How to make Pork Chorizo from scratch | Authentic Mexican Chorizo Recipe | Villa Cocina

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to my kitchen my name is rosana and today's recipe is gonna revolutionize the way you cook just because if you haven't been able to find chorizo guess what we are making it today that's right we're making pork chorizo you can even make this with beef it's incredible and you're gonna love this recipe i'm excited how about we get started okay the first thing we're gonna do is prep the dried peppers and what i have here is four wahia peppers and one facilia what's gonna happen is you've seen me do this before is cut the stem off cut the pepper open just like this and remove the seeds and veins now if you want to wear kitchen gloves for this please feel free to do so because we don't want you to get spicy hands it can really hurt i'm used to it so they should be fine for me by the way if you notice these guajillos are actually medium-sized just keep that in mind because they do tend to come in all shapes and sizes do the same thing with one large pasillachi limb did you know pasilla actually means little raisin because of its wrinkles it looks very similar to an actual raisin it's slightly sweet has a grassy flavor to it slightly acidic and mild in heat all right these are all the dried peppers we're using today now we're going for a mild pork chorizo if you want it spicier i suggest you add two to three chiles de arbol to give you that nice kick of heat all right let's head to the stove come on i bet you recognize michael mal right you've seen this in plenty of videos when i do roasting and we're gonna be toasting the chilis on here again all right so just place them on here and i have the heat on low because we don't want them to burn so just turn them as needed or should i say continuously because you don't want them to burn what will happen is they're going to turn really better and it's going to ruin your sauce believe me you don't want that if that ever happens to you i suggest you throw away the peppers and just start over so what you want here is for them to release that beautiful fragrance and as soon as they start to do that we're going to remove them i can smell these already and if you touch them they're hot on both sides as well alright so i'm gonna go ahead and remove them at this point let's go ahead and rinse them i've rinsed the dried peppers now we're going to cut them into bite-sized pieces and just place them inside a large container then we're going to add enough water to cover them that way they rehydrate and this process takes about five minutes [Music] look what i have here this beautiful piece of vog called mulcajete is gonna do wonders in this recipe so if you have one at home make sure you bring it out because we're going to be mashing our spices and herbs and we're going to create a beautiful flavorful paste that's just amazing now if you don't have a molcajete at home don't worry because i will let you know where to incorporate all of these ingredients later in the recipe as you can see i have placed a clean kitchen towel under the molcajete because i don't want it to scratch the surface that i'm working on so feel free to do that too okay so we're gonna start with four peeled garlic cloves put them right in there also do one teaspoon of whole black peppercorns and four whole cloves right in there what i like to do is tap on the ingredients first because i don't want them to start jumping around when the oils begin to release from the garlic and you see all of the peppers crushed what i like to do is add a quarter teaspoon of kosher salt to help break everything down everything inside the mold has broken down it doesn't have the consistency that we want yet but it is time to add the rest of the ingredients and that's going to be half a teaspoon of whole cumin half a teaspoon of dry oregano in half a teaspoon of dry marjoram and finally half a teaspoon of dry thyme now let's put some muscle into this and get this really finely ground right now we're gonna add a little bit of apple cider vinegar just to get all of that paste mixed in loosened up so go ahead and add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar you can use white distilled vinegar as well mix everything in with the rock transfer it to a different container there's still so much flavor in here we're going to go ahead and remove it so to do that we need to add one tablespoon of water in here and with the rock target all the areas and try to get as much of that flavor penetrated into the water the reason why i didn't do water before is because we do want to add as little as possible and the reason why i didn't do vinegar anymore it's because we have a measured amount that we want to keep ourselves down to just go ahead and transfer all of that into the same container you have the paste in okay now set this aside let's move on to the blending part of this recipe if you don't have a mulcajete add all of those ingredients into the blender at this point go ahead and add all of the dried peppers the ones we hydrated and only add the peppers not the water isn't it awesome that we can make our own chorizo i get super excited okay do not throw the water from the wahias away because we may need it later on so keep it on the side now add in a quarter of a medium yellow onion and half a cup of apple cider vinegar and you can also use white distilled vinegar let's blend this until thick and completely broken down look at the results this looks beautiful nice and thick make sure you scrape all of the paste because we need all of this if your blender is having a hard time breaking down all of the ingredients you can add one tablespoon of this chili water at a time because we do want to add as little water as possible to make sure we get that paste consistency in my case i didn't have to use it and that's great but you do have that option let's talk meat as mentioned you can make this with pork beef or even chicken what i have here is one and a half pounds of ground pork picnic shoulder you can use any kind of cut that you like you can go to the leaner side or even the fattier side it really depends on what you like just make sure that you do have a little bit of fat in there