How to create a hook that grabs the attention (Facebook ads)

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hey guys so in this video we're going to talk about how to create an effective hook that will grab the attention of your customers on social media on your Facebook ads particularly so that you can increase your returns your Ro decrease your cost per acquisition and therefore you can be more profitable on the first purchase and you can have more room when scaling your Facebook ads so we're going to cover how to create an effective hook and we're going to cover some of the great examples of great hooks so you can have the inspiration when you're creating the hook for your Facebook ad so without further let's get straight to the thing the hook is the most important part of your ad and if your hook is bad the rest of the ad won't matter because your product page won't matter your emails won't matter and you will not have a chance to convey anything so if you don't get the attention of your customers the rest of the ad they will not see it they will not see your product they will not see your offer or anything and therefore nothing will matter so there's a very famous saying from the David ogy and which goes like on the average five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy when you have read your headline you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar so which means basically that you should be spending 80% of your time on hook creation and 20% of the rest of your ad if you don't get the attention of your prospect on social media which is very competitive these days nothing will actually matter so for that reason spend 80% of your time on hook creation so what is the first step of creating a great hook the first step of creating your hook is not actually creating your hook it is to completely understand your customer and some of you might find this a bit boring and stuff but there is no way to create a great hook if you don't understand your customer so so you must understand your customer and that is very important because on social media right now when you're pushing your ads your products and all that stuff you are competing with other marketers other media buyers so they're also studying your customers their psychographic data which we will cover they're testing a lot of things most probably more than you and for that reason you are fighting for the attention with them and for that reason if you don't understand and if you don't know what to have in your hook in your ad you will just lose this battle and get high CPM and all these things and your ads will fall apart so so besides other marketers and media buyers you're also competing with Organic content Creations organic content creators are all these influencers they have millions of followers they know the game they been posting for more than 3 years to GA that following base they know how to cook that audience that you're trying to hook so your ads are on the same timeline as some of the best marketers and most famous content creators top brands and best marketing team so for that reason your ad must blend in and win the attention which is really hard and the first step of getting that attention is to understand your customers one of the best ways that you can get your customers attention is to make them feel understood so just like as you you know those situations when you're talking to somebody and you're telling them about your problems and stuff and they just don't understand you and or they don't listen to you you know how annoying that feeling is meanwhile when you're talking with somebody who do understand you you just kind of have that Synergy with them you just start connecting with them and all that stuff and that's what you should be actually doing with your ads you should try to make your customers feel understood and that way you can really connect your solution with their pain point which we will cover so for that reason we're going to work on how to understand your customers and how to make your customers feel understood right so first step in this process is how to understand your customer so this will be uh easier than you think and this is just the first step of understanding your customers you should be constantly iterating on this but the first step to understand your customer is to build the psychographic data so what is the psychographic data psychographic data is a document which we will create quick and it contains all the things like what are the pain points of your customers what are their desires what are their core values what are their fears what are their concerns before buying your product and what are their buying triggers so an example of psychographic data looks like this so we have like pain points what is the pain point that they're experiencing prior to buying your product so what pain point is your product basically solving right because every product is solving some kind of paino something that bothers them and what what are the buying triggers so what actually triggers them to buy your product what are the words what are the benefits that you can hook them on with and then we have benefits what benefits did they find in your products and all that stuff then we have concerns before buying based on reviews and all these things that are super important if you want to nail down your marketing and this data that we will build before creating your hook will serve you across all your marketing activities which is super important thing so yeah so based on psychographic data we're going to build our ads so how to build a psychographic data one of the fastest and most efficient way to build your psychographic data is to scrape reviews so you already have some reviews uh the people that have left on your product page you shouldn't just uh use them for displaying them to increase your conversion which is by the way great thing you should also use these reviews to try to understand more in depth what your customers have found valuable on your uh with your product what are the concerns that they have before buying it and all that stuff so for that reason we are going to use that data to nail down on this psychographic stuff and that way you get to understand your customers in depth so you can craft your messages better and hook them right so the first step to build your psychographic data based on the reviews is to export your reviews as the CSV from the Shopify app so if you're using looks or judgment or Etc you're just going to export all these reviews in the CSV and we're going to import that into to J GPT and the AI will help us with determining benefits and pain points that your customers are finding so you don't have to do the manual work so of course you want to export reviews for each product specifically that you want to push because if you're selling shoes and hats there might be like a different benefits that people are buying these products for so for that reason we want to distinguish this right and if you don't have your reviews and you're pushing a new product so you haven't collected any reviews you can scrape reviews from competitors product pages with the octop par so it's fairly easy thing to do you can find a tutorial on YouTube as well I'm not going to cover that right now but if you don't have reviews just use octopus and in like one hour you can scrape all these reviews and have them ready for your psychographic data right so the next step that we want to do is to upload the CSV into the new chat of chat gbt then we are going to enter this prompt that we have here so in this example I can I can show you I have added the CSV then I have added this prompt that I have provided in the document here I'm not going to read the whole prompt I will paste it down in the YouTube description so you just paste the CSV of the reviews and then you paste this prompt which will help you with building your psychographic data you will also put the uh product page link here above uh so it also analyzes the product page like some additional info about the product why not it can just help jbt because if you provide more things to the jbt it will give you a better output then analyze the reviews based on the provided CSV file then here you want to put uh which is the column of the reviews for example uh if you're scraping with the octop par this is going to be field right and if you're doing it