How to Make Amazing Pizza with STORE BOUGHT PIZZA DOUGH

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these Artisan Pizza was made using a pizza dough from the supermarket yeah and I didn't use a wood for ramen no I use a normal oven look it's so easy to do it takes no time and all you need to do is to open a bottle of wine put the music on and enjoy yourself I'm gonna show you to make the easiest pizza using Supermarket pizza dough mmm [Music] these are the ingredients to make a lazy Artisan Pizza the first ingredient is the pizza dough Bowl I've chosen the one from Kohl's supermarket and this is not an ad I've tried all the other dough bowls and I don't love them this is the one that gives me better flavors and I like the way stretch it's 250 grams you can make one pizza with it so I recommend you to try different pizza doughs from the different supermarkets because all of them are different okay of course if you make your own pizza dough it's gonna be 10 times better than this this pizza dough ball is a great option for when you're busy for when you don't have time and it can give you a very nice Pizza an important ingredient is the tomato sauce okay we're not using Pasada we're not using already made sauces this is crushed tomatoes I love to use peeled tomatoes and crush with my hands but you can actually get them already crushed and this is it mozzarella cheese I know lots of people like to buy shredded mozzarella but that's not actually very good for you it doesn't melt the way you want this is fresh real mozzarella and this is how you can get a beautiful Artisan Pizza we have some fresh basil that you must have on the pizza this is semolina but it's double milled which means super fine semolina okay you can find semolina everywhere just make sure it's fine this is helping us to stretch the pizza in no time with your hands we need some salt and extra virgin olive oil that's it we are cooking this pizza in the normal oven and we need a pizza tray this is not a stone Pizza tray it's just a an aluminum Pizza tray and baking paper last but not least we need a small container for a pizza dough Bowl to rest so it's very important that you don't get the pizza bowl out of the fridge use the rolling pin to stretch it and cook it that's not the way we can make an artisan Pizza we're gonna rest the Pizza Bowl enough in the morning before you go to work we put it in this container and let the rest so when you go home at night your pizza dough is ready if you want to do it on the same day you don't go to work do it at least four hours before you make the pizza and I'll show you what to do so we get the container we put a little bit of extra virgin olive oil not too much don't go crazy just a little bit and then with the fingers you spray the extra virgin olive oil everywhere you don't have extra virgin olive oil okay use sunflower oil use vegetable oil but extra virgin olive oil has better flavors so this way a dough is not gonna get stuck there now we open the Pocket we want to get the pizza bowl out as you can see this dough is not ready you can't turn this into a pizza you can't so what you need to do you make the pizza Bowl you make the pizza Bowl the way you want don't don't stress too much what's important is that you have a smooth surface on top so this one is a bit sticky so if it's sticky you can use some flour so what I'm going to do I'm going to put some this is a bit sticky so I'm going to use some semolina on my hands and I make the dough see they see the Pizza Bowl it's nice and smooth on the surface the bottom is fine too and now we place it in the tray with the extra virgin olive oil just like this just like this see now if I want to turn this into a pizza right now it's going to be very hard instead we close the lid nice and sealed and we leave these out of the fridge for at least four hours if you do this in the morning before you go to work when you go home at night this dough will be perfect and I'm gonna show you how it's gonna look like in about nine hours this is how the dough will look like after 9 10 12 hours this is something I made this morning so nine hours ago and this is the one I made last night so they're pretty much the same right but how do you take this out well that's the reason why I've got extra virgin olive oil because the extra virgin olive oil will help me to get them out of the containers first thing we need to do is to warm up the Almond it needs to be very very hot the maximum temperature the maximum for these is 250 Celsius you only want the bottom element to work we need the bottom to be extremely hot because we are cooking this pizza in two stages stage one we need to cook the bottom part of the pizza okay and that's why we use the bottom part so it Cooks stage two under the broiler we cook the toppings we cook the the top part so this is fascinating follow my instruction and you will love this so let's close the oven and let's prepare let's stretch the dough now let's cut the mozzarella okay and I would like to cut the mozzarella is this cut into slices can you see the milk there see that's that's a real cheese and then what I want to do I want to cut long shapes this is the Napoleon way when I say long strips we have cheese this long to go on the pizza and then I'll show you why we do this I'll show you the way it melts melts beautifully not too thick but long okay now we put it in a in a bowl and we need to try and remove as much milk as possible because otherwise the pizza will be too wet probably cons of using fresh is that of course you have to deal with more water more milk on your on top of your pizza so you have to remove the excess water from your pizza which is not pleasant when you eat your pizza but it is a better product okay here we go this is the pizza tray I'm using you can use like I said Stone Pizza tray or you can use one with other holes anything that you like okay I'm gonna place these at the bottom so it gets nice and hot where the Magic Begins we're gonna put some semolina there this is the container with the pizza dough and you ready look what we do now we just drop it we just drop it just like that perfect easy so far easy right very easy now we get the semolina we put it on top and look how easy this is starting from the bottom stretch the dough okay turn it around [Music] don't press on the edges because the edges is where we have we want to create the puff edges you know for this pizza so here just press like this very easily you don't need a rolling pin turn it again on semolina and again look how easy I stretch with my with one hand look how easy is it stretching you don't need to be an artisan Pizza Chef it is stretching by itself I'm not doing anything look [Music] it's all about feeling it but the semolina is doing a very important job here you can use flour go for it expert napolitan Pizza chefs use flour and it's fine you just need to make sure you