How to Make Dice Bags in 2 Different Styles

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all right i'm gonna let the cat out of the bag dice bags are totally in fashion these days so i thought we'd bag us a new video on making a bag for our bones i did have to reach into my bag of tricks to sandbag a few of these puns into the intro but either way pack your bags and get ready for an adventure full of bag making but don't you worry i've got this in the bag first off i want to say a huge thank you to my buddy ray who is a patron of mine when he heard that i was scared to give dice bag making a try he said yo i got you he sent me two of his bags that i'm going to make in this video as an example and wrote up fabulous instructions so i would not have been able to do this without him thank you ray now i use a couple different materials and tools for this but honestly you could get by bare bones with just two yards of fabric for three dollars some scissors a needle and twine and some shoelaces if you really had to but i'll show you where you can cut corners as we go throughout the tutorial let's start off with our couple yards of fabric i'm using a 19 inch diameter steel ring that i got at hobby lobby for three dollars you do not need this you could use a pizza pan if you want to or even just any circular item what you want is something consistent you can even draw it by hand if you had to now use some scissors if you want but i got this roller cutter which is essentially speaking of pizza a super duper sharp pizza cutter and it makes cutting fabric or leather extremely easy so i've got the tools so i'm going to use it i trace around my giant circle again i was originally going to use a stool but i was going to hobby lobby to pick something up anyway so i ended up getting a larger circle for me to use as my template the key is consistency between your cuts you want to have two equal sized circles between the fabric that we're going to use for the first bag we're going to cut out our one circle here of the black material and then i bought some nicer material because i wanted it to look kind of fancy for youtube and i'm going to cut out an equal size circle we want one that is going to be the inside of our first bag and one that is the outside obviously the shiny material is going to be the outside and it will make the bag look super flashy and super fancy while the black material is a lot more durable than this shiny mermaidy looking skin after we have our two circles we're going to lay them to where the outside of the bags are facing inward on each other so the shiny side would be facing in and the black side it doesn't matter because it's the same on both sides now if you have some binder clips you can use those but i'm going to be using these cheese trail chip clips magnets work awesome and i'm going to make sure that the circles don't move around a lot now i'm getting a needle i got a sharps needle i do not know if that matters or not and some thread i start with yellow so you can see it easier but i end up using purple on the main part of the bag now pay attention class we're starting intro to hand sewing 101 with rybinator and the first thing we're going to do is put some thread through a needle hot dang that's some easy stuff then we move on to actually tying a knot on the end of it which is also super easy you're just going to take the two ends of the thread that you have now created and tie them in a small little loop around your finger and then tie off that knot the actual first intro to hand sewing is get a sewing machine jesus this would be 1 100th of the time if you had a sewing machine it takes me like four hours to do a whole bag if you had a sewing machine i guarantee you could get the whole thing done in like 10 minutes tops no problems but after we tie off a little knot it's just got this tiny knot on the end you can clip that off and now you've got yourself some thread ready to be sewn into your bags now i'm going to show this once here rather than repeatedly showing it as we go through the bags because it just is going to take a lot of time i'm going to do something called a back stitch now for the back stitch it's super simple you just push your needle through your material in our case we would use two pieces of material because we're trying to stitch those together and then once you go through the back right back out the front you pull your thread through and bada bing bada boom you've got your first stitch if you're doing a regular stitch you just kind of keep going in the same manner the knot will hold it there you can see how if there was two materials it would pull them together now what makes it a backstitch is we go back through that first hole that we made or thereabouts and then push a little bit further past where we came out the other time this makes it a backstitch and it's much more like a sewing machine in this way it's a much stronger stitch which is important for a dice bag because they're actively used and we put things in them and move them around a lot you kind of repeat this process going two steps forward one step back all the way through until you've got your full stitch and then you're done now all we've got to do is tie it off and we got ourselves a back stitch you could do any other type of stitch again a sewing machine is best but this gets the job done now to tie it off all you have to do is take the needle back through the previous thread that you made pull it out and then pull it through the loop that you have now made which i know doesn't make a lot of sense but you want to do it three times you can see there i push it through pull it back through the loop push it through the previous ring again pull it through the loop and now it should have a knot that's not going to come out again snip off any excess and you should be good to go so that's what we're going to do for all of these bags