French Choux Pastry Recipe for Puffs and Eclairs

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hello food lovers and welcome back to the French cooking atomy today we're looking at a very important chapter which is learning how to make choux pastry it's an amazingly versatile product it's easy to make it's delicious you can make profiteroles you can make Eclair you can make religious there's a million recipe that you can use with that pastry so it is very very important so today we're going to look at how to make the real French choux pastry step-by-step okay so let's make or let's start how choux pastry very very easy recipe I'm using the same rounded saute pan I put my heat on small to medium and the first thing you're going to do is simply put your water with your sugar a pinch of salt as I said before but really be careful don't put much salt because you don't want a salty flavor and you take then your butter and you put everything in it's that simple once the mix is in we're going to virtually wait until it boils to make sure that we have an emotion of all the ingredients so mainly the butter mixed with the sugar and salt and water to make a nice blended mix a few minutes later as you can see my mix is starting to boil and this is how it should look like you can see you get a kind of a yellowish watery mix at this stage what you want to do is to leave it to boil for just a few minutes let's say you can do like 2 or 3 minutes in this new precise I don't leave it 10 minutes to boil just a few minutes ok as I just said it's been boiling for about 2 or 3 minutes so what I'm doing I'm putting my heat totally off at this stage I'm just gonna steer a little bit and the next step is extremely simple you take your flour and you put everything in I mean there's nothing more simple than that so there's no heat under the pan remember this use always a wooden spatula and as you can see here immediately your mix is going to thicken and you have your base how easy is this see magical look at this beauty okay this is what you should have should do something you try to get close to the camera so it's nice it's not liquid you can see the consistency it's like a nice paste a bit like a creme Patissiere but a bit like a dog and there is a last step in that preparation we need to do is to dry the mix so you put your fire back on or your heat you put your pan on and this is a very short and quick process so we're just going to roll our dough in our pan until we lose all the water we aspects or kind of that kind of humidity through that stickiness that's what you want to get rid of you want to get rid of that off that stickiness you don't want to burn anything you don't want to color anything you just want to remove some of the excess of water that's contained into your dough and as you can see when you do this because there is butter inside you start to get very very clean mix and that's it step number one is finished how easy is that now if you want to do things properly your last step as per how schoolbook usually when the mix is done you put it in an other cold container to make sure the temperature in your mix goes down a little bit so that when we add the egg yolks it's not going to cook the egg yolk okay that's it all right people we're all set for how second and last step of how choux pastry making you see how amazing this is so as you can see I've got all my setup here I've got my food processor as I explained in a previous video now our last step consists of mixing the eggs into how to pastry base extremely simple if you want to do it by hand you can you have to know that it's a bit strenuous because it gets very very tough when you turn and also to get the right consistency can be a bit of a tough challenge so let's see this into practice very first step I'm taking my mix I'm putting everything in there very simple and so make sure it's everywhere and I'm starting with my two eggs very simple I'm gonna cover my processor I'm using a pulse function and I start gently by doing a few pulse now what I'm going to do I'm going to take this egg and I'm going to beat it because I'm not going to add all the whole egg at once because if there's too much liquid then it's going to fail so I'm going to add a little bit like half of the egg to start with and give it a whiz okay now as you can see here it's nice and firm and when you take it in your fingers like that this is what you want to have you see it's going to separate and you see this both of the points are staying straight up they are not falling it means it lacks a bit of moisture taking the rest of my egg and as you can see doesn't look like much but trust me that can be the difference between success and failure all right let's check again second test take a little bit of dough you can do it on your spoon doesn't have to be totally totally perfect but ah you see the point is falling meaning it's done so at this stage your mix is done and we're going to take it out and put it in a piping bag okay guys so ready for her third and final step which is putting how mix into a piping bag so I've reserved my mixer got a spatula here ready I'm using a tissue reusable piping bag with a plastic end the diameter you should be using for Xuan eclairs should be anything from 1 centimeter up to maximum 2 centimeter in diameter so don't use a tiny and you can use really non reusable plastic ones if you want what doesn't matter how to use a piping bag well we had it on her book it says they should put your hand on there and the cover should kind of cover your hand to avoid that you make a mess I'm not an expert at this I don't do it very often so don't blame me if things go wrong but basically it's just a matter of taking some of the paste and put it as deep as you can into the bag ok so you repeat the process over and over again until you're done okay I'm done with the bag I'm gonna try to go ahead and lay down the shoe so you squeeze here you turn a little bit and as you can see the pastry goes and you try to make some decent size shoes okay yeah I'm hoping the too much in front of the camera so not too big not too small and I've got my markers so I know what I'm doing okay and I'm going to try to make some it clears which would be the elongated pastry you can I don't think I have too much space for more before you put your shoes and Eclair in the oven you take a fork a little bit of water on your fork and you're gonna make just a little shape like this like a square on top of your shoes to control the top and make sure they don't end up like pointy like a little little towers next we're going to apply some egg on top to make it nice and shiny nice and golden in the oven you take a paintbrush with a full egg that you mix and you don't put too much to remove the excess and you only go it's like making a painting so be careful same things for the Eclair one little brush don't overdo it make sure it's covering egg okay fair enough done and it's ready to go in the oven okay I forgot to mention but before you lay down you should pre-heat your oven at 200 degrees Celsius all right and we're going to leave these for approximatively maybe 15 minutes also and that's it guys well done if you fold that video we've completed how Shu pastry and we've created some eclairs as you can see here of different size we've got the bigger one the smaller one and some really near perfect kind of shoe that you can use for profit a roll you can use it and fill them with cream you can fill them with creme Patissiere and you can add some icing on top now this will be another subject on another video for this video you need to concentrate on how to get this right and how to make this shoe because they'll do the building block of a lot of French dessert that's it for today guys if you liked the video please comment like or subscribe to my channel and I'll see you soon in another video bye bye
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 1,237,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cooking, french cooking techniques, french cuisine, french food, the french cooking academy, learn french cooking, cooking schools, Choux Pastry (Food), baking basics, choux creme, choux puffs, choux pastry recipe, eclair recipe, dessert, choux pastry video, Éclair (Food)
Id: wiVlScPkWfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2015
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