remove the flour just like this I want to make sure you don't have too much flour stuck to your pizza dough now we're gonna put the pizza dough on the baking paper stretch so it fits perfectly so it's nice and round but don't worry about the shape let's put a little bit of salt in the sauce [Applause] okay and now we put the sauce in the pizza I would say at least three or four tablespoons of sauce pull in the middle and then you stretch [Music] take your time don't rush it okay take your time go evenly but don't go on the edges you want the edges to grow you want to impress your friends your guests or yourself here we go thing we have plenty of tomatoes we put a little bit of extra virgin olive oil not too much and now this is going in the oven just the way it is we're gonna place this in the oven so that we can cook the middle part why because if we put the ingredients on top and we put it in the oven it's gonna take about 10 minutes to cook so you're gonna cook the top part first and the bottom will take longer so you're gonna burn the top toppings and the bottom will take longer so we want to avoid to burn the toppings you want the toppings to be as fresh as possible so you enjoy the flavors but you understand what I'm talking about soon when you see the result so now oof here we have the pizza tray nice and hot let me move this Pizza right on top of the tray and straight back in the oven this process now could take about two minutes for me depends how hot your oven is okay you want to keep an eye at the bottom so let's go and let's part bake this technique is called par baking okay part baking which is gonna cook the beautiful base so the bottom part will be nice crunchy and then the second part will allow us to just focus on the toppings and finish off the edges of the pizza I know you guys are not here but you need to smell this okay to be able to know when it's done so as you can see on this side it's cooked but the other side this side is not cooked yet so we're gonna turn it around turn the pizza around it looks like this side of the front cooks faster so we're gonna cook this side now for another minute and then we add the toppings guys you know me there's no pizza for me without pecorino so I'll do add pecorino in my pizza if you don't like it I'm sorry for you but my pizzas are always epicorino cheese all right all right all right now all these beautiful pizza here look let's have a look at the bottom now okay it's very hot so I want to burn myself I see this is ready it's cooked let's cook this other side is cooked perfect right now here we need to switch off the oven and start all over again now on and we choose the broiler the the grill at the maximum temperature the maximum what's the maximum of this one 200 and 140 Celsius there in the meantime we do the toppings and then we come back here and finish off the pizza come on when I went to Naples I went to the best pizzeria in the world francopave is also on Netflix and he told me something so special that I never thought of he actually doesn't cook the basil on the pizza because it doesn't want to ruin the flavors he doesn't want to cook the basil because if you cook it you ruin it but I'm still fashioned I want to put the basil on my pizza okay and this is what you told me to do okay you put the basil first and then you put all the ingredients on top so that way you don't burn the basil you still kill it and you get more out of it instead what he likes to do is to use a pesto on top of the pizza you put right at the end once the pizza is done now we go with the pecorino on top put it on top of the basil first [Music] and now everywhere all right now we want to put a mozzarella in here take your time please first go on top of the basil in the meantime we have the broiler going [Music] to warm up this is enough cheese I guess it's never enough right now we put the extra virgin olive oil and now we can cook the toppings in the broiler now just in case and I say just in case let's take the baking flavor off because it might burn you don't want to put your Island on fire we want to move this as close as possible to the broiler the grill okay because it needs to be like a wood fire almond so let's get the pizza what we're gonna do now we wait until the mozzarella melts a little bit and then we turn the pizza the other way [Music] just turn it around all right let's take it out guys look at this pizza look how beautiful this pizza looks come on tell me huh this looks like a a restaurant pizza right restaurant Quality Pizza there is one thing I don't really like is all the milk you know the water from the trees which we can easily easily get rid of it put it on one side cut the milk to escape yeah get rid of the water the milk ladies and gentlemen your pizza Artisan pizza made in your normal oven it's ready to be eaten [Music] what I want to do here for you is the Taste crunch test listen this is a crunch test you know it's good to do as well with the with dough so the dough is did a good job [Music] so we tested the edges now we just need to cut it [Music] and here the crust I like the sounds I like the sound of the crust I like when my pizza is a little bit crunchy I don't want pizza to be soggy I want it to be a little bit crunchy but moist at the same time you know what I mean I don't want the pizza to be hard look at that it's all about pizza cooked in a normal oven [Music] the basil is still alive it's not dead it's still there making love with the tomato sauce mmm crunchy and moist at the same time it is what you want to achieve when you make this forget about Domino Pizza Hut and stuff like that make a pure Pizza home it takes 10 minutes and you can have a great meal with your family I wish I never said this before thank you Store both Pizza you can help so many people we don't want to make the dough it could be could be scary to make the doll it's not for everyone but this is for everyone pineapple and pizza is not for everyone this is I hope you enjoyed this video this pizza is so good and I hope you're gonna make it so thank you so much for watching this episode I will see you in the next Vincenzo's plate video recipes plate thank you it's Pizza Time
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 117,206
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Keywords: how to make pizza with store bought pizza dough, store bought dough, store bought pizza dough, pizza with store bought dough, store bought pizza dough recipes, store bought pizza dough won't stretch, store bought pizza dough rise, store bought pizza dough instructions, store bought pizza dough cook time, pizza dough from store, pizza dough, pizza, dough, grocery store pizza dough, easy pizza recipe, store, vincenzo's plate pizza, vincenzo's plate pizza dough, vincenzo's plate
Id: FAydXiJcyj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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