Can I 3D Print over 140 Tabletop Minis in One Weekend?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TFA_Rybonator 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
this just in hot off the printing presses can ribenator print an entire army over the weekend i feel it coming that's for sure let's see how big of an army i can keep up my sleeves because like the weekend that i made this in girl it's worth it and like i'm a champ i thought i'd get an extra army or two and print enough minis for 3d in d campaigns this is a departure from my normal style videos normally i do how to's not challenges but this one is going to be a bit of a challenge video my mini factory reached out to me and said hey we have a bundle that we'd like to promote and you're a fun youtuber we'd like to work with you so how about we send you a lagoon mars pro printer and i said well yeah that sounds awesome they said can you print this entire bundle that we're promoting in a weekend i said no but they said yeah well we'll send you another machine can it happen then or what if we send you three ela mars pro printers can you get it all done in a weekend then and i was like well heck yes so they sent me two liters of elegumar's resin and then amerilab said they would help and send three liters of their amazing resin so i got a bunch of alcohol so that we can get started on this and see if we can complete printing over a hundred minis in a single weekend that was the original challenge could i do 100 minis in a 72 hour period from friday to sunday so i said yeah let's get cracking on this thing and open up the printers so in terms of differences between the lagoon mars and the pro there's not a huge amount of differences one of them is that it comes with a d20 in it which is green because the my mini factory version of the elegumars pro printer is green and which is kind of cool if collector's editions matter to you this is their version of a collector's edition of the mars printer now it comes with this rubber gasket which i'll talk about in a minute but one thing it also has the usb on the front of the printer which doesn't make that big of a difference if you only have one but because i have four i did like this it was easier to get to them this little rubber gasket that goes on the cover here is to help keep air from coming out so that all of the resin fumes have to go through this charcoal filter which is on the pro which is not normally on the regular elegumar's printer it's got this metal build plate that has tiny little ridges in it which helps prints stick to them so they don't pop off or fail as often which i found really nice i didn't notice the same kind of level of detail in the regular mars printer and you're welcome for the oddly satisfying pull so on thursday i was setting up all the different printers and i noticed that the vats actually have a max little marker on there which my original elegu didn't have i had to get a different resin vat that showed that on there so that was nice the user interface on the pro is very similar to the original mars hardly any tweaks at all to that which i find nice because i didn't have to learn anything new i leveled the build plates also really easy on elegumar's products so was happy with that and these were set up in no time flat i was ready to get printing if you know my channel at all you know i like to use water washable 3d printing resin because it's just easier i don't have to buy any alcohol to use it and so i like it better however this time i got the opportunity to use the cadillac of 3d printing resins which is ameralabs amd3 the reason i went with this resin over other resins is because well one they sent it to me for free so that's always nice but mostly because it can save seconds off of each little line that i'm 3d printing with this resin stuff and over the course of a weekend that literally saves me hours making this challenge actually possible and not only possible i knock it out of the park but that's something to get to later so thank you andreas from ameralabs for letting me use this product and actually making this challenge possible for me to do amerilabs also has a test print that i can do to help dial in my printers that way i know that my prints aren't going to fail nearly as often so i run that until i can dial in all four of my different printers at a certain speed to where i can get incredibly tiny detail and hopefully get a reduced amount of fails on my prints because the more fails i get the less likely it's gonna be that i'm gonna complete this challenge so after dialing them in you can say i save about 15 minutes over the course of every hour and a half with my pro printers compared to my mars they just work a little bit better as far as curing or post printing these things and how i'm going to clean them all up i got this container with the lid on it that i am going to fill with 99.9 isopropyl alcohol there's nothing about this brand that i particularly prefer i could just get more of it in bulk for cheaper than others the pros come with a metal scraper which i think is really really nice it makes getting these things off of here a lot easier and after they're done printing i'm gonna swirl them in our little alcohol bath for a little bit to get all the excess resin off you can see there's supposed to be up to five rows of those tiny little pin columns there for an ideal print and a lot of open little holes here so i had to do some adjusting on my original print and i will show you my final print settings when i get to that here in just a little bit after i dump it in alcohol i also swirl it around in water for just a little bit to get any excess alcohol off after taking any sprues off if there are any on the prints then i can put them in my little diy uv box that's got a uv powered turntable it's filled with uv leds that way i can post cure all my prints in there for final curing and i don't have to leave them outside the other essential thing that let me complete this challenge in one weekend was pre-supported minis if you've ever heard of yesik and his group he is amazing they made all of these supports so that i could just pop these minis right off i didn't have to do any support cleanups on all of these printed obsession minis and that just made life so easy and nice for me they even double checked to make sure all the printing would work now if you have an elegant mars or an elegant mars pro these are the print settings that i used with the amerilabs resin and for the nerds out there these are the print times that are estimated from the machine so doing some math i calculated between the four printers it would take around 38 hours of non-stop printing so at noon on friday i got started with my christmas tree looking workbench i got all of the printers going all at the exact same time that way i could try and be as efficient as possible as soon as one print would finish on one printer i had an alarm set to where i would come back up and start the next print on that there were only a few where i didn't do that and it's so that i could do this right here get some amazing 8 or 12 hour long time lapse videos for you all to see because it just looks so dang good if a printer was ever not printing it was because i was opening up the vat of alcohol here and taking the prints off of the printer the reason the lid is actually really important on this container is so that the alcohol doesn't evaporate through all the prints that i used i used the same exact vat of alcohol here i didn't need it to be that clean since i was washing it off with water in addition to using the alcohol afterwards so i wasn't too worried you can see here i have great prints with nice supports and with this little metal spatula it was really easy to just push it right under and get the prints