How to make Shrimp Creole

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hello everybody I'm Charlie and today I'm going to be showing you how to make my delicious shrimp creole that's right my recipe for shrimp real cost for a nice delicious and flavorful shrimp creole that you're going to love is absolutely delicious very good now shrimp creole is a Creole dish based down here in Louisiana and all that is is shrimp in tomato sauce with diced tomatoes and it has herbs and spices and not only that shrimp creole also is known for its spicy flavor it is hot hot Enosh yes very good so today I'm going to be showing you how to show you step by step on how to make this delicious dish so without further ado let's get started y'all okay this is always going to need to make your shrimp creole and before we get started with our ingredients I want to introduce y'all to someone DJ DJ say hey say it to the camera DJ hello did you ain't worried about me alright now let's get started with our ingredients okay you're going to need four pounds of fresh Louisiana shrimp now this shrimp is a local and it's not imported from China or anything like that okay so like I say you're going to need four pounds of this alright alright and along with that you're going to need one twenty nine ounce can of Hunts tomato sauce now this tomato sauce has no soul in it but here's a trick a peer ucf case is not a sodium prix food now what that means is that the tomato is just naturally has sodium in it and that's not much okay all right so like I say you're going to need this and along with that 201 14 ounce can of Hunts diced tomatoes now EXA dent the one with the sodium in it but that's alright now you also want to make sure that this one has no salted - alright okay and you're also going to need some rice some jasmine rice I'm going to show you step by step on how to make the rice for this recipe - okay alright and along with that you're gonna need some unsalted butter alright alright for our seasonings and our herbs and spices you're going to need some toner saturates Creole seasoning that you don't have to this you can either use these at a ranch Creole season or either slapping mama Creole seasoning either one will work fine for this recipe okay alright and along with that to me some cayenne pepper some chef Paul Prudhomme seafood magic some oregano need leaves and some ground thyme now I what about these are naturally from the grocery store fresh but they didn't have it so I had to buy the little canisters so oh well alright now let's continue now you're going to need one yellow onion garlic bell pepper and some celery alright for our herbs and spices you're gonna need some bay leaves some basil and some parsley okay all right and also for this recipe as you can see here I have a nice beautiful loaf of French bread now what I'm going to do with this is I'm going to take this and make this into the garlic bread so that we can have that with our shrimp creole okay all right okay and also for this recipe you're going to need some shrimp stock now this is homemade shrimp stock from scratch nothing as I can or the bottle or anything like that that you can see it is very little a little very little bit of stock in here and the reason why is because this is a concentrated shrimp stock okay now to make this one thing you're going to need is three cups of water and your shrimp is you already got half your shrimp heads - when you peel your shrimp and you're going to add that into the water we're going to bowl okay and along with that you may need to get some Louisiana crawfish crab and shrimp ball and this will enhance the flavor of the stock okay all right not like I said it for the shrimp stock this is going to give your shrimp creole and extraordinary shrimp flavor okay now knowing Creole dishes you're not supposed to really add stock or root to it but for this recipe just for flavor we're going to make a shrimp stock and we're going to add that international career okay alright and then we had all right let's get straight to it now here I have my shrimp and I have a bowl for my shrimp heads and I both mushroom tails now let's get started now we want to keep our shrimp as cold as possible so I have ice underneath our bag alright now we're going to go ahead and take out the head and move the shrimp head off and place that into a bowl I'm going to go ahead and peel the shell off alright and we're going to place that into the bowl with the head and we're going to place the tail into the other bowl and there we go and you're going to continue to do this until you have all four all four pounds of shrimp peeled okay alright now we have it now we have our shrimp heads and I some tails now we're going to go ahead and devayne our shrimp you have a shrimp pian as you can see there's a dark line going down the back now go ahead and take a sharp knife and I'm going to go ahead and cut down the back of the shrimp and as you can see the little dog string you're going to go ahead and pull that out and your shrimp has been debating all right and you're going to continue to do this until all four pounds of the shrimp has been deveined alright guys and there we go alright now we're going to go ahead and a cleaner shrimp we're going to add our ice into the bowl I'm going to add our shrimp in here and we're going to rinse this shrimp off thoroughly make sure you rinse it good okay alright guys and now we have our shrimp that's been cleaned peeled and deveined and there we go alright guys in every have we have our shrimp over here and we have our shrimp ears now you remember we got a bowl these from pits this is we're going to use to make our stock okay alright so in the meantime we're going to go ahead and take our shrimp heads and I shrimp tails and place them into the refrigerator go ahead and chop up our seasoning go ahead and chop up one yellow onion alright go ahead and chop out Sarah make sure you rinse your celery off before you chop it then we'll hit and chop that up now we're going to go ahead and chop up our bell pepper make sure you remove the cordless in and we're going to go ahead and chop that up all right we're going to go ahead and chop up about three cloves of garlic now we're going to go ahead and take our basil we just remove it off the stems we're just going to bunch that together and we're going to chop that up now you want to make sure you chop up your basil very fine and it should resemble like coarse crumbs like what I have here okay same thing with the pulse if we're just going to go ahead and just chop that up make sure you chop it up real fine and it should resemble coarse crumbs all right and that is it for our seasonings now we're going to go ahead and prepare our rice all right so we're going to preheat our fire to medium-high heat okay so in a medium sized pot with some warm water we're going to add one teaspoon of vegetable oil I'm going to go ahead and mix that in slightly all right into that we're going to add one cup of rice and we're going to go ahead and mix this in and we're going to let this mixture come to a ball all right our mixture is at a ball now and we're going to let this bowl for about four or five minutes depending on the your stove all right it's been about four to five minutes