How to make Louisiana Catfish and Shrimp Courtbouillon

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[Music] yo what's up everybody it's your boy charlie coming at y'all another video on today's episode i'm going to be showing y'all how to make my homemade louisiana catfish and shrimp kubian now in louisiana akubion is a very rich and thick fish stew that is thickened with a roux now for this recipe of course i add my own additions and flavors and all that other good stuff like the shrimp and everything um that is not to be confused with the court bouillon which is known in france is a uh simmering liquid that's uh used for poaching uh seafood vegetables and meat and stuff like that that's not what this is this is the louisiana coubion okay this recipe calls for about eight to ten servings i'm telling y'all it's absolutely delicious so without further ado let's get started all right here's all what you'll need to make a catfish and shrimp corbian let's get started you'll need one pound of louisiana catfish and that's about four catfish ladies you also need two pounds of fresh louisiana shrimp vegetable or canola oil all purpose flour unsalted butter white wine and this is a chardonnay white wine that i'm going to be using you will also need one six ounce can of hunt's tomato paste no salt added and for your seasonings you will need some tony saturates krill seasoning now if you don't have this you can use these adam rice krill seasoning i'll stop on my cajun season you will also need some chef paul pudom's seafood magic i have the link to where you can purchase this in the description box you also need some onion powder garlic powder and to spice it up you're going to need some crab ball now if you don't want if you don't have the crab ball you can always substitute it with the cayenne pepper and you'll be good to go now for your additional seasonings you will need one yellow onion a bunch of green onions some celery bell pepper garlic some fresh parsley some dry thyme and some bay leaves and there we have it all right let's get straight to it we're gonna get started by chopping up a half of a yellow onion this is just a little demonstration on how i chop up my onion here make sure you chop that up really good now here we have our green onions we're going to chop the green onions you want to make sure you chop up the ends of the green onions as well and make sure you separate them both all right now we're going to go ahead and rinse off our celery we're going to chop two stalks of celery and you want to make sure you chop that up real good all right chop it until it's minced all right now we're going to go ahead and rinse off one green bell pepper make sure you remove the core out of the center of your bell pepper before you chop it and we're just going to chop a half of a green bell pepper all right this is a demonstration on how i chop it up it's real simple you know here i have five cloves of garlic i just took the cloves and cut them in half now we're going to go ahead and chop that up until it is mint all right now we're going to rinse off our parsley make sure you rinse that off good now we're going to go ahead and uh cut these stems off you could discard that or you could add that into a stock or whatever and now we're going to chop that up until it resembles coarse crumbs now let's get started on our shrimp all right here we have our shrimp we're going to get started by removing the head off of the shrimp and placing that into a bowl and now we're going to peel the shell off of the shrimp tail just like that make sure you pinch off the end and there you have it you're going to place the shrimp shells in one bowl and place the shrimp tails in a separate bowl all right now we're going to go ahead and debating the shrimp is the back of the shrimp that's where the shrimps digestive tract is and we're just going to cut out the back of shrimp as you can see there's that uh black string that's the shrimps the digestive tract we're going to go ahead and pull that out and there we go all right now we're going to go ahead and add our shrimp tails into a strainer and we're going to rinse our shrimp tails off with cold water we're also while we're at it we're going to go ahead and add our catfish relays into a strainer and we're going to rinse these off with cold water now once done you're going to place this into a bowl or serving dish and place this into your refrigerator now we're going to preheat our fire to medium high heat let's get started with our shrimp stock in a medium-sized pot we're going to add two quarts of water all right let's add that in there now let's add some seasoning we're going to add one teaspoon of tony sasha raised krill seasoning and one teaspoon of xadaran's crab ball all right now we're going to go ahead and give that a quick stir now we're going to go ahead and let this come to a simmer all right our mixture is at a simmer now now we're going to go ahead and add our shrimp heads and shells just carefully add that in there and make sure you add the juices and all that other good stuff just add that all in there all right now we're going to go ahead and give this a quick stir make sure you stir that really nice now we're going to let this simmer for 35 minutes all right it's been about 35 minutes now