off super easy sometimes you gotta dab it on there but hey that's just what you gotta do i don't have to worry about cleaning this print tray up because it's just gonna go right back into resin so that's not anything i had to worry about so that saved me a lot of time as well my original print settings were a little too aggressive and i was trying to go too fast so you can see i did get some failures here where like this tail on this giant flying beast did not print so those settings that i showed you earlier was after much trial and error and finally getting the right settings nothing about what yesik and them did for setting up the prince was wrong it was mostly me trying to go too fast but i clean all these off by just swirling them around in the alcohol for a good long time enough to get most of the excess alcohol off again dunking them in the water the water i do change out in between each of the resin prints here that i dunk into the alcohol then i dispose of the water like i'm supposed to for my area you want to look up the codes for your area for what you're supposed to do and then i use the packaging from the 3d prints which is just this foam stuff to take all of the supports off on before i cure the resin prints you can see why dialing in the printer was so important because these supports are incredibly tiny but that's for a reason because now i don't have to do any cleanup on any of the minis i just pop them off the supports and bada bing bada boom they are good to go with the amerlabs resin this stuff is so buttery smooth i can see almost zero printing lines there's very rarely a case where i can actually notice them on there so i am very pleased with both yessic's job and printed obsessions minis here i'm just really happy with the quality of how everything turned out honestly i thought it was going to have to sacrifice pretty heavily on the quality to get this thing done in one weekend and i didn't have to at all if anything these are way better than my normal mini prints so all in all that's nothing but an upside for me so much so as i was doing these i actually noticed a few minis that i really liked i had 101 unique minis that i could print but some of them i had some extra time when i was doing this and i actually decided to print some more originally again the challenge was going to be 100 minis in 72 hours well you've seen the title i made 141 minis total by the time i was done at 7 30 p.m on sunday i realized i was not gonna be able to get any more prints in and done so i called it there and so from noon on friday to 7 30 p.m on sunday 141 minis that's a pretty good freaking weekend when i put all the minis on one table that's when the scale of how many minis i printed really started to set in i actually did two bundles that were on the my mini factory store and a few other minis thrown in there from printed obsession the heaven hath no fury and hell hath no fury we had a lot of minis taken from both of those that way it kind of looked like two separate armies you can see on the right side of the table here it's mostly demons and evil things where over on the left side it's mostly good things like angels and regular people and clergy members the other benefit from doing it all from one designer is it keeps all in one style that way if i do actually want to do an entire campaign or 3d indie campaigns like i said in the intro they're all in one similar style all the minis look like they could fit into one single universe together if i paint one to look one way the other ones can look like they're meant to oppose them or come up against them and the players can kind of feel more involved and in the universe that they're actually going to be playing in at the table the other good thing that i didn't even plan to do but noticed is a lot of these printed minis a lot of them are female and most of the minis i buy because that's a lot of what's available are male so i got to expand my bad bitch's roster by having a bunch of printed females added onto here so i was super excited by that and one of the prints i did this one here you can see on screen is the chained lady i'm not sure what it's actually called for printed obsession took two whole print trays worth of minis to actually print so i probably could have gotten 150 minis which in retrospect would have been better for the click bait and the title but you know 141 is still pretty darn good and a lot of these minis are just super unique like the little red riding hood ones that you saw there a lot of these harpies a tiny little bird there and some cool steampunky ones that i did this isn't an advertisement for printed obsession stuff i just kind of you know gushing about it because i do like it and i think that they are all really cool if you wanted to try this challenge yourself i bet you could get 50 minis in a 72 hour period i almost got to 200 minis with four printers and i did not take anywhere close to the 72 hours if you did want to try a challenge like this yourself my mini factory and i wanted to do this video to kind of help show their new promotion on their machine bundles not only can you get the machine at a discount which i'll give you more of here in just a second you get 50 off of any my mini factory purchase now here's a pro tip it says you get a 50 off single purchase voucher so a lot of people think that means it's a one purchase thing but if i put both of these in my cart i get eighty dollars off for a hundred sixty dollar purchase you could put the entire my mini factory store in your cart and get everything at 50 off you just only get to do it once i did everything with printed obsession mini so if you want to use those bundles and look at their stuff they make great products check it out but also as i said i got you something else you can get an additional 30 off the machine if you use the link in the description below i'm not actually getting any extra money on that it's not an affiliate link i just wanted to be able to give you an extra 30 off in case you wanted to be able to try something with these printers and get something going for yourself so that's it we absolutely destroyed the challenge and this was a new type of video so if you like this type of video and want to see more like that in the future let me know in the comments down below and then i can do that i definitely have some plans with all these printers to do in the future and some more things that i'm going to be doing with my mini factory so i'm not gonna do anything just yet but at some point i'm gonna have an extra printer or two lying around that i think might deserve to be given away so subscribe to make sure you don't miss that in the near future or if you want to learn how to make dice from scratch i do that on my channel that's actually the main thing that i do on my channel but to all of the other 3d printing tabletop youtubers out there know that the gauntlet has been thrown down and i cannot wait to see what they do to reply they are gonna destroy me but it'll be a lot of fun thank you so much for watching i hope that you have a fantastic day
Channel: Rybonator
Views: 521,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, tabletop, minis, miniature, 3d printed, 3d, print, dnd, dungeons and dragons, warhammer, obsessions, myminifactory, elegoo, mars, pro, resin, dlp, sla, fdm, challenge, ttrpg, models, terrain, dice, modular, army, 100, 141, rybonator, dice goblin, how to make dice, resin miniatures, supports, timelapse, cure, curing, station, how to, settings, chitubox, miniatures, 3d printing miniatures, 3d printed miniatures for dnd, cura, d&d, hero forge, cost, 40k, painting, sanding, files, bundle, printer, 3d printed minis
Id: u6Z7CEAPVis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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