Earning $82,673 With Canva By COPYING Wall Art

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This wall art has earned over 82,673 on Etsy.  And in this video, I'm going to show you how   you can copy this style of wall art in Canva, so  that you can create your own top selling product   too. What I'll be doing is first showing you  different examples of popular styles of wall   art on Etsy, and as you'll seem combined,  the products I'll show you have made over   $350,000. And then next, I'll hop into Canva and  I'll show you how anyone including you can create   wall art in the same styles in less than two  minutes. So then, let's get started! Alrighty,   top selling style #1: The Cut Out. Okay so this  here is an example of a cut out wall art piece   which I actually showcased in my latest video on  this channel. It's very popular with customers.   Alura, the Etsy research app estimates it's  made $120,868 Australian dollars, which,   when converted into US dollars, it is roughly  $82,673! So the popular Cut Out style as you   can see is very simple. It's just when you take a  photo or an image of a subject, such as a cactus   plant in this example, and you cut it out and then  you place it onto a plain background. As I said,   it's simple but it's highly effective and it can  be utilized in many different niches. For example,   take the Nursery niche. The Cut Out style is very  popular with customers looking for art for their   baby's bedrooms. Take for example this print on  demand Boho Flower Nursery Poster here. It is   estimated to have made over $27,000. And take  these Nursery Cut Out animal posters which are   being sold as a set. They are estimated to have  made over a hundred and ten thousand Australian   dollars which of course, when you convert into  US dollars is over $75,000. So for this Canva   design challenge, I will be creating my own  Cut Out poster using the photos that have been   included in the Canva app and I'll be theming  it around the niche of New Zealand because,   yes, even though there are lots of people that  hear my accent and go: "Ah, she must be from   Australia!" My accent isn't actually an Australian  accent, it's a New Zealand accent because, well,   I'm from New Zealand. So to get started I came  over to Pixabay and I did a search for a free   photo of a Kea, which is a native bird to New  Zealand. And by the way, if you want to learn how   you could use Pixabay to find free photos to turn  into products to sell, you should be sure to watch   my latest video which discusses how to do that.  But yes, I went ahead found my photo on Pixabay,   downloaded it and then uploaded it to Canva.  Then I selected the image and clicked to edit it,   and I use the crop tool to select the  section of the Kea that I wanted to showcase,   and then I clicked on the background remover tool  and Canva's AI technology removed the background   around the Kia and made it transparent. And then  I went and I clicked on the auto adjust feature   which just balanced out the colors and the  lighting of the photo. And then I went and I   clicked on the white background, and that opened  up a color box in the top menu. I clicked on that   and that opened up the Color Picker where I could  choose any color that I wanted for the background,   and I chose black. And then I just dragged the  photo at the corners to the size that I wanted it,   and I positioned it on my poster. And look,  in just two minutes I completed the challenge   yay! And by the way, if you're interested in  learning how I and others earn passive income   every day by taking free pictures that we find  in Canva and then turning them into print on   demand products like posters and wall art prints  to sell for a profit, then you should be sure to   download my free ebook which shows you how to do  this step-by-step. I'll have a link to it in the   video description below, click on that to get a  free copy emailed to you. But for now, back to   the video. And let's move on to top selling style  number #2: The Aesthetic Collection. So this here   is an example of an Aesthetic Collection. It  is a series of print on demand prints of photos   taken from the James Webb Telescope, and it is  popular: estimated to have made over $29,000.   So what makes something an Aesthetic Collection?  Well as you can see, it's when you have multiple   different prints that are in the same look and  style such as these ones here. Now, obviously,   as these were all photos taken from space from  the same telescope, it is no surprise that they   all have a fairly similar look. But that's not  the only way to make an Aesthetic Collection.   For example, take this Aesthetic Collection which  I showcased in my previous video on this channel.   