How to make Sweet & Spicy Tiger Shrimp! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] right we are back back back back back in Daddy's Kitchen hello father Hi how are you I am great I'm so glad you're great I'm so glad to be in the kitchen once again with you and our amazing Daddy's Kitchen family your shirt nice man yeah man I love it wife oh wifey yes Mommy has a good eye a wonderful eye I'm so glad that we're in the kitchen we're so grateful to God for every one of you and everything everyone who's watching and we're not going to waste any time we're going to get straight into it become hungry not true yeah M you're hungry daddy hungry all right okay so you know what without further Ado tell the people them where we are cook today sweet and spicy tiger shrimp cheese sweet and spicy tiger shrimp is on the menu tonight family and yeah so let's get in there so daddy where do we start okay I have some cornflour corn flour yeah man okay I'm going to base them in the corn flour mhm what first we're going to put some dry rub in it okay seasoning spices okay all right and all my spices that's in here it's right here okay so what do we have black pepper garlic powder seasoning salt all purpose seasoning y y fish fry fish fry ginger powder cayenne pepp pepper caj and seasoning okay so about how much so I put a spoonful each okay right here all right so a spoonful each is inside this bowl oh and you're using it to season up my corn flour okay yeah and the rest going to go on the shrimp mix it up okay now I'm going to season my shrimp mhm and I guess they could kind of like put as much as they like right yes whatever you want to put in on your shrimp you just do it so if this is your first time here I just want you to know that's my dad that you're looking at and my name is Sasha and uh he's teaching me but also you how to cook all right so you're going to add our shrimp to the flour corn flour and obviously like if you had done this seasoned this from the night before it would probably be 10 times better right yes but for the sake of filming you know we love y'all that's to show you from the B mhm how it's done okay now you're going to coat it some people use flour some people use corn flour like what's the difference daddy flower is just flower this corn is a flower and corn mhm but like when it comes out how it comes out like it's going to comes out yellow okay you do you Spar yeah and flour okay comes out white okay okay I turn on my stove mhm fire I'm going to put my oil in it okay at what kind of oil we using I'm using corn oil cor oil today M no bougie oil today m bie Bouie funny yeah so I'm going to make this hot okay and then I had my shrimp okay what's the temperature sorry Daddy it's on high right now on high right now okay perfect so when it get really get hot I'm going to turn it on to medium okay yeah sounds good to me I'm adding some butter to my oil interesting give it more your shrimp frying more flavor now I'm going to turn it down interesting yeah look more flavor we love flavors yeah okay so what now now I'm going to have my shrimp okay I want get bu up and I already feel a little pop pop pop duck duck duck not duck duck [Music] duck y'all I love you but I might have to back up yes my love one strip don't take any time a lot of time to cook how long four to 5 minutes four to 5 minutes it's side or like overall overall overall yeah to put any more in it okay you're going to give it some space yes all right smells so good I know it smells amazing all going to turn [Music] I'm taking these out okay so this isn't really like a breaded situation this is just like a little bit of crisp on the outside type Vibe cuz you guys don't like the holypop breaded well at least here yeah okay okay so M say you decided to go a little darker with the with the uh with the fry yeah like that like that like a nice crispy a nice crisy situation so this is it I'm taking it out okay so the last of it's coming on out and then we're going to be able to go and sauce it okay this is my beautiful shrimp mhm okay now I'm going to dice up my peppers okay onions garlic scatch banet pepper mhm green onions I love that I love that you're adding some color and vegetables to it Daddy yes it's important all right let's go PR you know mhm pretty a top oh you decide to do small dice what you want Big Dice or small dice it's okay it's okay you decide what you want to do it doesn't matter we were going back and forth you guys we can do small and big no just do the one thing whichever you go through go go well cut this small we already sliced them okay the other one do big Noy we can do we can do all small because that's that's what your heart's desire is you know it's okay sometime you can you have to listen to others oh okay fine compromise okay it's common so you're pretty much going to cut up all of these are you is is it all going to be diced yeah okay everything diced all right make with dice up then this is my garlic dicing up that's lots of flavor right there mhm enough enough flavor onions yeah these ones got cut big too yeah why these no okay we're going to sauté our veggies natural seasoning okay let's do it so what's happening in here now yeah put some butter in the oil to give more flavor okay so you this is a new you washed it out you put some more oil yes and butter and butter but just a little bit just a little bit okay and I'm going to saled my V what's the heat on it's done Max right now Max Max oh look at that I didn't to cut up my P oh my God it was like they're camouflaging yeah all right that's my Scot bunny pepper okay right in the pot into the pot it go give a star give it a star funny now I'm going to make a sauce sauce from your favorite sauces yes okay um I have this sauce from guy I have Diana and then you have honey some honey all right so I'm going to mix all of these Tre together mhm come up with a sauce mhm and obviously you guys could do whatever you want because I'm sure you have your own type of sauces that you like but with all of the natural seasonings and the flavors you can trust trust my belly that I have tasted this man's food time and time again and this is about to set it up yeah I turn the fire down to medium okay it was on high before it was on high before so back down to medium family we don't want them to burn smokey smoky smoky yeah Tred honey mhm honey with the honey comb in it honey with honeycomb we not putting any honeycomb in why not no no I want that honeyb to chew on oh my gosh really to chew on yeah interesting it's nice enough how many of you guys chew on a honeycomb that's very interesting home back home back home got the be the bees hi oh my gosh you guys it smells so good oh my gosh smells delicious so what I'm going to do make this simmer slowly okay cuz you don't want it burn so you don't need a high fire okay okay so it's put is it on like a low fire right now low fire and let it simmer mhm and you give it a star frequently okay yeah man okay feel like the Scotch bonnet is just you know T yeah when I say turn up in who don't understand my P Scotch bu pepper just stand up in it yes and I'm going to give it a taste look yeah give it a little taste M delicious delicious I knew it I knew it I'm ready I know you guys are ready but I am the number one ready okay okay my sauce is ready uhhuh so I'm going to coat the shrimp uhhuh it's that time it's that time [Music] M it's you going back and forth with me oh yeah guys it's coming together the aroma in this kitchen I just know I just know the taste because the shrimps are juicy I don't know Mommy where did you get this shrimp from it's not Mommy it's Daddy Daddy you got it Costco Costco not you okay I think it's time it's time you want to T one oh wait wait wait let me see let's see let's let's get a little closeup of this father yeah it looks like it has my name all written all over it and guys don't you think the Big Dice is popping in here so Daddy what do you trying to say it's not time yet it's not time yet the rice have to finish oh my gosh okay so the time is coming up now for [Music] you [Music] peace and love always [Applause] [Music] away
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 16,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make tiger shrimp, sweet and spicy shrimp, jamaican shrimp, how to cook like deddy, deddys kitchen, father daughter cooking, food network, family man cooks at home, jamaican chef, certified chef, flaws of couture, caribbean cook, how to cook like a Jamaican, smokin and grillin with ab, fried shrimp, how to fry skrimp
Id: 5_wz6uXLVxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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