How to make a spooky pumpkin in Blender 3D

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hey everybody and welcome back to the channel oh just moving the microphone out the way there so today we're going to be making a scary pumpkin with the halloween just around the corner i'm sure you're going to see many videos for these types of thing um so let's just switch on our screencast keys and we're going to start off with a svr we're going to change that to 33 and we are going to go into edit mode now what we want to do is select every third one two three and then select edge okay and now i'm doing a shift and alt because obviously we want to do more than one edge okay there we go and then first thing what we got to do is scale on in so hit that s button like so and then while we've got it selected we're going to do a control b to bevel um but we're not actually we're just adding more segments so here like that and then we want to change the segments to free there we go just like that and then we want to hit that top let's hit the top face and go into proportional editing and then we're just going to bring that down like so so it's kind of like a pumpkin shape and we do the same with the bottom and then we'll just bring that up like so so we're kind of getting our pumpkin pump pumpkin shape there and what we're also going to do is just here we're going to add in a cylinder sort of maybe that big just sort of bring it down there maybe just scale it down a bit more like that or maybe i'm just going to edit and just whoops i've got to turn a proportional editing just bring that up ctrl r just bring that down slightly um and this little lot we just want to scale on in like that just bring it down like that so kind of yeah that looking let me just scale it down a bit more okay and then this bit we just want to bring up again um and just sort of maybe just bring it over a couple of loop cuts in there and then just sort of bring them over just so it gives it a little bit of a curve let's just take that top and just there we go kind of like that i think maybe we need to just scale them in a bit so just sort of bring it out however you want really i'm cool with that i think yeah i'm fine with that that's cool um so what do we need to do next we need two and a subdivision to here subdivision okay i'm just gonna crank that up so we've got a nice little pumpkin shape going on here and now what we need to do is to use the knife tool because we're going to cut out the eyes and so we're just going to go into edit mode let's just apply okay and then we're going to use the knife tool so k for knife we're gonna sort of start here bring it down [Music] something like that you can i mean obviously you know there's no right or wrong way of doing this um so whatever your heart desires basically like so and then what we're going to do i'm just going to use the c button select faces and then we're gonna just delete them we can just make that a bit smaller select all those and if you go out the outside edge with the c if you've hit the c button to do the selection if you just hit the middle button um and that will deselect and then to come out of that just hit the escape button and then i'm just gonna like right click select all these i haven't been selected and then you can just go on and delete faces like so and the same on this side we're just gonna select all the faces we don't want oops and say middle middle button and that will don't deselect make sure you get all these little ones as well we'll learn we'll go over that in a minute anyway and oh i need to delete and delete faces let's just double check looks like we've deleted that one there so this one we can just go into select that susan f fell just make sure we've got them all hit number three for faces again just delete those that one there ah that one there and then just double check on this one as well just to make sure you've got them all oh as it shows up when we solidify the model okay and then we do the same with the mouth so go back into okay and you know whatever floats your vote really whatever floats your boat however you wish to design it this is your this is your pumpkin you can design it however you want you can make it scary or not so scary as you like hit return and then again used to see we don't have to use the c if you didn't money and just select all the ones inside inside the mouth like so and then once we've selected them again we will just delete just look out for those ones which can be a little pain and this takes a little bit of a while i'm afraid uh oops i was never any good at coloring keeping in the lines uh okay what we're going to do now just hit the escape button zoom in and just select the ones or deselect those ones um as you can see there's quite a few that missed quite a few there oh in there see let's just change hopefully we can hit the escape button hit the x faces and then let's just go in because sometimes you can miss some real small small little ones and let's see there's one there that just gotta get rid of those let's say it does actually show up when we solidify the model let's look at those two don't even see those just get rid of them and that one there get to red and i think that is our tickety boo now what we want to do is go into modifiers and we want to solidify and we're just going to crank that up a little bit like that let's just double check make sure there aren't any more that we didn't miss any oh we've missed one there oh did it redo and we've oh let's just delete that there's one there you can see how easy they are to miss i'm gonna miss all those you can feel the small ones there okay and then just go back in at the solidifier again and crank that up oh there's one there okay and just there we go i am happy with that okay right what we've got to do now on this one here on the stem we're just going to w um no we're not we're going to add a subdivision subdivision modifier ctrl r let's just crank that envelope like sir shade smooth number three we're just gonna inset there we go just so we've got a nice end bit on the bottom there and i think we need to do the same on here we just need to inset just so it gives a nice bottom piece like that okay and the next thing we've got to do is i'm fine with that so i'm just going to apply that um actually we can w and shades move so all right um let's ctrl r and why is that not going on there i'll solidify let's apply the solidify and then on here couple of those now if you want to move these out just select one hit g twice and you can just move it out gg and move it out i don't know why my and then the same here um alt r gg just to move it out and then hit that one mgg hit the depth one on gg okay so that's all good in the hood um we need to add a displacement because well let's face it it's not really going to be a smooth pumpkin so we are gonna add a displacement modifier and new texture go into texture we need to do clouds size is 9.5 back in here um and we need the strength to not point not one so we've got a kind of a roughly tough d to like so um so it kind of gives it a little bit of a rough looking texture on it maybe we need to crank that up a little bit three oh it's looking a bit better not quite not one if we had a new another one on top um new then we want texture 0 1 then we want that and we want to change that to 0.2 so it's giving us a little bit more of a rough texture obviously you can play around with the settings it's entirely up to you depending on how rough and old you want it looking um so on here we can just add in a dark green and then obviously this is going to be an orange and what we also need to do is um shift a add in the light lights let's go for one of those and just chuck it inside we do need to give it a bit of a floor as well so let's chuck in a plane and scale that up so we're going to go into the environment and just chuck this down our point light um we need to say 500 and then maybe change the color to a bit of an orange glow maybe what you also need to do is to on the inside there make it a little bit lighter and then we can just edit this go to edges and extrude on the set just hit that ctrl b give it a bit of a bevel a few more segments extrude won't and then i think we need to make this this light here we need to i think turn like an orangey sort of color and then if you wanted to let's just put in the noising and select that light and then shift d on the x let's rotate that one a little bit um maybe the light the point light maybe we could change that to a spot light which is pointing that way maybe let's just change that too maybe crank that 600 and this light here let's turn that down to say 500 200 maybe 50 just to give it a little bit of an ambiance so you can actually see and there we go we have a two little pumpkins are scary little scary little pumpkins so i hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel um yeah hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see you on the next one tada for now
Channel: Blender Cubed
Views: 6,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make a spooky pumpkin in Blender 3D, Blender 2.8, Blender 3d, 3d artist, 3d art, blender art, computer graphics, CGI, 3d model, blender how to, 3d model 3D render, game build, 3d Tutorial, blender, modelling tutorial, blender tutorial, free3dmodelingsoftware, blendr, 3dmodelingsoftware, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.83 tutorial, blender 2.9 tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3d modelling, blender 3d tutorial, blender modelling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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