How to Start Money Making Blog for FREE with WordPress, AdSense, Affiliate & Email Marketing 2021

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hello friends amnesia again in this reality show step by step how to start and run a successful and profitable blog in 2021 and beyond now this is not just a regular blog tutorial because frankly speaking creating a blog is really easy and there is nothing special about it the main part of any successful blog is knowing how to write a blog post then how to do proper seo of the blog to make sure that your blog post ranks higher in google search results so in this video i'll be showing you how to do in detail all these things and not only that we'll also learn how to integrate our website with google analytics how to connect and run google ads on your blog through adsense then how to create beautiful and attractive pop-ups to collect email addresses for doing email marketing and many more things so make sure you watch the complete tutorial now before you proceed further let me show you a very quick demo of the exact same website that will be creating in this video so this is a demo of the website that will be creating in this video and before you proceed further let me tell you one thing that we will be using only free resources to do all these things so we'll be using a free theme free page builder everything that we'll be using will be absolutely free now in this demo website as you can see at the top we have our header at the left hand side we have this logo and at the right hand side we have this simple menu then we have the main content of the home page you can see i have divided this home page into one two three and four different sections i don't want to create a very long home page many people do that mistake i want to keep it very short i want to create very limited number of sections so our first section is this hero section in this hero section you can see at the left hand side we have used this illustration i'll show you how you can download and how you can create your own illustrations for absolutely free and to create these kind of illustrations we don't need any software like photoshop or coreldraw we'll be using a free website wherein you can create and you can design your own illustrations and that is very easy to do so then at the right hand side you will see this is the title there is some subtitle and after that we have this call to action button now whenever someone clicks on this button they will see this pop-up so that they can enter their email address and after that they can click on this button and once they do that their email address will be added in your list so we'll see how to create a list how to create these kind of popups and this email address will automatically be added to your mailchimp list so whenever you want you can do free email marketing using these emails that you're collecting through these kind of pop-ups so obviously i'll show you how to create these kind of popups and how you can do this kind of styling that whenever someone clicks on this button this pop-up appears and let me tell you one more thing that this website is also 100 mobile and tablet friendly now when you scroll down you'll see your next section in this section i have given my latest guides and articles basically your latest blog post now once i show you the homepage after that i'll show you how a single blog post looks like and i'll show you how you can achieve 100 seo ranking on a single blog post so this is how your blog section will look like you can control the styling you can control how your typography looks like or whatever font family you want to use you can control the sizing the gutter you can control colors and everything is totally under your control then when you scroll down you have another section now in this section have created four different columns or four different sections again you can see starting a blog wordpress security wordpress seo and online store so you can create these kind of icons and you can link these icons or these icon boxes to different sections or to different blog posts or to different blog post categories now later on in this video i'll show you in more detail how you can use these kind of things how you can use this section how you can use these kind of icon boxes to have more activity on your website then at the bottom we'll also see how to create different kind of coupons so that you can have in a little bit of more income through affiliate marketing as well and obviously at the bottom we have your footer in the footer at the left hand side you have your about section so you have your logo some detail about your website and after that we have a recent post newsletter section and after that contact section and obviously at the bottom at the very bottom we have our copyright text then when you see at the top let's let's do one thing let's open a single blog post so if i open this single blog post first of all as you can see this is how it looks like okay you have your featured image at top you have your title you have the author's name date category all these things are given over here now you can control how the what font family you want for your body what colors do you want and you can control the styling now in between you will always see these newsletter forms now if i show you this thing if you see at the top you have this green signal which means that you have a perfect you know seo ranking on this post so basically it simply means that there are very high chances of your blog post getting ranked or getting you know top rank on google search results for any particular keyword for example for this blog post i have set keyword of wordpress 5.6 so whenever someone is searching for wordpress 5.6 on google your blog post will show at very top and later on in this video i'll show you in detail how you can achieve this thing and if you see one more thing if i just open this blog post in a new tab let me show you the back end now now in the back end you can see if i show you this option if i show you this yoast option we have a perfect readability score and we also have a perfect seo score so i'll show you how to achieve this thing then when you scroll down we have some more things this is how your blog post looks like then we'll see how to create these kind of section so at the bottom of every single blog post we'll see how to create this section so that at the bottom of every single blog post your users and your readers can see this thing and if they want to subscribe to your newsletter they can click on this button and again they will see this popup and they can enter their email address then they will see some related blog post with this and after that if they have any comments if they have any questions they can comment it over here now in the single blog post we also have this sidebar so if someone wants to search for any particular blog post or if they want to see the recent blog post newsletter or if they want to share this thing on different social media platforms they can do this thing as well then we'll see how to create a blog archive page which would look something like this now this is one of the styles there are many different styles that you can use this is just one of those styles then after that we'll also cover how to create a contact page so if someone wants to contact you you can create this contact page they can fill in this form and they can contact you and as i said earlier the main part of creating your blog post is linking your website with different google platforms like you know linking your website or integrating your website with google webmaster tool and those kind of things so we'll see all those things in detail in this video all right so this was a very short demo of the website that we'll be creating in this video now if you like this demo website and if you want to create this website if you want to learn everything related to blog make sure to watch the complete tutorial and before we proceed further also make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you don't miss any future notifications if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any sessions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below now let's start creating this website alright so now to create any kind of website whether it's an e-commerce website a membership website a simple business website or a blog any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account a domain name is simply the name or the url of your website for example all these things are different domain names so we also have to register domain name on the internet so that whenever someone wants to visit your website they can simply type in this domain name in the browser url bar and they can land on your website now the second and the most important thing is your website's hosting so hosting is basically a computer wherein your entire website is saved so if you see this entire website all these different blog posts all the different pages all the database in fact this complete website is saved in a computer and that computer is running 24 7 so that whenever someone wants to visit your website from any particular country at any given time they can always see your website live so your website is always up and running and hosting is the most important thing about your website because everything related to your website is directly or indirectly dependent on your hosting for example your website speed your website's performance the user experience on your website and even your ranking on google search results is totally dependent on your hosting so if you have selected a good and reliable hosting all these things will be in positive and obviously in contrast if you select a crappy cheap hosting everything will be in negative now if you see there are literally thousands of different hosting providers available in the market but unfortunately only handful of them are really good enough to consider but you don't have to worry about that you will see a link given in the video description below or you can do one thing you can simply type in this link fc and you will be redirected to this hosting fast comet hosting and this link is also given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now when you scroll down you'll see there are three different plans given with your fast cloud fast cloud plus and fast cloud extra now for most of you guys i would recommend you to start with the fast cloud plus plan and you can see all the features and everything related to that if you scroll down if you hover over this option all important features you see that we get with this plan we get free cpanel and softaculous app installer this thing will be very useful for installing wordpress on our website which is the software which is the cms that we'll be using for this blog then you also get free daily backups so your website will be backed up every single day so even if something happens to your website you have this backup you can easily restore your website we get free cloudflare cdn that will improve your website speed and that will also improve your website's security now we get free let's encrypt ssl certificate so if you see my demo website you'll see this lock pad is given over here when you click on this lock pad it says that this connection is secure so this is really important this tells your visitors that your website is 100 secure they can enter some details for example if there's if they're entering or if they're trying to contact you and if they try to you know enter or fill in that contact form they can easily do that they won't get any error now if your website does not have ssl certificate visitors cannot you know fill in those contact forms and to further more improve your website security you have the bit ninja server security included with this plan and we also get free website transfer and domain transfer so if you have a domain name registered on some other website like on godaddy or namecheap or some other website you can easily transfer your domain name from godaddy to namecheap in the next step i'll show you how to do that thing and even if you have a complete website hosted on some other hosting you can you know transfer that hosting or we can transfer that website from that hosting to fast comment so i'll show you again in the next step how to do this thing now with this plan with this fast cloud plus plan you can host multiple websites so today we are creating this blog tomorrow if you want to create another blog maybe on some other topic maybe on food blog or travel blog any other second or third blog you don't have to purchase this hosting again you can host all those blogs you can host all those websites in one single plan so this is really important you simply purchase this fast cloud plus plan once and after that for all your future websites you can host all of them in one single plan now with this plan we get 25 gbs of ssd space now first of all most of the hosting companies use the hdd space they use the hdd server to host your blogger to host your website but when your website is hosted on hdd server your website speed and performance is really really bad your website is very slow whenever someone clicks on any post whenever try to whenever your visitors or your readers try to open a post it takes a lot of time to load that complete post but here that does not happen because here at fast comet these guys are using the ssd plan and that to rate 10 configuration ssd plan if you hover over this option ssd storage you can see that these guys are using the rate and configuration of ssd storage so with this your website speed and performance is also great and your website data is also pretty much secure and you're getting 25 gb of ssd space which is more than enough for even 10 20 or 30 different blocks so you don't have to worry about that now there are many more features you can just scroll down and read more about them for example with this plan you get 4 cores of cpu 3gb of ram which is more if you compare this thing with some other hosting and some more things are given at the bottom you can just go ahead and select this plan so i would recommend you to simply select this plan and click on this get started button now you'll be redirected to this page and here you have to register a new domain so if you don't already have a domain name if you want to register new domain name you can type in that domain name over here for example if i want this domain name block 2021 i can type in this domain name i can select this option whatever domain name selection or whatever domain name extension you want for example dot net dot in we also have some unique domain name extensions like you can select this kind of domain name extension and once you select this thing click on use this domain now if you already have a domain name you can select this option i already have a domain name enter that domain name and click on use this domain or again if you want to register a new domain name type in that domain name over here and click on use this domain let me type in this domain name over here now once you click on use this domain you will be redirected to your third step here first of all you have to enter your account information and here you just have to enter your basic information like your first name last name your address phone number all these basic information now there are two things which are very important over hear your email address and master password so whatever email address and master password you enter make sure to remember this thing because this email address and master password becomes your login credential so whenever in future you want to log into your fast comment cpanel or your fast comment client area you'll have to enter this email address and master password so make sure you remember this thing now when you scroll down you'll see your product information here you can see the plan that you have selected so we have selected the fast cloud plus plan and your data center location will be given over here now this data center location will be automatically selected for you based on your location now because i am recording this video from mumbai for me mumbai data center location is selected if you're from anywhere from india for you mumbai data center location will be selected if you're from if you're watching this video from some or if you're creating your website from some european country some data center location in europe will be selected for you and similarly basically data center location which is nearest to you will be selected for you then after that end of period make sure it is 12 months so that you get the highest discount and after that when you scroll down you can have this domain privacy this will cost you four dollars per year but this will also protect your you know all your details all your personal information so that no one will be able to spam you now when you scroll down you have to enter your payment information so basically you have to enter your credit card debit card or your atm card number your card expiry date cvv number all all those