How to make Fried Catfish Baked Macaroni Green Peas and Potato Salad

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hello everybody I'm Charlie and today I'm going to be showing you how to make a fried catfish baked macaroni green peas and potato salad very simple easy dish to make not hard just have to follow step by step and that's it so but I prefer to do that's the story okay this is all what you're going to need to make your fried catfish baked macaroni green peas and potato salad we're going to get started with our ingredients okay you're going to need one and a half pounds that's about for domestic catfish pellets this is not imported or anything this is local catfish and along with that you're going to need some heat of some fish fry or you can make your own type of data for your fryer catfish in and you'll also need some eggs now for your big macaroni I'm you're going to you're gonna need some elbow macaroni they'll be the cheese it doesn't matter which cheese you use for this recipe you can also use the real cheese two cheddar cheese but to make things more easy I want to use the Velveeta cheese okay and you also with that you'll need some butter some salt and some heavy whipping cream and for your green peas here we have two cans of green peas here and for your potato salad you're going to need one potato one onion some celery mayonnaise and some mustard and for our seasonings now this is three different seasonings that we're going to be using in this food here we're going to need some toner saturates Creole seasoning some chef Paul put on sport romantic and seafood magic okay so that's all the seasonings we're going to be using in this recipe okay and that we have it okay here I have our catfish immigrating take it out the bag and show you it's a nice size catfish fill it and what we're going to do is okay we're going to go ahead and rinse our catfish off cold water make sure you rinse it thoroughly okay last time the season and marinate our catfish and I here I have a large bowl and what we're gonna do is we're going to go ahead and add a little squeeze of lemon in there I'll squeeze a little bit of lemon juice in there okay and to that we're going to add a little bit of Tony Sherry's Creole season we're just going to add that along the bottom okay and to that we're going to go ahead and add our catfish we go ahead and rub this all around make sure the catch of the bottom you just want to spread that all around your catfish okay make sure your catfish is fully coated with this mixture okay we got our fish nice and coated here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and marinate this now you can marinate this up to about one or two hours I like mines to be marinated overnight okay so we're going to go ahead and put a cover on this and put this into the refrigerator okay for our season we're going to go ahead and chop up one onion I'm going to rinse your celery off and chop that up and there you have it I'm going to get started with our baked macaroni you're going to pre-heat your fire to medium-high heat okay so on the large pot with some water we're going to go ahead and add one 16-ounce pack of elbow macaroni okay we're going to go ahead and mix that in and it should take about eight to nine minutes to cook to the harm texture that we want so go ahead and put a lid on that and get started with our potatoes out so we're going to go ahead and preheat our fire to medium-high heat okay in the large pot here with some water we're going to go ahead and add one russet potato we're going to go ahead and add two eggs to that and we're going to go ahead and cook this for about an hour but our eggs after 30 minutes we're going to go ahead and remove our eggs let's go ahead and put a lid on top and let that cook okay it's been about eight minutes now for I elbow macaroni as you can see it's thoroughly cooked I'm going to go ahead and turn our fire off and we're going to go ahead and drain our macaroni okay now we're going to go ahead and I'll rinse this off with cold water all right we're going to go ahead and once we finish with that we're gonna go ahead and set it on top of our pot put a lid on top and let it sit okay it's been about thirty minutes for our potato salad my eggs should be done so we're going to go ahead and remove our eggs okay we're going to set that aside now ask for our potato our potato is not quite done yet it's still pretty hard so we're gonna let that sit for an additional 40 minutes and we'll come back when it's done okay it's been about 40 minutes now potatoes should be done kind of check it and see oh yeah it's done oh yeah okay so now we're going to do this we're going to remove our potato you're gonna put it in a large bowl here okay and we're gonna let this cool completely and while that's going we're gonna go ahead and get started with our cheese sauce we're gonna preheat our fire to medium low heat okay so in a medium sized pot we're going to go ahead and add 1 16 ounce carton of heavy whipping cream go ahead and add that in there and to that we're going to go ahead and add about three tablespoons of butter and we've also going to add some salt it's a little pinch not too much it's a small amount and we're gonna go ahead and mix that in we wanted we want to achieve this we want our butter to melt and our cream to get out okay our butter has melted in our cream is hot now it's time to go ahead and add our cheese so you're going to add one 16-ounce thing of cheese okay what we're going to do is we're gonna mix this in now we want to cheat achieve is we want a nice creamy cheese sauce okay so you want to stir this and between three minute intervals you want to stir wait stir wait and stir okay and this is what it looks like the few minutes as I cheese nice smooth creamy consistency exactly what we want okay we're going to preheat our oven to 400 degrees okay here I have a glass pan with a piece of butter now we're going to go ahead and our butter the entire bottom and sides of the pan and it'll make sure you spread that all around okay now that we have that nice and buttered now we're going to go ahead and add our elbow macaroni right into there alright now we got that edit and there makes us even and straightened out good see we have a little bit more left over but that's alright alright now that we got that nice and even now we're going to go ahead and add our cheese sauce right on top okay to make sure that we are everything is mixed in we're all together we're going to take our spoon and we're just going to fold this in to kind of catch some of the ends make sure that Jesus all over and there we