically below default so so for that reason when you install a hot jar on your Shopify store you will see that 80% of visitors will not go past the above default and for that reason this is a very important uh part of your product page if you want to increase the conversion rate so for that reason you need to get their attention and communicate the most important parts of your offer you have to persuade them that they should buy from you in this part of the product page otherwise they will not understand your offer they will not understand how good your offer actually is and therefore they will leave your product page thinking that your offer is bad I can say this word on the YouTube right so so for that reason in this video we are going to improve the above default of the product page to help you with increasing the conversion rate so what are the top three elements that you need to have above default if you want to to increase your conversion rate we are going to cover all these elements in depth with the examples in this video so uh the first one is the value proposition in short what benefit does your product provide to your customers so what is the benefit that they will get then you need to have social proof how many people are enjoying your products basically enjoying the benefits of your products and trust and credibility sales so what will bring the trust and credibility to your visitors so that they don't worry about buying from you and that you reduce the friction that they have when they want to buy from you that will be the topic of this video these three elements right so the first element that we have here is the value proposition so you have to understand that people when they land on your product page they really don't care about your product your features like how fancy your product is all the features that it has even if it has like 20 features they really don't care about that they only care about how this product that you sell will make their life better so basically what is the benefit of your product what will they get from your product right so that's why benefits are more important than features that's why you will always see benefits B features and stuff for that reason because people are automatically scanning your product and thinking how this will help me improve my life if I get this right so value proposition which is the first thing that you should have is a sentence that communicates what benefit your customer will get from your product so you want to communicate what is that benefit that going to get you don't want them to assume you don't want them to guess you just want to make it very clear what they will get right and if your value proposition have more of this your value proposition will be stronger and therefore more persuasive right so what are these things that your value proposition should have it's really good if you can make your value proposition emotional you should always tackle the benefit not the future as I mentioned ideally if you have a time frame to the promise which is the example that I will show you it will work even better because they will have a sense when they can achieve that thing that they want to achieve when they will get the benefit they want and you want to keep it short you don't want to have like a long sentence because people especially if they're from the social media they don't want to read your block of text and stuff you just want to make it short and punch it so for that reason keep it short so yeah and the next thing you want to make it easy to read effortless you don't want to use some complex words that most of the people don't understand so keep it below the fifth grade level and make it easy to reach so yeah so let's see this example this is the example of the obv they are selling supplements for the weight loss and you can see their value preposition is lose 30s in 90 days and that's it so whenever there visitors land on this product page this sentence is the first thing that they will see on their product page and they will immediately know with this product I will lose 30s in 90 days and for that reason this is what will make this offer so good and after that you can just explain what your product does what is actually the mechanism for achieving that benefit and for that reason this is why value proposition is so powerful because it just communicates straight up like what is the benefit that your customers will get so they don't have to guess about it so for that reason think about it test different value proposition do a research what is the benefit that your customers are searching for in your product and put it on your value proposition because it will really help as you will more clearly communicate what they will get and for that reason if you communicate what they will get more people will understand it and if more people understand it more people will buy from you so simple as that definitely the thing you should have so give it a try so then the next thing that we have here in our list is the social proof now this is a common one but still I see a lot of stores that don't have the social proof above default although I see stores that have the social proof on the bottom but without showing the stars and the badges and all these things above theault as we have mentioned above theault is far more important than below theault so you need to have these things above theault as well so social proof is a thing that's hard wir into our brains it works always has worked and always will work so it's a natural instinct that when we're about to make a decision we look how others have made their decisions so it's just something that's hard working to us there's no need to explain more on this whenever you want to buy something or make a decision you look at your peers and you just try to see how they have reacted so you can make more efficient decision that's why the social proof works right the more social proof you have on your product page the more it will help you with increasing your conversion rate which is kind of obvious so you should always be collecting reviews and if it's applicable to your brand you can incentivize reviews with discounts because reviews and the social proof is extremely important and even if you can get your visitors to send you images and videos and stuff like that that's when you should really incentivize them with the discounts and stuff because these reviews with images and videos will drastically help you with increasing your conversion rate so also discounts in this point will help you with increasing your repeat purchase rate because they know that they have the discount from you and they want to use it and that way they will just kind of justify in their brain that they bought again from you because they had a discount so for that reason this works really well so yeah then a couple of things how to make your review stand out so you want first of all to be specific so I see many stores just like saying B uh Five Stars based on 562 reviews and that's it so that's not bad that's better than having no reviews at all but if you try to be specific here with your reviews what you will achieve you will start to look like an authority like that you know your numbers because that just like uh bias of the people that when you're more specific and stuff you appear kind of like an authority so for that reason you should always State your reviews as specific as possible because that way all these numbers and all this stuff will make you more credible and for that reason a good approach for this would be if you have had this widget with the reviews you will say rated 4.8 based on how many happy customers and you always want to use these powerful words like happy and all these things because they will just bring more of these happy emotions and if you make your customers feel happy and just make them