How to Make Passive Income on Etsy Selling Digital Printables (& How I've Made Over $11,000)

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Hello, everybody, welcome back to my channel,  Jennifer Marie VO, where I teach you different   ways that you can make money online working  from home. If you are one of my subscribers,   you know that I like to talk about all sorts of  different ways that you can make money online.   And the difference between my channel and other  channels is that I have actually tried all of   these methods. And with many of these methods, I  have made 1000s of dollars. And in today's video,   I'm going to tell you about my experience  selling on Etsy. Now when I first heard of Etsy,   I thought you could only sell physical products  that you made yourself and that you had to go to   the post office and ship out these products all  around the world to your different customers.   However, that is not true. There are 1000s and  1000s of different people selling printables   or PDF files that you design online and your  customers pay just for the PDF digital download.   So I decided to try this out a few years ago and  opened up my own Etsy shop selling printables I   have 19 different printables in my shop and I  have made over 11,000 almost $12,000 selling   these printables on my shop since I started it a  few years ago, it probably took me a couple days   to design my printables and upload them to the  shop. And since then all of this income has been   passive. Once you create your listing on Etsy and  upload your files that you're going to sell Etsy   does all the work for you. etsy will automatically  send the printables to the customer. And the only   time you have to interact with the customer is  if they have a question about the printable,   or if for some reason they haven't received it  from Etsy and then you can manually email it to   them yourself. So this has become a passive income  stream for me. Sometimes I'll make 100 200 $300 in   a month just from selling these printables. And  I don't have to do anything. Since I created my   shop years ago, I haven't done anything new to the  printables I've just kept them on the shop. And   every day I make $4 sometimes $10 sometimes $12  it just depends on the day. So in today's video,   I'm going to talk to you about how exactly you  can get paid through Etsy. Then I'm going to show   you several different examples of different shops  that are selling digital downloads or PDF files.   And some of these are super simple and super  easy that you can make on Canva or Illustrator or   Photoshop or any sort of graphic design software.  And then I'm going to show you my dashboard within   Etsy so you can get an idea of how much money I  am making selling printables and before we get   started, if you haven't already subscribed to my  channel, make sure to subscribe by clicking on the   button below. I will be releasing more different  tutorials on how to set up your own shop on Etsy   and even other tutorials on how to design your own  printables for free so you can get started opening   up your own shop and get started selling online  and creating your own passive income stream.   So let's get started. Okay, before I get started  and show you my stats on how much money I have   made on Etsy, and before I start discussing  different types of digital products that you   can sell on Etsy, I want to explain the payment  process. Because of course you don't want to start   opening up a shop if you're not going to be able  to make money because you're in a country where   Etsy payments is not supported. Or if you don't  have a PayPal account. The first question I am   sure you'll want to know is Is it free to set up  a shop on Etsy and to create listings. It is not   100% free but it will only cost you 20 cents to  list your first item. So let's say you create 10   different printables and you put all 10 printables  in your Etsy shop you'll only be paying $2 total   to list all of these items. And then you can see  that the listings are active for four months or   until they sell so you're only risking losing  20 cents. And you'll have four months to sell   your item it'll be another 20 cents to renew your  listing to have an active for another four months.   So once an item sells there is a 5% transaction  fee on the sale price including the shipping price   you set. Of course for us we're focused on digital  products so there will be no shipping price.   And if you accept payments through Etsy payments,  we will also collect a 4% plus 30 cent well this   is in euro payment processing fee when an item is  sold. So how exactly do you get paid on Etsy now   I have this setup through Etsy payments so I get  a direct deposit into my Canadian bank account.   So as you can see here, Etsy payments with  Etsy payments, buyers can use most payment   methods to purchase from your shop, you get direct  deposits to your bank account, this is what I use.   Or if you're based in a country where Etsy  payments isn't available yet. You can have buyers   pay you directly through PayPal. Okay, so if you  are living in a country where PayPal is supported,   you can do it this way. Alternatively, you can  do it through Etsy payments to get a direct   deposit to your bank account. And these are the  countries that are eligible for Etsy payments.   So again, if your country is not listed on this  list, then You can accept payments through PayPal. Okay, so now let's get into different Etsy ideas  of different digital products that you can sell on   Etsy. Honestly, there are so many 1000s and 1000s  of different ideas, I cannot share with you the   product that I am selling because of course, I  don't want to give away my niche and then have a   lot of people try to recreate the product that I'm  having success with. But I will give you different   ideas to show you what other people are selling  on Etsy. So you can see here, you can type in   calendar printable, and you can see all of these  different calendar bundles. Look at this woman,   for example, we click on this ad here, she's  selling a 2021 2022 principle calendar.   