How to make Skin in Blender in 5 minutes

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hey I'm a little chicken nuggets welcome back to uh [Music] this is my actual first real tutorial today we're going to we're gonna five minutes or so okay so what you want to do is you want to hit ax that's going to delete the default Cube camera light all that all that cool stuff all right now what you want to do is uh we're just going to go to file import obj uh try to find like a person online I might leave some things in the description uh this one is from uh sketchfab and it's called Head Kirk it's just Kirk from Star Trek and it's gigantic cool that's that's great okay and then what should we want to do is we want to go all the way down to vertex paint here like why vertex pain why not texture paint you you stupid head face well vertex pain and texture paint are you know they're they're both good you know I I you know I can't pick favorites you know I can't play favorites um all right then we want to go is we want to go down to vertex colors you're gonna see this thing called coal all right we don't want that to be called coal we're gonna call this Main again cool all right that's main skin and then we want to hit shift a we want to go to input look for input vertex colors and Main skin main skin we're going to put in the base color oh man it's white that's because we haven't done anything yet all right then we want to go down to here and look it's already right then you want to go like shift K what shift K is going to do that's gonna turn it completely white I'm gonna go to the material preview yep it's definitely white okay now uh what we want to do is we just want to pick a nice looking skin color so um and we can try out a few ones so like here that is like really red you don't want that sometimes these don't really look exactly uh perfect that one's actually pretty good I'm not gonna lie and of course of course we can go back and change it and stuff all right then you want to go to vertex colors again I'm gonna hit another one uh this one we're gonna call Sub Surf subsurface all right subsurface scattering and basically what it's going to do is if we see here in a second we can see that this actually multiplies it so this is in the viewport now you have to put your attribute nodes into the viewport to see it right so then we're going to go uh completely to what shift K again then you want to go to paint dirty vertex colors yeah that's what that's that's what that is going to do you don't want to keep it on one one is going to kind of look a little weird the widest parts that you were going to see that's what's going to show the subsurface scattering and the darkest Parts is going to know is going to show absolutely no subsurface scattering at all so usually I set it to about three or five um it kind of Blends it in a little better we're just gonna go to three on this one but we don't want to keep it in base color we want to put it in subsurface and then we want our subsurface color to be that basically and then we want to put this into here we actually want to put the factor into here and look at that let's go why is it not yeah there we go okay yeah so that's just kind of a quick way to make skin you can even see that it puts some uh lip red color on it um so honestly I mean this is just a really really really great way to make skin and then you can add the eyes and stuff and of course you can take away this dread part and you can put some white in there and you can do that manually um for the dirty vertex colors as well so that's just a really quick easy way to make skin if you want to even make it uh look even better we can go to a voronoi texture all right and then we can go to a bump bump node and this bump node we're gonna put the distance into the height and then we're going to put the normal into the normal and it's going to look pretty weird for a second it looks like he's some kind of uh Jackson Pollock painting and we're just going to scale it up like crazy and then we're gonna hit invert and that's gonna make it look kind of weird for a second but what you want to do is literally just keep scaling keep on scaling that is that is the way of life my friend keep on scaling all right you want to put it it may be like 800 or maybe even a thousand um and that's gonna kind of give it a a okay texture it actually looks really bad maybe don't do that um but the cool thing is is that if you hit this you can also measure the strength of it so it gives it a little uh little little a little something so yeah that is basically that yep all right see you later [Music]
Channel: That CGI Guy
Views: 39,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z5huQnUBIrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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