i hand sew all of this and it takes freaking ages and i definitely wish i had a sewing machine it would be worth it to drive three hours to a family member's house who has a sewing machine to save you the time later i swear so now that we know how to sew i'm gonna go ahead and sew all the way around the giant 19 inch diameter circles that we have made with the fabric and doing so we're going to do it about half an inch away from the edge and we want to constantly check and make sure that they are still aligned we've got those clippers to help us out the whole time but don't go all the way around we want to leave enough of a gap between where we stop on the two threads and tie it off to where we could fit our hand inside the two materials we want to be able to do this because we have to turn the materials right side out at some point so as long as you can fit your hand in there to be able to do that you should be good to go because we're also going to fit our thread inside there so i'm going to go ahead and test it and make sure that i can flip it inside out we're good to go here and now we have this little flap to where we can put the thread inside so great let's flip it back to where it is not the right way around and we can start working on putting our parachute cord inside this is again where you could use a shoelace if you really had to now for the parachute cord to come out of the material and actually be able to cinch it closed we need to have some holes in it we're going to do that in our outside material in this case that's my shiny material now i need to punch some holes in it i have a leather hole punch which is what i'm going to use but again scissors will work all you need to do is be able to make a hole now i'm going to use this little punch pad that i have because i'm using the tool and i don't want it to mess with the material underneath i cut them about an inch in and an inch apart on the little gap flap i don't have a better word for it you can see it's on that outside material now i'm going to put some eyelets in using eyelets and eyelet tool a lot of times those kits come together and there's two sizes when you look at eyelets a small and a tall one the tall one goes on the outside of the material it's going to be the one that you look at and the small one goes on the inside or the back of the material it doesn't really matter but that's the preferred way and it's just going to look better if you do so i have some scrap leather that i'm actually going to reinforce this material with because my outside material is not very strong at all you could totally use some denim if you have some old pants or shorts that you just want to cut up to help reinforce this that helps a lot the eyelet tool is super duper easy to use this little black thing goes on the bottom it's even got a spacer that holds it in really nicely and the top you're going to hit with a hammer and it takes the inside material or that small eyelet part and spreads it out so that it cannot be opened and now we've got a completed eyelet which will not come off and it's got some leather on the inside so this material is not going to be damaged at all i'm going to do it again here so that you can see one more time this is going to crimp that material outward and we've got two completed eyelets that we can shove the parachute cord through you could just have a hole the parachute cord may damage it i don't know i've never tried it without but i know the eyelets are pretty important in terms of longevity of the bag but we're gonna shove the parachute cord through one of the eyelets and so that it is now going inside of the bag that we have there we're going to try and fill up the entire circumference of the circular bag that we're doing here trying to keep the cord you can see here i'm kind of rubbing against it so you can see along the edge and outside of the bag magnets really help with this as do chip clips in terms of keeping it in place and then we go all the way around and pull it out the other hole now i can't really explain that because you can't see inside the bag so what i'm doing and you can see here i'm just taking this cord on the outside but this is what's happening on the inside of the bag i'm wrapping this cord around the circumference of the bag trying to keep it as much to the edge as possible and i'm using these magnets and chip clips to keep it there i want to sew on the inside of where this cord is so that it doesn't move but i can't do that if the cord is not held in place so again the cord comes out the other eyelet there this is all happening inside the bag this is just a visual representation of what's going on inside the bag the chip clips and the magnets are holding that in place got it we good awesome now we can get to sewing which is what really matters but we need to sew this gap closed now that we've got our parachute cord inside i swap over to purple thread because you're actually going to be able to see this thread moving forward there's no real way to avoid it this thread is going to be on the outside we're going to fold the material in and then sew it should be four materials worth thick at that point and now we can get to sewing you can see the cord is on the inside of the bag there and kind of trying to outline it so that you can see it it's held on the inside of where the magnets are and you'll be able to see it here as well right next to the eyelet we want to sew on the inside of this we essentially want the cord to be trapped inside a ring of sewing material from the outside and sewed material on the inside that way it cannot move you can see i make that inner ring there which traps the parachute cord on the inside and now i can go ahead and cut off the other end of the parachute cord i always wait till the end just to be sure about that burn the cut ends of your parachute cord with the lighter so that a little bit of the