How to Make Resin Tabletop Miniature Bases

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listen you're basic i know this might come as a shock but it's true just listen to your heart and you'll hear it you'll hear that you're super basic you know it's true your ph is crazy high but i've got a base up my sleeve to help you out with that so let's get to dub stepping along so that you can drop that base today we're going to be making bases for your miniatures for your tabletop gaming out of resin i've been wanting to make some dump molds for a while and i thought that this would be a good excuse to make them now a dump mold is basically where you take any excess resin you have when you're working on another project and pour it into a mold that you just have lying and sitting around that way you're never wasting resin because that stuff's expensive now i like these bases they're a little bit thicker than the ones that you get with like whiz kids models and so i like to use base boss or reaper mini bases they're great for d d minis and they are one inch around but they have this little hole in the back of them we'll have to deal with that as we're kind of recreating these things because i don't want there to be this divot in the back i also have these one-inch clear acrylic circles which are awesome for being able to see the terrain underneath your minis they're also super flat and almost like glass on the top compared to the other bases which have a more textured surface so i want to be able to have two different styles now the mold or container or vessel that we're actually going to be making our silicone molds in for this project is actually a metallic dice box they come with a lot of the more expensive metal dice that you get but they actually have a lid and a bottom the bottom one has kind of a curved lip on the top where the top ones generally don't have that so it's actually the top of the boxes that i want to be using here now i'm going to show you a bunch of different ways to glue your bases down on there because there are a bunch of different ways to do this and i think you should have options there are these double sticky sided little giant glue dot circular things which are a little bit over an inch in diameter which is perfect for what we want because you will be able to stick your bases right on them there's no way that there's going to be a gap in between because they are super sticky and you can push down pretty heavily on them when they're down inside the lid and get a really nice seal all the way around no silicone is going to get under these bad boys the only downside to these which i you can call it not a downside if you want to is that the glue is pretty thick on these and so you're gonna have this overlapping lid you just have to be a little bit more accurate in your pouring of resin when you're done with these however i don't really see that as a huge problem and if i have extra of these i'm happy to use them they're just a little bit more expensive than some of the alternatives on here so i'd rather show you some cheaper options which work just as well if not better depending on who you ask now if you don't have the metal boxes that's totally fine you can really use any container to make this work i also do it with a dixie cup by putting the little glue dot down on the bottom and putting the base on top i'll pour silicone over that and it'll be just fine i wanted to make some other styles like i said before and i tried to use a large piece of scotch tape held down by some other scotch tape because i thought oh this is great it's a large surface area i can stick the bases down onto that and there won't be any excess because i didn't have any double-sided tape i thought as i was working my wife comes in and says why don't you use the double-sided tape we have i said we don't have any of that she said yes we do i said no we don't she brought some double-sided tape up and i was wrong so i taped that down to the bottom and make two little rows the same way we did before and i do it again here on a black lid that way you can see a little bit better for youtube and i'm going to make both a set with the regular black bass boss bases as well as the acrylic one so that you can see the difference i will say that i think the acrylic ones work better for this method and i'll show you why after we pour the silicone they stick to the bottom very well the other ones don't stick as well because there's less surface on the bottom because they've got those divots i also have these larger two by one bases that are rectangular they are an old set of warhammer bases which i thought would be great for some taller monsters and i thought hey let's try recreating those and because these have these little kind of ridges on the underside i just put some hot glue on there and stick them right down and that's the best adhesion glue up glow i don't know whatever it's called but it sticks far better than any of the others so maybe try hot glue on the other ones and just put it on the little divots on the underside of the bases because hot glue really holds it down onto there and i can reuse these bases no problem if you have a larger lid like this die hard dice lid here i'm able to actually fit seven bases at a time on there so you can get a little bit more bang for your buck but now that we've got these all set up we can move on to actually pouring silicone over each of these and i'm going to be using dragon skin 20. i don't have a particular reason to use dragon's skin over any other silicone it's just what i had around however i will say dragon skin is far more durable so if i'm going to have these as a dump mold where a lot of extra resin is going to be used in them all the time it's probably better that they're durable because then i can pop things in and out of them and i probably will never have to replace these molds where i might with some other silicones because we're not pouring silicone over