have it I'm going to go ahead and give you a spoon assure your cream it is cousin look how it looks now it's ready to get put in the oven so we're going to go ahead and put this into a preheated 400 degree oven on the bottom rack and we're going to bake that for about 35 minutes okay you're going to pre-heat your fire to medium-high heat my green peas we're going to add two cans of green peas along with that we're going to add our butter our sugar and our onion and we're going to mix that in and we're going to put a lid on top and let it sit for five minutes okay it's been simmering for five minutes and there you have it green peas okay my potato is completely cooled Here I am peeling a potato using a knife all right now that we got that nice and peeled go ahead and set that aside and go ahead and peel the shell off our eggs and that's how it looks now to make sure all the shell is off we're going to go ahead and rinse I eggs off with cold water okay now that we have our potato nice and ready we're going to go ahead and smash that up using a large spoon you can use a potato masher if you like okay now that we have our potatoes nice and mashed up going to go ahead and add our eggs I like to greet my eggs some people like to cut like - great - so we're going to go ahead and grate that right on in all right and there you go and that's what it looks like once I'm finished that I haha okay I'll go ahead and add some seasoning if I go ahead and add some onion and we're also going to go ahead and add some celery we're gonna go ahead and mix that in all right now as you can see I hit a little bit of my secret ingredient in there yeah now we're gonna go ahead and add some mayonnaise as much as you like and if I go ahead and add some mustard today all right we're gonna go ahead and mix that in tell us nice and creamy and after mixing it will wear out now you have it home here potato salad yes yes now you can we're going to go ahead and add some seasonal to that give it a little bit more flavor and a little bit of Tony accessories Creole seasoning just a little sprinkle gonna go ahead and mix that in and there you have it potato salad that is only one way you can store this delicious potato salad no wait and put a lid on top and put it into the refrigerator all right now it's time to take our baked macaroni out of the oven after baking on 400 for 35 minutes go ahead and take that out of there oh look how good that looks mm-hmm give you a close-up shot look at that that is still cooking a nice crackling bubbly go ahead and give you a spoon fool to show you how creamy this is guaranteed creaminess look at that mm-hmm nothing like creamy macaroni and cheese baby delicious now for our fish we're going to go ahead and take our fish out of the refrigerator and here we have our all going to go ahead and preheat our fire to medium-high heat okay here we have our catfish we let this catfish marinate overnight and the marinade consists of lemon juice and a little bit of Creole seasoning and we just let it sit overnight that's all okay and you could smell the lemon you can smell the Creole seasoning oh man it's going to be good so we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and prepare our batter for the fryer our catfish with so we're going to go ahead and push that aside we're going to bring in our small bowl okay here I have three large eggs go ahead and add that in there and to that we're going to season it just a little bit not too much so we're going to go ahead and add a little bit of tawny accessories Creole season just a little bit not too much just a little sprinkle okay what we're going to do is go ahead and mix that right now we got that mixed in going to go ahead and push that on the side and here we have our seasoned batter here okay and we're going to add our fish in before we fry now like I said you can use cornmeal and flour mixed in together and add seasoning or you could just go to the store and save a little time and buy the fresh fry if you like okay okay here we have our grease it's nice and it's hot ready to go and as you can see I have my fire on a medium low heat we had it on high heat for a few minutes to get the grease hot but we don't want to make it too hot because we don't want to burn our fish so going to go ahead and get started with the preparation to for frying our fish okay we're going to get started with our first catfish fill it here and what we're going to do is take that and add it into our egg mixture I'll make sure that's called it real good go ahead and add our fish into our batter shake that up real nice we're gonna fry okay and we're going to fry catfish for about three to four minutes tell us a nice golden-brown color okay it's been about three to four minutes now and if we didn't remove our catfish oh look how nice and golden-brown that is we're gonna take that and put that onto our serving platter and there you go okay it's been about another three four minutes this is our last piece of catfish here and I'll go ahead and remove that oh how beautiful that is nice golden brown color I'll take that and put that on top sir a flat and now you have it fried catfish go ahead and show you the preview of all the food that I just cooked okay and we go we have our fried catfish baked macaroni I green peas and our potato salad I'm gonna go ahead and serve up a plate who's hungry I'll go ahead and serve a nice little bit of our creamy baked macaroni put that right on top and plate we can get us a nice scoop of green peas put that right on top we have a piece of catfish you can take that put that on top serving platter and last but not least the potato salad add that right on top and there you go now you have it fried catfish with baked macaroni green peas and potato salad ah mask on me yes I'm aggrieved by starting off with trying out the catch mutation season the taste at lemon very clear I'm going to try a baked macaroni it's nice and creamy rather busy green beans perfect every time bring five to seven real good position hey guys I hope you enjoyed this video like up subscribe to my channel so you can enjoy all of my delicious recipes cooked right here in my kitchen if you have any questions or comments please post them or you can email me at chole to cook Andrews at and tail then take care and I hope
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 136,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fried Catfish, Baked Macaroni, Green Peas, Potato Salad, Fried Catfish Meal, Louisiana Fried Catfish
Id: XWBOxUs4m64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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