How to Make Tamales (Texas BBQ Brisket, Pork Butt & Grilled Chicken)

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[Music] oh the smell wow man can you smell it whole different level of awesomeness i never thought barbecue chicken would make good tamales guys but [Music] remember i'm a newbie there so don't don't judge me he knows how to barbecue i know how to make the mice and i know how to eat them today i know how to make them too no aren't they what is it too much meat it's very i can tell you did that masa hey barbecue lovers what's going on it's arnie sex here and today we're gonna make texas barbecue tamales we have brisket pork and chicken i have a very special guest here with us today this is my wonderful mother she's just a great all-around mother and an awesome cook herself and she's been making tamales pretty much most of her adult life hi my name is josie today i'm going to try to tell our new checks how to make tamales the way that i'm used to making them since day one mom how how do you actually make them i mean do you have like a written down recipe what is your step-by-step process i don't have a recipe i don't have measurements or anything like that what i do is i just do it by feeling and taste and you know a little bit of this a little bit of that the first thing that i do myself is i try to get the corn house soaked because they need to soak a long time maybe a couple of hours or more if i can because they need to be very soft so that we are able to put the masa on there and then to fold them over we need to heat that water up a little bit right okay so we're not going to boil them we just want some hot water in there right yes no you don't have to boil them okay the next step is the taking the seeds out of the chiles to add a little pop in there yes so okay put them into the water and let them boil for about 15 to 20 minutes i like to put some onion in there to give it more flavor i thought a couple of garlics in there and for a little hot right there all right so we've got all our chili peppers in here we have a little bit of onion some really big garlic as well mom what's the next step after that we're gonna boil them for 15-20 minutes and then we're gonna blend them in the blender and then strain it okay the next thing guys is to get the masa ready mom i told everybody you were gonna get on your knees and grind that corn with a metate no that was many years ago this grandma don't do that okay all right what i do is i melt the lard i like this brand this is a good brand would you guys like some masa with your lard we also i add a little bit of salt i'm gonna have to take it a little bit at a time this is the best chili powder for uh for the masa i'm just going to sprinkle a little bit and see how it looks so you don't want it boiling you just want to melt the fat yes okay no of course not because then i can't work with it gotcha normally mom's used to making big batches of masa because they'll make 30 or 40 dozen at a time and during the tamale but this is a smaller batch than she's used to working with so she's still by experiences going by feel and taste the more you work the masa the better that tamales will come out i'm going to add a little bit of broth because i want to make the consistency a little bit softer go ahead and put the rest of the large in there gotcha to test it you just go like that and nothing can not knock the pizza comes on the pan then it's ready now originally this video was just gonna be a texas brisket and pork butt but i had cooked a bunch of extra chicken a couple days ago and vacuum packed it so we've got the chicken we've got the tamale maker we've got the masa we might as well make some chicken tamales too so we're just pulling all this chicken apart i'm going to give it a quick chop just to make it a little bit finer it will absorb the flavors as mom says a little better number one number two it also makes it easier to fill the tamales all right barbecue lovers we did the chicken stuff now we're gonna move on to brisket so i'm gonna chop this up mix it all up and what i did i actually separated the point and the flat two things uh it helps it cook a little quicker and also we don't we didn't need all that extra fat all right barbecue lovers we made our chicken for the tamales we chopped up our brisket and we're now going to chop up the pork butt basically what i did with a pork butt i cut it into thirds and i saved one for tacos and this was also the exact same ingredients i used a little bit of salt pepper and some get part chili powder nothing else went into the smoker about 300 degrees 325 no more than that took about six hours to cook approximately all right so all of our pork's done our brisket's done our chicken's done we are one step closer to making the most awesome texas barbecue tamales mom what's the next step here how are we gonna do this the next step we're gonna do is i'm gonna put the chili pots in the blender okay and we can get it as smooth as we can everything that i boil with it it's still hot guys because it takes a while to get them cold so you have the chili pods all the different ones and the garlic and the onion all going in all going there yes cool i don't like to use too much water because i want it all to be more the chili than water but it's gonna need some so i'm gonna go ahead and put some caminos in there to give it a little bit uh smoky flavor i'm just gonna put it in there i'm not i'm not measuring oh so was that a teaspoon or a half a teaspoon it's nanadaba i'm gonna put some salt in there garnish this a little bit here and we're going to go ahead and blend now guys we're going to go ahead and strain the chili and see how that looks [Music] okay see guys that's that's