something like dice that has a bunch of holes you have to worry about getting bubbles on you don't really have to pour this stuff low and slow and i'm going to put it in a pressure pot so it's going to take care of any bubbles that do form so i can pour it pretty quickly as long as i'm pouring over all surface areas and making sure we have an even layer so i do that on each of our lid molds into our dixie cup and i pop these into the pressure pot at 40 psi for the whole 4 hour cure time you don't really need to do a pressure pot but i'm probably gonna pressure cast a lot of the resin that goes inside so i do it anyway i also while that's curing makeup some poly plastic silicone mold because i wanted to try that and see if it would work here it's a little bit different than regular silicone you just take two parts of an roughly equal size and just kind of mash them together for about three or four minutes once your mold putty is a consistent color you're pretty much good to go so i'm going to take it and put it into three parts so that i can't possibly mess all of them up right i don't know and i push three molds down into them which is basically all you have to do after it sits there for 30 minutes you're gonna have three cured molds that are ready and good to go i will say this was far more oily than i remember it being the last time i used this stuff and it started cracking on me a little bit so maybe mine's just getting a little bit older and i don't know i gotta redo it this isn't my favorite and again i'll kind of show you why i put it down on some wax paper so that it doesn't have a chance of sticking to any of the surfaces and after the other silicone is done curing we can finally take these bad boys out of the mold and they are looking pretty nice because we didn't have to use much silicone to cover these things i would say i only had to cover it by maybe about a fourth of an inch it pops out really easy and we didn't have to cut anything out of there so the bases are still reusable and ready to go and also we didn't have to cut anything out so the boxes are just fine if that matters to you as well now the molds themselves are looking perfect the texture is there from within the base boss ones and the texture also retains itself within the clear acrylic ones it is very very shiny within the inside and so i'm excited the reason i say the ones using the double-sided tape have a little bit of a problem as you can see some silicone got under where the tape was because the tape doesn't go all the way around the outside of the bases not really a problem you can just kind of peel it off or even cut the excess off with an exacto knife we take out the rest of the molds we've also got our dixie cup on here it even retains all of its quality and i'd pull the rest of them out of our little putty the putty looks like it's gonna be okay but it's still very oily and i don't know we'll just see now that we have our molds we can actually decide what's going to go in these bases that we've made because that's the exciting part of making these bases do you remember the druid dice that i built before where i had these circular round dried flowers they happen to be about one inch in diameter so i think that they are going to be perfect for the inside of a set of bases i've got seven different colors and i've got the die hard mold which has seven different places so i place all seven different colors in there we can have maybe one of each different circle for the druids and i move on to the acrylic ones these ones you'll be able to see very well so i thought hey let's try out some different glitters in there that can look like they're floating beneath the player's feet i just have a random glitter pack as well as some black note glitter that i found on etsy i have a couple different stars and some colorful notes that i picked up more recently and a few different hearts i thought that's a nice wide range i'm also going to make a water set which is kind of a teal and blue some just plain black ones i have some red leafing foil which is kind of a cool crimsony red and another one where i'm just using mica flakes or unicorn skin depending on which youtuber you watch all of which are gonna get a little bit of silver additive now before i pour the resin i wanted to find out how much a base takes up as far as volume and it turns out it's about two milliliters so i can do some resin calculations on that to know about how much i need to pour i'm going to be using envirotex light resin it's no particular reason for using that one it's just one that i have a lot of i put on my gloves and respirator because still always want to do that whenever working with resin better safe than sorry mix it up for five minutes and then pour some of the liquid glitter on the inside after i mix that up i've got my base in which i kind of separate some of the resin into different cups and pour my different pigments in depending on which one i'm using the black pigment separated into one the foil into another and then the blue dyes both the dark blue and the teal blue into another one which i only mix maybe five times before i call it good i don't want that mixed very much at all i want to see the different blue swirls you can see here as i'm pouring it it was intentionally not mixed very well it looks a lot more like water or some kind of magical water from a fantasy game which guess what d d is and i pour a little bit extra into the little blue mold i pour the red foil which i mix the hell out of that's why it's so darn tiny and the black resin into the other molds now with the glitter pieces and the flowers i actually use a pipette to put the glitter in there and move the glitter around because if the glitter was stuck on the bottom you wouldn't actually have resin underneath and you'd have some problems here i actually do end up still getting some problems with the resin casting on the flowers but i'll show those here in a little bit pouring the