basic details over here now four types of cards are accepted american express visa mastercard and discover so make sure you have any one of these now i'm telling you this thing because most of the people in india have the rupee card which is not accepted over here because that is a domestic card that is not accepted anywhere outside india so if you have a rupee card if you're from india go to your bank and ask them to upgrade your card to mastercard or visa or if you want you can also make payment through paypal so this option is also given to you now just scroll down at the bottom tick mark these two things and click on complete order now once you do that you have to now come to this website and here you have to enter that email address and master password that you have entered in your previous step and after that click on login now this is your client area your first comment client area first of all scroll down and you will see the support tickets option click on this option now in your previous step if you have selected if you if you want to you know if you want to migrate your website if you want to migrate your website or your domain name from other hosting to this hosting you can click on submit ticket and you can submit a ticket for that you can select this option website transfer you can enter all the details related to your hosting and after that they will transfer your website or they will transfer your domain name from your current hosting to fast comment once you do that you can again come back to this page and now you have to click on this cp button which will enable you to access your control panel again you will have to enter your master password and after that click on proceed now you will be redirected to your control panel and this is how your control panel looks like most of the control panels look very similar now the very first thing that you have to see over here is your primary domain name at the right hand side you will see your primary domain name is given make sure dv certificate is written or something like this is written besides your primary domain name and make sure you also have this lock pad besides your domain name now if you don't have this thing it simply means that your domain name does not have ssl certificate installed so you'll have to do this thing manually and to do this thing you have to click on this search bar and search for let's encrypt ssl if you just type in let's it will show you this option click on this option now from this list just select your domain name for example my domain name is so i can select this domain name and after that click on issue and now you can again click on this blue issue button and after that ssl will be successfully installed on this domain and once you do that now you can install wordpress on this particular domain so to do that again click on the search bar and search for subtaculus app installer you'll see this option click on this option and we have to install wordpress so select this wordpress app now click on this install button make sure first of all you have the latest version selected now under choose protocol make sure you have https selected s for secure make sure https is selected for you then you can choose your domain name on which you want to install wordpress and after that you will see this in directory box under this box or under this input you will see wp is already typed in for you make sure you delete this wp and make sure your in directory box is empty now after that you will see your site settings under your site settings you will see your site name and your site description you can change this thing you can give your website some unique name and after that you can also describe your website in few words okay so let me type in wordpress blog something like this so you can describe your website in few words now these two things can be changed later on as well so if you don't want to change them right now you can do it later as well then when you scroll down you have the admin account very important option your default username right now is admin and your default password is pass make sure to change this thing very important if you don't change this thing there are very high chances that your website might get hacked because the person who is trying to attack your website already knows the username and password whenever someone is trying to attack your website they try the username admin and password pass so make sure to change this thing hide this thing and change your password then after that also make sure to delete this email and type in your own personal email address once you do this thing go ahead at the bottom and click on this install button after that wordpress will start installing on your domain name this is a very short process hardly takes around 10 to 15 seconds so as you can see it is already done now once it is done you will get two links now the first link is just your website link so if you open this in a new tab this is how your website or this is how your blog is looking right now now the second link is a very important link it is the link of your dashboard so if you open this in a new tab now this is how this page will look like now this page your dashboard page is the most important page of your website because you will be controlling your website from this page so if you want to do some changes on your website for example if you want to change the style and appearance of your website you'll be doing that from here if you want to create a new blog post or if you want to edit your existing blog post whatever you want to do if you want to you know reply to your comments and all everything will be done from this page and whenever you want to come to your dashboard always type in this thing type in your website link and after that type in wp hyphen admin you will land on this page so basically your website name forward slash wp hyphen admin now whenever we install wordpress on a new domain name there are few basic things that we have to understand and there are few basic settings that we have to do so let's first do that now first of all this is your dashboard and on your dashboard you will see these widgets are given to you these are not really important or useful ones so if you want you can just get rid of them for example to do this thing click on screen options and untick all these options from here okay just like this and now we have a clean dashboard at the left hand side you have another option which is your post option if you click on that option here you'll see from this particular option from this post option we'll be creating different blog posts one blog post is already created for you hello world later on we'll see how to delete this thing and how to create a new blog post then you have the second option which is your media option so whatever images and whatever media files you see all these media files all these featured images and all your logo and everything all these media files will be present from will be present over here so if you want to manage them or if you want to upload a new media file you can do it from here then your next option is your pages option which obviously will be used to create different pages like your blog page your homepage your contact page all those pages will be created from here then you have the comments option now in the comments option you will see all the comments that are posted on your website if you want you can approve unapprove them if you know reply you can reply them from here you can delete them or you can mark them spam as well then you have a very important option which is your appearance option under this option you will see a few themes will be automatically installed for you and one theme is automatically activated for you which is this theme 2021 theme in this case so if you see your website your website is looking like this right now and that is because of this theme now if you do one thing if you just activate some other theme okay so let's do one thing let's activate this 2019 theme and if you again come back to your website and refresh it you'll see your website is now looking completely different so this is basically what a theme does a theme changes the style and appearance of your wordpress website now make sure you always have only one theme installed and activated so all these extra themes we can simply delete them so you can select this thing and you can delete them then after that we have the plugins option click on that by default you will see few plugins are installed for you if you want you can simply delete them because we don't need these plugins and basically what is a plug-in a plug-in is kind of a software or an add-on that will add some extra features and functionalities to your wordpress website for example i've shown you how we can create these kind of pop-ups by default we don't have any functionality that will help us to create these pop-ups so to create this pop-up we'll be using another plugin similarly to do seo we'll have to use another plugin so these plugins add these functionalities and features to your wordpress website now at the left hand side you'll see the settings option click on settings you'll see a journal setting and from here you can change your website name and your website description so as i said earlier you can always change your title and your description from here then if you want to enable login you can enable this option anyone can register and you can change your time zone so i would recommend you to change this according to your country so my country i'm from india in our country we follow the calcutta time zone so i'll type in this or i'll select this time zone and click on save changes now under settings you will see permalinks click on that and if any of these permalinks is selected for you select this permalink structure post name this is the most seo friendly permalink structure so make sure you select post name purling structure and click on save changes now once you do this thing again you can come back to your dashboard and with this we have completed all the basic settings related to our website i guess now let's do one thing let's install a new theme because right now if you see this is how your website is looking it is very boring very plain we want to create a beautiful website like this one and for this we'll need a new theme and with that we'll also need some plugins so for example we need a plugin for seo we need a plugin for pop-up builder we need another plug-in for google adsense and so on so let's see how we can install these free themes and plugins so first of all to install a new theme you'll have to click on appearance from the left hand side and from here click on this add new button now you can search for this theme so the name of this theme is ocean wp this is the theme that we need simply install this theme now this is the best free theme available in the market so this is the one that we are using after the theme is installed you can now click on this activate button now once you activate this theme as i said you all you should always have only one theme installed and activated so we can now also delete this 2019 theme from here now this theme recommends few plugins we don't need them we you can just click on dismiss this notice because many times themes will give you some you know promotional plugins that you don't really need now you should always do one thing you should first of all enable auto updates so your theme is you know your theme gets updated automatically you don't have to manually do that every time now let's install plugins now the very first plugin that we need is elementor page builder that plugin will help you to design your website for example all these different pages home page blog page all these pages are designed using that free page builder so to get this page builder you'll have to open a new tab and type in elementor and again this link is also given in the video description below so you don't have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now if you see these pricings and all don't worry about that this is an absolutely free theme but it is also available in premium version so with the premium version you get obviously many more features because you're paying some more money you get theme builder pop-up builder form builder woocommerce builder so it is very much advanced but for this video even if you use the free version that is more than enough so to download the free version you will see this button over here at the top right corner get started button click on that button and they will ask you some questions this is just a simple survey i don't want to fill in this thing so i can simply skip this thing again you'll see at the top right corner skip i'll skip this thing again i'll skip this thing as well and now this will ask you whether you already have a website or not so you should select this option yes i already have a wordpress website now click on continue then the next step they will again recommend you which version do you want now i would recommend you if you have some money some extra money i would highly recommend you to start or i would highly recommend you to you know try the essential version which is pretty inexpensive 49 but you get a lot of features but obviously as i said earlier for this website you can use the free version as well so click on this options install free now you need to enter your website link over here so you can simply copy your website link paste it over here and click on check for wordpress now you'll have to click on this button install elementor now you'll be redirected to this page and here at the bottom right corner you'll see this install now button click on that button and this plugin will be installed for you now once this plugin is installed if you want you can just activate this plugin right away so you can just click on this activate plugin button and this plugin will also be activated you will see these notices and all i would recommend you to skip this thing again click on plugins from the left hand side now click on add new now we need some more plugins for our website so you can search for those plugins over here now the very first plugin that we need is ocean extra so if you search for ocean extra just type in ocean extra over here this is the plugin that we need ocean extra by ocean wp install this plugin now i would recommend you to not activate any one of those plugins that i'm installing right now after we install all the required plugins we can activate them all at once now after this plugin let's search for another plugin which is called contact form 7. now if you just search for contact you will see this option contact form 7 by this person and after that we need another plugin which is mcmc for wp so if you just type in mc4 wp which stands for mailchimp for wordpress you'll see this plugin install now this plugin so this will help you to connect mailchimp with your website and you can do email marketing with that now you can install the next plugin which is yoast seo now as the title suggests this plugin is useful for doing seo on your website so this is the plugin used seo by team yoast once it is installed another plugin is smash now this is also very important plugin smash lazy load images optimize and compress images so what happens is many times you upload a big image so this will compress this image and if it will make your website more faster okay so it will reduce the file size of those images and it will make your website faster so you can install this plugin as well i'm not doing this right now so you can install this plugin as well now after this we need another plugin which is called hustle page builder or hustle pop-up builder you can just search for hustle you will see this plugin hustle email marketing lead generation opt-ins and pop-ups by wp mu dev obviously this will be helpful for lead generation creating pop-ups and doing email marketing we'll see how to install and how to actually use this plugin later on in this video and finally the next plugin is sitekit by google so if you just search for site kit you will see this plugin install this one sidekick by google and it should be by google you can see this option at the bottom now the last plugin that we need is called live mesh add-ons for elementor so if you just search for live mesh you'll see that will be the first result as you can see live mesh add-ons for elementor now once you install all these plugins you can now click on install plugins so you can just click on plugins and you'll see all your plugins are installed now we can activate all of them at once so you can simply tick mark this option and this will select everything from here now under bulk action select activate and click on apply all these plugins will be successfully activated for you now once you activate these plugins you'll get many different notices i would recommend you to dismiss these notices click on this option you can skip this setup then after that you can dismiss this notice as well you can click on this link but you can skip this thing so these notices were because of