the the chili that's training all right mom we strained our chile what are we doing next the next step is when we're gonna put some uh lard in the pan and we're gonna saute i guess you can say the chili for a little bit and then we're gonna add the chicken and let it cook a little bit to absorb the flavors and then we're ready to make the tamales crank it up perfect wow guys i've been tamales all my life around this lady and i've never actually watched the process or paid attention like i am today that's pretty oh the smell wow man can you smell it whole different level of awesomeness okay let's put the chicken in here now so we can let it wow a little bit because i'm going to put a little bit of broth i wish the camera had smell-o-vision because man if you could smell this you'd be drooling like i am right now my mouth's watering i need a beer [Laughter] i never thought barbecue chicken would make good tamales guys but [Music] the orcas had been talking a long time so they're nice and soft also you're gonna put your masa on the shiny side the the smooth side oh they have a shiny side they have a smooth side and they have a rough side make sense so the next step is we're going to put the masa different people do it different ways i do it with a shadow i like to use the spoon and see with you have to leave a little bit of space on this side a little bit of space okay then come this way make it this way this is how the pros do it and just go this like this so it's not too thick not too thin just a nice even coat is about as even as you can get it it depends a lot of people like them thick we don't like them very thick yeah i don't like a lot of mushrooms we like more meat than those yeah i am into that especially if it's barbecue meat yes so in other words like this is ready all right cool let's see our knee let me see you do it all right let me try making some two is that about the right amount or too much a bit more a little bit more okay how am i doing mom good so far [Music] you don't have to press too hard just you know like gentle with your spoon it takes a little bit of practice yes there oh yeah that made the difference that little bit of water sure did make a difference it really makes the spoon glide and spread much easier remember i'm going to beat this so don't don't judge me she knows how to barbecue i know how to make the mice and i know how to eat the miles today i know how to make them too [Music] you can see i'm a lot messier than my mother i'm gonna get the hang of this though i do like to put a lot of meat on them a lot of people just put like a little bit but we put a lot because we are meat lovers so we'd rather eat more meat than masa you don't put a lot of meat in all of them because depending on the width of the house okay because we're putting that cream cheese i was gonna say and it depends on how much cheese you might want in there too very thick yeah i would have thought you used half of that we can still cut them thinner if you want remember away from the scene well let's give it a try okay you do one and i'll do one no arnie what is it too much meat it's better oops i can tell you did that masa so i'm gonna roll it over this way right right just not it's not too hard i'm going to thicken it up that's okay [Laughter] roll it one more time hey not too bad a little extra meat on the end here yeah because you put too much and then i'm going to fold this away from the steam hey check that out not bad for a newbie maybe you should just stick to barbecuing arnie hey hey give me a chance and try to be a little bit more neat don't make big big tamales neat that's not so hard you're right it's definitely you folded it wrong remember you do it backwards oh okay this seems something yeah okay i think i get the hang of this you're hired now we're gonna do the brisket so i already showed you how to do it let's see if you've learned anything try it yourself i'm a pretty fast learner you know okay how's that good gonna make it a little flat like that not too much not too much just a little bit okay you would probably want them to be all about the same size so they can finish cooking at the same time yeah does that make sense but yours are not going to be the same size what's that supposed to mean you made some fat and some long and some skinny well i'm a newbie you're forgiven you're good aren't you not bad i'm not bad i'm a fast learner i told you in this case we don't have the the steamer thing on the bottom that has all the little holes so what i'm gonna put is that some of the leaves on the bottom to keep the tamales from sitting on the bottom gotcha so i'm gonna put this cup like that and we're gonna stack the tamales and with the fold inside like that not that way it doesn't open okay great good good thinking there okay they're done i'm going to cover them with the ojas and that will create more steam because they should be covered pretty tight and the ojas will keep the steam in there you cook them at a you put hot water the water is already hot just so that it they can steam on the bottom slowly so you won't get it on the tamales time to cook tamales there you go put the lid on and there you go turn it on fire it up and it's going to cook for 45 to an hour well all right barbecue lovers our tamales have been steaming for about an hour muscle menos hopefully my tamales are as good as grandma's let's check it out mom let's do it chicken's always the first one cause it's got cheese we like cheese this is a fat one so i have a pretty good idea who made this tamale but look at that it feels perfect that's perfect wow now this is the smoked chicken tamale let's see what it tastes like split it up that's right that is really good high five mom you