excess resin into those little blue molds i put them into my pressure pot insert and set it in the pressure pot for 12 hours at 40 psi after those 12 hours are done they're still a little bit soft so you may want to give it closer to 24 or 36 i guess it all kind of depends on the resin that you're using but here we go this is the first set of the resin bases done and let's take a look at them now these are not going to be as complex as fully decorated bases for miniatures they are very much a stylized thing but i think they're kind of a cool stylized thing that really don't take a lot of effort and since it's just going to be for dump and excess resin anyway i think it's good to have them this one looks very cool it's a very fantasy looking water followed by the red foil which looks awesome it looks very much like a fire or a cinder is underneath the character's feet and i'm going to show some examples of these under some miniatures feet so you can kind of get a good look at what they look like some of the resin poured over between the two molds here not a big deal you just clip it off with the little clippers that you got there and we're good to go i was amazed at how well the black replicated itself on these larger molds and you can see here even on the acrylic i had some resin spill over to the side again just take some clippers or an exacto knife and run it along the edge and you barely will notice it at all these came out fantastic i love the musical notes and the hearts the stars are pretty cool as well but those hearts just floating around makes me just absolutely love it i told you there was a problem with these flower ones it's just that the flowers floated to the surface so i actually need to put a second coat of resin on those which i will do in round two these little blue molds here have a super problem it's not actually the oil it's actually taking off bits of the putty mold not a big deal i'll use some extra resin and try it again in round two however the dixie cup mold looks great with the mica flakes now before we move on to round two i want to say thank you for letting me share this skill with you here on youtube it's really fun and well wait did somebody say skillshare god i get nothing but better at transitions thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video and if you haven't heard of them they're an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people alike skillshare offers classes designed for real life and all the chaos that that entails random acts of creativity can help break up the routine of a day spent indoors they only have like a bajillion classes so you're bound to find something that might interest you for example if you happen to remember my little mascot twin tig i had to pay somebody to animate him doing this if i had known how to do that skill myself i would have saved money and one learned a new skill i've always wanted to learn how to animate and that was actually the original degree i went for in college i dropped that when i found out that i'm not very good at doing a draw but had i had a class like fraser davidson's simple character animation it might have gotten me more into it when i can find somebody who likes doing the same style stuff that i do and can take me along the course a lot more easily and at my own pace but maybe animation's not your jam maybe it's designing logos or hell even learning how to do dice stacking if you like my channel you like dice their membership comes with meaning and that also means that there's no ads so you can learn at your own pace and go as you like so escape for a little bit learn something new and i'll even try and help the first 1 000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get two month free trial of premium membership so that you can explore your creativity we're going to get back to base 6 and use some woodland scenics blended turf some silver pearl x mica powder some red alcohol ink combined with some gold leafing foil some black pigment as well as some mica flakes and some teal alcohol ink and for all of those of course we're going to be using the liquid silver glitter additive mix up the resin the same way that we did before one to one by volume mix it for about five minutes add the additive and then i start pouring into all the cups this time i actually put the pigments in before putting the resin that's just a pro tip it makes life a lot easier as i was mixing this stuff the blended turf looked exactly like cream spinach and it was awful i hated mixing it every second of it but in the end it'll look pretty decent i think with the gold foil adding the red i was going for like a lava look and with the teal on the mica flakes or unicorn skin i was just trying to get generic magic or mana i told you i had to fix up the flower ones a little bit i'm just trying to put a really thin layer of resin on the back and moving it around with my pipette because i don't want there to be a giant bubble on the back of each one as i'm pouring the cream spinach or the actual blended turf and resin into the molds i totally hated it it was really thick and really chunky and not thick in a good way it was just not fun all around i had my fingers crossed the whole time the teal and mica flakes or unicorn skin looked pretty good as it was being bored the black i was just trying to recreate the actual plastic bases and i think it's going to do a good job the silver looks really cool in fast motion you can see the mica powder moving around inside there the red and gold also wasn't looking super good at this sort of liquid stage crossing fingers there as well and then i poured black into the rest of the individual molds as well as the blue little putty ones to try and give them a second shot in the pressure pot at 40 psi for 12 hours again and these bases are ready to go they are looking good save the putty ones they still started pulling stuff off of the putty so they are useless and i don't recommend them at