4 Fast & Delicious RAMEN NOODLE DISHES

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hello everyone and welcome back today I'm going to take you back years ago when I made fast and delicious Ramen dishes for you guys I want to know your favorite now if you hear the word Raymond in some of these videos it's because that's how I grew up saying that word Raymond and not Ramen but after a couple of videos that I've showed y'all how to make ramen noodles I learned the word because y'all let me know how to say it right okay we are going to start off with a delicious ground beef and stroganoff Ramen we're going to move to a vegetable fried Ramen mmm it's going to remind you of fried rice we're going to go to an Asian noodle salad let's top it off with a beef and broccoli Skillet Ramen meal let's head on back years ago then y'all let me know your favorite do I have a fast easy version of ground beef stroganoff we're going to be using some ramen noodles I know you have these in your pantry and you're like what am I going to do with these this recipe right here I have a 30 minute recipe on stroganoff but this one's going to cut that time in half the first thing that I'm going to do right now is I've got an onion I've peeled it and I'm going to chop it into small pieces and then we're going to start getting that ready in our large pot or large skillet right we're just going to get my garlic cloves going right here really quick while I got them here got about three cloves I'm just gonna go ahead and take the skin off everything's gonna happen in one pot here now I've got it over medium high heat I'm going to add one tablespoon of butter now hang on to your butter right I'll need it here in a little bit and then one tablespoon of some cooking oil we're gonna start heating this up and then I'm going to go ahead and add the onion okay what we're going to do now is saute the onions down until they're nice and soft okay my onions are nice and softened got a little color to them which is great what we're going to do now is add our ground beef I've got one and a half pounds this is just a ground chuck just going to break this up and then we're going to cook this down until the meat is no longer pink okay the ground beef is all nice and brown now what I'm going to do is add our garlic I've got my cloves here that I've already peeled I'm gonna add it and then what we're going to do is cook this an additional minute stirring it that way it'll cook the garlic now make sure that you drain your ground beef before you add your garlic to cook this for like 30 seconds to a minute to add three tablespoons of butter what this is going to do is serve as a thickener with our flour here we're going to add three tablespoons of flour mix this all together and stir it all for one minute okay we're going to add one can of cream of soup now I'm doing a celery here if you want to do a mushroom you can do that and then I'm going to add four cups of beef broth we're going to raise our temperature on the burner to a high so we can bring this to a boil I'm just going to stir this to mix it all I'm going to give this a taste also I want to check for salt and pepper all right let's go in hmm let's add some pepper and some salt about a quarter teaspoon of each okay while we're waiting for that to come to a boil let's talk about ramen noodles you can use any flavor package because we are not going to use that seasoning packet that comes in the noodles so I'm just going to break them and then these you can just toss if you look at the pot we have a boil going on now and that's perfect so we're going to go ahead now and add all of our noodles okay we're gonna get it into the liquid here and start stirring it around now you don't need to put a lid on it make sure there's you know nothing is sticking to the bottom of your pots to scrape along that this will take just a few minutes for these noodles to cook our ramen noodles are cooked inside of our stroganoff you can see that they absorb all of that flavor and that liquid the sauce okay so what we're going to do now is turn off the burner we're not done yet we're going to add half a cup of sour cream quite about what I have in here can y'all see that stroganoff goodness here that is so delicious that's better than anything you can get out of a can let me tell you I have a recipe today called fried Ramen and it is so like the fried rice recipe okay and that's what it's going to taste like because we're going to give it all the flavors of fried rice that you love the first thing we're going to do is just go ahead and cook our noodles and get those ready we're gonna cook these two packages per the instructions on the back of the packet here I'm going to drain these and then I'm going to run these under cool water just to kind of stop the cooking process turn on our burner to a medium high just using a large Skillet so I'm using some sesame seed oil that's going to give it some really good flavor that we love in fried rice now if you don't have that you can certainly use any other type of cooking oil this will give it some flavor so if you can find this just go right ahead and get it okay you've got two tablespoons going on here now I've got one onion that I'm going to be dicing up add my onions we're going to saute these down until they get nice and soft and my fried rice I like peas and carrots so I'm going to put about a cup in here to start cooking those down that looks good I'm going to add a little bit of salt to my vegetables here you got to season every step of the way and then we're going to add some pepper all right so I'm just going to add a little bit of garlic it's all about Flavor in this dish we're going to go ahead and add our ramen noodles that we've rinsed under cool water break up the noodles into our peas and carrots and our onions because this is a fried Ramen so we want to get it crispy on the edges there bump my heat up there just a little bit you want your heat on a medium high we're going to smash it down here let it sit for about one minute okay so I've got some soy sauce here so I'm going to go ahead and start adding about two tablespoons so add a little bit more sesame oil for that flavor start mixing that all up okay so I'm going to let them sit here frying on the bottom and let's go