those different plugins that we have just activated and again this will give you some options like this i don't want these options i'll untick this i i want to keep this one yoast seo post overview and site health not site health we want another one okay just for now we can just have this one yoast seo post overview so this will show you uh how your posts are you know ranked in terms of seo okay now because we have installed all the required theme and plugins now we can do one thing we can start setting them up now the very first thing or the most important plugin according to me for any blog is seo plugin so you'll see this seo plugin over here you'll see this seo option over here used or it will be written seo just click on that option now you'll see this configuration wizard over here this link click on this configuration wizard you'll see this pop-up and you can now you know set this plugin for your website now the very first thing that you have to select is whether your website is live or still under construction i'm selecting the first option my website is live and ready to be indexed so ready to be indexed on google search results so you can select this option and click on next in the next step you have to select the type of website so if you're creating a blog you can select blog if you're creating an e-commerce website you can select online shop and so on we are creating a blog so we'll select the first option of blog and click on next now we have to select whether it's an organization or a person so if it if it is an organization you can select organization you can type the name of the organization so maybe i'll type in blog dude and after that you can choose your logo so you can upload your logo from here let me do that i want to upload my logo from here and after that you can click on choose an image you can now enter your facebook page url your twitter username instagram url linkedin url all these different social media platforms links i'll simply just you know type in hash over here hashtag okay for all my different links after that again i'll click on next now in this step we have to search or we have to select search engine visibility so search engine should show post in search results you should be selecting yes for all this option and again you can click on next now if you have multiple authors on your website you can select yes or if you don't have them you can select no and after that you can click on next again and your website name whatever your website name is so my website name is block 2021 and title separator is this thing you can select this option and click on next again and finally once this is completed again click on next and now you can click on close this wizard so your setup is now completed you can again go to this features tab and you can make sure that all these things are on except for user or usage tracking now if you come back to this option webmaster tools now here we have to confirm and we have to verify our webmaster tool so to make sure that our website is getting indexed on google we have to verify google to make sure that your website is getting indexed on baidu you have to you know verify that thing so the very first thing that we have or the most important thing is this google verification code so if you open this link in a new tab google search console open this in a new tab you will see this option make sure first of all your your link or your account is selected your proper gmail account is selected and after that you can select this option html tag you will get this stack copy this tag from here come back to this page and paste it under google verification code and click on save changes now once you click on save changes you can now come back to this page and click on verify it will verify your website now here as you can see it says great job this website is now verified so this is completed now we can cut this thing okay so with this the basic setup of yoast seo is now 100 completed now let's see how we can write a post and simultaneously how we can make it seo friendly so to write a new post or to write a new blog post you can click on post from the left hand side by default you will see this hello world you can delete this from here and to create a new one you will click on add new now if you see this demo website in the demo website i have written this blog post wordpress 5.6 is here what you need to know so i want to do one thing i want to create this exact same blog post so this is the title i'll explain you how you do all these different things how you use these images and all and after that i don't know what text or what type of things that you should be using what elements you should be using how to use inbound and outbound links all these things will learn with this post so first of all when once you open this thing you have to enter a title for the post and this will be your post title so i'll copy it paste it over here i'm copying and pasting it just to save some time obviously you'll have to type in your own title and all now you'll see this option first let me know minimize this wp settings this is not really important or useful for blog post now you'll see at the bottom used seo now this will show you all your results it will show you the readability score your seo score it will show you that thing and it will also show you a preview so whenever someone is searching for that you this is how your website link or your website preview will look like so your website title will be this title and after that once we enter any description and all all those things will be written over here and if you click on seo analysis this will tell you that you should be doing these things so whatever things are present over here we'll see how to fix them because these are all the different problems if you see here it is written problem so these are problems we'll see how to fix these problems now the very first thing that you should be doing is you should select a search keyword or a focus keyphrase so in this example i want to set this as my focus key phrase or my search keyword so i can type in this thing over here now basically what this thing does is whenever someone searches for wordpress 5.6 this will rank this post will rank higher because we have selected this or this keyword as our focus keyword now let's start creating this post so we have entered our title we have entered our focus keyphrase and after that now we can start creating this post so very first thing that we should be doing in any post is type or is right introduction so this is my introduction i'll copy this thing and i'll just paste it over here or you can just type it over here and if you want this style if you want this drop cap style which you know becomes or which makes your first letter capital or very big you can select this option you can first of all select this and at the right hand side make sure block option is selected if you have post option selected just select this block option and make this thing on drop cap and now as you can see your t will be capital or whatever the first letter is that will become like this so if you want this style not really nothing related to seo and all but if you want this thing you can have it now once you have typed in your introduction after that you can now proceed with your post so you can divide your blog post in different sections and you can do that using these these type of headlines or these type of headings so this is one heading and after that we have some text another heading we have some text and so on and so forth and you'll see i've used this keyword again in my heading so this is also very useful for seo so again you can see we have used images we have used links we have used so many things you have you'll see inward links you have you'll see outward links all those different type of things now the very first thing that we need to do is we need to make sure we use a lot of or a decent number of headlines or headings so i'll copy this heading come over here now to enter a new heading you have to click on this plus button and you have to search for heading which is this option select this option and you can type in or you can just paste in your heading and make sure that h2 is selected i would not recommend you to select h1 for this just make sure h2 is selected now if you want to do some styling of this setting you can again see at the right hand side you will see this blog option you can change the font size you can if you can if you want you can even give it a custom font size if you want to change the font color you can do that thing as well like this or if you want you can just leave it as it is default color i would recommend you not to do these things like this we'll see how to do these styling at the end of the video right now you should be more focused on creating your blog post and making it more seo friendly now again if you scroll down at the bottom you'll see we have got few things right till now so we have a key phrase and that key phrase is present in the introduction so if you see we have selected this option wordpress 5.6 as our focus keyword and this keyword is present in our introduction you'll see this option over here wordpress 5.6 is typed in over here so this keyword is also present in our introduction so we got that thing right another thing that we got right is key phrase length okay it's neither big nor small so it is perfect if you want to learn more about uh these things like what should be the length of the keyphrase and all you can click on this link you will be redirected to yours website and you can learn about these things over here okay so what should be the length of your keyword and keyphrase and so on so this this thing is really important i would recommend you in fact i would highly recommend you to click on these different links and you can learn more about seo and all another thing that we got right is that we have not used this key key phrase or keyword earlier so this is the first time that we are using this focus keyword then after that we have some more things that we got right is that we have the focus keyword in the title and the seo title which is also good so everything is looking good till now we have some problems uh here we we need to enter outbound links and internal links after that we need to enter our meta description and so on but we'll solve them step by step you don't have to worry about that i would recommend you to focus more on your post uh more more on the quality of your post and after that you can do the seo later on now let's do one more thing let's uh copy these things out let me show you how you can create these kind of options or how you can create this kind of list first i'll just copy this simple text paste it over here at the bottom and after that once you if you want to create a list you can select this option click on this plus button now from here you can select this list option so select list and you can keep on typing your options so the first option is wordpress database i'll paste it over here second option is wordpress files okay third on option or third list is this list after that we have the fourth option okay so this is how you can create different list very easy you just have to enter these details like this so you can use this list element to create list you can use the heading element to create heading and paragraph is simple the default option is paragraph option now after that again we have some paragraphs so i can copy this thing at the bottom okay now here if you see we have this link okay backup buddy now if i click on this link you will see this link is outbound link which means that this link is going outside of your website whenever someone clicks on this link backup buddy they will be redirected to some other website and you can see the website is so this is the link uh right now we have not given any styling to this link but i'll show you how we can do some styling to this link so that people can see that this is a link so if you have any link on your website i would recommend you to do one thing or select it like this first let me do one thing let me remove this link so that i can show you how you can enter your own link so i'll delete this link from here or you can do one thing you can simply untick this option unlink you will see this icon click on that icon and the link is now gone now if you want to link any word with any page or any internal page or external page you can do one thing you can select it like this you can highlight it like this after that you can click on this link icon and you can enter the link so this one i want this to be in outbound link so i can do one thing i can redirect this to maybe so i'll type in the link okay and if you want this link to be opened in a new tab you can type in this thing so whenever someone clicks on this thing for example if i click on backup buddy as you can see this is opened in new tab so you can open this in new tab okay once it is done you can click on the submit button and this link will be added now whenever you are adding a link you should give some you should change the color of this text so that people know that this is a link so you can do one thing you can again select it like this and from the right hand side you can go to color setting and you can change the color so if you want orange color or some other color you can select that option okay let me control see this thing because that is changing the entire color so i just want to change the color of this text or this much word of this word so to do this thing we can click on this drop down and we can select this option text color and from here you can now change the text color and now if you see this is the text color of this option again you can select this option and you can change it to some other color i would recommend to use some darker color like this orange color or red color something like that so i'm selecting this orange color now if i just publish this post right now you should not be doing that until and unless you complete the post but i'm just publishing it just to show you how it is looking right now now if i open this in a new tab if i scroll down you can see that this is underlined and this color is also changed so person knows that this is a link if i click on this thing it opens in a new tab so this is your outbound link if you again scroll down at the bottom you should see one thing is also good result for you you have a new outbound link on your website similarly we can also have internal links on our website i'll show you how to do that thing now the reason i'm copying and pasting everything from this blog post is because i have created this blog post in fact i have not created someone else's created this blog post and this is a perfect blog post especially for this keyword so that is the reason why i'm able to show you everything and i'm able to explain you some things related to seo now let's copy our next section or next title so this is your title again you'll copy this thing we'll click on this plus button and we'll add another heading so click on heading and paste in this heading make sure again it is h2 okay h2 heading h2 and if you see here i have used i have used this focus keyword again in the title wordpress 5.6 then after that we have some more link or we have some more text i'll just copy this text like this and i'll paste it over here first let's click on this plus button and let's add a simple paragraph and paste in this text over here then after that if you see we have this option we have this email newsletter form but we have not yet created one so later on in this video i'll show you how you can create one and how you can enter this thing wherever you want to enter then we have another option again you will see heading and in this heading again i've used this focus keyword so this is pretty useful so i'll do one thing in fact i'll just copy this much paste it over here just to save some time so you have this thing you can see we have used this list we have used this heading and all and this is again another heading now we can do one thing we can proceed further and we can see how we can enter these kind of images now to enter a new image you will have to do one thing you'll have to click on this plus button again search for image if you don't see that option you can just type in that option and you will see this image option click on this option and you can upload a new image now there is a link given in the video description below if you click on that link you will be redirected to my website and for every single tutorial that i create i always create these kind of you know blog post and in this you will be redirected to a similar blog post and you will see at the bottom this link download free images once you click on that link you will see you will download a zip file let me show you this thing you will download a zip file and if you open or if you extract that zip file you'll see all these images will be given to you so these images are given to you for free so that you can use them on your website now i want to upload uh image one of those images