How to Make Char Siu Bao with Jet Tila | Ready Jet Cook | Food Network

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as a kid I spent thousands of days taking the bus to Chinatown and eating dim sub with my grandmother and later in life she taught me how to make some of the dishes we'd be eating in the Chinatown dim sum Halls today I'm going to show you how to make a fundamental dish that's ubiquitous with dim sum chasubao it's a Cantonese red roasted pork inside a steam bun and I'm going to show you how to make it with a modern day Appliance the air fryer hey team I am jet Tila and this is ready jet cook where I show you how to make my favorite Asian dishes from Pantry to plate and really quick let's take a second to subscribe okay let's get cooking so some of the special ingredients to make chasubao are going to be hoisin sauce five spice powder and some red yeast rice powder we're gonna get there in a second it is a very fun cool ingredient this is actually two in one because first we're going to make the Chinese barbecue pork and then I'm going to show you how to to cut it up make it a stuffing and then create the buns and put it all together all right so let's start with the barbecue pork marinade it's a lot of ingredients but they each have their very specific function hoisin sauce being the first one now Hoisin is a sweet bean sauce so fermented soybeans not salty very sticky really good for barbecue in general not just Chinese barbecue then five spice powder which is a collection of five different spices but the One You're Gonna probably smell the most is going to be cinnamon but there's fennel in here there's pepper in here it's a very warming spice and it is a very dominant seasoning in Chinese culture so the next one is really fun a lot of the Chinese barbecue pork that you find in restaurants is loaded with food coloring to make it red back in the day OG grandmothers would actually use this it's a type of rice it's called red yeast rice advice but if you grind that Rice down it creates this gorgeous red color so this is the natural way to get to that very red Chinese barbecue pork moving on down the line now we've got thin soy sauce ketchup yes don't at me ketchup has a beautiful amount of sweetness has a nice amount of acidity and really ties This Together quite well oyster sauce we need to get that kind of thickness glaze and sweetness so just some plain old honey works here and then we want to use a little bit of Sherry we're going to add a little bit more sugar here and then the two aromatics are going to be ginger and garlic and if you've never used the rasp it is a phenomenal tool I really don't peel This Ginger all that is pure Ginger pulp no fibers and I'm going to tap that right into the bowl are the next two cloves of garlic I like to cut the back end off of the garlic and that way the gloves separate very easily the knife will help loosen these cloves up but I want them on the whole side so I can run them along the rasp so pure garlic pulp right there so that's it that's the marinade you see how that red yeast rice powder is activating once it hydrates look at that red color it's pretty stunning I gotta say marinade is done but before I swim my pork shoulder in here I'm going to separate a quarter cup and I'm going to add honey to that later to create a glaze for the actual cooking so we're going to actually be basting with this beautiful glaze there it is all right this is probably one of the most prized pieces of pork there is it is the shoulder so I want to create enough surface area so each side of this pork gets that love from the marinade so this pork is pretty well submerged now we're gonna go in the fridge for a few hours overnight longer the better on this one I have one done and I'm gonna pull that out so we can get cooking foreign so I do want to take a second and talk about the air fryer in China they actually use forced air ovens so a lot of heat and a lot of air and that's why the air fryer is perfect I really like cooking in these sheet pans that have an elevated rack because I do want air to get all the way around this you're going to get a really beautiful roast and those charred ends that get really crispy you absolutely want to remove some of the marinade off this pork because there's a lot of sugar in here and as we know sugar tends to burn so I'm just taking one or two sheets of paper towels using tongs I'm not touching the pork and just gently dabbing off a majority of that marinade I've set the air fryer to 350 degrees on airfryer which all that means it's running a huge fan inside and that's going to create that convection or forced air oven that's going to char those edges and not dry out this pork as it Cooks all right so this pork is ready to go so we've been cooking the pork for about 15 minutes and as you can see it's starting to get nice and kind of caramely on the outside here's one more step to build even more flavor we're going to make a glaze this is the reserved quarter cup of the original marinade with all those kind of sweet and savory flavors in there and we're going to reinforce that with a good amount of honey it's actually going to lock in the moisture of all the juices inside the pork it's going to make it super tender and moist on the inside I'm starting to get a nice caramelization on the top side I'm going to take this glaze and just lock in all that flavor and all that sugar on the exterior is