How to Make Pad Thai with Jet Tila | Ready Jet Cook With Jet Tila | Food Network

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hey guys I'm jet Tila and this is ready jet cook where I take the mystery out of Asian markets by showing you how to make some of my favorite Asian dishes from shop to cook but before I get in today's recipes make sure to subscribe my family popularized Pad Thai in America over 40 years ago when we open the first tyrese truant so it's super cool to be sharing our recipe all while shopping here at my family's Thai market in Hollywood let's get started [Music] so instead of green onions I'm gonna pick up some garlic chives I love them because they really smell and taste like a cross between onions and garlic and it's actually a traditional nod to old-school pad thai so it's time for baked tofu this is great for wok cooking because it doesn't fall apart it's also pre marinated in a little soy sauce so I love this for Pad Thai this is not the stuff in water that breaks up don't use this for the wok use the big tofu Tamron is an essential flavoring for pad thai instead of using the whole fruit which can be cumbersome go for the liquid tamarind it might say tamarind concentrate or liquid Turman on the bottle it's correct especially if it's from Thailand so before I check out I wanted to get some banana leaves I'm gonna use it as a really great slating implement but traditionally they've steamed food in it they cook food with it it's a very cool way to make your Pad Thai look awesome my mom you know we're making can you guess by my ingredients okay no time very good excellent do you know you know use this the machine so you can have been on the cashier we taught you how to make pad thai umm truth don't you TV talk real talk that's right see there you go I got it on film exactly right man can we get another cashier yeah basically for the price of going out to eat Pad Thai I'm stocking my pantry so if you get a lot of the sticker shock here don't worry you're building your Asian pantry as you go and you're gonna be able to use these ingredients to make just about everything [Music] alright guys so we're back from the store it's time to get prepped for our Pad Thai the first thing we need to really do is soak these noodles don't ever boil these noodles very simply soak them in warm water and warm water means warm bath water so you're like oh that feels comfortable I've taken bath in that water that's the right temperature the noodles actually have to go through like three steps of cooking this step is soaking to reconstitute the next we'll be frying in the pan and then the sauce goes in and they absorb all the sauce super simple so I get the noodle soaking let's move on to more pad thai prep the next thing I'm gonna cut is the savory tofu so it like any other protein I just want to cut this into a nice thin plank so half first and then line it both halves and cut them into thin little planks songs are even and you can pick them up with a chopstick they are a good size so next I'm gonna do garlic chives now you just want to simply cut them into about two inch lengths on a bias meaning instead of perpendicular angle the knife OOP there you go just like that super simple if you can't find garlic chives don't freak out just use scallions all right those are done and always garlic just smash smash smash and then rough chop you don't want to mince these two fine because you don't want really fine garlic playing with 400-degree because that's instant garlic charcoal no bueno so finally I'm gonna show you a cool peanut trick these are roasted peanuts not salted you can do the knife Y knife it when you have a saucepan and you're simply just gonna lean lean and pressed using the edge of a saucepan and you get this kind of fun uneven big chunky shapes and I'm not looking for absolute uniform peanuts because I want that kind of texture of berry and it's gonna eat this boom super easy peanuts are chopped now let's get to that banana leaf we bought at the store these are actually really cool they basically come right off the banana tree and they're giant we're just gonna use them as a little plate garnish and I'm gonna show you what I mean so I'm grabbing a little Bowl kind of as a stencil I know Anne Burrell gets really mad at me for doing this but that's the only way to get the leverage that I need to punch out this circle so I'm following the lines of the bowl one way I'm gonna come around the other way and it's even steady pressure now holding this down lifting away the banana leaf and hopefully I've done my job and voila perfect little circles oh there you go boom this is done let me move on to protein and sauce and we're ready to cook Thai people believe in balancing five flavours hot sour salty sweet and savory also known as the YUM all that word means is the balance of hot sour salty and sweet first ingredient fish sauce its salt and savoriness after that a little bit of vinegar but we're actually to use three kinds of sour vinegar was one lime juice and tamarind now as we know tamarind is a fruit that grows around the equator it has a nice sour and sweet flavor all right three sours in now we have to balance the salty and the sour with a little sweet and that's just gonna be sugar so for heat traditionally Pad Thai and Thailand is made with sriracha and now it's delicious but if you're serving people who don't like heat paprika is the perfect balancing point paprika as we know adds a lot of color because it is a pepper but it's not too spicy I like using both for this dish so I'm just gonna bring all these flavors together you want to stir this up until the sugar