and our shrimp stock is now done and as you can see our stock has cooked down some that's exactly what we want because it's going to give it more flavor now we're going to go ahead and turn our fire off now we're going to add our shrimp heads and shells along with our shrimp stock into a mesh strainer with a medium-sized bowl underneath it all right i'll be very careful with it because this is really hot all right now we're going to go ahead and just shake our strainer just to make sure the juices are all going into the bowl and you can discard the shrimp heads and shells at this time and there we have it ladies and gentlemen homemade shrimp stock made from scratch and it's going to have a nice flavor especially with that addition to crab ball in there oh it's gonna be wonderful all right now let's get started with searing our catfish here we have our catfish release and we have some chef paul put on seafood magic now we're going to lightly sprinkle that on top of the catfish just sprinkle a little bit on top of each catfish relay and then once done you're going to flip the catfish release over and you're going to sprinkle just a little bit you know don't have no measurement or nothing just you know just sprinkle a little bit and call it a day all right here we have our shrimp tails we got our chef popping on seafood magic we're going to sprinkle about one to two teaspoons of that in there all right now we're going to take our hands and we're just going to coat that um chef paul put on seafood magic onto the shrimp all right now let's go ahead and sear this all right now we're going to preheat our fire to medium high heat all right now cast iron skillet we're going to add 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter we're going to spread the butter around our skillet we're just going to let that melt in there all right now we're going to add our catfish release you're just going to add two at a time all right that's the first one we added and here's the second one now we're going to let this fly for about two minutes on each side after two minutes you just flip it over to the other side and let it go for another two minutes that's four minutes total all right now once done catfish shouldn't be all the way shouldn't be all the way uh fried all right shouldn't shouldn't be all the way done okay now we're going to go ahead and take our catfish belays just carefully remove it out of the skillet and we're just going to take that and we're just going to place that onto a serving dish and from here you can just cover this with some aluminum fall and place it on the side until we're ready to uh cook it all right now we're going to go ahead and add our shrimp into the skillet just add that in there now we're going to go ahead and give this a quick stir now you're going to let this saute for about three to four minutes stirring occasionally all right after three to four minutes you're gonna go ahead and turn your fire off all right now we're going to go ahead and take our skillet with our sauteed shrimp and pan juices and we're just going to add that into a serving bowl just add that all in there all at once make sure you get all the pan juices and everything out of the skillet into the serving bowl all right now we're going to let this sit for a couple of minutes make sure you're covered with aluminum foil to keep it warm all right now let's get started with our catfish and shrimp corbin so we're going to preheat our fire to medium high heat all right in a large saucepan we're going to add a half a cup of canola or vegetable oil all right let's add that in there now we're going to let this get hot for about two minutes add a half a cup of all-purpose flour just add that right on in there now we're gonna take our wooden spatula and we're just gonna stir this until combined make sure you stir it real good now you're going to stir this continuously for about 8 to 10 minutes or until the mixture turns into a brown color like how you see here look at that nice beautiful brown color now let's add some seasoning we're going to add 2 3 cup of chopped yellow onion a half a cup of chopped scallions that's the green onion ends of course 1 4 cup of chopped green onions a half a cup of chopped celery a half a cup of chopped green bell pepper and one tablespoon of chopped garlic now we're going to go ahead and take our spatula and we're just going to give this a quick stir now you're going to let this saute for about six to eight minutes stirring occasionally all right y'all it's been about six to eight minutes now and as you can see our seasonings have cooked down some exactly what we want give that a quick shake now we're going to add one and one half quarts that's six cups of our shrimp stock right on in there okay and to that we're going to add a half a cup of our white wine it could be any type of white wine whichever one you prefer all right now let's add some seasoning we're going to add one teaspoon of tony sachery's krill seasoning and to that we're going to add two teaspoons of onion powder two teaspoons of garlic powder one teaspoon of dried thyme and three tablespoons of chopped parsley our fresh parsley that we chopped earlier just add that in there now we're going to take our spoon and we're just going to give this a quick stir