How To Make Printable Wall Art Using Canva | Creating, Sizing, & Listing Digital Wall Art on Etsy

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so one of the biggest reasons why sellers are into digital products is because of its potential for passive income I like to place digital products in the make once sale forever category because once you make your digital product you can sell forever without having to make it again Etsy is one of the biggest online retailers behind Amazon and eBay a large group of Shoppers look for digital products on Etsy every day either for their own project or businesses with built-in traffic there is Big potential to find success on Etsy so in this video I'm gonna give you guys a full tutorial on how you can create size and also list your digital products on Etsy let's get into it [Music] okay so we are on and this is where we are going to be creating our digital products so first thing we want to do is go over here to create a design and we are going to go with a custom size and we're going to click on 24 by 36 inches um the reason we're doing uh 24 by 36 is because we are going to do the 2x3 ratio so that the customer can scale it down to whatever size that they want it to be to give you a better example let me just show you guys this little uh chart that I made so with this chart we're going to do the 2 by 3 ratio and we're doing the 24 by 36 all these are in inches so with the 24 by 36 they can scale it down to well whatever size that are within this category now you do not have to only offer a two by three or three by four you can offer all five of these sizes if you want to be I suggest that you guys always look at your competitors see what they are doing and see how many they are offering and make your decision decision based off that but for this example we're going to just go with the two by three ratio okay back to our two by three ratio for this example we're gonna just do a coffee theme design so we're gonna go over here to elements I'm gonna type in coffee and see which element um we would like to use let's just pick uh this one right here and I'm going to just scale it down to my mic and then we're gonna let's add some text to it well let's go I'm gonna go to file and click show margins so I can kind of see like the little outline of it and we can go up here to text and add a heading this is how you add a font and we're gonna say mugs now let's find a font that would be really good okay here's a nice plant coffee script regular and I'm just going to copy this and let's add something underneath our image as well and kisses let's add some color to our text we'll just go over text color what canva does already they have the follow the photo color so you can kind of keep your text or whatever it is fit with the theme this is what I like about canvas so let's just choose one of these colors so it'll fit with the theme let's go let's choose this dark brown go dark brown for the bottom as well and we're going to go to effects now and I like to curve my text like around images so let's go to effects and let's curve this one as well but back in the negatives I think that was good let's cover a little more that looks good um let's add another effect let's add a shadow as well I'm going to offset that to zero same thing to the bottom effects Shadow and you're gonna off that 0 and let's take down some of the transparency let's go to maybe 15 I think 15 is good 15 on that one as well okay so now you can position and make sure this is Center Center is uh grayed out so that means it's in the center Ed and this one as well is Center so everything he seems pretty good already let's just add uh some hearts for the kisses so let's go back to element see can we find some hearts that we want to use let's choose this one right here and we can just minimize it all right that's still a little bit too big let's go a little bit smaller put an angle on it and let's do this one a different color less good uh do I like that let's go yeah dark brown and let's also change the and symbol to a lighter brown as well I think that looks better so there you have it you have a 24 by 26 uh digital print right here and I think that's perfect so let's go ahead and I'm gonna select all of those I'm gonna group them together so now they're all just they're just one image and let's go over here to mugs and we can say this is a two by three ratio if you're not creative um I always grab inspiration from creative so with creative fabric because they just have a lot of a lot of different craft and designs and things inspiration you guys can take from and a lot of these things you can just use straight off of down low if you see you have like the full print on demand and commercial license for so let's type in coffee and there's like a lot of little coffee designs already that I'm pretty sure you can use or get inspiration from there's there's an easier way to do this if you feel as though you can't just go to canva and come up with a design on your own there's there's no excuse guys no excuse for why you shouldn't be doing digital downloads right now especially when it's so such a high demand for them okay so let's X out of this I will have a link down in the description box below if you guys want to try create a Fabrica because I use it a lot as well now that we have the 2x3 ratio at the largest size only thing we have to do now is download so we'll go over here to share and let me move my big head out the way real quick and we're going to go to download now you can download this as a JPEG that is best for sharing but since this is a digital print people are going to be printing this out I like to print as a PDF as you see it's best for printing and I always print with the CMYK that's your cyan magenta yellow and black RGB the red green blue those are