This is very simple to make. I mean, how simple is  this, you just chosen a nice font 2022. And then   just filled out the calendar. It's so simple.  And you can see here, it's a digital download   to PDF files. She's selling this for two euro  and she's made 139 sales. This is so simple,   you know, you could make this in 10 minutes using  Canva. This woman has a bit more of a beautiful   calendar, she's got, you know, nice font, a  nice little design, she has over 81,000 sales.   I mean, come on this one, she's selling an entire  2021 calendar for the whole 12 months. And it's   very beautiful. But again, very simple. If you  can use some beautiful artwork from different   royalty free websites, and you add that to the  top, you can make a beautiful calendar and she's   selling this for five euro. Again, it's a digital  download. And Etsy will automatically take care of   that. So when I'm selling my digital downloads,  when someone purchases one of my printables,   Etsy automatically emails them the download every  so often I get people who messaged me saying they   have troubles with the download or they didn't  receive it. Usually, they just have to wait   another 10 minutes and it will come through and if  not, I will just email them the file directly. But   it's super easy. And the majority of the time, you  know, they don't even contact me because they get   the download directly. Let's click on this woman's  shop, when you can just see she has so many   different types of you know, finance planners,  productivity planners, budget plans, all of   these are so simple to create, you can create  these in Microsoft Excel or in Microsoft Word.   But some people rather than create their own  planner, they prefer just to buy someone else's   planner for $2. And this woman is making a  fortune. I mean, she has over 81,000 sales,   you can imagine how much money she has made. It's  brilliant. Here's another example of someone who's   created very simple, different plans. And she's  selling this whole package for almost 30 euro. Of   course, this is a very, you know, complex package.  But you don't even have to do something like this,   when I if I recommend you get started, just you  know sell things for a euro two euro just to start   getting reviews, because once you start getting  reviews is when you'll be able to sell more and   more and more, because people will you know, know  that you're a good legitimate shop. So we've got   ideas for calendars, creating, you know, calendars  for 2021 2022. We've got agendas, planners,   all sorts of things like that, that you can  consider selling. But say you're an artsy person.   And let's say you're really good at graphic design  and you know, creating art, you can sell your art   that people can print out themselves and frame  and put on their walls. So type in printable   wall art or printable art. And you can see all  sorts of different ideas. I mean, this one here,   for example, personalize add your child's name, so  they have different artworks, and then you know,   they'll add the name to customize it. And if you  add customization options, especially when it's   Mother's Day or Valentine's Day, or child's  birthday, or a wedding, the wedding industry   is huge. Women are willing to spend a lot of  money on their weddings. Look at this, these are   printable table numbers. And really, it's just  table one, table two, How simple is this, and   she's selling this pack for, you know, over seven  euro have a digital download of four PDFs. And you   can so easily create this using Canva using any  popular graphic design program, like Photoshop or   Illustrator. And this person, again has over  6000 sales really, the options are endless.   If you know how to use a computer, a  lot of people don't know how to design,   they don't want to do it themselves. They'd rather  spend five euro $5 to have someone else do it for   them. And they just print it and they're on with  their day. But if you know how to do this sort of   thing, you can make so much money on websites like  this. It is unbelievable. This person for example,   custom name print, they're literally going to put  your name and then maybe the definition of your   name. Maybe this is Let's say someone has a baby.  And they've named their baby Charles. And they're   going to put, you know, Charles means and they'll  put whatever it is that it means they know how   to customize it, they could they have a template  on their computer, just fill in the information,   send you the printable, and then you can print it  off as you as the customer. If you know how to do   this sort of thing, you can sell the services on  Etsy and make a lot of money, something like this,   you wouldn't have it be automatic, you would  talk with the customer, they would tell you   what they wanted, and then you would, you know,  manually send them their file. So it wouldn't be   as passive, this would be a bit more of an active  income stream. But again, it wouldn't take you   very long, especially if you have a template  already lined up for this particular product.   Now let's look at this. This is my favorite. This  is something that I could create in 10 minutes on   illustrator, it is scribble love heart. It's  so simple, it's minimalistic, it's beautiful.   And she's selling this for five euro. I mean,  and then here you've got these pictures of a,   you know, item arrived very quickly, it looks  lovely in a frame in my living room. Again,   she just paid for the printable, she printed this  off. And this customer is super happy with this.   You can make this yourself you can make artwork.  