How to make Ramen Noodles with Egg

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alright so I'm gonna teach you how to make ramen noodle with egg it's a relatively simple way to make ramen noodles more traditional way it's really good first I'm a open up crack open the eggs and put them in a bowl set it aside so crack open the egg egg in the bowl I'm just gonna sit it to the side over here next I'm gonna add two and a half cups of water to a pot then I'm just gonna bring it to so once the water comes to a boil I do it things a little bit different I pull out the the package of flavoring and add it to the water first and the reason why I do that is because when the noodles are cooking I like the noodles to have to absorb all of the flavor I want the noodles the flavor to go all throughout the noodles so when I'm eating am i eating like a bland noodle so I had the seasoning I wait for word to come back to a boil and then I add noodles to the pot add it in there and just let them let them boil should take like maybe maybe a minute or two to you know cook down and like yes so it's cooking down flavors going all the way through the noodle it's gonna be really good the noodles gonna have a nice nice flavor like to it when it comes down to eating it so let that boil a little bit I'll let it break apart just a little bit I don't want to cook it all the way through because I'm gonna add the egg to it I don't like them noodles to be cooked to the point to where they're like not new they're mushy so I just boil a little bit and then I add the egg to the pot so I just push notice to the side and add the egg in one egg on one side one on the other so I put it in and then bring it back to a boil just slightly I mean I like the egg to be cooked almost all the way through but not too much I mean if you like it cooked all the way through you just leave the egg in there for a little bit longer I'd say about like 30 or 45 seconds would be you know good enough time for the egg to cook and so what I do after it's been boiling for about like 30 seconds or so I'll take the top just get a top that belongs to the pot that you're cooking in and I'll cover it remove turn off the heat and move it to the side and just let it sit for about another I don't know say maybe 30 seconds to a minute and let the heat that's remaining inside of the pot just cook the egg and the new after about a minute or so you get the pot take off the lid and you have yourself a bowl and I have like one of these these spoons with the grades in it so I can you know cuz I don't like using up all of the broth I don't only like some of it so I'll get one of these spoons and I just scoop yeah you see how I came out look at the egg perfect perfectly poached right there just how I like it that's how you want to you want to love it look and that that's perfect that's how you poach an egg okay so you add it to the bowl yeah add it there's other poached egg right here see that add it to the bowl go a little bit closer you get all the noodle oh good noodle straight up perfect see that and to the bowl I only like a little bit of broth don't like too much some people like a lot of boat a little bit more than one it but a it's gonna be good and that's how you make ramen noodle with egg perfect
Channel: Mr.Wrath
Views: 5,626,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ramen Noodles With Egg, easy dinner ideas, egg, dinner ideas, ramen noodles, ramen, dinner, how to, eggs, easy dinner recipes, eggdrop soup, Ramen noodles with egg tiktok, ramen noodle recipes, ramen with egg, how to make ramen noodles, how to make ramen with egg, ramen noodles with egg, noodles with egg, how to make ramen, how to make noodles, how to make noodles with eggs, egg in ramen, noodles recipe, how to cook ramen noodles, how to make good ramen noodles, ramen egg
Id: M5f5fonvN1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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