plastic melts and then tie a knot off on the end of your bag and bada bing bada boom you've got yourself the first circular dice bag that is completely done and because it's so shiny i thought it would be great to put the pride dice that i made on the inside and now it fits with this kind of super shiny rainbowy theme that it's got going on and this is a huge bag i thought it was going to be way smaller than it was i thought i would use more material but this is a ginormous beast and this is only bag number one i wanted to see how many dice could fit in this thing so i have this giant bag of what i consider to be my favorite dice that are sent to me or some that i've made and a lot of them are metal so this is a really really heavy bag and this thing didn't even break a sweat because of the two materials the more durable one being on the inside it is solid and it can hold some heavy heavy dice without even kind of stretching which the shiny material would totally do if it was just that but let's move on to dice bag number two a completely different style using some different materials that are a little bit more laid back and tame just some nice kind of navy blue and black we need doubles of this material so actually fold it over so that it's two layers and we can cut twice at once and we want a nice rectangular shape i had this acrylic piece here i was originally going to use my silver play button as a haha that would be kind of cool but i wanted a smaller bag that would have made a ginormous one and i recently just made a ginormous one so i need a smaller one and then we're also going to use that same black material that we got for like three dollars it's all great stuff again we could have done all this in just that one black material for the two yards that we had so three bucks if we wanted to we want a black and blue combo for each of these and we're going to sew them on the top of the short ends again chip clips and magnets help to hold this in place otherwise you're going to have a rough time go ahead and make your threads and do your back stitching across the short end until you've got two separate sets of material with black and blue the same way with our last bag whatever was on the inside of these two materials is what's going to end up being on the outside of your bag i'm also going to punch holes in these except we're going to punch two holes on the outside edges i did about three fourths of an inch in and down from the top i'd go a little more if i were y'all i would do maybe about an inch you can see this gets a little bit close to the top for my comfort but then we're gonna do some eyelets again we're doing the inside because the inside is actually what's going to be on the outside of the bag so put the tall part of your eyelets on there i do the same thing for the other set of material giving us four holes in total which is what we need i place the side with the thread on the outside or what will be the inside of the bag facing away from each other on these two materials and i lay them together lining them up as much as i can which is kind of difficult but you can see thread out inside of the bag out and we're going to sew all the way around the black and leaving a small gap on the top of the blue it's kind of hard to see here without the thread but i will show you with the thread here soon again we're gonna go all the way around maybe about a fourth of an inch on the inside of the black leaving a small gap down at the bottom on the blue which i will show you here with the thread as i have now sewed it it only took two hours no big deal i didn't even film it and there's going to be a gap the same way we did with our round bags we're also going to cut the corner on these be careful not to actually cut the thread on them and that will make a more square looking bag in the end which is great now we're going to take all this material we're done with the inside of the bag and put it right side out you can see here you don't see any of the seams it looks dope you can see the black on the outside and the blue that will be the inside of the bag and same way before it's got this little gap on the edge we're going to fold in the material and sew alongside that folded material so again it'll be four thick as you're sewing this sew it just so that it's closed you won't even see this this will be at the very bottom on the inside of the bag it is more hidden than the rounded bag by far we are done with the sewing for this bag we can move on to putting the parachute cord through the eyelets that we have made we want to be able to wrap it around the bag and leave four inches off on the ends twice with each parachute cord you can kind of see what i showed there cut it off burn it and then we want two lengths of this parachute cord as we go through so go ahead and line it up right next to the other one that way they're equal length cut it burn it same thing and now we can start moving the cord through you want to put one end of one of your pieces of cord through one eyelet and pull it out on the opposite end of that bag as you pull it out you're then going to immediately turn it right around and put it through the eyelet that is next to it push it all the way through until it comes out the other end of the other side of the bag and should come out right near where you started putting the parachute cord through and bada bing bada boom you're good to go with one out of two of the parachute cords tie it the same way you did the needle and thread type knot just wrap it around itself and move on to the second cord starting on the other side wrap it through the exact same way that you did before go in one out on the opposite side back in on the side nearest it and back out the opposite side to where you're mirroring what you did before tie it off in a knot and bada bing bada boom cinch it up because your second dice bag is done this one is far easier