How to make- the best Sheet pan Pizza (Grandma pie)

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all right so sheet pan pizza pan pizza italian grandma sicilian grandma whatever you want to call it that is what it is and that's what we're making today uh the story is that you know italian grandmothers since they weren't professional pizza olas you know slinging the dough up in the air and throwing them on paddles and you know into the oven and stuff like that they would just basically take a sheet pan you know throw the throw the dough down let it proof and top it with the sauce and cheese bake it and voila you've got the pan pizza so i'm going to show you guys exactly how easy it is to do so stick around and here we go [Music] all right so we're going to start in a large mixing bowl with a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of water and then we'll go in with one tablespoon or five grams of dry active yeast if you're using dry active yeast i'm using fresh cheese so i used eight grams of fresh yeast [Music] and then once you've got that dissolved we'll go with three sorry two tablespoons of sugar or 10 grams of sugar and then three cups or 460 grams of bread flour make sure you're using bread flour for this uh one teaspoon or seven grams of salt and then 1 8 cup or 30 milliliters of olive oil and then go ahead and put your dough hook attachment on if you don't have a dough attachment you can do this by hand you're also going to want to go ahead and add in another cup of water or 250 milliliters of water i just turn it on to a low speed and let it go for anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes you just want to see the you know the dough kind of tighten up like that then we'll go ahead and dust the work state or work space with a little bit of more flour and let the you know pull the dough out and then you're just going to want to knead it here a little bit i just need it for about another five minutes just to kind of push any any extra little air out just make sure everything's really incorporated and smooth and then basically you're going to shape it into a ball and then we'll throw it into a back into the ball to let it proof [Music] once you got into ball shape just throw it back into the bowl cover it with a damp towel or a plastic wrap and push off to the side and let it rest for about two hours we're gonna make the sauce if you have fresh basil go ahead and go ahead and grab some fresh basil if you don't that's fine you can buy it at the store then we're going to use these san marzano canned tomatoes they're just peeled whole tomatoes and yeah basically this is a really simple sauce it's just the canned tomatoes and three grams of salt and then like i said just some fresh basil just tear those leaves in or you know you could cut them up and throw them in there and then the way that i like to do this sauce is i like to crush it by hand if you want to use a blender or an immersion blender or a food processor or you know whatever you want to use that's fine i just like a really really chunky sauce and i seem to always overdo it when i try and use machines so i just do it by hand and as you can see here it's really really chunky and that's just how i like it also just another quick note about the sauce this is like a really traditional neopolitan style sauce and that's the kind of pizzas that i usually like to make at my house so that's why i make this sauce so simple you'll see that i'm gonna add more things when we actually make the pizza all right so two hours later the dough has doubled in size so we're gonna take a sheet pan just coat the bottom uh pretty heavily with olive oil and get that spread out and then we'll just basically pop the dough on there and start stretching the stretching process is a little tough and sometimes the dough gets hard to work with as you're pushing it it'll kind of start tightening back up so if you you know kind of a little trick here if you realize the dough starts kind of shrinking back in on itself you can let it rest just let it sit for about two to three minutes and then start stretching again and you might have to do that a few times but once you get it all stretched out i'll show you a little trick to kind of get it into the corners [Music] all right so now that you've got the dough pretty evenly stretched out this is what i was talking about getting in the corner so what i like to do is just literally pick it up from the corners pull and stretch towards you and i'll show you again right here so you just pick it up pull it stretch it out and then kind of just press it back into the corners and that that usually works pretty well also if you notice that the it's not very you know you should be able to kind of slide the dough around on the sheet pan so if it's not sliding very well you might want to add a little more oil underneath it now that you've got the dough all stretched out we're going to let it proof one more time and this is going to really create all those really fluffy air air pockets in the dough and that's what you want so just cover it with some plastic wrap let it sit out on the counter in like a warm space for another hour [Music] also you're going to want to go ahead and preheat your oven and you want to get this set to 425 all right so after an hour of proofing again you just go