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hi guys and welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna share with you guys how to make some delicious pumpkin empanadas so in case you guys haven't learned how I make them just stay tuned and I'll show you how are you guys so let's get started with our ingredients soplease recipe we're going to need four cups of all-purpose flour 3/4 cups of sugar 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of all pumpkin spice 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of instant yeast 4 tablespoon of vegetable shortening one egg at room temperature 1 a 1/4 cup of warm water and make sure that the temperature is between a hundred and twenty twelve hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit in 1/2 teaspoon of salt and for our feeling we're going to need 15 ounces of 100% pure pumpkin 3 4 cups of brown sugar 1/2 a tablespoon of all pumpkin spice and a half of a tablespoon of Mexican vanilla bliss so these are ingredients now let's get started are you so far we're going to start by melting our shortening I'm going to put in the microwave for 30 seconds so while we have our shortening in the microwave we're going to start to beat our egg remember that this is at room temperature that should be good okay so this is our shortening and that is fine um it's still hot enough you know so we're gonna be able to work with it so now we can start prepping our dry ingredients all right so now I'm just going to put my flour on my counter top of course make sure that it's clean and I'm going to add my sugar in my pumpkin spice in our yeast so just mix it around and we're going to create kind of like a volcano [Music] okay so once that's mixed we're going to add our egg I'm just gonna mix it around our shortening I'm just gonna mix the flour with our egg and shortening and then slowly we're going to add our warm water and remember make sure that your water is between 120 to 130 degrees [Music] [Music] okay so far we have used all of our water we're going to start to mix it all together and then start kneading and we're going to need for about 10 minutes so we're going to need until our dough is no longer sticking to the countertop or to our hands so make sure you're working it you guys just be patient okay cuz it does take time um just let your your dull talk to you okay is I'm gonna tell you once it's ready and I forget to mention you guys at this time make sure that you are preheating your oven to 350 degrees the geese likes to worm so just make sure your oven is on so let's add once our dough is ready we can place it in a warm place already guys so it's been 10 minute and as you can see my dough is no longer sticking to the countertop that is exactly what you want you just got to be patient and just keep kneading okay like I said that's always gonna talk to you once it's ready um isn't I'll let you know do not add any extra flour because the dough already you know should be good enough with all the ingredients that we have so at this point once I do is look looks like this we're going to add our salt so sprinkle your salt and I just keep kneading so we're going to need for another five minutes alright so after five minutes are those should be done so now we're going to do is put a little bit of vegetable shortening on our hands just rub it together and then kind of slap or little ball here okay just like that and now we're going to place it on a bowl and a glass bowl alright so I'm going to let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes and like I said I have my oven preheating at 350 degrees and that's just going to help you know activate my yeast they use like a warm spot so right here is the warmest for me in my house so meanwhile we can start working on our fillings alright so on a small saucepan I'm going to set it to medium high heat and I'm going to add my 100% pure pumpkin just make sure that it is you know pure pumpkin in that pumpkin pie okay so then we're going to add our brown sugar a pumpkin spice and our Mexican vanilla blend so we're just going to mix it all together and now we're just going to cook it for about five minutes until you know our brown sugar has dissolved so just mix it all together and make sure you keep an eye on it do not leave it unattended because it does burn very easy and then you can taste it to see if you know this is sweet enough for you if you feel like you need some more sugar salt womanizing and you can taste it and see this is sweet enough for you um if you need some more sugar you can add it to me I think this is perfect so I'm not going to add anything else now we're just going to let it cook for about five minutes alright so once we have our filling ready we're going to turn it off and set it to the side and just wait until our bread is ready alright so it's been 20 minutes and this is what a dolt looks like as you can see it did not rise all the way it's just expanding so that's what we want so now that we have that ready we're going to start making little bit test little balls but before that we're going to prepare our sheet where we're going to place them so I'm just going to add some more shortening on the bottom of my sheet just make sure that you put enough so that the bottom of our empanadas don't burn [Music] can pull out to the fine okay so now we're going to get our go out so we're just going to get a little bit of the bubbles out okay so now we're going to make balls as big as a golf ball you can just roll them like bad or use your ripped counter and we're going to do it to all of our don't we no longer have more leftover dough it also depends on how big you want your empanadas to be I like making them full-sized but if you want to make them smaller then you're gonna be of course making smaller balls so once we have our balls ready we're going to start rolling them so just like if you're making tortillas and we don't want them too thin but we don't want them too thick either all right so once we have our adult rolled out we're going to add one tablespoon of our filling and just place it in the middle I feel like one tablespoon is enough but if you want to add some more and that's gonna be up to you of course and now we're just going to close it like that like a taco and now the crust is all going to depend as well as how you wanna make them I like to close them down like that flatten them out and then roll it no just your classical empanada and I'm not going to use no egg for this part I feel like I don't need it but okay so once you have it like back we're going to place it on our sheep and then just press on it again okay so now I'm going to repeat the process again just roll it you just try to get it as perfect circle as you can I mean these are gonna be you know fold it in half so nobody's gonna see that your circles are not even and then once we close some we can kind of even it out also don't panic once again in the middle and then fold it get it see right here is when you can get them to match each other and just press down and then fold and press down all the way to the bottom because once they rise the little decorations gonna disappear just like that [Music] please make sure you press down in another way is by using your fork you can just get the fork and press down and create that little decoration there's many ways to close red banana all right so here I have my empanada so now they're ready to be placed in the oven so in the oven I'm going to cook them for 15 minutes in the middle rack and then the last five minutes I'm going to place it on the upper rack so I thought I can get nice and golden brown all right so it's been 20 minutes and our empanadas are done this is what they look like you can see in the bottom they're nice and golden brown and yeah so now we're going to take them out and then finish cooking the rest of our empanadas I already get enough for the best part but before we get to the taste test I want to give you guys a tip if you guys want your bananas to be fluffier you know like the bread to be fluffier let it sit for about an hour okay instead of you know feel like that are dull can rice and get fluffier but you guys ready yeah in this one and I did make 12 of them with the dough that I had and like I said it all depends on how big you make them as well ready we're missing the champurrado or the hot chocolate but even with the coffee will be perfect to enjoy this empanadas are you ready okay let me get into mine let me show you guys the inside they're still hot look at that [Music] you ready yeah okay cheers man just so delicious they're just the perfect sweet knew what it's like Yvette you like the sweet bread he doesn't like the pumpkin you're gonna eat the whole pumpkin thing too yeah that's a big part he's like you don't know it yeah you can just go around it that's fine the bread is sweet it's just perfect it's the perfect combination here you ready to go sit down who's gonna make some coffee yeah yeah already is in there you have it my super easy and delicious pumpkin empanadas I hope you guys enjoy watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up in the comment below let me know what's your favorite type of empanadas and also you need to my channel please hit that subscribe button see us to be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys on my next video oh yeah Oh spare me forgiveness a beacon the leopard market around my symmetric cocoon origami telemarketers are moving my symmetric Akinori tell me Esper
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 152,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PUMPKIN EMPANADAS, pumpkin recipes, empanadas de calabaza, empanadas, mexican empanadas, homemade empanada dough, homemade empanada recipe, easy empanada recipe, sweet empanada recipe, sweet empanadas dough, sweet empanadas, sweet pumpkin empanadas, claudia regalado, 4k cooking, cooking in 4k, uhd cooking, in the kitchen, fall dessert reciepes, fall recipes 2019, mexican food, family favorite recipes, soft pumpkin empanadas, libbys pumpkin, pure pumpkin, how it's made
Id: qutcGodctB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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