than the rounded dice bag as far as putting the parachute cords through it takes a fraction of the time and this is kind of the more traditional dice bag so this is probably what you're used to seeing now i'm gonna put two and a half sets in there from some of my previous videos and you can see even here this did not take up much room in the bag this was still way bigger than i thought it was going to be you could almost use like a wallet sized rectangle to make a bag like this if you wanted to i put a ton of dice in here just to see how much it would actually hold and if these kind of parachute cords would hold it tightly and it totally does that's filled with regular and metal dice and i'm shaking it upside down and nothing's coming out until i decide to pour it i really like this style of bag more than the rounded one i will say not because the rounded one is bad but it's just my kind of personal preference and i think with some soft leather this would look very kind of traditional medieval where this other one is more of almost a traveler's sac bag where you would almost put like a sack lunch in it it is awesome and it holds a ton in there and maybe a smaller version would look good as like a coin purse type bag but you can see because of my hand sewn threading here you can see that on the outside and on the inside it's not all that pretty if i had a sewing machine maybe my opinion would change i am super into the gold eyelets on this mermaidy color thing and if i have one of those metal cinch things that kind of keeps it closed that might change my opinion even more but at last i love both bags i just can't get enough that i made these and i'm super proud of it but now i need to talk about this week's sponsor which is me i'm sponsoring this week's video because i have something cool to do for y'all i made a new dice box with the silicone dice box mold that i got and a new die set using my dice goblin molds that i'm calling a mana pearl set which i think looks just awesome and you know how i've never given away a set of dice from my channel it's never been a thing that i've done besides just giving some to friends that you all have seen me make well let's change that this is going to be the first official set of my dice that i am giving away and i'm going to be giving it away during my red wagon in stream it's an actual play d d stream where i'm going to be dming my home brew world with a couple other amazing dice makers as my players drew from dicey encounters jackie from mumbi menagerie alex from level up dice and brie from fortune favors now i've made this set of dice the box and i'm also going to give away the two dice bags that ray sent me to learn from for my giveaway so that's going to be four things that come with mine so one winner will get that but there's going to be other winners because the other dice makers are making and giving away some amazing stuff on that first stream on july 21st so come join us from 7 to 11 eastern standard time but we're going to be having that stream a lot moving forward as well and if you can't catch the streams they're also going to be recorded and you can check them out at any time on the level up dice twitch channel twitch is free anybody can use it at any time so anybody can join and enter this giveaway if you want to come join and one i hope you join for the giveaway because i'd love to give this set away to one of my fans and two i hope you join because we're gonna have a great time playing some dungeons and dragons together in my homebrew world so come hang out with us and i hope to see you there while i say a quick thank you to the patrons on to some glamour shots of the dice bags because these dice bags are still the star of the show for this episode and it is a star to behold the mermaid dice bag is just something super duper cool and i can see anybody toting that around as something that's awesome but the beauty of these dice bags is not that i made them but because you can use this as a template for anything moving forward if you have a circle or a rectangle you can use any sort of fabric any color you want i really wanted to do gold but i thought i would restrain myself and try some new material going forward with this kind of mermaidy look however i really wanted to get kind of a gold scale look and i saw some at hobby lobby but i skipped it for you for you to see something different thank you so much for watching i hope that you enjoyed and learned how to make two new styles of dice bags maybe if you want to see how to make some leather ones in the future let me know because i've always wanted to try that out i tried it out before and it didn't work but i've gotten better at crafting and patience overall again a huge thank you to rey for showing me how to do these things you're an absolute rock star if you want to learn how to make your own dice to put inside these bags that's largely what i do on this channel as well as other tabletop gaming type material so subscribe if you might want to see some more stuff like that in the future let me know if you liked this video and i hope that you have a fantastic day and i hope to see you on the future red wagon in streams
Channel: Rybonator
Views: 82,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make dice bags, diy dice bag, dice bag tutorial, cloth dice bag, leather dice bag, diy, dice bag, how to make, how to, diy dice, how to make dice, dice goblin, rybonator, review, etsy, hand made, instructions, tutorial, round, tye, cord, fabric, material, soft, dice tray, dice tower, dice box, drawstring dice bag, chainmail dice bag, leather, d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, reversible, monster, sewing, free, pattern, pocket, pockets, dice bag pattern, handmade dice, silicone, custom, dice, bag
Id: fUNHVjG4978
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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