so let's see this is the image i'll select this thing click on open now let me tell you some things related to image seo so image seo is a different thing what we are doing right now is just blog post seo for image seo you should be doing some extra things first let me just do one thing let me see whether we can do it from here so first of all let's see the basic things now whenever you're using any image on your website you should always give it some title and you should always give some alt text all these things are present over here the right hand side under image block you'll see you can give some alt text now all text is alternative text so what happens is sometimes if this image is broken if this image does not load properly this is the text that will display instead of this image so this text should be this alt text or alternate text should be what is this image all about okay so you can type in something like this so i'll just type in wordpress 5.6 new post feature okay now under title attribute again i would recommend you to type something like this similar to this title so what you want this title of this image should be again very important thing and under caption you should write what is this image about now these two things that we have entered alternate image this text will be this text will be visible to your viewer or to your visitor once the image is broken if the image is not broken they won't see this text then the second text is this title attribute this type this text will not be visible to your visitor whether the image is broken or not this text will be visible to google so they will see what is the title of this particular image and i would recommend you to do one more thing when if you see this image that you have uploaded you should always change the file name of this image okay so this is the file name of this images patterns drop down in wordpress if you want you can type in something else so basically the title is that what is this image all about so this is patterns drop down in wordpress now caption is what the user will see so user will see what this image is all about so again i'll type in pattern drop down in wordpress so again just to summarize this thing caption will be visible visible to your visitor all text will be visible once this image is broken and title this this title that you see over here under advanced title attribute this will be visible to google okay now again you can update this post if you open this in a new tab let's see this is how it is looking right now your image is present all these things are present now we have not yet changed the style of this text we have not yet changed the color of the text we'll see how to do that thing at the end of the video now again come back to this page and again if you scroll down let's see we have given image alt attribute so that is again another plus point or another good result that we have seen now we we we just have few more improvements that we can make in our website internal links and meta description length again just go at the top and you can just keep on writing this pose just like this all the other things are pretty much same let me just copy and paste this final two paragraphs i'll select this option i'll select this paragraph text and paste in this thing now this is the title this is the conclusion so you should always conclude your blog post so you should always have this conclusion in a paragraph at the end now this link this is internal link again let me do one thing let me just remove this link and let me show you how you can add internal links so i'll first of all select this option click on this link option now internal link is linked to some different page of your own website so this is my website and i could have many different blog posts many different pages so what i do is i add this link and when the user clicks on this link they will be redirected to some other blog post or other page on the same website so we are not redirecting the user to some other website we are not redirecting the user outside of our website this is internal link so maybe i'll link them with the blog page okay we have not yet created the blog page but i'll add this link your website name slash blog i'll add this link and i don't want this to open in a new tab i'll just click on this submit button and this link is added this is your internal link and again as i said earlier whenever you're adding any link it is highly recommended to select this thing and change the text color to some other color and again if you scroll down now you have most of the things right if you see you also have this internal link right for you now we just have key phrase in slug and meta description length left so let's see this slug first so this is if you click on this title this title and you will see your slug at the right hand side uh here it is under permalink now here as you can see this keyword is present here as well your url slug so if you see this link if you open this blog post this thing this link is this slug okay your website name slash whatever the slug is so this slug will be your title of your post but instead of all this thing instead of this space bar and all these extra things like this full stop this colon you'll see this hyphen this dash used over here so that is hyphen so we do have the keyword but because of that hyphen it is not detecting that but that is not a problem small problem now let's finally fix this meta description length so as i have explained you earlier this is how this is the preview of your post so we have the slug over here we have the title which is given over here there is a formula for the title and we have to also enter some description so let me do one thing let me copy some text for the description maybe till here and paste it under meta description okay let's reduce the size all right guys so i have reduced this size of the meta description and if you want you can type in some custom data over here so you just don't don't need to copy things from your blog post you can type in some custom text over here as well now if you see this blog post if you see the preview this is how the preview will look like this is the mobile result and this is the desktop result in desktop whenever someone is searching for this keyword wordpress 5.6 if your website or if your link is ranked on the top page or any other page this is how the link will look like we have this is your title this is the slug and after that this is the meta description which will be displayed at the bottom and if you see the mobile result same thing now you have most of the things right and you can see your seo analysis is this green which is very good and we are not focusing on readability how to how to you know improve this thing because that will that will need another you know dedicated tutorial for seo so we are this is not a dedicated tutorial for seo this is more of a blog tutorial but we are also covering seo so let's not get into know more detail about this thing if you want to learn more about seo you can go to youtube and search for nia shake seo tutorial i have some dedicated seo tutorials as well you can watch them so for now most of the basic things are completed if you click on this blog post or if you click on this post tab from the right hand side there are few things left we have not given it any category this is under uncategorized right now so you should always categorize your blog so this is uh this is about wordpress so i'll give it a new category of wordpress click on add new category i'll untick uncategorized and make sure that wordpress is tick mark if you want you can give it a featured image in fact you should give it a featured image and this featured image will be this thing this image which is displayed at top and again as i said earlier these images are given to you for free if you see there is a link given in the video description below click on that link you will be redirected to my website and you can download them for free now let me just upload this featured image so click on upload files and let's see this is the image i'll select this thing click on open click on set featured image you can also give some tags so this is talking about wordpress so i'll this this could be a tag and we are talking about backup buddy or maybe backing up your website so backup could be a tag and let's see all right so whatever you're talking about or whatever whatever things are included in this blog post those can be your tags and rest everything looks perfectly fine and with this you can now just update this page and you have successfully created your first blog post now similarly you can go ahead and create as many blog posts as you want now if you go to your website and if you refresh it if you see the home page right now this is how it is looking and if you open your single blog post this is how it is looking obviously we'll go ahead and change the design later on in this video and if you see at the top of your blog post we have this nice green signal which see which means that the seo score of this blog post is good okay so till now we have seen how to create a blog post using this default gutenberg builders this was gutenberg now let's see how we can use or how we can create a blog post using elementor i think many of you guys might be interested in elementor because it has many more advantages over gutenberg so to create a new blog post with elementor you just use this option you just click on this button edit with elementor so you just the basic things are clear you just enter a title and after that you select a category you give it a featured image and tag and after that you don't use this option so we have created all we have used all this list we have used heading and all you don't do that thing you simply click on edit with elementor now once you do that thing you will see this uh you will see this page now this is the one that we have created using the default gutenberg now if you want to do the same thing uh using elementor let me very quickly show you how you can do that so if you want to create or if you want to start creating your blog post obviously first of all you create or you add a new you know column or a new row so you click on this plus button and if you want to add a single column you select this option if you want to add multiple columns you can select this option i just want a single column and a single row so i'll select this option now suppose if i wanted to add this this thing okay this simple uh introduction so i'll copy this text come over here now to enter simple paragraph we use this text editor so i would drag and drop this option and i would paste in my text to here okay now we have not yet styled this thing again i'm saying saying you can do this styling later on right now you can just keep it as it is if you want you can do one thing you can set a default text color default font family and all so you can click on this gear icon at the bottom left corner and you can select this style option okay it is not under that option i guess you can click on this option three uh this hamburger icon you can see this option user preferences site settings so click on site settings and here you have global colors global fonts typography and all you can select this option from here so you can select typography and you can select your default typography from here so for default typography we want this thing to be popping so you can select this thing and change this font family to pop-ins so click on this font family and set pop-ins you will see this thing is now changed so you can see these things i'm i'm just showing you that you can do it i will just reset this thing and i'll cancel this thing and again i'm saying don't worry about the designing will fix that thing at the end of the video so we have seen how to use a simple text now if you want to use heading like this one you can copy this text and in the text if you want to use this drop cap you can click on this text and you can enable drop cap you can make it on and you have this styling over here now to use the heading you simply drag and drop this setting at the bottom type in whatever your heading is you can change this thing if you want to change the color and all you can go to style you can change the text color and all from here i'm not doing this thing right now as i said earlier we'll see this styling at the end of the video then after that we have the same things we have the list and also this list and all can be created using the same thing using text editor so you can simply drag and drop this text editor and you can paste in the text and as you can see the list is already present for you just like this okay now if you want to upload an image you can again come back to first of all if you see uh to come back to your elements you'll see this nine dots icon you can click on this icon and you can now upload your image so you can drag and drop this image element you can upload any image select this thing click on insert media this is now uploaded as you can see now if you want to upload multiple images in the same column for example if you want to upload two images side by side you can use this option in a section drag and drop it over here now you'll upload this image in the left one maybe let me bring this thing in the right option okay like this and i can do the same thing i'll paste it to here so as you can see just like this you can have two images side by side if you want you can add one more column and all now regarding this element when we start creating our home page we'll see we'll see and we'll learn in more detail how to use elementor how to do you know basic and advanced designing using elementor then after that let's see what we have next now let me show you links how you can add links so i'll just copy this thing at the bottom paste in this option okay so we have this option over here now let me show you how we can add some links so this is even more simpler at the left hand side we are using text editor now if you want to add any link for example if i want to link this text with internal link so i can select this thing and you will see this insert link option click on that and you can enter your website link so maybe i just want to redirect them to my home page okay and i after that click on apply this link is added similarly for external link you can select anything like this and you can now again select this option insert link and let's type in some external link and after that again click on apply and as i said earlier to change the styling you can see the styling is not changed at the right hand side so to change the styling you can simply select this option and you can make it bolder or if you want to change the text color you can click on this option toggle toolbar and here as you can see we have the text color you can now change this thing to red or to other color now as you can see this is red and this is bold so you can do these things like this and after that once you once you're done with this post you can click on this update and this post will be updated so this is how this thing is created now with elementor you can do one more thing if you see my demo website here i've created this nice newsletter form at the bottom of every single post so you can create a beautiful post like this one and to create it let me show you how we can do that for first of all we'll add a new section so we'll click on this plus button and we'll add three different columns okay so i'll select this three columns now here because as you can see we have this image in one column this text in another column and this button in the third column now i want to change the width of all these columns so i want to make this image and button with smaller but this width will be bigger so to change this thing you can click on this option you can click on this if you follow my mouse cursor you can click on this option now under column width you can type in 25 percentage for the second column click on this option and make it 50 percentage and third column will automatically become 25 percentage now in the left column we want this image so i've given you this image so first of all you can just drag and drop this image element you can upload this image so let me select here or choose this image so this is the one i'll select this click on open and after that click on insert media now at the in the middle column we want to add this heading and the title of this heading will be this i'll copy this title paste it over here this is my heading now we can style this thing for the post we can style that later on but this thing we have to style it right now so i'll have to go to style change the text color to maybe this color 2b 2b 2b this will give you this dark color or this black color and we can also change the typography so i'll click on this option by default the font families roboto i want to change this thing to poppins okay and i also want to add some line height so under line height i'll type in maybe 1.3 or 1.2 this will add some space as you can see between these lines if you want you can also increase or decrease