all the green blended turf bases actually look pretty cool after the resin solidified it actually kind of looks like a textured grassy field not as good as actually basing it up but pretty good the silver doesn't look like anything in particular it's great for kind of like a city base and then the black ones look fantastic i actually have the original base in here mixed up with this group can you tell which one it is probably not it's this one up in the corner i had no idea because i accidentally mixed them up and i had to flip them all over to see which one was the real one that black pigment really looks good on textured surfaces it comes off really nice and dull the mana e ones look fantastic you can see right through them so you can actually see the terrain beneath your character's feet as if they're floating on some sort of magic the red and gold ones came out fantastically lava looking i was really kind of worried about them i didn't think they would look good at all but the textured surface really kind of gives it an almost brown look the flowers also look fantastic i almost wish i had done these in the acrylic so that they'd be more glass-like and you could see through you can see what they would have looked like on the bottom the kind of textured surface on the top just makes them a little bit more dull and their colors don't pop quite as much as i would like however i don't hate them and i think that they will still look cool on a set of druid characters i didn't actually get to film this last set but it was while i was making a set of dice i got to use these as actual dump molds with some of the pink foil that i had similar to the red foil and i mixed some macro pearl with some of that teal color and got a really cool japanese looking cherry blossom set i don't know why it just reminds me of any sort of anime that has a japanese cherry blossom in it i love it and i think the dice set that goes with it looks really cool as well i have some extra minis that i have a bunch of duplicates of so i'm going to go ahead and cut them off of their bases using just a razor blade right along where their feet are and just kind of wedge it back and forth make sure you're being very safe when you do this i like to use e6000 glue whenever i'm gluing something to a transparent surface because super glue likes to leave a little white film on things and that doesn't look very good so just a tiny dab of the e6000 on the base of all of the miniature's feet and i can stick them right down i take some demons and put it on the little fiery looking one and i have three of this guy so i put him on three different bases so you can see how much of a difference a base makes on your mini if you have one base in one color it will change the entire feel of the miniature i also take the longer green ones for some bigger cavalry-esque units and i'm going to go ahead and put some grass and some rocks on two of them to see what difference that makes and see if it's worth actually putting grass on every single one every time it probably is if you want something that looks like show quality however if you're just trying to get a bunch of minis out there it actually looks pretty good in the end and you can see here each mini is standing next to the rest of the bases that i had made for them and they look awesome i think this guy who's shown in three different ways looks really cool and can be a completely different character depending on which base you have him out for that time and maybe it's that he's traveling to different places and needs different bases this erin yes demon here looks super cool in the red foil beneath her that looks like a fire and these other glittery sets looks amazing on the rainbowy bard and the halfling with the hearts beneath her feet i don't really have any bass that i particularly dislike out of these i think they all look pretty cool in their own right i wish i had a samurai or ninja character for the japanese looking one underneath but if not at the very least creating the black ones that will be a little bit heavier because they don't have that divot at the bottom is worth it on its own for me because i really like heavy bases and i don't want to keep having to buy metal to put underneath them and the longer cavalry ones are really cool to be able to customize to whatever color that i like now i just need a bunch of different druid minis to actually match the flowers that go underneath them with that i hope that this maybe at least showed you what you can do with just spare resin because this isn't even a main project that i want to take on these are all bases that are going to be created whenever i make dice in the future and i just have some extra resin and it might give you some ideas that way you don't have to keep making really nice and elaborate bases and you still get something that can be thematic for your character thank you so much for watching maybe consider subscribing if you might want to see some more videos like this in the future or if you want to learn how to make your own dice from scratch because if you're already making resin bases you might as well make some dice to go with that character i hope that you yes you are staying safe and i hope that you also have a fantastic day
Channel: Rybonator
Views: 56,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make miniature bases, miniature basing, resin bases, resin, mini, miniature, base, basing, paint, terrain, how to make, how to make dice, silicone molds, how to make silicone molds, rybonator, dice goblin, acrylic, flower, 25mm, 32mm, stl, warhammer, dnd, dungeons and dragons, 5e, tabletop, crafting, diy, sand, baking soda, grass, cork, mountain, river, water, static grass, tuft, realistic, diorama, how to, custom, bases, ttrpg, wargaming, black magic craft, goobertown, maniac, 3d print, etsy, amazon, tutorial
Id: ma9T_9ni2u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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