AMAZING FOCACCIA BARESE The Best Focaccia Bread Recipe

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so Mark is an award-winning pizza chef he knows who is doing today mark is showing us how to make focaccia Pugliese the grandmother of all pizzas and their exile mom [Music] I am welcome to VIN tensors play oh yeah with marks play today mark is going to show us how to make focaccia Pugliese they grandmothers of all pizzas a mattress Mark is an award-winning chef here in Sydney a proud pizza chef who's going to become a grandmother today and show you the secrets how to make focaccia all right let's go please let's stop okay today we're using 1.4 kilos of cold water so that we can mix it to a high hydrations we're going to use one point six kilos of zero zero flour with medium protein which is a w 330 and we're going to mix that with 20% of an integral if flour which is a wholemeal flour in English and we're going to put three percent of salt which is 60 grams 2% of extra virgin olive oil which is 40 grams and 10 grams of fresh yeast we're going to start off with the water one point four kilos okay so we're going to start with about 10 percent of the flour and we're going to make a bit of a bust better to start off with [Music] so mixing the flour into the water and turning it into a pastel get in or the grow me up and then we're gonna add the flour slowly now you would yes we're going to put a little bit more just to make it a little bit thicker you want the bus a little behave just like a thickened cream and consistency okay so we're using 10 grams of yeast which is a lot of yeast for 2 kilos of flour we're going to mix it in we're going to break it up so that it mixes better throughout the whole thing and it will be very no it's not going to be heavy because it's going to be a it's going to be a short dough it's gonna we're gonna make the dough it's gonna sit for 4 hours in a muster and then we're gonna roll the balls and then we're going to make the focaccia about four hours later so it's going to have what eight hours all together okay so just be patient keep mixing the flour in it's gonna take about ten minutes all together to get it all incorporated because it's a high hydration dough just a little bit at a time the whole mill flour you can put it you can mix it with the other flour doesn't really matter as long as it's incorporated into your dirt okay completing some now I'm putting something there just to incorporated into the other flour the whole mill flour is gonna change the flavor of the dough the flavor of the focaccia you're gonna make it more rustic it's going to make it more rustic it's going to give you a bit more taste in your mouth when you're chewing through it a bit more texture as well okay the technique I'm using is just to get as fast as I can to incorporate the flour which is gonna be 70% hydration so you have to eventually go very fast usually you do this in a go mixer but it's quite good to make it at home because you get to feel though all the dough in your hands so much the dough is very sticky it's gonna be a sticky dough because it's a 70% hydration it's a bit more hydrated than what you'd usually make it home yeah and we're making it by hand which makes it even stickier the ball more flour on you can put a little little bit more flour but at this stage we're going to incorporate some of the salts I might see much all of the salt that's 60 grams of salt which is 3% of the flour so the ding to the dough is what if I decide to use a mixer and I've put the flour at the same time he's not gonna walk right the thing with the mixer is if you're gonna make this much dough you get and in a little KitchenAid or a mixer at home you're gonna make a mess no I make it to mix it at a high hydration it's just gonna go everywhere okay okay so do it slowly take your time and make love with it that's right you put love into love into it yeah to make pizzas my friend you need passion and love if you don't have that don't don't even start that's right beautiful now just feel it no place off you to make bread with this you can micrography spread comes out amazing with this nice I know is the time when you want to punch yeah yeah here is where you get the stress out of you guys if you feel stressed don't go into your psychologist currency Mart and he's gonna help you to get a stress out of your body yeah huh so as soon as you've incorporated all the flour in your bone into the dirt which is about now you can get rid of the ball and you can start working on your bench now that we've been cooperated all the flour the next process is just mix it at all until we get it to a point where it's not break enough which in italian is called imported otto even caught that yeah so we're gonna add the oil last to give it some elasticity and to incorporate the rest of the dough okay the dough starting to come together now you can say if you start pulling it it's not breaking anymore how many folk artists can you make it up this one here we can make about three four coaches how long did the pocket allows the focaccia will last about three days even out of the fridge you don't need to but in Italy when you buy a focaccia they don't use a refrigerated bench that I use a heated bench it's a room temperature they heat it up if you want to heat it up otherwise it just sits there and they'll use it the next day as well okay the difference this flour makes is it's not your usual just white dough it's a bit more yellow it's got little bits of fiber in it it's much healthier for you it's much easier to digest and it's much better to eat and taste yeah as well it's a very versatile flour you can use it from focaccia - pizza - bread - pastries so now that we've finished the dough we're going to put it into a bowl we're going to put a touch more olive oil on top and then we're going to cover it with cling film leave it for