the size of this thing so i want to make it maybe 20 pixels if you want as you can see you can increase or decrease the size of this thing as well i want to keep it at 20 pixels now at the bottom we have this simple text copy the text and to add the simple text we'll use this text editor so i'll drag and drop this thing over here paste in my text and again to change the styling go to style and change the text color to 666 this will give you this gray color and after that again for this also i want my typography to be poppins so we'll select pop-ins and if you want to do some more changes obviously you can do that if you want to increase or decrease the size of this thing you can do it easily maybe let me do one thing let's also increase some line height make it 2 em and finally at the right hand side we want to use the button so again click on this nine dots icon to come back to your elements page and drag and drop this button element at the right hand side now the button text says subscribe now so i'll type in subscribe now over here you can add the link you can just keep a hashtag over here later on in this video i'll show you after we create this thing we'll see how to link this button so whenever someone clicks on this button they can see this pop-up so we'll see after we create this section now go to style let's first change the typography so again as i said earlier we want to make it pop-ins so i'll change this thing to pop-ins let's also change the size of this text i'll make it 16 pixels if you want you can also change the width 500 600 if you want to make it bolder you can increase or decrease this thing i also want to do one thing i want to make sure that everything is upper case so under transform you can select uppercase now as you can see everything is this uppercase capital letter now for the padding if you see this option let's let's first change the text color so text color should be white so you can type in fff this will give you this white color and background color i want okay for now i want d i want transparent background color okay and text color actually we don't want white we want this color as our text color this dark blue color so we can again come back to this page and change the text color to this dark blue color and the code for this one is 0 0 4 c 6 c now background color i want transparent background color so you can do one thing you can see first option is to change the color like this and the second option is to change the transparency so make it or bring it at extreme left it will become transparent now we want border so under border style select solid now border width you can select two pixels and now let's see this is how it looks like now we can change the padding you will see this padding option over here first dealing this thing so click on this icon and it will delink it and now you can add your custom padding so i want to add padding of maybe 10 pixels from left and right or 10 pixels from top and bottom and 15 from left and right okay like this now let's add the hover effect if you hover over this button nothing happens but if you see this button this is the default style and if i hover over this button this style changes now the background color becomes this blue color and the text color becomes this you know white color so let's change this thing so you'll see this hover effect click on that under text color select white under background color paste in this color code and for border color also you can have this color let's first see how it is looking okay this is how it is looking let me hide this thing okay let's give this color as well border color paste in this color let's see again okay now it is looking much better so this is how this is created now we can update this page and let's finally do this row setting now i can click on this option this six dots icon if you click on this or if you heard this you get this option edit section so click on that edit section button now first of all let's align everything so let's make everything middle so you'll see this vertical align make it middle now as you can see everything is nice properly aligned now go to style let's change the background color so under background color you can type in this color or if you want you can type in any color obviously i'll type in ebef6 okay this will give you this color now i also want to add this border radius of maybe 10 or 15 pixels if you see this thing if you see the corners are a little bit rounded that is because of this border radius if you increase this thing if you type in maybe 50 you will see it will become more rounded like this one i just want to keep it very subtle so i'll type in maybe 10. now let's add padding from all sides so i'll go to advanced and under padding i don't want to deal in this thing i'll just type in 15 and it will add 15 pixels padding from all sides and if you see this is how it is looking right now and later on in this video in fact just after this after we create this thing we'll see how we can do this thing that whenever someone clicks on this button that pop-up appears for now we can just click on update now let's see how this is this pop-up or how this newsletter thing is looking in mobile phone so if you see this option at the bottom left corner responsive mode click on this and select mobile icon and this is how it is looking on mobile phone not bad but if you want you can do few changes if you want you can select this option and i always prefer everything center aligned in mobile phone this button also okay so this is looking a little bit better okay so this is how it is looking now you can update this page again come back to your desktop version now with the free version of elementor you'll have to do one thing you'll have to right click on this and you have to save this as a template so you can name it anything i'll name it maybe pop-up section or newsletter section now click on save now once you save this thing next time whenever you want to use this thing you can simply insert this section let me show you how you can do that so this is one post when you're creating another post in future you can click on post click on add new suppose this is my post number two okay so i'll just give it a title of post two just to show you how it is done i'll publish this post click on edit with elementor all these steps will be same but whenever you want to go at the bottom and if you want to add this thing you'll simply click on this thing at the bottom click on this add template go to my templates and we have just saved this template so you can click on insert not preview click on insert yes and as you can see this thing is added in the bottom and you can add anything at top any content or any anything so whenever you're creating a new post you should always remember to do this thing now if you're using the you know pro version of elementor obviously you don't have to do this thing you can set up pre you can have a preset style or preset layout of your blog post let me show you a demo so my website here i'm using the pro version of elementor so here when you're using the pro version under templates you'll see theme builder and here you can have custom header you can style your header as ever or however you want you can have a custom footer have created a custom footer single post single product and everything so single blog post you can select this thing click on add new single post give it any title i'll give it a title of demo click on create template now when you click on create template there are many different uh pre-built templates or layouts that you can just import from so as you can see these are all the templates so this is one of the designs of this option let me actually select a better design or maybe this looks good let's see all are good let me select a simple one okay let me select this option i'll select this and click on insert now as you can see this when you select insert this is how your blog post will look like so this becomes your default setup so every time you don't have to create this newsletter it will automatically be present for you when you create your next section similarly you can create you know similar section you can create this section at the bottom so you don't have to do everything manually every time you create a new post this will be automatically done for you obviously i don't want to get into more detail with this i just wanted to show you if you want to automate this process you can use the free version or you can use the premium version or the pro version of elementor maybe we'll create another tutorial on premium version of elementor the benefits of that and how to use how to create single post and so on now previously i was talking about making your images and media files you know seo friendly so if you click on media you should always make sure that whatever image you're selecting for example if you select this image make sure to always give alternative text title caption description to every image if you see another image this is the image always make sure to give alternate text caption description for your images so you can go ahead select this image type in caption type in description alternate text very useful all right guys so with this everything related to blog post is now 100 completed now let's see how we can create different type of popups how we can integrate them on our website and how we can have this setting that whenever someone clicks on a button they'll see this pop-up there are many different things many different styles many different settings but let's see how we can have this setting and how we can create different types of pop-ups all right so to do this thing again you have to come back to your dashboard and here you will see this option at the bottom left hustle click on this option now when you click on this option for the first time you will see this setup wizard you have to click on this get started button now whatever you want to create you want to create pop-up slide in embed social share you can select this option we want to create a simple pop-up so we'll select this option and click on create now let's give it any name or let's give it any title so i'll give it a title of maybe seo newsletter then after that you can select whether you want to create email opt-in or informational so in this case i want to create an email opt-in so i want to collect more and more emails so i'll select this thing and click on choose template now in this step they will ask you to select any template of your choice so maybe i want to select this template and if you want you can always preview any template for example if you want to select this template you can click on preview and this will show you how this will look on your website so this is how this one looks like if you want this thing you can get this one now i'll close this thing let me select a simple one so maybe i want to select this one so i'll select this and click on choose template now from here we can change the title we can change the image the main content and everything again you can click on preview to see the title so this is your title this is your main content and this is the featured image at the left hand side you can just replace your things with this one so maybe instead of this title i want to give it a title of free seo newsletter or free as your tips okay that sounds much better if you want you can also give it a subtitle and if you want to replace this image with some other image you can just upload that image maybe let's select this one or maybe this one is very small let's upload some other image all right so let me just select this image and after that i'll click on open and then we'll click on use this image now instead of this content if you want to type in your own content you can simply relate this thing and type in your own content or your own message after that you can again go at the bottom and click on emails so in the next step we have to select this option so we have this option emails option now whenever someone enters the email for example whenever someone enters their email and after that they click on update what should happen so by default this thing is selected they will see a success message that thank you for subscribing will keep you updated on our availability you cannot even do one thing you can redirect them to some other page so i think this is a much better option redirect option and let me show you how we can use it so let's create let's open pages in a new tab and let's create a new page click on add new let's give it a title of thank you okay i want to keep it hundred percent full width on the content layout make it hundred percent full width and i don't want the title section so select title and make it disabled and also i don't want this padding so make this thing disabled as well now publish this page now you can use elementor to create this page click on edit with elementor i'm just showing you how we can do this thing or how we can use this thing now you can create your own thank you design i just want to import a simple design if there is any thank you design let me search for that maybe not let's see at the bottom okay so i want to do one thing i want to import this page obviously this is not a thank you page but i'll i'm just trying to show you how you can use this thing i'll import this thing click on insert and first you have to link your website with this template library now click on connect now once you do this thing you will again come back to this page let's try it again so let's first refresh this page now click on this icon again and let's try to import that page so this was the page i'll select this thing and click on insert and now as you can see this is getting imported on your website or on this page and this is how it looks like i just want to show you how you can use it if you don't like any section or if you don't uh want any section for example if you don't want this section you can just click on this thing and you can delete it now again i'm saying when we start creating our homepage you'll learn more about this thing so maybe instead of this title i want to type in thank you for subscribing and after that you can give some more title if you want to change this style if you want to increase or decrease the size and all like this you can do that line height maybe i'll increase it a little bit 1.2 now my understanding of how i want to use this thing is whenever someone enters their email address under this option maybe i want to give it a title that download free seo pdf something like that so whenever someone enters their email and click on get update they will be redirected to this page that i'm creating and from here they can download that file so i'll do one thing and click on this button and instead of join us now i'll type in download now and under link you will add that link so let me show you how we can add this link so go to media you can upload your pdf over here so click on upload file select file select that pdf i don't think i have any pdf files let me see okay i do have some pdf files i'll select this one this is installation guide for something i don't know i'll select this file and click on open now once this file is imported or once this file is uploaded let me show you what you can do after that you can click on this option and as you can see this is a pdf file you will see this file link with your file url you can copy this from here come back to this page and under this link you can paste in this link and click on update so whenever they click on whenever anyone clicks on this button they will download this pdf file so this is what my idea is now obviously you can just go ahead you can design this if you want if you don't want any one of these extra sections this is the only page you will have okay if you don't want that section after that you can click on upload and this page are updated in this page is now created you can now do one thing you can go to pages go back to pages go back to your dashboard click on pages this is your thank you page you will see this view link right click on that and click on copy link address now come over here and under this redirect select this option so whenever someone enters their email and they click on get updates they will be redirected to this thank you page now you have to go to integration now whenever someone enters their email address their email will be added to your local list so if you want to see that list you will see it under hustle here it is email list if you open this in a new tab you will see all those emails over here if you want you can do one more thing you can link this thing and you can link this pop-up with mailchimp so that whenever someone enters their email their email will be added in the local list and with that the email will also be added in your mailchimp list so let's see how we can do that so for that go to and log into your account now once you do that you'll see this option at the bottom left corner click on this option basically this is your profile click on that and click on account or click on profile both the option will do and over here