it is estimated to have made over $59,000 which is  pretty cool. Now, what's interesting is that like   the James Webb collection that I showed you just  before, this collection here also features free   images which anyone can download online and then  legally resell. However, the stock photos that   were used for this Aesthetic Collection here used  to look very different. For example this is one of   the original stock images used and this is another  of the stock images that we used. So as you can   see, if you want to create an Aesthetic Collection  you've got two different choices. You can go this   route here where you find images that are already  in a similar same style, or you can go this route   here where you take images and then you edit them  to be in the style and aesthetic that you want.   For my Canva challenge, I'll be doing the latter,  themed around New Zealand's different mountains   and landscapes. And as you'll see, Canva's photo  options will greatly speed up the editing process   for me. So of course to get started I came over  to Pixabay, the free photo library, and I found 3   photos that I wanted to use that had a CC0 license  again. If you want to learn more about that be   sure to watch my latest video on it. Then I came  into Canva and I uploaded them into separate   pages. Then I clicked on a photo, and selected  to edit it, and then I opened up the filters on   here. You can find a range of different filters  which give a photo a very different aesthetic.   For example, if you chose the Hazel aesthetic it  gives it a vintage look. For these posters though,   I didn't want a vintage look. Instead, I wanted  to go for more of that vibrant surreal travel   aesthetic that you see on TikTok, so I selected  Capri and then I just went and I applied that   filter to the other two posters. Now, this was  looking good, but I thought it would be cool if   the smoke was more visible from Mount Tongariro  which, by the way, is the volcano that was used   during Lord of the Rings as Mount Doom. So I  clicked to edit the photo and I selected adjust,   and I increased the white. And look: Within  minutes I I'd completed our challenge. Nice!   So now, let's move on to top selling wall art  style #3: Artistic Black & White Prints. Okay,   so this here is an example of a popular print on  demand Artistic Black & White Art Print which I   actually showcased in my most recent video on this  channel. it's estimated that this print on demand   prints have made over $57,000! And this here is an  example of a printable digital wall art artistic   black & white set. It is estimated to have made  over $33,000 Australian dollars, which is very   cool. Artistic Black & White prints, while very  simple in theory, do actually require a bit more   advanced tweaking within Canva to look good, so I  will show you how to do that shortly. But first:   a quick word from today's sponsor: Me! Yes, there  are so many shady sponsors on YouTube that I would   rather just sponsor my own videos instead. So I'm  sponsoring it today to let you know that if you   are interested in creating your own store on Etsy  and selling products on there too like these, you   should be sure to check out my ecommerce course,  The Ecomm Clubhouse, which shows you how to create   print on demand products and then sell them on  Etsy, step-by-step. If you are interested in   seeing if my course is right for you, I'll have a  link to it in the video description. But, anyway,   back to the video. So, let's hop on over to Canva  and this time in Canva I'm going to be making   a poster themed around the classic New Zealand  icon the Sheep. Yes, here in New Zealand we have   a population of roughly 5 million people and 25  million sheep. That is one of the highest ratios   of sheep per person in the world! So, of course,  I started off by coming to Pixabay, the free photo   library online and I found a photo that had a CC0  license. And I of course uploaded it to Canva then   I clicked on the photo and selected filters, and  scrolled down to mono filters. Canva has a big   range of black and white filters that give a photo  very different looks. For this one I selected   the ink filter. Now for this poster, I had a goal  I wanted the background to be as plain as possible   and I wanted the Sheep to appear as white and  fluffy as possible, while maintaining their   detail. So to achieve this, I had to do a little  bit of advanced editing within Canva. So to do   that I clicked the photo and I selected to edit it  and I came to adjust, then I increased the black,   and I increased the white and I also increased the  shadow. And look: it's done! Challenge complete,   yay. So then, did my video inspire you? If so,  you can get my second free bonus gift of my   eternal gratitude by giving this video a like  and to subscribe. And to watch more Canva   Challenge videos, be sure to watch my next video  on screen. I'll see you over in the next video!
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 29,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, etsy, sell wall art, sell posters, print on demand, digital products, printable products, make money, make money with canva
Id: JCyfvufg1Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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