ahead and remove the plastic wrap and you'll be able to see like how bubbly and fluffy this thing is it's it's awesome all right so now let's talk cheese i've got whole milk uh fresh mozzarella and also a fresh pecorino romano for the whole milk mozzarella as you can see i bought the stuff that is already sliced and that just makes it a little bit easier i like to cube it up into little pieces you can shred it if you want it's just this this way right here to me is the best you get like these little mozzarella cubes and they're not too you know they're not too small like when you shred it sometimes it gets a little too small and that can melt too fast in the oven so i get they're almost like i guess marble size uh marble size pieces of mozzarella and you'll see here that's kind of what you're going for all right and for the pecorino romano i'm just going over a microplane just kind of get some shavings from that and you don't need too much of this but uh and if you can't find pepperino or if you don't want to use pepperino you can use parmesan all right so now it's time to assemble the pizza and you're just going to take all that mozzarella that we just cut up and just kind of evenly place it over the dough [Music] once you've done that you'll go in with the pecorino or parmesan if you're using parmesan and just do like a light sprinkling over the whole the whole pizza with that all right so here we go like i said the sauce that we made was really really simple and basic it's like a neapolitan style sauce so we're going to add a few things to kick it up a little bit this is just some dry oregano i probably end up using about a tablespoon of that just a light sprinkle over the whole pizza and then about a teaspoon of black pepper and same thing just sprinkle it over the whole pizza and then garlic powder was the last thing that i did and just a little bit of that garlic powder over the top of the whole pizza as well now for your toppings you can do whatever you want if you want to put vegetables any type of meat or whatever you want go ahead and put it on now i ended up doing half pepperoni and then you'll top that with the sauce and i know that seems really weird because you know like most pizza that you find the sauces underneath the cheese but with this one since the dough is so fluffy and we let it proof you don't want to ruin that by putting that super wet sauce just directly on top so the cheese kind of creates a barrier there and that's it you're just going gonna go ahead and throw it into the 425 degree uh preheated oven for i ended up baking this for about 30 minutes and i just i rotated it halfway through because you know my my oven doesn't i guess the heat isn't really even so i like to rotate it as you can see right here so about 15 minutes in i went ahead and turned it and then let it go for another 15 minutes and time might vary you know i would check it around 25 minutes but basically what you want to see is like that golden golden brown on the top the cheese is just starting to bubble a little bit and then you can check it if you pull it out you can check it by lifting up the corner and just looking underneath and seeing that golden brown crispy crust and man this thing came out awesome [Music] so so all right so now just make sure that everything's loose everything's sliding and you'll just go ahead and remove the whole pizza throw it onto a cutting board and cut it into the squares and the squares that uh i ended up doing 12 slices for it so there you go you're just going to cut it into 12 square piece pieces this is the you know the sicilian thick crust that you would see at like you know your normal pizza shop and basically that's it you can eat it now it's ready to go if you want to put it on a like a wire cooling rack so that it stays crispy you can do that and just look at the inside there i mean you can see all the the air pockets and the bubbles and it came out really really good uh if you stick around and stay to the end of the video i'll i'll show you a little pro tip all right so that's it pan pizza it's really easy to make it just takes a little bit of time um you know for the proofing process obviously baking time a little bit longer than a normal pizza just because it's thicker but it's totally worth it if you like this video please give it a thumbs up make sure you comment down below and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already there's a lot more videos coming soon thanks alright so pro tip to get that really true like new york style crispy thick crust i just throw a slice back into the oven for another 10 minutes you can do this the next day or after it's been sitting out for a while once it's cooled down i just put on a pizza pan throw it on my stone if you don't have a stone you can just throw it straight onto the rack but you can see right there you get that that kind of like charring on the bottom it's i mean you can't beat that [Music] you
Channel: Cooking with Kyo
Views: 37,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, bread, cheese, breadsticks, peperoni, sicilian, pie, how to, easy, simple, delicous, italian, dominos, little ceasars, pizza hut, papa johns, adam, joshua, nathan, alex, babish, recipe
Id: J3B5fp8L9M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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