you will see this extras option under that you'll see api keys click on that option here you'll see your api key you can select copy everything from here go back to your website on this page and let's do one thing let's integrate this thing first so first under hustle you'll see integration which is over here click on this option and from here you can select mailchimp which is over here select this option click on this plus option for integration enter your api key give it any name so i'll give it a title of seo tips and i'll click on connect okay so this is now connected now we can again come back to this page if you want first you can just publish this then after that you can refresh this space so that we can we can see that connected app after we refresh and now here as you can see this is your connected app now now you can simply click on this plus button and this will be connected for you now whenever someone enters the email they will be uh added to your local list and with that they will also be added to your mailchimp list now click on appearance and from here you can control the appearance you can control the style and all if you want to change some styling and after that go to visibility now by default this pop-up will be visible everywhere on your website on every single page on every single blog post everywhere if you want to control this thing you can add some condition you can click on add condition maybe i just want to display this thing on my blog post okay so i can select this blog post and after that i can click on add condition now this thing will only be displayed on my blog post so this is how it works if you want obviously you can have this thing or if you delete this thing by default it will display everywhere on your website now you can go to behavior now when do you want this thing to trigger when do you want this pop-up to show up so by default it is selected immediately so whenever someone visits your website it will immediately pop up if you want you can add a delay maybe after three seconds so whenever someone visits your website after three seconds delayed this pop-up will show up there's some more option you have this scroll option so when you scroll 50 of the page you know this will pop up or this will show up and i would recommend you to on this click option as well and if you remember we have created this blog post and at the bottom let me first refresh this thing and now as you can see it has already started showing this pop-up now at the bottom we have created this subscribe now button but nothing happens for now when you click on that thing nothing happens let's see how we can connect this thing click on edit with elementor now go at the bottom click on this button subscribe now now go to advanced and under css id you can type in anything so let me type in mailchimp or maybe let me type in post a button post hyphen button okay this is my css id i'll copy this come back to this page that we are creating under click option this under this example option css selector type in hash and paste in the thing that you have copied over here so here i've typed in by post hyphen button and here you just have to add this hash hash post hyphen button okay so whenever someone clicks on that button they will be uh they will see that pop up or if you want you can have the scroll option as well all these options are given to you now i can just click on update and this is updated and finally if you click on save changes now this is 100 published for you again if you go back to your website let me cut this thing let me first update it let's cut this thing go back to your home page now it won't show up immediately but when you scroll down to 50 of the page okay we have selected only post if you remember under that condition now if you open any post if you scroll down i think we have yeah here it is here as you can see this is the pop-up that will show up or if you click on this button subscribe now now as you can see this pop-up again shows up and if you enter any email over here for example let me enter this email just some dummy email click on get updates now as you can see you're automatically redirected to this thank you page and now if you click on this download now button you'll see this or whatever this file is and now you can download this file from here this is the pdf file so this is how this entire process works now i would recommend you to do one thing you can go to youtube and you can search for new shake hustle which is this plugin i've created a dedicated video on this plugin as you can see hustle pop-up builder so this that whatever we have seen this was very short but if you see this video i have explained in more detail how to use this plugin similarly if you just search for near shake mailchimp you will see there is another video dedicated video for mailchimp email marketing more than one hours long tutorial you can watch this tutorial you'll learn more about mailchimp as well so all these tutorials are given on my channel so make sure you subscribe so that you don't miss these videos now again we can come back to this page and with this we have seen this pop-up builder as well now finally i want to complete this sidekick setting so how you can integrate your website with google analytics which is very important it will give you all your analytics like how many people are visiting your website it will even give you real time data so right now how many people are live on your website how many people are seeing your website and or they are seeing which page you can even see they are seeing which page you can even see which device they're using they're using desktop or they're using a laptop computer or they're using mobile phone you can see all those kind of things you can even see which country they are watching this from in fact you can even see which city they're watching or they're you know they're visiting your website from so all those data can be seen using google analytics so very important and this will also help us to integrate some other things like it will help us to integrate google adsense and so on so first of all you have to tick mark this thing and click on sign in with google now if you have not already created an account uh with this thing you can first let let's click on sign in with google now if you have already if you have already created a google analytics account and adsense account you can select that email from here you can select that account or if you have not yet created an account let's very quickly do that so first go to google and search for google analytics now go to this website and you can sign up with this website so here as you can see actually let me show you a quick demo of how this thing works so if you see this screen here as you can see this week how many unique visitors visited my website and just few moments minutes ago 23 or 25 minutes ago some people were there on my website all these data can be seen from here as you can see which country they are visiting most from okay so india uk kuwait pakistan saudi arabia which page they are visiting most from you can see all these data from here so this is very useful now what i want to do is i want to create a new account just to show you how this is done so i'll create i've just created a new gmail account so i'll select this thing it will tell me that i don't have an account so i'll have to click on this button start measuring to create a new account i'll give it an account name of block 2021 something like this and you can you can uh these are data sharing settings so if you want you can tick mark everything or if you want you can just untick everything and click on next now under properties setup you can give it any property name so it should be your website name so again i'm typing blog 2021 select your country name and after that you can also select your currency and make sure to click on this link show advanced option very important and enable this option create universal analytics property now here you have to enter your website link which is this not this this one copy your website link come over here paste in this link delete this http and after that you can now click on next now you can select what type of business you have uh which industry how many people working for you what is your aim of using google analytics you can select this and click on create now accept all this thing and click on i accept and after this your account will be created and you will see this option you have all your site tools and all uh now i think you can just redirect or you can just log in with your website if you just select this email that you have just logged in with if you select that email i should i think it should take i love this thing now i think you should accept this thing click on allow again now click on proceed this will verify your site ownership that you own this website all right so you're now verified now you can allow access to google account or google data you can now click on allow and you can now uh set up search console so click on add site and this is 100 done now you can go to your dashboard now this will take some time it will probably take one day for you to display all these data so right now it will show you that search console is gathering data after maybe 20 hours 24 hours it will show you all these data related to analytics so search console is connected now you can connect google analytics so select this option click on connect service again select this email click on allow i'll allow again and this will connect google analytics as well so that was search console this is google analytics we have created this thing and now as you can see everything is selected i have named it block 2021 so as you can see that is the name which is present over here which means that this is working absolutely fine now click on configure analytics now these two are connected and similarly you can connect base side and to connect adsense this will take some time uh again i'll have to create an account on adsense just to show you how this works so you'll have to sign up with this google adsense enter your website link in this format and here you can enter your email so i've just created that email but it is not showing over here okay here it is now your blog uh and after that you can click on save and continue okay you cannot okay i cannot do it for sub domain i must have a domain name i cannot do it with a sub domain so this is a sub domain as you can see main domain is fam dot in and this is sub domain uh let me just let me just show you how this is how this works so i'll delete this i'll type in fam dot in maybe this is your website link and after that you will click on save and continue now you will be redirected to this page make sure to select your country first okay this is the one after that you should accept and agree all these things and click on create account now once you click on create account you can click on get started but this will not start working immediately unlike google analytics and so on so in this case what happens is first let me enter my address all right now i can click on submit so as i was talking about that in this case in the adsense case what happens is your website is not immediately logged in or connected with adsense now the reason because adsense first approves your website whether they want to show their ads google wants to show their ads on your website or not so if you're creating a new website you might not get approved immediately so you might have to wait for some time first create your website create few blog post maybe 10 20 30 blog post on your website get some traffic on your website through different social media platform and after that you can apply for google adsense only then they will approve your website so this does not have this does not happen immediately you can use google analytics and so on immediately but not this google adsense but once you get approved after that you can click on connect service just select your email and it will be connected for you now let me show you the demo website what happens after it is connected for you so if i show you the demo website in this you if you click on site kit under dashboard you can see all these data on your dashboard and like how many visitors visited your website in last 28 days uh which channel like they visited directly or through google search google search or through some organic search or through a social media and what location devices you can see these details right on your dashboard which are the most popular content or pages or blog post you can see everything over here okay so this is very useful now let's again go back to our dashboard now let me do one thing let me first okay now you also get this new widget for google site kit alright so with this everything related to blog everything related to connecting different platforms is hundred percent completed now only one thing is left and that is creating your home page and creating your blog and contact page basically the designing part is left so we have seen how to create a blog post we have seen how to create popups we have seen how to link it with mailchimp we have seen how to create that newsletter form at the bottom of every blog post we have seen all those things we have even seen how to link your website with google analytics and so on now the only part left is the designing part so let's start with our homepage first so to create your homepage you will again click on pages from the left hand side click on add new now let's give it a title of home because obviously this is your home page now you should always do one thing under content layout we want to make it 100 full width because if you don't do this thing you'll have a sidebar we don't want a sidebar on our home page obviously if you see this demo website home page we don't have any sidebar or anything like this if you see the blog page you have this sidebar over here but before the home page we don't want the sidebar and we do we also don't want this title section so we can go to this title option and we can disable this option now we can click on publish now once you do this thing again you have to go back to your dashboard and now you have to set this page as your home page because right now if you see this is just a regular page you have named it home but just by naming it home it does not become your home page you have to set this page as your home page so to do this thing you have to hover over settings and click on reading and over here you'll see this option select a static page and under home page select home click on save changes now again if you go back to pages now here you see that home is selected and besides home now it is written front page which means that this page is now officially your home page now you can edit this thing and you can start designing this page with elementor so click on this option edit with elementor now before we start creating this page let me first explain you what is this elementor page builder and how it works so earlier we have created our blog post and that newsletter at the bottom of the blog post using elementor but i just created it without explaining you know in more detail like what is elementor and so on because i wanted to do this thing right now when i'm creating the home page now first of all elementor is a page builder and by name itself you can see that it it helps you to create different pages now to create a page we need different sections so if you see any page on the website if you see on not only this website any page on any website on in this world you will see all the pages are divided into several sections for example in this case this is our first section heroes section then we have the latest blog section then this section then the fourth section and so on so to create a new section we click on this plus button and we add a new section and in that section if you want a single column multiple column you can select that for example suppose if i want three columns i can select three and i have three different columns over here now whenever you select or whenever you add any element over here at the left hand side you will see some changes will be done now we don't see those elements that we were seeing earlier now we see this edit section option now if you again want to go back to elements option you will have to click on this nine dots icon and you will be redirected to this section now you will see different elements that you can use to create this page for example if you want to use this button element you can simply drag and drop this element and again if you see at the left hand side now instead of those elements it says edit button so for every single element so these things are different elements but in text icon these are elements so for every single element there will be three option content style and advanced now in the content you have to change the text link all the basic things under style obviously you change the styling and appearance of this element and advance you do some advanced things like use change the responsive positioning border margin padding