going to get into that hot oven and further caramelize and get a little bit crispy I'm basting once if you fall in love with this glaze and want to do it two or three times I'm not going to be mad at you this is also the glaze that you can hold your pork in at after the cook so it doesn't dry out all right so we're going back in for about five or ten more minutes or 165 degrees internal temperature so while the pork finish is cooking I'm going to pull all the bun ingredients and show you how to make the bow dough so this is that bun of the dim sum restaurant that's that white fluffy bun sometimes filled sometimes not in The Mixing Bowl I'm going to start with a little bit of cake flour and I'm using cake flour because I want a very light fluffy dough I'm going to put the sugar in there this is baking powder not baking soda and then I'm using instant dry yeast so I can mix it in dry and very slowly I just want to kind of aerate and combine all of these dries all right so I've got half a cup of water I'm going to start my mixer and just slowly add my water in I like to stop the mixer and then kind of get that dry bits of flour So eventually all of the dries are going to grab on to the water hydrate and then form into one nice dough you can start to see it pulling together all right so the dough ball has pulled together all of that motion is created a nice amount of gluten all that's going to translate into nice puffy dough so here is where my grandmother would have added a nice tablespoon of lard lards the fat that comes from pigs that is firm at room temperature if you don't want to use it or if you're not really excited about using lard some vegetable shortening is going to be great but you do want to add that fat in here so I'm literally just kind of scraping it and pushing it onto the dough on the bottom of the hook and it's going to work together beautifully this is going to give the dough a real beautiful richness all right that's looking good it's super smooth it looks nice and puffy and I think it's time to pull our pork let's see oh yeah look at that I mean come on that's it right there perfect Chinese barbecue pork by itself this is done slice it up eat it over rice eat it in noodles it is the perfect ingredient all right so this dough ball is done we're gonna need to let it rest now so I have a clean Bowl I'm going to lightly oil this bowl I'm using pan spray but just a little bit of vegetable oil is gonna work great so what we need to do now is allow this dough ball to rest from all that kneading and the yeast is going to help it double in size and then we're going to be making our filling to complete our buns all right so we're just going to cover this with a little wrap let this rest for about 90 minutes okay so these vegetables are actually going to become almost like a stock like a very strong liquid base that's going to encapsulate all the cut pork it's a very cool technique so I've started a saute pan on high I'm going to pour a little bit of oil Until It Coats the bottom and we're going to saute these veg up so I'm not really looking for any specific cut I just want them kind of even dices so I'm doing probably about a three quarter inch dice so and I kind of like to cook as I go meaning I'm cutting onions first because that goes into the pan first and what we're doing is actually pulling the flavor out of all these ingredients because we're actually going to fish them out so we're going to cook all the essential oils out of them to kind of season our filling so I've got a green bell a red bell and I only need half and I'm not too worried about size medium dice is going to work here so I've got a really nice bunch of scallions this practice of using very hot oil to extract the essential oils of all these aromatics is a very old technique that we're going to use here to make this filling so we're really going to cook that down as we pull out our other ingredients now I'm cooking this on full blast because I really want to break these down and as they break down they're going to bring their flavors into this stock all right so next I'm going to add sugar and our seasonings so we've got light soy sauce here we've got oyster sauce and I've got some dark soy or black soy really get in there and allow this all to come to a nice boil that boiling is going to continue to break down these vegetables it really cooks a lot like a stir fry so nothing too complicated here smells incredible in here and now I'm gonna add water so we're pulling out the flavor of the vegetables again we're building this very incredible Rich stock the vegetables have done their job and it's time to get them out of there now I know you're like you're just throwing away these veggies bro like what's the deal they've given us all they can in terms of flavor and that liquid now is going to bind with the pork we're going to thicken it up and that's going to be our charcity filling it's time to turn this liquid into a paste I've got water and into this water I'm adding a combination of potato starch and corn starch we're not just gonna thicken we're gonna take this down almost to a gum like a paste my liquid is that a simmer I'm going to add my slurry in and you're going to see this go from a liquid to a sauce then reduce down into a paste very quickly look at that almost like a gel and the reason why we want this pork inside this thicker gel casing is because remember we're going to put all this