four hours and then we're going to cut it up into the size balls that we need which is going to be 600 gram balls and we're going to roll the balls okay so this is the same dough four hours later and as you can see you can see the bubbles or coming up okay we're going to cut some balls we're going to cut them at around 600 grams we're going to roll them out but because it's such a high hydration we're gonna roll it like a mozzarella we're gonna roll the ball using a hand because it's a sticky dirt you want to get your fingers underneath the ball and you want to fold the ball into itself once you've got your ball that's going to sit there for another four hours and it'll be ready to stretch do you cover it we are gonna cover it yes let's see if we need 600 grand Paul let's go oh look Oh very close so once you've rolled your balls you can put them in a pizza tray you cover it and this is what you get four hours later okay we're going to put some oil into the tray get it nice and oiled and then we're going to take our pizza ball out of the tray on it onto a well floured surface oh my god look ups off today's such a you cannot you can say that wobble in the day Wow like a panic panic oh okay you want to use a lot of flour underneath this because it's such a sticky dirt and you just want to press it very lightly out in a circle just like that Wow once you've got it about that much that's enough you're just going to tap off as much flour as you can and you're gonna put it into your tray okay so now we're gonna add a little bit more on top no I was just gonna make it all smooth and then what it's gonna be part of the flavor is imported they make such a good oil that you want to the focaccia with the oil it gives their flavor the right flavor yeah we're gonna make little indentations now just with your fingers for the for the oil to sink into okay so we're going to put the cherry tomatoes and you just press them in slightly 200 grams of tomatoes you cut little melon off yeah somewhere you gonna get to be very generous yeah we've do it and we're gonna put some say salt right at the end okay and there's your product ready for the oven so not the matter so just cherry tomatoes see boy breathe yeah now we're gonna put the focaccia into the oven the base of our oven is at 310 degrees and the top of the oven is at 250 degrees as you want the bottom because this is such a thick black steel you want the bottom to be hotter than the top 12 to 15 minutes in the oven you don't have to turn it you don't have to do anything you just check it once you say the colors perfect a nice golden brown color they should be ready Oh Peter you in half okay we're just gonna stick to the full years of style pizza bull yes I love the melanzana eggplants salami and then we're gonna put some stretch a tiller on it when it comes out so with the POE capture though you can also make a pizza you can have a focaccia go to the bed Oh a pizza we're gonna give it a check now we're gonna have a look as you can see it's a nice golden color it's risen double the amount of when we put it in it's cooked underneath side so it's ready okay and here we've got the final product there's nothing brunch on the outside lots of bubbles on the inside ready to eat okay and here's the other one ready salamé piranha take plants mozzarella di bufala had a bit of stretch of Allah on top like I said with this high hydration though you can say there's a lot of bubbles it's soft on the outside crunchy on the bottom we've got lots of bubbles throughout the whole pizza is a gelatin exact Sione of the dog which makes it look bit plasticky and that's the nice it's like the sounder you know what time it is right now forget your time disease the time that I love the most of the video recipe the time the weeds texture my weight to it I can eat both of them by myself right now because you'll see use whole meal must be light up right there's a lighter day and as you can see because we use the medium medium strength flour I was able to hold all the bubbles in and without the dough exploding and now you're gonna be able to taste can I be after gotcha up bread crude oil where's our pizza moist inside the trailer models perfection the Oregon oh there's a super punching this is the culinary experience marriages where the grass alone so if you use potato what does it do to the playful gotcha found it makes it lighter it gives it a bit more softness in the middle crunch on the outside and it just it gives it that lighter texture on the inside on incredible cutting out experience thank you much for showing me thank you what can I say we will see you in the next we can just play video recipe a hora de mangia you're a petite Magento's played today's for catch a time for gotcha day for kuchupudi yesterday there are so many for captures in italy there are hundreds of different types of focus but this is one of the the Queen's yeah I guess we can call it the focaccia porridge maybe removing for the king is in general the focaccia bellezza a bit more flour Wow I like to be your assistant marked their nighttime work with you I love pizza ma do you know what disease this is perfect for rats are pool is a good point
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 193,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: focaccia barese, focaccia bread, focaccia, amazing focaccia barese, best focaccia bread recipe, focaccia bari style, focaccia pugliese, focaccia pizza, pan focaccia, focaccia bread recipe, how to make focaccia bread, focaccia recipe, how to make focaccia, italian bread, italian focaccia, puglia, focaccia bread bon appetit, neapolitan pizza, le 5 stagioni, pizza masterclass, focaccia barese recipe, homemade focaccia, focaccia recipe jamie oliver, vincenzo's plate
Id: aEnfMRI9Kbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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