all these advanced things will be done over here so whatever element you're using these things will be present in all elements again if you want to go back to elements you click on this nine dots icon and suppose this time if you want to use maybe icon you drag and drop this element over here now again edit icon so all settings related to this icon now if you click on this thing you can change the icon and after that you can go to styling you can change the color all these things can be done from here like this now you can go to advanced add margin padding and all this thing okay so this is how this thing works i will cut this thing and if you want to use a pre-built template you can click on this option you can use or you can import a pre-built page or if you want you can import a pre-built block most of the things are pro version are available in the pro version so if you want you can select this option as well all right so now let's create our first section so to create a new section you click on this plus button and you select number of columns you want so in this case as you can see we need two columns at the left hand side we want to add this image and at the right hand side we want to add this content so we'll select two columns now the left hand side we have this image now i have given you this image but if you want to use some other images i said in in the introduction that you can use these kind of illustrations and you can create your own so to create your own illustration you go to this website and draw dot co slash illustrations as you can see on your screen and here you can see all the different types of illustrations that that you can download from you have the you have this envelope and all so if you want you can search for marketing if you want you can search for mail and in this case if you want you can search for envelope and you you will see all these icons related to this so whatever you want or whichever you want to download you want to use you can select this thing so suppose if i want to use this thing but i don't want this color scheme i want maybe red color scheme so i can select this red color or maybe or whatever color you want and now as you can see the color is also changed after that you can simply click on this thing and you can download the png file so download the png file and this will be downloaded now you can just go ahead and upload it over here so to do this thing drag and drop the image element over here and you can replace this thing with your own image here we have that image if you scroll down you will see that image here it is click on open or if you want you can download the one or you can use the one that i've just downloaded now the right hand side first of all we have this title so i'll copy it and for this we'll use this heading paste in this title go to style and let's style this thing now again and again you can see we have to change the color we have to change the typography so just to save some time you can do one thing whatever color or typography you you are going to need again and again you can save them so let me do one thing i'm going to need this color 2b2b2b a lot of times i can do one thing i can select this thing and after that i can click on this plus button and i can give it a new color name i'll just give it the same name 2b2b2b click on create now next time when i want to use this color i can say simply click on this globe icon and as you can see this color is auto selected similarly for typography i'll say i'll do one thing i'll select this option and instead of poppings instead of roboto i'll select poppins now once i do that thing again i can click on this add i create a new global font and i can give it a name of popping so next time i don't have to do this thing again next time when i want to make it pop-ins i can simply click on this globe icon and i can select pop-ins now in this case i also want to do some changes for example i want to increase the size to maybe 60 pixels and we want to make it a little bit bolder more bolder so maybe 700 if you want you can also change the line height like this so whatever you want you can select this thing maybe 1.1 looks good okay so you can select this option then after that we have this text so i'll copy this thing and for this we'll use the text editor okay bring it over here paste in the text go to style and for this we want to use this six color 666 okay this color again for this also i'll save this color because again we'll be using this color a lot so i'll give it this name click on create and after that i'll select this globe icon make it pop-ins it is automatically become poppins now you can do some changes we can make it 500 we can make it 400 you know you can do it like this you can also change the size of this so maybe 16 pixels looks good and 400 and at the bottom we have this button so to bring this button over here we can simply drag and drop this at the bottom the title of this button the button says subscribe for free so under text i'll type in the same thing and now you can go to style and you can do some styling so again under typography if you want to make it pop ins you can select this option and after that you can change the size and all for this i want to make it 24 and rest everything looks good background color i can change this thing to maybe this orange color let's see let's make it even darker like this one okay this is looking good the color code is 6 ffa 0 now this button as you can see is circular so if you want to change this thing or you want to make it like this under border radius if you just type in 50 as you can see it has become circular let me make it even more darker yeah now looking much better now once you do this thing you can now add some space at top and bottom so as you can see at top and bottom of this we have some extra space so we can click on this option edit section this six dots icon first of all let's align everything in the middle so vertical align make it middle okay now go to advanced and for top i want to add very little because we already have a nice amount of space at top so maybe only 25 but at bottom i'll add 50 pixels now click on update now whenever you create a section you should always see how that section looks on a mobile phone so if you click on this responsive thing and if you click on mobile you can see this is how it is looking so image is fine and this text is way bigger so we can decrease this text for image clear for for mobile phones so we can select this text click on typography make sure you have this mobile icon over here if you don't have it you can select this mobile icon after that you can change the size maybe let's see 40 pixels looks good and you can also do one thing i prefer everything center align in mobile for this also i can change the size to maybe let's see 12 pixels and center button also i'll select this thing and make it center all right so this is looking much better now again we can go back to desktop and now we can start working on our next section which is this section so we'll click on this option plus button single row single column now again over here we have the title at the top so i'll use this heading element for this drag and drop the setting element paste in the title make it center align now you can go to style and let's change something so first of all again to change the color we can simply click on this globe icon and select 2b this color we can select this pop-ins and we can increase the size so for this i want to make it 36 pixels and 600 is looking fine so everything is good now if you notice one thing we have a little bit space below this title okay over here so to add this space you can go to advanced and you can first dealing this thing and at the bottom you can type in maybe 15 or 20 pixels padding at bottom then after that at the bottom or below this thing we can add the post grid okay this is the one post grid drag and drop it over here just below this thing it will display your blog post so i want to do one thing i want to first of all i don't want this title so i'll go to settings and i don't want this heading and you will see this filteration option i don't even need this filtration so i'll make it no now what all i need is i just need the featured image title and some meta description or some meta details i don't want this summary so you can click on post content and you can make this summary of first i'll have to increase it like this you'll see this option display post exerter summary make it know that summary will go or that summary will disappear and i also don't want to display this category so let's see let's make it know taxonomy info and that is also gone again i can bring it over here much better so this is how this section will look like now again you can click on this edit section option and we can do one thing we can go to style and we can first of all add a background color and i'll add f9 f9 f9 very light gray color now we can go to advanced and add some padding at top and bottom so for this i want to add 75 pixels top end okay first let's dealing this thing now 75 at top end 50 at bottom okay like this and after that we need to do one more thing i think let's click on this thing your post purpose should be six so make sure you have this option and if you go to styling you can do some styling related to all this title and all so i'll do one thing i'll select this option grid item and change this typography to poppins okay so the title of this thing now as you can see it's changed to pop-ins and if you want you can make it a little bit bolder maybe 500. same thing for meta description so select entry meta and make it pop-ins as well like this and looking much better now we can update this page so this section is also completed again you can see how it is looking on mobile phone okay looking good just a little bit line height can be added to this title let's do that yeah 1.3 looks good now click on update rest everything looks perfectly fine now again let's come back to our desktop now to create the next section which is this section we just need to follow almost the same thing click on this plus add a single row single column copy this title from top paste it at bottom just to save some time because all the styling are automatically done we just need to click on this we just need to replace the title styling and bottom padding everything is automatically added because we have copied that thing now below this thing i want to add four different columns for these icon boxes so to do this thing we'll use this inner section drag and drop this intersection at the bottom by default we have two columns to add a new column you have to right click on this click on add new column three right click add new column now we have four different columns now we can do one thing we can search for icon box which is over here drag and drop it over here first of all the first icon that we need is this pencil icon so let's search for this here it is if you want to use some other icon obviously you're free to do that i'm just using this simple regular pencil icon now click on insert and your heading is this starting a blog or whatever your heading is and then after that whatever your no description is if you you want you can have this description if you don't want this thing you can delete the description as well now go to style now what i would recommend you to do is now obviously where whatever type of blog you're creating food blog travel blog wordpress blog affiliate marketing blog seo blog whatever type of blog you're creating obviously there are two three four blogs you know certain particular blog posts which are very popular and which are very common people search for them a lot so this section is for that for example i've created a blog how to start how to start a blog so i can link this thing with that blog another blog is maybe on how to improve your wordpress website security so i can link this particular icon box with that blog similarly i have written another blog on seo i can link this icon box with that particular blog so all the famous and most popular or most searched blogs or search videos or whatever it is you can link these things with those okay so for example i have let me go back to my website so maybe this blog is on how to start a new blog so i'll copy this link and i'll paste it over here until link so whenever someone clicks on this option they will be redirected to this blog okay i hope it is cleared now i can go to style and first of all let's change the color if you want this color you can have this color this is 27c one c9 okay you can paste in the color change the size to 55 a little bit bigger and under content again for this color also title color also i want to change this thing to same color 2 7 c1 c9 change the typography to poppins size will be 24 and rest everything looks good and for description i just want to change the font family to pop ins rest color and all looks good all right if you want you can make it 666 that color that we have selected okay just a little bit darker now click on update now to save some time you can do one thing you can copy it paste it over here paste it in in all these empty columns now you can click on the second one and this will save you a lot of time now this is the title i'll copy it come back i'll change the link i'll change this thing icon with security icon [Music] and change the title now okay not this title the title is wordpress security now it's time to change the color so go to style and let's select this color maybe all right and you can now copy this color code go to content and change the color so as you can see it saves a lot of time and you can go to content and now change the link to some other link now once you're done you can now click on this icon insert uh edit inner section and make the column gap extended just add not narrow extended just add a little bit more gap between these columns okay again you can select the main column main section and now we can do some changes you can add some padding at top and bottom so in this case 75 and 50 respectively and to add your next section which is your final section again to save some time we'll copy this entire section from here and paste it over here just by right clicking you can copy and right clicking you can paste now this will save again a lot of time we don't have to add this top margin top padding bottom padding we don't have to style this thing everything is automatically done so this will again save you a lot of time i'll replace this content now you just need to add three columns below this thing so in a section drag and drop add one more column and now inside this thing we need this image and after that we need some text so this could be all you know your coupons or whatever banners if you want so drag and drop this image you can upload your image over here i've given you these images as well so if you want you can simply use them or if you have you can use if you're if this is for amazon you can have amazon images like you have on my website if i show you my website for example for siteground fast comment you can see i have created these kind of images so you can do the same thing and below this thing you can add a title change this thing go to style make it 2b make it pop-ins and after that you can go ahead and add a link so whenever someone clicks on this thing they will be redirected to that website so you can paste in that link over here and follow the same process i'll copy it paste it paste it okay now you can follow the same process you can change the image and you can also change the link and text and all and after that you can click on update and with this your homepage is now 100 completed now let's create our second most important page which is your blog page so again you can come back to your dashboard click on pages now click on add new let's give it a title of blog this time we don't need to do anything just publish this page again just like we have set the home page we have to set this block page so again come back and under settings under reading you have to under post page we have to set this block page and click on save now if you go go back to pages besides this blog page as you can see it says post page if you open this if you click on view by default this is the default style obviously will change this thing okay we'll change this tile and all we'll make it like this okay let me show you the block page over here this is looking much better so we'll make it like this right now it is like this now let's create one more page which is your contact page very important page if someone wants to contact you they can use this contact form so again come back to your dashboard add a new page give it a title of contact and let's make it 100 full width and let's disable the title publish this page click on edit with elementor if you see the contact page on my demo website you don't have to create this contact page i have given you a free template you can simply import it so click on this option add template click on my templates and you can import a template again the file that you have downloaded from