now we're going to go ahead and have a taste see if it's at the right texture because we don't want our rights to be gummy and it's perfect perfect texture all right we're going to go ahead and turn our fire off go ahead and take our rice and we're going to go ahead and drain it into a strainer all right and we're gonna winch this off with cold water all right now that we finish with that we're gonna go ahead and take our strainer place it back on top of our pot put a lid on top and there you go now it's time to get started with our stock I'm going to preheat our fire to medium-high heat okay so in a medium sized pot we're going to go ahead and add three cups of water add that in there all right into that we're going to add about 1 teaspoon of Tony acessories creole seasoning and about 1 teaspoon of Chef Harper domes c4 magic and also we're going to add about one teaspoon of the shrimp incredible and we're going to go ahead and mix that in alright now that we got that nice and mixed in now we're going to go ahead and take our shrimp aids and shells and we just not add that right into the pot destroy it all in there and we're going to go ahead and mix that in now what we want to achieve we want this to be a nice rich stock and the stock will bowl out some which is fine I'm gonna place a lid on top and let it boil for about 30 minutes alright it's been about 30 minutes now and as you can see our shrimp stock is cooked and as you can see it's not that much but one cup is really all we need okay and we're done so we're going to go ahead and turn on fire off we're going to use a mesh strainer and we're going to drain our shrimp stock into a bowl here oh boy oh that's hot sorry about that guys hmm alright guys and there we have it now we don't need the shrimp heads anymore so we could throw that away alright guys and there we have it shrimp stock hot and ready to go mmm alright now that we have our shrimp prepared I stock prepared and all of our seasonings chopped and ready to go I will really make our shrimp creole I'm going to pre a fry to medium-high heat okay so on a lot saucepan we're going to go ahead and add three tablespoons of unsalted butter now the butter can be salted or unsalted doesn't really matter and we're going to let this butter melt alright now that we got that nice and melted now we're going to go ahead and add our onion right on in there and we're going to go ahead and mix that in alright now that we got that mixed in now we're going to go ahead and add our celery our bell pepper and our garlic right on in it and we're going to go ahead and mix that in and we're going to saute this for about five minutes all right it's been about five minutes and as you can see I've disables is a nice toasty brown color perfect now we're going to go ahead and add our shrimp stock all right on in it we will go ahead and mix that in and we're going to let this simmer for about two minutes now I won't let you know that some of your stock may evaporate but that's okay it's fine now it's been about two minutes as you can see some stock has evaporated but that's okay now we're going to go ahead and add our tomato sauce right on in there and we're going to go ahead and mix that in all right now that we got that nice and mixed in I'm going to go ahead and get our diced tomatoes right on in then we're going to go ahead and mix that in now we're going to go ahead and cover this in let this simmer for about three or four minutes alright it's been about three or four minutes now we're going to go ahead and add our herbs so we're going to go ahead and add our fresh basil right on in there our parsley and to that we're going to add 2 bay leaves and we're going to go ahead and mix that in now we're going to go ahead and add the rest of our onion our celery i'll be--i'll pepper and our garlic and we'll go ahead and mix that in alright now that we got that mix in now we're going to add some seasoning I'm going to go ahead and add 1 teaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons of Tony accessories Creole seasoning 2 teaspoons of Chef poppadoms seafood magic about a tablespoon of oregano and 1/2 teaspoon of thyme alright we're going to go ahead and mix that in all right now if we got that nice and mixed in now we're going to go ahead and spice this shrimp crew up so we're going to add two teaspoons of cayenne pepper right on in there and we're going to go ahead and mix that in now we're going to go ahead and place the lid on top and we're going to let this simmer for about five minutes right it's been about five minutes I'm going to go ahead and mix that in all right now we're going to go ahead and add three tablespoons of butter and we're going to go ahead and mix that in that can be salted or unsalted alright now that we got that nice and mixed in now we're going to go ahead and add our four pounds of shrimp right on in all right we're going to go ahead and mix this in all right now we got that nice and mixing we're going to place a lid on top and I'm gonna let this simmer for about six minutes where I've been about six minutes now and our shrimp creole is now done don't forget to turn your fire off all right guys we are finished here now you have it shrimp creole I'm gonna go ahead and get started on my garlic bread here you see me here chopping up by French a bread into slices I'm go ahead and place little slices in a pan okay I'm going to go ahead and add some butter that's about half a stick of butter into food processor and we're going to add about one clove of garlic I'm going to mix that in for about one minute all right now we have it now we're going to go ahead and take our garlic butter mixture and we're going to just place that on top of our arm French bread all right now that we got that on tight now I'm going to go ahead and take some of my parsley got left over I'm going to place that on top each slice of French bread all right now to ready for the oven here we go I'm going to go ahead and place these in oven gonna bake them for about five to 10 minutes or 425 degrees all right go ahead remove Amada oven and the car beautiful that is mm-hmm look at that and there you have a guy's garlic bread and there you have it guys shrimp creole made by New Orleans needs thanks for watching last time to go ahead and take a back so yeah we'll take this very good I taste the spicy spicy very spicy they also taste a shrimp stock stock that's yeah a shrimp stock and get this extraordinary video we now have my body break right here I'm going to play it and take a little piece off if I can get it out there and dip it in there you need it go good job very delicious and they'd be had it shrimp creole made by you all its name thanks for watching hey guys I hope you enjoyed this video like up subscribe to my channel so you can enjoy all of my delicious recipes cooked right here in my kitchen if you have any questions or comments please post them or you can email me at Julie to cook Andrews at and tail then take care and I hope you
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 94,591
Rating: 4.9024014 out of 5
Keywords: Shrimp Creole, Shrimp Creole from scratch
Id: dNQk-4JWJ2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2015
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