ahead and scramble some eggs okay okay got my two eggs here just gonna crack them into my bowl now you just want to take a fork and just kind of whisk them together move our fried Raymond over slowly and very carefully just add your eggs and what you want to do is let it sit there and set up for just a minute now just start pushing it away from your noodles there we're gonna turn the heat off once your eggs are nice and fluffy and then just start incorporating your noodles and the eggs okay this is definitely reminding me of fried rice way faster than making fried rice because it takes 20 minutes to cook your rice and then gotta cool it down I do have some sesame seeds here to finish it off today I'm going to show you how to make ramen Asian salad the first thing we're going to do is prepare the ramen place your large Skillet over medium Heat we're going to go ahead and get this started with one tablespoon of butter now that's going to give it some flavor and then I'm going to take the noodles here these are three ounce packages and we're using two of them today for this recipe now you can use any flavor okay because we're not going to use those little packages now you just want to break it up all right so go ahead and just add the noodles we're going to toss these around for just a little bit I have some sunflower seeds and I'm going to add those about a quarter cup okay I've got some sliced almonds that I'm going to add so that I can toast those about half a cup all right we're just going to move these around just a little bit I just want to coat these with some butter you got to continually move it around just for a few minutes we need a total of five minutes in the pan I might add another tablespoon of butter in there now if you have big pieces in there you can just kind of break them up okay we're going to go ahead now turn off the heat and then remove it from the burner okay now you can do the same thing in the oven you can put the oven on 425 degrees and then you can spread out your crumbled up Ramen plus your sunflower seeds and your almonds and just spread them out on the sheet pan you won't need any butter for that you can put in the oven for about three to four minutes pull it out shake it around toss it around and put it back in the oven for another three to four minutes up to five minutes but you've got to keep an eye on it okay so it doesn't singe on you I like this way because it adds flavor from the butter and also kind of softens it up just a little bit and gives it a nice toasty flavor to it okay now we're gonna make that sweet Savory dressing yeah it's got a lot of flavors going on in here as you can see right here we're going to start off in a large bowl we're going to add 2 3 cup of avocado oil now if you don't have avocado oil you can use a different type of cooking oil four tablespoons white granulated sugar three and four all right we're going to add in a third cup of apple cider vinegar one and a half tablespoons of soy sauce well it's a little more than a half quarter teaspoon of toasted sesame oil that'll give it some Flavor now this is strong so be careful how much you put in you know that might have been too much as I say that I pour two teaspoons in we're going to add in a quarter teaspoon of black pepper half a teaspoon of garlic powder all right we're going to whisk this all together until it's well combined all right give that a try and see what you think oh that's good you know what I think it needs a little bit of some salt I was using very low sodium soy sauce so I'm going to go in just a little bit of salt it's your choice now what we're going to do take our whisk out I've got two packages of coleslaw and it has the carrots in it so this is seven ounces each so I guess about 14 ounces of coleslaw let's go ahead and get that in I'm going to take some green onions and then I'm just going to slice those up all the way to the greens let's go ahead and add that and then we're going to take our ramen mixture that we just had toasted I'm gonna go ahead and add that you're gonna need a really big bowl when you do this dish here what we're going to do now is blend this all together very carefully just start tossing it until everything is well coated with the dressing all right what we're going to add now is rotisserie chicken that's fully cooked this will make a full meal of this or you can just leave it like that all right so about one cup of chopped up cooked chicken now I have a recipe for baked chicken and you can use that if you want I'll link it down below in the description box or you can find that on my recipe blog catherinesplates.com where you can also find my cookbooks got that chicken going in there all right let's combine this I cannot wait to dig into this this might be my spoon right here what do y'all think I have a recipe in front of me that I've never made before so we're going to enjoy this together this came from one of my subscribers Eric now this is a skillet beef and broccoli ramen in the description the best way to enjoy beef and broccoli over ramen noodles first thing we're going to do is start marinating the beef we're going to start with a quarter cup of canola oil or you can use vegetable oil we're going to add one teaspoon of minced garlic two tablespoons apple cider vinegar a quarter cup of honey quarter cup of soy sauce half a teaspoon of salt a quarter teaspoon of black pepper we're going to take a little bit of flat leafed parsley and we're just going to rough chop it we're going to add that to our marinade we're just going to blend this together that's delicious we're going to take some flank steak now I've got two packages here these are eight ounces each now what you want to do is stick those in the freezer for a little bit while you're making the marinade that way it's easy to cut now this is a boneless beef flank steak now you're going to look for the grain of the meat and you're going to cut against it so I can see that the grain is going this way so we're going to cut it this way very thin so that it Cooks fast okay what we're going to do now is cut this in half so instead of the long strips We're going to have shorter strips place this into a Ziploc bag okay we're going to pour in our marinade seal the bag we're going to take all the air out all right