basically the colors that your screens CTU your screen see so like your phone screen monitor and things like that but the CMYK is definitely best for printing because those are the ink cartridges that are inside of the uh inside of the printer so let's go ahead and click CMYK and we can go ahead and download this so with that one download the 2.3 2x3 ratio the customer now have access to six different um sizes that they can scale to five different sizes they can scale down from if you guys want to offer more ratio sizes you can for example if you want to throw in a 4x5 ratio then you would start your design 16 by 20. uh so let's go back and use this as an another example so over here you see resize it does has the crown right here so you will need a canva pro but even if you don't have canva Pro you would just have to go back out of canva customize your design size and do the 16 by 20 inch if not if you have Camera Pro you can just simply click resize um I already used this 16 by 20 inch and resize it and Bam now you have a 16 by uh 20 inch and you can um after this you can like scale it and customize it to whatever to your liking but after that now you just do the same process and just download it as a PDF just that simple if you want to do all the other ratios same thing you're going to start off 18 at the largest you can start off always at the largest so they can scale it down onto whatever size that uh every size that fits them now that we have um that out the way we're gonna also offer them a jpeg so we are going to resize this to 8 by 10 inch because I always offer 8x10 um a j 8x10 jpeg so I would scale this to eight by ten uh this already looks uh that looks good to me so I'm gonna go ahead and download hit downloads change this PNG into a JPEG which is best for sharing and canva the furthest I can go is 100 all your competitors are going to offer 300 DPI so you must find a way to get your jpeg to 300 DPI so let me show you a little work around around that so what you're going to do instead of downloading it as a JPEG you want to download it as a PDF print again so we're going to download the 8x10 that's downloaded and we're just going to go to this website which is uh what I use and we're going to uh find the file that we just got I didn't rename it but it's ratio two this is the 8x10 so we're gonna upload this and you want to go to excellent 300 DPI and then now you're going to convert this to a JPEG once it's converted you're going to hit download upload pop-up window things out of that so let's just go over to downloads real quick we're going to double click it I'm going to press command I to look at the properties of it and in the properties you will see msdpi 300 pixels okay so now we are ready to get things ready for uh Etsy and for the customer okay wait I'm so sorry y'all I forgot about the mock-ups we can't go to exit yet we gotta have some good mock-ups so what better place to get markers from then I love this website super convenient easy to use all we're going to do here is just type in um Wild Art here we go wall art mock-up we're just gonna find us maybe like just three mock-ups real quick that we can use also if you guys are enjoying the video please hit that like uh comment and subscribe to the channel I think I am at 600 subscribers right now trying to get to a thousand subscribers before the year ends so please you guys just make my day please sub up and like share all that just show your boy some love so uh as a great um as I'm grazing you through I see this photo right here I just want to use definitely want to add this to um to Etsy I think this would be a nice up close mock-up all we're going to do is just uh insert our image here let's see upload from device there's a mug 300 DPI go ahead and upload this moving my big head out the way once again why do you keep showing things on that side of the screen all right anyways let's go ahead and crop this to how we want it to look in the um in our mock-up and that looks very nice all we have to do is um we're gonna download this one let's see is it going to download there we go processing processing your mock-up and I'm going to uh choose like maybe maybe like two or three more of these and then we're gonna I'm gonna hit you guys back at canva I don't want to bore you guys for this process so uh I'll be right back at C thumbnails are 2000 by 2000 pixels that is the minimum requirement I want to say so let's go ahead and create a design custom size is we're gonna do two thousand by two thousand in pixels and now with those thumbnails those thumbnails those mock-ups that we just downloaded we're gonna go ahead and we want to upload those um upload those over here okay so now we have all our mock-ups uploaded to canva and we are going to resize this so we can fit the 2000 by 2000 picture I'm going to do this for each one all of them fit the template now so what I like to do I like to click and I like to edit the image and I like to use the blur effect and I usually would do like negative 10. just so you can see like the image a little bit more clear so this is it's not blurry it's still you can still read it but um oh where where are we okay but when you um go negative 10 you kind of see the words and the letters like see you see those better in my opinion so we'll go negative 10 there I'm gonna do the same one for each each design from this point you can go ahead and download it if you want to and upload it to Etsy but what I like to do I like to just kind of grab something let's go to an element let's just let's just say a shape this right here this would be fine I like to grab a shape and uh make sure that the customers know that this is a digital download so we're gonna just have a text make sure this text says digital download put that in there through this line spacing down song let's