dissolves I mean that's it it's a lot of ingredients but balanced together they make a really phenomenal flavor I just need to cut my protein and we're in the pan for this dish I'm gonna be using chicken thigh I think check it that is nice and moist it doesn't really dry out I just want you to cut these into nice thin strips so kind of cut large pieces in half first find that grain and then cut the chicken thigh into thin strips against the grain really just looking for even kind of bite-sized pieces when using chicken thighs I'm gonna clean this down wash my hands and let's get cooking I'm using a short enamel eyes cast an iron pan which is gonna hold heat amazingly always hi temple getting this pan very hot and I can see the oil kind of shimmering and a little wisp of white smoke starting so I am starting with the dried shrimp the garlic the tofu I'm just gonna saute these up until they start to lend their flavors to the dish now it's time for chicken I want to get this chicken seared on the outside but still nice and rare in the middle because there's a lot more to cook when using eggs with noodles or rice here's a cool technique I want you to push all of the hot stuff in the pan against one side pull up a little bit of oil on that open area and we're gonna crack our eggs right into there don't scramble them yet let them kind of set and cook up whites separated from yolks and once they start to fry up a little bit then you can kind of bring all the items together with the eggs not cook through yet I want to pull the noodles right out of that water and check it out just in a little bit of time the noodles have gone from firm to nice and soft and you want all that extra moisture in the pan to help create steam so I've judged a ton of food TV and most people get in most trouble with these noodles they end up boiling them and then trying to stir-fry them again that is not the right way to go you want to soak like we did and then get them into the pan and that's how you get that beautiful kind of slippery chewy texture that this Pad Thai noodle has and if you end up over soaking them or do make the mistake of boiling them just start over get a new batch they're super cheap so the noodles look soft and cook down I'm gonna make a little nice area for the shrimp to be able to cook through let's get that shrimp to the bottom so all that heat can start cooking them through and I'm also gonna throw in that pickled daikon right now so this is just pickled daikon radish the white radish instead of being sour pickled like a lot of the Japanese or Korean this is very sweet so it's got a very bold sweet and slightly sour flavor don't be scared to really kind of work all the ingredients in the pan scraping is totally okay because you want to scrape the bits up before they start to burn all right so my shrimp or about halfway it's time to add the sauce so the sauce is actually gonna start to boil immediately that's gonna create some steam it's actually gonna deglaze the pan and get all those delicious bits up to the top and I really want to just work the noodles in all of the ingredients together to really soak up all those five flavors here's a really fun trick to kind of cooking up the vessel I'm gonna make a bed right by kind of really laying everything out evenly and I'm gonna add half my green sprouts because I want to leave some for plating some peanuts leave some again for plating and those garlic chives and I want indirect heat here I want to be able to steam these vegetables so they can kind of impart their flavors and not singe them so I'm just tucking them in reading him a story it's time to put them to bed let them steam up for a few seconds before you plate this dish up so heats going off I'm constantly kind of visually checking how much moisture is in this pan because Pat I should be moist not dry but it shouldn't be wet so if I pull up the pad time and it's dripping sauce it's too wet if it's too wet just let it reduce a little longer on the other side if it's a little too dry you can use the pasta water trick meaning that soaking water can be added in there to just kind of hydrate the noodles a little more so I'm gonna lay the banana leaf right in the middle kind of like how they played it if you're eating this in the streets of Bangkok let's lay my Pad Thai down right in the middle you always want to put the goodies at the top right I mean everyone wants to see the nice shrimp and tofu right on top so I like to arrange them kind of right around bring this over here do some final garnishes a little lime some of the bean sprouts and then some of them I reserved peanuts starving it's looking at this is making me hungry so there it is the Tila family Pad Thai recipe since 1972 believe it or not mmm really one of my favorite dishes now it's your turn go forth cook Pad Thai subscribe like let us know how it's going and come back for another episode of ready jet cook you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 2,170,145
Rating: 4.9108486 out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, cooking, recipe, how-to, how to make, tutorial, jet tila, ready jet cook, pad thai, how to make pad thai, pad thai recipe, asian, thai, cuisine, internation, thai food, thai cuisine, traditional, authentic, shrimp, noodles, comfort food, winter, dinner, pad thai sauce, thai recipes, rice sticks, rice noodles, tofu, chicken, peanuts, peanut sauce, bean sprouts, stir fry, jet tila recipes, asian food recipes, dinner ideasfood network, cook, chef, fn, directions, ingredients, eat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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