my website in that file you will see a contact folder open that and in that you will see this file contact page file json file open this or select this and click on open once it is imported you can now insert this page and this is how it is looking right now you have your map first of all you can click on this pencil button if you see my mouse cursor click on this pencil button instead of this map enter your own address so maybe if i just enter mumbai you can see this mumbai map you can zoom in zoom out like this okay you have this map and after that you have your address and all if you want to change your phone number just click on this and change your phone number similarly if you want to change your email address and all just click on that and change that thing simple heading is used over here now for this contact form if you click on this contact form you'll see this is a short code so you have to do one thing you have to go back to your dashboard if you see the contact form on demo website looks so much better and professional so i want to create a similar one now go back to your dashboard and you will see this contact option click on that you will see contact form one edit this page now this is how your contact form is looking again open the page that you have downloaded and in that you have this contact and in that we have uploaded this contact page.json file now open this contact form a text file open this file it will look something like this copy everything from here come back to this page first delete everything that you see now paste in whatever you have copied from that file and click on save now once you do this thing again if you come back to this page first of all copy this link shortcode come over here and replace this with this shortcode now click on update and now as you can see style is changed now if i again go back to my main website if i go back to this contact page we need to do one more thing i'm going to show you that thing if you click on pages if you view your contact page your form is still not looking like that so to make it like that you can click on this customize button or you can click on this customize link again open the file you have downloaded and this time open the css file now copy everything from this file and here under customize you'll see at the left hand side at the bottom you'll see custom css open that and paste in the css code and now as you can see you have this type of contact form okay now you can publish this page and you can cut this thing so with this all the pages that were required are now completed sometimes you might not see the changes immediately this is because of some default caching going on if you want to see the live website you can copy the link and you can open this in a new private window you will see the latest changes as you can see but here you are not seeing that so sometimes it might take some time now again let's come back to our dashboard now let's create a menu so to create your menu you will hover over appearance and under appearance you have menus now let's give it any name so i'll name it main menu click on create menu now whatever pages you want so i want to display these three pages home block contact and if you see this option under post you will see categories so if you want to give any link for example if you have created this wordpress category so i can copy this link right click on this view click on copy link address now come over here under custom link paste in the link wordpress blogs so maybe especially i want to give this link so people when they click on this thing they will be redirected to that particular page similarly if you want to give link to a particular blog post for example let me go back to my home page or we have created this blog post if i open this thing now if i want to add a direct link to this blog post maybe this is one of my most important pages i'll copy the link come back to menus again paste in the link over here and maybe this blog is related to how to uh start a blog so i'll just type in start a blog okay i'll click on add to menu and i'll bring it over here okay always make sure to tick mark this thing main at the bottom and click on save menu now again if you open your website in a new tab you can see you have your menu over here now let's add the widgets so what widgets first of all widgets at the bottom again you can see these stylings are not working properly so once uh as i said earlier this is because of caching once the caching is cleared you will see everything properly so you just don't have to worry about that just after after you refresh it multiple times few times this will work properly for you so again let me come back to this page now it's time to create footer and after that we'll see how to create a sidebar so first let's create our footer so under our appearance you'll click on widgets and you'll see footer one two three four all these options so if you see the demo website in footer one first we have this logo and after that we have some text and then we have this read more icon or read more text so we'll come back to this widgets option go at the bottom use the text widget select footer one click on add widget first let's add the logo so click on add media and i have not yet uploaded yeah i have uploaded the logos i'll select this thing click on insert into post and press enter to come to next line and type in whatever text you want and after that you can click on save now for the second footer we have recent post okay so you can do one thing you'll see this option over here recent post drag and drop this recent post how many number of post you want to show up we want to show three then the third option is newsletter so to use this one we'll use this option mailchimp option drag and drop it under footer 3 and i want to do one thing make sure to always link this this is a little bit different so you'll see this settings page link open this link in a new tab and also make sure to first click on allow and continue make sure to link this thing with your mailchimp account we have seen how to do this thing you have to first click on integrations and you have to enter your mailchimp key let me again show you how to do that thing go to now once you log into your mailchimp account at the left hand side bottom you'll see this option click on profile now under extras let it load now under extras you will see api keys click on that copy your api key from here go back to that page paste in this thing and click on save changes you have to do one more thing you have to also enter your list id so you'll to to get this thing you'll see at the left hand side audience option click on audience now you'll see this option manage audience or maybe you'll see it at the bottom let's see maybe not available so you can click on this option manage audience and at the bottom you'll see this settings option click on settings now when you scroll down you will see your list id here it is copy this and come back to this page and this is your list id paste in and click on save changes again i'm saying i would recommend you to watch my mailchimp and hustle tutorial so that you can learn more about pop-ups and email marketing now let's add our final footer which is this contact info so again we'll come back to this option and under footer 4 you just have to drag and drop this option contact info first we have to delete this text so i'll delete it now under address whatever address you want to do or you want to show you can simply type in that address under content don't change the icon class and title just change the content similarly under phone content change your phone number under mobile content change your mobile number if you don't want to display fax delete everything under fax similarly if you don't want to display website delete everything under website and same for skype if you don't do that simply delete everything under that now once you do that again if you go back to your website and if you refresh it if you go at the bottom you can see all the widgets are working but styling is a little bit different and as i'm saying you from very beginning we'll see this styling at the end of the video now before that let's see our sidebar blog sidebar okay if you see this option wordpress blog let's see how we can create a slider a sidebar like this one so again we'll come back to option uh to this widgets option and we have to do the same thing from here now in the default sidebar i don't want all this option i just want the search option at the top so rest everything i can just delete it from here now after search i want to display recent post so again we'll drag and drop this recent post this time i want to display maybe six recent post after that again i want to display mailchimp and finally below that i want to display my social icons now you can enter your you know facebook link twitter link all those links over here and after that you can go ahead at the bottom click on save again if you go back to this website and refresh it and i think we can do one thing we can change this style of this icons to colored icon this is all black and white so you can come back to this page and change the style to colored now click on save again if you refresh this page not change is not taking place if i open a single blog post okay it will take some time but you will see colored icons instead of that because we have done that setting again i'm saying uh these changes might take some time to display on your website okay so everything related to this is now done only the final customization is left so to do this thing we can click on this customize link at the top now let's start from top so if you see above your header you'll see this option you'll see this extra space that is for top bar i don't want to use top bar so you can click you can click this top bar option from the left hand side under general you can simply untick this option and click on publish you don't have to click on publish but you can just untick that option now let's do header settings so you'll see this header option click on that general option by default the size of or the height of this header is 74 i want to make it smaller at 50 percentage of 50 pixels if you want you can also change the header background color like this not recommended but you can do that according to your website now you can come back select this logo option and you can upload your logo so maybe i'll upload my logo skip cropping and you can set a default height so maximum height i want to set this thing to 35 pixels again come back and select menu and change the link color to this 2b 2b 2b color okay much better and after that let's again come back rest everything looks good then we have settings related now as you can see these things are working fine as i said earlier it will work properly for you now we have the footer option first let's see the footer bottom okay this copyright text so click on footer bottom change the copyright text instead of ocean wp theme by nick i'll type in made by nayashi or whatever you want you can add links and all over here now you're not able to see the text properly so let's change the text color to white and now i can you can see very easy to read and you can publish this come back and now let's do settings related to this footer widget so click on footer widgets scroll down background color will be f1 f1 f1 okay this gray color after that text color will be black links color will also be black okay now everything is working fine you just no we're just not able to see this title so to fix this thing again first click on publish come back click on typography now under typography i always recommend to change the body first so under body change the font family to pop-ins everything on your website will become poppins now come back and you can do the rest so this is footer widget heading so if you scroll down you'll see footer widget heading change no need to change this thing to poppins because the changes have already taken place but i want to do one thing i want to increase the size to 15 and change the color to black okay now you can see that thing if you want you can even make it bolder at 700 maybe or maybe 600 semi-bold okay now you can publish this thing now i also want to do one thing under widgets so these are widgets i just want to decrease the size just by one pixel so i want to make it 13 pixels now as you can see the size of all this this now decrease now click on publish again and finally let's see our menu come back select main menu and it is already popping so no need to change that because that is the reason why when you change the body font to pop-ins everything by default becomes poppins until and unless you specifically change that thing now i want to decrease or i want to increase the font size to maybe 14 or 15 and much better rest everything is good now if you open this blog option if your blog if you open your blog page or any other page for example if i open the blog page this is the default style we want to change this thing so come back select the blog option blog entries and under blog style change this thing to thumbnail and now as you can see this is looking better and finally the last thing but very important thing we need to change the primary color so everywhere you will see this blue color you know when you hover over this it becomes blue so the primary color is blue i want to change this thing so click on general option general styling and instead of this blue primary color i want to make it red so ef ef3f49 this is the color code that i want under hover primary color as well now as you can see this is red and this when you hover this it becomes red all these icons are now red and you can now publish this page and finally you can just cut this page and with this everything i hope is completed just one thing is left if you open any blog post now if you if you have used elementor for doing for creating your blog post you need to do one thing you need to click on this option edit with elementor first you need we we need to change the default font family and all now you need to click on this hamburger icon click on site settings select global fonts and from here you can change the primary text and also under text i want to change this thing to pop-ins instead of roboto so select this option and make it pop-ins now you can see this is changed okay and after that for everything actually for primary also for all these things i want to change this thing to poppins so that it will change the style of this primary secondary button everything will be changed okay i want to make everything so this is the default by the way if you want to later on change or if you want to change the font family or color for any specific page or blog post you can obviously do that now we can come back first make sure to update it now global colors you can select this thing and the primary color is this blue color so if you ever see this blue color if you want to replace this with any color you can do that secondary color is this color i want to replace this with this 2b2b2b color okay this black color similarly for text color i don't want this color i want to be to be to be this color and now as you can see your text is also nice and black so you can do it like this now everything is looking very neat and clean very easy to read now you can update this page again and i think uh rest everything is looking good again let's come back let's see whether we are not again let's come back and now we can cut this thing now there is one more thing uh if you go back to your dashboard we don't actually need this plugin if you click on plugins mailchimp for wordpress or mailchimp for yeah mailchimp for wordpress this plugin was not needed so if you want you can just get rid of that plugin because we have used hustle and we have used some other things to connect with mailchimp so this was not needed now again you can come back to your website and with this this tutorial is 100 completed i hope you guys find this tutorial helpful if you like this tutorial if you find it helpful make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you don't miss any future videos you don't miss any future notifications from me if you like this video please give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any stations for me you can always leave them in the comments section below and finally thank you so much for watching this video see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 102,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a blog, google adsense, how to create a blog, start a blog, start a blog for beginners, start a blog and make money, start a blog 2021, how to start a blog step by step for beginners, how to start a blog and make money, wordpress, wordpress blog, wordpress blog tutorial for beginners, how to create a blog for beginners, how to create a blog on wordpress, blog, blogging for beginners, make money online
Id: VYqpU_LyrrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 37sec (7777 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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