That's right now everyone's into minimalistic art,   which is great, because that's the easiest kind of  art to make. You start making little things like   this. Think about these big money industries,  nurseries, baby showers, wedding gifts,   these are huge million billion dollar industries.  capitalize on that make products that people   want that people are willing to pay money  for birthday cards, birthday invitations,   all sorts of different things. If you start doing  the research, and you can come up with some really   easy, great popular products, you can make a  fortune on Etsy, it is amazing how much money you   can make. Honestly, even looking at all of these  myself, I want to start adding more items to my   shop because I created my shop years ago. And I've  just left it and not added any more items. And I'm   sure I could make more money if I even put out  more items just like this one on my shop. Okay,   so now it's time for me to show you my stats of  my shop. Now as I said before, I cannot share with   you my exact shop name and the types of printables  that I am selling this is because of course,   I've worked really hard to create this shop  and set up my printables. And I'm not looking   to try to get 1000s of competitors. This has  been working for me for quite a few years. So   you know, you're going to have to go and  find your own digital printable to sell.   But I just want to show you that it is possible to  make a lot of money or to make pretty good money   on Etsy by selling your printables. So you can see  here Today is March 7. And so far today I have had   67 visits to my shop and two orders. So a total  of $8. Yesterday, I don't believe I made anything.   But in the last seven days, I've made $54.50 14  orders 724 visits. So the conversion rate is not   great, I could probably make some changes to my  listings I maybe I should add more listings to my   shop because I am getting quite a bit of traffic.  And if we scroll down here, people are finding   my shop through the Etsy app and other Etsy  pages and through Etsy search. So this is great.   Also social media. I'm getting a lot of people  from Pinterest. And that's because I made sure to   pin my listings as well to Pinterest. So you know  people are finding it through Pinterest as well.   Let's look in the last 30 days. I've made $216  and you can see, you know how many visits I've   been getting to my shop. So that's 60  orders and over 3000 visits to the shop.   And then let's check this year since the beginning  of January. I've made $534 and I've had so many   different visits and only 152 orders. So I really  should be trying to make more shop listings maybe   even changing the price to see if I get you know  if I made it a little bit cheaper. My product   maybe I would even get more sales. And then let's  look at all time and you can see here I started my   shop in 2016 and you can see that I have had  almost 3000 orders and I've made a total of   $11,415 since I started so you can see that  you know, this shop has been going strong   since I started back in 2016. So last year I made  $2,586 with my Etsy shop and really I just put 19   different listings in my shop. So 19 different  printables, left it there and I haven't really   done anything since and I've made almost 12,000  US dollars and that just continues. So this   is just passive money I'm getting every month  this just helping me pay a few different bills.   And it's great. And I really I could be working  even harder to make this shop even more successful   and just make even more money. And that's  something I plan on working on this year as well.   So I just wanted to show you that it is possible  to start your own Etsy shop to make this money   and this money gets directly deposited into my  Canadian bank account. So you can set it up with   whatever you want, or with PayPal as well, if you  you know, can't do it with Etsy payments directly   into your bank. So if you're an artist and you  want to sell prints of your work, you can do it   on Etsy, you know, maybe you can't sell it for  $100 per print, but maybe you can for $5 per   print. And then people can print it off themselves  and put it on their wall. Or if you want to create   planners or calendars. There are so many different  options and people are on Etsy. They're searching   on Etsy for these sorts of things. They're  browsing, and for some people who have money   spending a couple dollars so they don't have  to design something themselves is worth it. So   I really encourage you to go on Etsy, start doing  some research, look up different digital printable   ideas and think about what you could start to  create to sell in your own little shop on Etsy. So   stay tuned to this channel. Make sure to subscribe  because I will be creating more videos teaching   you how to make your own printables and teaching  you how to start your own Etsy shop Step by Step.   Make sure to drop in the comments below if there's  any other questions you have for me regarding Etsy and once again if you like this video,  make sure to click like and make sure to   subscribe to my channel for more different  ways to make money online. I hope you guys   enjoyed this video and it gave you a little bit of  inspiration and I will see you in my next video.
Channel: Jennifer Marie
Views: 41,795
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Keywords: how to make passive income on etsy, make money on etsy, sell on etsy, sell printables on etsy, how to make money selling on etsy, digital printables etsy, etsy shop for beginners, etsy selling tips, how to make money on etsy, how to sell printables on etsy, etsy success story, etsy success tips, etsy success 2020, etsy success 2021, etsy success for beginner sellers, etsy success youtube, successful etsy shop, etsy printful success, etsy store success, jennifermarievo
Id: Q-Iu0ltoUXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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