can taste them the smoky and the foil i can taste the smoky chicken the cheese just kind of blends it all really well the masa is very good that's a really really good tamale but you know what makes it even better a little bit of your homemade salsa mom i know that's some good stuff it's not for me i know [Music] yeah man they peel really good that means that the masa was perfect yes we did a good job with the masamune very good let's see what we got you always like to eat i love to eat that too always very good okay this is the brisket tamale let's see what we have without the salsa first very good put a brisket i can taste the brisket really good texas barbecued brisket different guys very very different i mean you can taste the brisket but it's a tamale if you want to impress some friends during the holidays and if you're a barbecue cook especially try a brisket tamale wow very very good now the main horse now the more traditional tamal meat historically has been the pork this looks like a pork tomato let's try it all right let's see what we have with this pork the pork looks really good too hmm right away this is probably my favorite one of the three believe it or not even better than the brisket also i can tell that the pork tamale is like a traditional tamale but you taste that good smoky delicious pork because that is what tamales used to always be originally mostly was all pork so it's really really good just a great great tamale just excellent really really good all right well that wraps it up for our texas barbecue tamale video uh we were very happy with all three of them at the end of the day i think our pork tamale was our favorite but they were all just excellent highly recommend that you try them if you want to try to make some tamales that will really impress your family and friends these are the ones you want to try i'm going to go ahead and take this last bite but before that mom i want to say thank you so much for taking time out of your day and teaching me how to make tamales it's really really awesome i love you i love you guys thank you so much for watching we appreciate you guys a bunch a bunch of bunch remember to keep the smoke light and make it work bam guess what we're eating more tamales it's the next day we had tamales for dinner last night fresh out of the pot but we also wanted to show you guys another really cool way to reheat tamales they wouldn't be barbecued tamales unless we reheat them on the pk grill here or any grill really would work but we're using the pk tonight we want to get them nice and hot we put a little toasty a little roasty toasty i can hear a little sizzle there let's go ahead and flip them over and see what they're looking like look at that nice pretty little char on the leaf on the husk these are looking real good you ought to smell them man god they smell so good we'll give them another couple of minutes and uh come back and flip them one more time then we're gonna cut into them they'll be nice and hot and toasty by then there we go look at that beautiful color nice little char on the uh husk and they're smelling really really good really amazing so we're gonna let those rest about one minute and then we're gonna start cutting into them all right my friends let's go ahead and pull one of these out and unwrap it but you see here you see how this masa right here is nice and crunchy you can probably hear that little crackle this is some of the best eating that you're ever gonna have man if you're talking about tamales that's just amazing really really good stuff what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put me a little bit of some taba on here a little habanero based sauce that i really really like for breakfast lunch and dinner i'm gonna cut this dude right here this looks like it's one of my pork tamales and put my little crunchy there and just take me a nice big old bite the flavors man the flavor i mean these things are awesome when they're fresh off the pot when they're fresh out of the steam they're amazing but right now with that little char with the masa getting nice and crispy toasty like that it's a mayored effect a mayor's reaction if you want to call it that and it just really kicks all the flavors up to a whole other level number one number two there's an extra little smoky coming out of the charcoal there in the grill that gives an extra little taste to the masa not just on the inside with the meat now we have another little smoky that's in the masa also and they're nice and toasty it just really kicks it up into the stratosphere flavor-wise i mean guys if you've never tried barbecue tamales or tamales on the grill just plain old tamales on the grill i really recommend that you try you should get yourself a little fire going go get you a dozen of tamales and put them on the grill toast them oh my gosh you're going to be so so amazed at how great they are blows your mind all right barbecue lovers this is arnie tags checking out with our barbecue tamales out on the grill roasty toasty reheat want to thank you guys for watching keep the smoke light make it work now let me eat this tamale because it's good i didn't eat all of mine because it's late and i'm older so i want to keep it light okay yeah i think i might be able to get a hold of that i used to roll some fat ones when i was younger [Laughter] that is true right there you remember that mom oh my gosh but i didn't know why he was seeing ufos i thought he was just a scaredy cat
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 8,594
Rating: 4.9813952 out of 5
Keywords: brisket, bbq, barbecue, barbeque, tamales
Id: tNbDb-zvdew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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