we're going to smush it around make sure all the meat is covered with that marinade it's going to go into the refrigerator for at least one hour preferably six hours but no longer than 12 hours about halfway through we're going to flip it over so I've been marinating this for five hours it's good to go for us so we're going to go ahead and start with the next step which is we're going to make the ramen noodles you just need two packages now what's good about this is that you can pull two out of your pantry as long as you're not using the seasoning packet in it and use any flavor because it's the noodles are all the same in a medium pot I filled it up about halfway with water we're gonna put it on high heat we're going to bring that to a boil once your water comes to a boil we're going to go ahead and add both packets of noodles now make sure that you pull out the seasoning packets now I kind of just broke these just a little bit okay these are three ounces each packet I'm just going to take a wooden spoon I'm going to stir this around we're going to cook this for two minutes once your two minutes are up we're going to turn off the burner and then we're gonna go drain these run cold water over them to stop the cooking process the next step is you want to go ahead and start preparing your broccoli that way it's ready to go when we get to that step you need about four cups frozen broccoli and then what we did was we thought it out we're gonna chop it up and I'm just going to take a knife and just go through it in any big pieces I'm going to cut down we got it all done because once the sauce gets going you don't want to have to stop the sauce to try to cut your broccoli into small pieces and thaw it out so make sure you have that ready to go okay now what we're going to do is start working on the flank steak and getting that nice and crispy because we like that crispy beef and beef and broccoli what we're going to do is take some tongs oh that marinade smells delicious so just shake off the excess marinade before you put the beef into your bowl that parsley oh adds a nice color to it three tablespoons of corn starch sprinkle it over it we're going to coat it very well with the corn starch this will Aid in the thickener for our sauce get all that in there and just toss them so they're fully coated there we go we're going to place our burner on high heat I know right well we really want to get these nice and crispy so you want that I think 400 degrees I'm going to add one tablespoon of cooking oil and then once that gets nice and hot we're going to place half of the beef strips into the oil and get a thin layer and then we'll do a second batch after that well yeah I see a shimmer going on so let's go ahead and create a layer of beads now the trick to this is not to move it once it's sitting there because you want to get it crispy okay we'll save this for the second batch we're gonna cook this for about one and a half to two minutes on one side and then flip it over start on the side that you put the meat in first and then work your way back okay we're gonna cook another 30 seconds and then we're going to remove them to a plate and then we'll start the second layer add another tablespoon of oil you don't want to dry them out and we're going to start turning them over look at the crispy bits in there set this aside and we're going to start making that sauce okay I have everything right here that we're going to need to make the sauce so now that the pan cooled down just a little bit we're going to put it back onto a medium medium high heat and get that going we're going to add one cup of beef broth 1 3 cup of brown sugar half a cup of soy sauce a quarter cup of hoisin sauce now that's what this is right here this is replacing the oyster sauce because we had the hoisin sauce and you can switch them out two teaspoons of minced garlic two tablespoons of sesame oil now this is a toasted variety oh it's really going to give it that flavor y'all see that happen nothing goes off the screen there we go and then we're going to put in some ginger half a teaspoon blend it all together okay we want to reduce this down so we're going to cook this for about five to eight minutes until it starts thickening we're going to do this over medium heat you can see how the liquid has reduced by half so what we're going to do is place in our four cups of broccoli that we had already chopped up and prepared so we're just going to lay it across the sauce you don't want to stir this in okay we're going to place this on a high heat [Music] we want to bring that to a boil once the liquid has come to a boil we're going to go ahead and place a lid on we're going to turn this down to low and we're just going to let it kind of steam for three minutes until the broccoli is nice and cooked through the three minutes is up we're going to go ahead now and turn off the burner remove the lid oh smells good we're going to add in our crispy beef we're going to add our cooked ramen noodles we're going to stir this all together let the noodles absorb that sauce okay I'm going to add cornstarch slurry to help thicken what's left in there oh yeah that's thickening up now I've got some green onions over here I'm just going to garnish have some sesame seeds you can garnish it with that there we go broccoli beef and ramen if y'all want to see this recipe go to catherinesplates.com I will put it over there so that y'all can follow it step by step and get the same results thumbs up make sure you comment down below if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button down below everyone make sure you're hitting that Bell notification that way you're always notified when shows like this one here are posted I'll see y'all on the next episode
Channel: Catherine's Plates
Views: 171,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stroganoff recipe, ramen noodle dishes, recipes using ramen noodles, catherines plates, cooking channel, easy dinner ideas, easy dinner recipes, ramen noodles, ramen, asian salad with ramen, beef & broccoli skillet, ground beef recipes, fried ramen recipe, easy supper recipes, easy lunch recipes, fast recipes, fast dinner ideas
Id: 5zar57nuzIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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