change the font that worked and let's just group these together and um make it kind of transparent go transparent to I think 70 will work so they know that this is a digital download so we're gonna command C we're gonna copy that and command V paste it on each of these just so they would know that this is a digital download and now this is okay to go ahead and download these and then we're going to upload these on Etsy so let's go to Etsy so now it's time for us to finally create our listing I think we have everything ready to go so let's go ahead and start by adding our photos so we'll go ahead and click here foreign and the mock-ups that we did the very nice markers that we got from go ahead and uh shift down and go ahead and select all of these let those load up um also what I like to do I like to tell the customers what they are going to receive um just in case they're you know they're confused and don't know so I have this right here is what I also insert um into like one of the photos let them know that they will be in a one high quality PDF file this is going to be the two by three ratio um uh the 300 DPI 8x10 jpeg let them know again if this is just a digital purchase and no physical items will be shipped uh just in case they think the mock-ups like those frames and things that you know gonna be shipped to them I just make sure they know and I also let them know that the files uh they can they can't edit the files as well so let me go ahead and upload that as well and that's it for our pictures oh wait let's go ahead and find us a good marker but let's go with this one that's a good thumbnail right there yeah it's a very good thumbnail so they saved up and now everything else we're just gonna go ahead and fill out okay moving along next we have our video on place it also has videos um video mockups that you guys can use on there as well so I'll let you guys do that um listing details foresty title make sure you do like some good keyword research so you can get ranked and search use things like a sales samurai or e-rank those are very popular websites that you guys can use to fizzle in those nice keywords and titles so you can get optimized but for this example let's just say um let's just say coffee print um about this listing who made it I did to finish product when did we make it and the category is going to be um digital prints primary secondary color I'm not going to really put anything for that I guess I could do uh Brown orientation vertical and this is unframed home style and occasion don't have to worry about that it's not a holiday the rules this could be in this I mean this could be in the uh this could be in the kitchen uh this could be in somebody's office they're doing work love drinking coffee in the office so subject like to do that uh I'ma just do manual and again just type this is a digital now for the description I'm just gonna give you guys just a template of what I use I'm gonna I already have a description for my digital shop so I'm just gonna just summarize basically what I put here if it allows me to pay so that's how I tell them like what's included in there um in their download they can be um high quality PDF in the 300 300 DPI jpeg then I go into detail is the 2.2 by 3 ratio which includes the sizes which is the sizes of that chart and then also the 300 DPI is 8x10 and I tell them this is an instant download no shipping no waiting and all that stuff and no refunds or exchanges may be provided so but that's just an example that I just wanted to show you guys that you can use you can say in your description just make sure it's you know very detailed and letting it just being 100 transparent with the customer let them know like what they're going to get with this oh have your tags as well make sure you have like good tags um so coffee digital print mugs and kisses uh wall art um just make sure you you know optimizing your tags that that's going to go along with your keywords uh your title should be your long tail keywords I think your task is going to be like your short tail keywords price quantity for your quantity let's just say 9.99 so that you don't want to put you don't want to lay it at one because one person orders it and then you're gonna have to you know redo like your listing so and let's just say for this one this is going to be uh three dollars and when it comes down to the digital files this is where you're going to upload your file so I have that saved as mug files right here and I'm just going to select both of these and I'm going to upload it and once you have that uploaded now you can go ahead come down here and publish I hope you guys really enjoyed the video and learned something from it I tried to make it as short as possible but I just couldn't because I just really needed you guys to fully understand digital downloads because the ratio sizes portion can become pretty tricky if you guys are interested in ETC I suggest you subscribe to the channel also if you are interested in seeing some tips and tricks I suggest you uh watch this next video with all that being said like comment subscribe and I will catch you in the next one peace
Channel: Officialtburt
Views: 108,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make printable wall art using canva, create digital wall art using canva, how to create printable wall art, how to create digital prints wall art, how to size printable wall art, how to make digital art in canva, how to make digital art for etsy, how to create digital art prints, how to create printable wall art using canva, how to create digital download wall art using canva, how to make printable wall art on canva, how to make printable wall art, digital wall art made easy
Id: eKecaZvVbl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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