for flavor guys we are working with a lot of red ingredients and i'm wearing kitchen gloves this time i don't want to stain my hands but it is up to you you can also use a spoon to mix everything in all right let's start with the paste pour it all in with meat and make sure you scrape as much as you can into the bowl this smells unbelievable i should be making chorizo for a living huh all right let's add the ground paste now if you use the blender it should already be in there nice i'm gonna add one teaspoon of ancho chili powder two teaspoons of smoked paprika two teaspoons of achiote powder and finally salt to your liking i'm adding one and a half teaspoons of kosher salt now mix everything in so the echote powder and the paprika are not only for flavor but they're also going to boost that red color by the way i will try to leave the links to some of the spices down in the description area look at these vibrant red fiery colors for our next step we're gonna need a colander because we have to place the chorizo in here but first place the colander inside a larger bowl now i did line the bowl with plastic wrap but that's only because once that moisture starts to release i don't want it to stay in the bowl so that's definitely optional place it inside the larger bowl and now transfer all of the chorizo into the colander let's do that [Music] just like that now we're gonna cover it with plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge overnight and the reason we are letting it sit in the fridge overnight is because it will release excess moisture giving us the right consistency for the chorizo all right for time purposes i have one here that i made yesterday this looks so good come on let me show you what it looks like all right check that out it's not as wet looking and look at all that liquid it released all right to mold it is usually done in poor casings but i don't have access to it and it just seems very practical to do it this way so what i have here is a long piece of plastic wrap and i'm using a ice cream trigger release scoop we're gonna do two scoops of the chorizo for casing place it at the edge or the end of the plastic wrap just like that okay fold it over the meat and then start molding with your hands and pressing on the ends you want to make it tight and then fold keep pressing as you roll remember to press those sides all right now you're going to twist the end like so fold it do the same thing here twist it and fold it perfect now let's go ahead and do the rest of the chorizome done aren't these cute plus i think i have the hand for it too hidden talent huh all right i'm having fun you are so gonna have fun making these i promise you and when you taste them you're gonna be thrilled i've already had my taste so i'm definitely excited to dig in later on when it's cooked tada these are done they look beautiful i actually left a little bit less than half outside because we're gonna cook it right now and make some delicious tacos the rest are gonna go into the refrigerator and you can also freeze them they are freezer friendly isn't that awesome all right let's keep it moving nelson can you put this in the fridge and i'll head to the stove okay to cook it i have a large pan over medium heat and i did go ahead and add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil now if you know you added a lot of fat to your chorizo don't add any and just add the chorizo to the hot pan and then if you need it you can add some bite i really doubt it okay go ahead and break it apart and this is about two of those logs that i did earlier so it would have been a total of maybe six depending on the size go ahead and stir as needed until the chorizo is fully cooked oh smells so good it's ready let's make some tacos chorizo tacos are sold everywhere in mexico and they are the type of taco you day dream about add the cooked chorizo to the center of the corn tortillas sprinkle over them chopped onion cilantro salsa in the kiss of lime juice try these tacos and fall in love instantly a second bite will have you coming back for more chorizo is a staple in mexico it is basically a type of sausage we have made with ingredients used daily in a mexican kitchen i'm thrilled i can hardly wait but we have to because nelson is going to be tasting with us and he's excited as well come on let's not make me wait any longer oh yes here you go grab one not the whole plate everyone just one look at how soft the tortilla is i had to i was like look we have we made chorizo from scratch let's make some tortillas it's a must all right let's do this you ready yes this is incredible there's no comparison i mean there's just not yeah plus you can feel all the love you put into it and flavors is amazing this is lovely you know they taste different than salvadorian chorizos but they both are equally delicious look i remember growing up we used to not always have chorizo because not sure maybe it was expensive i'm not really sure why but it was almost like a special moment so every time my mom would go to the new york city which was like three hours away we would always ask for chorizo and she would bring it and we would enjoy it so much so every time i have chorizo i have such great memories i mean it's incredible and now that i can make it at home it's even more special cheers nah you can't do that nelson it's a little too much now let me bow down no this choices are awesome hey if your husband gets to do that for you then i guess it's really worth it yes it is no but that's awesome all right thank you you guys i love it i love sharing my recipes with you and not only that like i get to share a piece of my childhood my culture this is awesome thank you so much for watching tuning in and giving me the opportunity to share my creativity and also what i have to offer well i really hope you enjoyed this recipe don't forget to subscribe like this video and click the notification bell also don't forget that you can follow me on all of my social media platforms alright until the next one
Channel: Villa Cocina
Views: 185,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Villa cocina, Pork chorizo, Tacos
Id: 7yyuT05BnkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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