pork into a bread into a bow we don't want it kind of steaming out and diluting that dough to switch over to a spoon so I'm going to cook this down until it almost can't run off the spoon so what I'm looking for is you see how that's running I'm still going to cook a little more water out of this until it's a stable gel and it doesn't pull off the spoon all right let's cut some pork usually Fresh Starts to you is for the plate to eat this could be like second day charts to you but you're getting the good stuff right there look at that cook that is perfect 165 the red color of that yeast rice has permeated wait wait wait wait wait sorry I got it I'm sorry this is the best Scooby Snacks right here I gotta say that sweetness and the Umami the depth of flavor on barbecue pork is so outstanding I'm gonna quarter turn now and now cut it into small dice so here we go so let's continue cooking this and that's it team this is going to tighten up into a very tight gel filling and then we're going to let that cool and we're gonna finish our bow buns all right so the dough has been resting it has doubled in size my finger leaves an impression that's exactly what I want I'm gonna use a little bit of bench flour and then actually get the dough out so what I'm trying to do is create a rectangular sheet so I'm just going to roll out from the middle what we're going for is a half inch thick Square it off now what I'm going to do is grab the sides we're actually going to now almost kind of laminate it we're going to create layers inside the dough by just rolling it up and now I'm going to cut this into six equal pieces so if I start from The Middle I'll go three and we'll go three here so I've created all the layers I'm actually going to press down this way kind of top to bottom and if you look really tight you can start to see these little layers and once this steams you're going to kind of open up and get vertical that's the beauty of this technique so it's time to roll these out so I'm going to take about two to three tablespoons of filling to put into the middle there's a few ways you could do this but I think the easiest way to begin is what I kind of call the Tulip fold so I'm going to bring two sides together and create three sections here all right three very distinct sections just like that and then I'm going to pinch those off to seal them very tightly I don't want anything coming out of this bow so with the three sections I'm gonna pull those Corners join them in the middle now capturing it in my hand so I can start shaping and you see these seams that I've created the three seams push those seams together now and that's it I like the Tulip fold a lot so it's really important that you get a full rolling boil on your steamer a variety of Steamers can work I just have the normal kind of 10 inch steamer basket I've got about three inches of water and as you can see it is at a very aggressive Steam and that's important because you want to get that flower spring this has to kind of heat up really quick like 200 degrees and get that initial push and that's going to activate that yeast so all my bows are ready to go get them right in close it tight to encapsulate that steam so I'm going to push the lid down making sure I have a good seal and don't peek resist the urge for at least five to six minutes we're gonna do an eight minute Full Steam and we're gonna come back and we're gonna see these poofy perfect chasti bow okay so it's been eight minutes I'm gonna be brave and check my steamer hoping for puffy Bows Oh yes where's the angel music when I need it guys you know you've done your job when those two lip folds actually open up that's perfect nice and pillowy this is full steam so carefully pulling these out onto a plate I'm gonna let these cool down because they are quite hot the smell is of almost like cotton candy yeasty like sourdough all right so let's crack One open that's it right there beautifully cakey on the outside that Chinese barbecue pork on the inside there's something really satisfying about cracking a recipe that you've eaten since you were a child like with your grandmother and figuring it out and making it she's watching and she'd be super proud of me today this is fun it's a very nostalgic dish and it takes me right back to my childhood hmm the dough tighter than a cake but not quite you know a spongy The Filling is salty it's sweet it's got all those flavors of five spice it is absolutely an amazing accomplishment to be making chasibao at home guys I hope you had fun making this with me if you enjoyed yourself hit that like button below post any comments or questions you have we will get to them thanks so much for hanging out today on ready jet cook we'll see you later [Music] thank you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 324,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, recipe, how to make, cook, ingredients, food network recipe, jet tila, ready jet cook, go-to recipe, cooking for family, cooking at home, dinner at home, family recipe, Asian food, pan-asian, asian fusion, best asian food, pan asian recipe, Chinese cuisine, Char Siu Bao, Char Siu Bao recipe, Steamed BBQ Pork Buns, Steamed Pork Buns, Pork Buns, BBQ Pork Buns, red roasted pork, Chinese dim sum classic, Cantonese barbecue-pork-filled baozi, Chinese Recipes
Id: wCiFs8Fdz1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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