feel better right that's when you will actually persuade them more easily to buy from you so then the next thing regarding the reviews is that you want to show the social proof with a quote and ideally with an image and the real name so I have one example this example although don't have the image it would be just far better if it had image but you really want to test this thing this widget it can really help with increasing conversion rate like to have a quote and the real image and the real name of your satisfied customer because it will again help with the social proof and we have already explained why social proof is so important so you should definitely give this a try but if you don't want to try this and although I highly encourage you at least have the review on the top and try to be specific because you want to appear credible right so yeah then the next thing that we have here that will help us with increasing the conversion rate is the trust and credibility seal so you have to understand that anytime your customer is about to place an order there's a friction in that process of placing the order so you can think about it how much it cost your customers to buy your product and the biggest mistake I see uh that e-commerce brand owners make is that they think of this cost only in dollars and stuff and that's not true like the cost is not only the price that they have to pay so it's not only the money that they will pay the cost can be for example the fear that your solution doesn't work that their credit card details get will get stolen that they will get scammed or something like that as well how much will they wait for your solution these are all kind of frictions that are pulling your customers uh down when it comes to uh placing your order and you want to reduce this friction as much as possible so there's less friction that's why Amazon is so successful brand because they have really reduced that friction it's a one- day delivery there refunds there are like tons of order things so for that reason you want to reduce this friction and now we're going to cover how you can do that so to reduce the friction you have to use trust and credibility seals so there are two types of this the first type are the Seals that increases your Authority and then the next ones are the ones that decreases the friction so which are the ones that increases the authority so these are for example the company associations like as featured in as recommended by as seen on because when they see all these things they know that they're you're a credible company you have been featured in all these magazines and stuff and for that reason they will just trust you more because these older brands trust you so that way you kind of transfer that trust value from these companies you just increase your trust level so then the next ones are the awards and certifications needless to say about that just as the above then you can have like you know there are stores that test and see the increasing conversion rate when they Place The Trusted payment companies like MasterCard Visa PayPal and it's usually placed just below the at card so that way you anchor the CTA and that way you just increase the trust worthiness because again if MasterCard trusts you and Visa trust you and all these things then you transfer that trust value to your visitors as well so yeah then the second type of these seals are the ones that are decreasing the frequ so the first one that we have here are pay in installments like Clara after pay and all stuff that's why these Solutions have drastically rising and you can see uh almost every brand have this it's just less painful for your visitors to buy in four installments than buying you all at once at a $100 price for that reason you just reduce the friction because it just less painful for them to pay you this thing so yeah then we have refund policy once again they know that if they don't like they can just return it back so therefore they reduce the friction then you have the free shipping they know in this page above default that they will not have to pay for the shipping so it's cheaper so once again there's a less friction to it then we have a fast shipping they don't have to wait too long for your product you have free returns so they don't have to pay for the returns in case they don't like your product once again less friction you have easy returns so they don't have to hustle with all these things right then you have the secure payments this is very similar to The Trusted payments companies once again they're not bothered that their credit card will get stolen and yeah so let's cover what an example of this look like so we have the uh Ridge wallets and you can see just below the at car they have this lifetime guarantee so this is huge like they know that if they buy this thing from you they won't have to worry then they have free shipping and returns once again reducing that uh friction so this is really good position to place this TR seals and credibility seals you can also place them at the top just above the product page on the similar uh position when OB has placed at this so somewhere here so for that reason uh you should really have these things because this will help you with increasing your conversion because you will clearly communicate your offer and your offer will be better in the eyes of your visitors so yeah and ultimately what you will be doing with all these things that I have mentioned you are increasing this is the offer equation by Alex crosi you're increasing the top part of the equation which you always want to increase you show your customer that they will achieve the dream outcome by stating the value proposition then you are showing the perceived likelihood of achievement by showing the social proof so if older people have experienced that benefit there's a high chance that your new customers will experience it as well so and you are also decreasing the bottom part of the equation you are uh minimizing what the time delay for the delivery what is the effort sacrifice they don't have to pay it all at once there's a free shipping and that way you just reduce the friction and you ultimately make your offer better which is the most important thing when it comes to increasing your conversion rate it's not a nice design it's not a different color add to card button and all these things it's how good your offer is and how well you manage to communicate it and yeah and also don't forget to optimize your above default on the mobile because it's like drastically a different thing when something is on the mobile and PC so you always want to check both versions about PC and mobile and optimize both versions to to communicate your offer as clear as possible so yeah so that's it for this video I really hope you find it useful if you have any questions let me know down in the comments and if You' like us to take care of all these things ourselves so you don't have to hustle with all these things check the link down below and book a quick Discovery call with me and like And subscribe if you like more content like this because I'll be posting more content like this so that's it for this one see you in the next one
Channel: Teodor Petrovic
Views: 364
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Keywords: conversion rate shopify, shopify tutorial, conversion rate optimization, shopify, shopify conversion rate, shopify conversion rate optimization, shopify tutorial for beginners, conversion rate optimization shopify, conversion rate, how to increase shopify conversion rate, increase shopify conversion rate, shopify conversion rates, how to increase your conversion rate on shopify, shopify course, conversion rate optimization shopify audit tutorial, shopify cro tips
Id: kmrvqqnv5pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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