with judge me or looks there will be a different column for reviews most probably it will be like body something like that so just make sure you uh set up here the right column when you're putting this input so the jbt knows from which column to pull the reviews and get you correct information so yeah after you do this you will get something like this so we can see like pain points buying triggers and with the percentages which is super important we don't want to Target all these things that are not that significant we want to tackle these most frequent things that customers are saying in your reviews after you do this just save this file because this file will be uh your kind of North Star whenever you're creating your ads your email your landing page even so you want to make sure you consistently iterate on this one and and are improving your understanding of your customer so that's super important so now we have our psychographic data you have saved that file that we have gotten and how to build a hook that gets attention with that psychographic data that we have just built so now that we understand our customers what are their pain points why they buy we want to ensure that they feel understood so as I mentioned that's the second part of this process right to achieve this we are going to use the problem solution lead the problem solution lead is a type of hook that connects with your Audience by showing empathy so that you understand them because we do understand them now and then offering your solution so that way you build a connection with your customers Which is far better than just shouting your benefits your products and all that stuff because everybody does that they're just buy this because of that buy this because of that and all that stuff we want to differentiate ourselves we want to show first you we understand you we feel your pain you can solve this pain with our solution like thousands of users have solved it so yeah show that you understand their problem on an emotional basis then for the solution offer your product so we're going to cover how this look like in some of the examples so let's go for the example of the obv let's go do you sit at a desk all day and struggle to lose weight are you too busy to live inside the gym or obsess over every calorie I found a way to actively bur away stubborn belly fat and it's helped me lose over 10 lb OB the collagenic burn is a thermogenic fat burner and it's infused with five different types of collagen that help with appetite suppression it boosts metabolism and then Burns that stubborn belly fat I've got a challenge for you to take them up on their 30-day results guarantee return the product for free if it doesn't work for you so the only thing you've got to lose is for a limited time you get 40% off your order oh this is an amazing G like not only the hook and stuff you can see on the end how they also communicate they their offer like it's a 30-day kind of trial a guarantee that if they don't get the results you can return it the only thing you can lose is your weight just amazing uh ad from obvy but let's focus on the topic of this video once again go from the uh hook of this video you can see how in the beginning she asked them do you struggle with this and you cannot do that and it brings that emotional emphasis into that just sit at a desk all day and struggle to lose weight are you too busy to live inside the gym or obsess over every calorie I found a way so yeah you can see she asks for do you struggle with that and that way she shows that she understands them she goes in depth with that one and then she offers the solution which is in this example the obv FED burner so yeah let's go with the next example this ad is good but it would be just far better if it had captions on it I'm not sure why they didn't put it I found it on foreplay when I was doing the research for this video so let's go with it tired of uneven cuts and tools that don't meet your expectations with our metal sheet so you can see tired of metal cuts and blah blah blah and all these things that are that doesn't meet your expectations so once again they're tackling the problem solution are you tired of this of that and then they are offering their solution we're not going to go through the whole ad but you I just want you to understand the hook the problems solution lead of these ads and the third example we have here is let's go with that one constant po licking try this viral probiotic powder if your dogs started scratching licking their paes or shaking their head you need to know this before buying another cream lotion or potion you see at the core of your dog's sensitive skin is often a gut that has become imbalanced and as a result their immune system can go haywire when they come into contact with the tiniest bit of pollen now if you don't tackle the at its route their gut you could be setting your dog up for months of itching and you'll be wasting a fortune on creams and lotions that won't reach deep enough that's exactly why we created this new probiotic so this head is also very good like I think who could be uh a little bit better in they have emphasized the pain Point kind of more emotionally right and uh the thing is that they're consistently going into the fear of the customer if they don't solve this problem it can end up tragically and for that reason is also but I just wanted to show you how constant po liing like uh that's the problem right then they go with try this viral probiotic powder right I really like how they boosted the fear and that way when you do that you just like your solution is way more appealing than if they were just like saying constant poing here's our product who cares nobody so really good at there and that's exactly one very good example yeah how to create a problem solution lead like the examples I have shown you so there are two ways you can create a problem solution lead first is to write it yourself and I highly advise you to practice these things because it's a very valuable thing and the second one is with the CH gbt now I still don't think that CH gbt is that good like to have it as a completely copyrighting tool but it's really good like at giving you some ideas that you can then refine and have your lead or your ad ready so to do it with jbt you will use this prompt the second prompt that I will also Pro you here and you have to use this prompt in the same track that you have built the psychographic data because that way charb will have more input and that that way it will provide you with a better output so Based on psychographic data analysis provided create a problem solution lead for ads and follow these guidelines so you will just copy and paste this prompt that I have prepared for you and you will get something like this like different leads that you can just like refine and test and I highly suggest you to test different kind of LDS because there will always be some leads that perform better than the others and that's all about testing you have to test to see what really works with your audience and I highly recommend you to test different things and that way come up with the winning one and this will really help you with increasing your R so I highly recommend you to follow all these things that I have provided so that's it for this video I hope you found it useful if you have any questions let me know down in the comments if you own any Commerce source and you want to scale further check the link below so we can help you with scaling it profitably with Ron for your service and if you like this video like And subscribe because I'll be posting more useful content that you can use to grow your eCommerce brand so that's it for this one see you in the next one
Channel: Teodor Petrovic
Views: 137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create facebook ads that convert, facebook ads, how to run facebook ads, how to create facebook ad creative, facebook ads that convert, how to create facebook ads, facebook ad creative, create facebook ads that convert, how to write facebook ad copy, facebook ads tutorial, how to create facebook video ads, facebook advertising, how to write facebook ads, how to create a facebook ad, facebook ad hooks, how to make a great facebook video ad, facebook ads for beginners
Id: EHSVqyjhD24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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