not done yet now we're going to let this come to a simmer now you want to make sure to taste test this to make sure it's at your desired taste if not you can add more seasoning all right all right our mixture is at a seminal we're going to go ahead and give this a quick stir and as you can see it's a little foamy at the top don't worry that means that the root is working all right something good is going to come out of that don't worry it's going to go away too so all right now at this time we're going to add 1 4 cup of our hunts tomato paste no salt added just add that in there and to that we're gonna add four bay leaves now we're gonna take our spoon and we're just gonna give this a quick stir and we're gonna stir this until that tomato paste has dissolved into the liquid now to help out i'm going to be using a whisk that's going to help break down that tomato paste and to ensure that it is combined with the liquid all right i find that the whisk works better all right just to make sure that the tomato paste is dissolved and then there's no leftover chunks in there all right now we're going to go ahead and cover this and we're going to let this simmer for 35 minutes now before it gets to the 35 minute mark here we have our catfish filet that we sauteed we're just going to take a knife and we're just going to cut this into small to medium-sized chunks right now it's going to be a little tough at first because it's not all the way cooked of course all right and this is how it looks when we're done here we have our catfish pieces and our sausage shrimp ready to go all right now it's been about 35 minutes now and as you can see our mixture has thickened some exactly what we want and oh my goodness it smells divine oh my goodness this will help your whole neighborhood smelling good y'all it's wonderful now we're going to go ahead and add our sauteed shrimp look at all them the shrimp and the pan juices oh that's going to give it wonderful flavor and with now we're going to go ahead and give this a quick stir all right make sure that's combined now we're going to go ahead and add our catfish pieces right on in now our sauteed catfish pieces right on in there along with those juices and all that oh my goodness i can just imagine how good this gonna taste now we're going to go ahead and gently stir this do not do not vigorously stir it because you're going to break those catfish pieces down all right you don't want to do that so just stir it very gently all right now we're going to go ahead and cover this and we're going to let this simmer for five minutes all right y'all it's been about five minutes now and after 40 minutes total of cooking our catfish and shrimp corbian is now done look at that nice beautiful looks wonderful not this time you're going to go ahead and turn your fire off now for some quick tips you're going to wait about 30 minutes to hour before serving all right and remember not to stir this too vigorously because you're going to break down those smaller pieces of catfish um the mixture will thicken as it cools and for those bay leaves you can remove those out of there all right sometimes i leave mine in sometimes i take them out really depends alright and lastly the mixture will have a better taste the very next day as the flavors will settle and increase overnight here is the final presentation and there you have it ladies and gentlemen homemade catfish and shrimp kobion made from scratch by a new orleans native if you like my channel hit that subscribe button hit the bell button if you want to be notified of my videos you can also check out this recipe as well as all of my other recipes go to you can also find me on facebook and on instagram on the name charlie the cook andrews stay tuned as charlie's taste test is coming up next can't wait now it's time to go ahead and take a bite you know this is a great wonderful dish especially for the fall and winter months and then you can serve it with rice with a with a little bit of rice you don't need a lot of rice just a little bit of rice and some um and a nice little piece of french bread or garlic bread on the side you'll be good to go um it's really good y'all i'm telling y'all it has a wonderful shrimp flavor it also has a nice mild fish flavor as well then you have the flavors from all the seasonings that we added it also has a nice little spiciness to it because we added the addition of the crab bowl in there i mean y'all absolutely delicious i mean it is on fun it really tastes like gumbo it really does has a very similar taste to gumbo really it's really good and that catfish just melts in your mouth i mean oh it's not nice and tender it's on point so give the recipe a try i hope you all enjoyed the video and until next time have a good one peace i'm gonna dip my little piece of is reading that i made it myself of course and i'm gonna have a recipe for that in the description box just in case if you want [Music] you
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 71,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Louisiana Catfish and Shrimp Court-Bouillon, Louisiana Catfish and Shrimp Court bouillon, Louisiana Catfish and Shrimp Stew
Id: sa64UHQlknM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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