How To Make Money With Clickbank Affiliate Marketing & Find The Best Clickbank Products To Promote

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hey miles here miles Becker calm in this video you're going to learn how to make money with Clickbank as an affiliate and you're also going to learn how to choose the right Clickbank product to promote as an affiliate we're gonna start on the board where I'm gonna lay out the plan to make money as an affiliate with Clickbank then we're gonna jump on the computer and you're gonna watch over my shoulder how we actually choose the best products and how to find a great converting product from Clickbank will literally be doing the work together on the laptop so first how do you make money with Clickbank as an affiliate that's the biggest question that a lot of people have and I've got a little three piece kind of framework that you need to apply to make money over and over with Clickbank it's TT o that stands for traffic trust and offers now my approach to affiliate marketing is a little bit different than most the fake gurus out there most of fake gurus will say jump in to Clickbank first find a product that converts and then just go drive traffic to it but if you notice they're missing the middle T in that situation which is trust and Trust is the big difference what between the affiliates who are making no money and the affiliates who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month the big difference in there is how much trust they're building with the audience and the traffic that they're driving so it's a piece of the puzzle you can't actually omit so let's break this kind of little framework the tto framework down a little more the first thing you need to do is really look inside and figure out who is the audience you can be most helpful for as an affiliate marketer your job and your goal is to be a problem-solver at scale you have personal experiences solving problems whether that comes from your professional experiences from your personal experiences from your hobbies it really doesn't matter it can be as wide variety as how to give good massages or how to make vegan dog food or how to get better at the game of golf it can literally be anything it works best when it's something that's tied into your past experiences because it's going to be easier for you to teach it's going to be easier for you to drive traffic and build trust if you have experience with this now I did a full comprehensive video that breaks this down it's my how to make money with affiliate marketing video it's 100% free there's no pitches there's no upsells nothing it's right here in YouTube I'll have a link pop-up above I believe it's gonna be up here in this corner there will be a link in the description if you want to go deeper on this framework I very highly recommend you watch that video but I'm gonna finish this out here for you now so on the traffic side of things you have two options number one is paid traffic number two is free traffic or earned traffic I'm going to call the earned traffic content marketing and I'm just gonna put Facebook ads up there because it's one of the best paid methods at this moment in time now for most people getting started the paid traffic model is extremely difficult there's many moving pieces that you have to dial in right away and if you're not an experienced funnel creator copywriter and ad media buyer then that's a very challenging direction to go in and I've seen many people spend upwards of ten fifteen thousand dollars or more in ad spend and never generate a positive ROI so if you're new to affiliate marketing I don't recommend jumping straight into the paid traffic I do recommend going the content marketing path how does content marketing work simply stated you need to create a core content that's either gonna be written word on a wordpress blog videos on a youtube channel or a podcast that's your core and then you create social links around it linking people back to your core content this is how you grow an audience this is how you drive traffic from the search engines now when you've got your traffic going because you're posting your content regularly you're now getting picked up by the search engines so you're getting organic traffic from YouTube from the podcast directories and/or from Google or all three of them then you start to do your social marketing that links back to your blog content you now have a platform growing and what you do in this situation is you start to grow a list and this is the transition into the trust side of the equation with your email list this is actually non-negotiable when I was getting started as an affiliate marketer I built a lot of traffic sent it directly to affiliate offers without getting my list in between without building a list and one day the platform I was using turned my links off and my income went back to zero this was a very challenging experience for me I had this experience so I could remind you that it is imperative for you to grow a list how do you grow your list well you first create a free giveaway that's going to help your audience solve a big problem that they have in exchange for their email this is the first trust moment where that individual who's been reading your content they've seen your Instagram posts they've clicked on your Pinterest pins now they have an opportunity to get more information from you in exchange for their email address there's a value exchange and when they give you something even though it's not money at this point but they give you their email address and you then reciprocate by giving them and you follow through and you deliver with excellence that free thing that they asked for right that they opted in for at this moment you have now started to build trust with that individual do you immediately send them over to an affiliate offer afterwards you can test that some people run what's called a bridge page on the Thank You page where they actually do offer them the opportunity to go check out a Clickbank product immediately after opt-in other people put them through a follow up sequence first and then link them over to the affiliate program I recommend you test both but Gary Vaynerchuk has what he calls the jab jab jab right hook approach and jab it's a boxing reference and jab stands for giving value and the hook stands for making an offer so I'm gonna now add that to our little framework here to the tto framework so now you can see it's within this jab jab jab right hook email marketing approach that you now begin to make offers to your list so what has happened in this framework from the users perspective from your traffic your potential customers perspective first they're browsing around on Pinterest just looking at things they have challenges they have problems they have goals in their life and they're searching for things on Pinterest which is a visual search engine they're looking around for things that will solve their problems they encounter one of your pins that pin recommends a blog post that you wrote they click on it and now they're on to your blog so you have now created traffic check the first box now you're here in the trust mode and your content that you have that they linked to is a great article it really does give them that top seven things to help them with their problem or whatever it is and when they're reading they see a pop-up displayed over your blog content this pop-up offers them even more value it's an opportunity for them to get on your list they read your headline they're like wow that sounds really helpful I'm gonna take this person up on that free offer and they then opt-in to your list we are now here you're growing your email list then you begin to give more value to your list follow up with them first delivering the item that they got make sure they got it see if they have any questions give more value jab jab jab at this point they are set up for you to make an offer now the hook which is the offer that doesn't mean you're gonna make money at this phase that means you have the right and the timing is perfect you're set up to make an offer so what do you do you make an offer what happens if they don't buy well you send some more jabs you give them even more value and you try another offer and you give them even more value and you try another offer and you continue to give value to them to help them improve their lives achieve their goals solve their problems jab jab jab right hook mixing in affiliate offers you could try different offers you could repeat the same offer there's a lot of ways to go about it but this basic framework here is why my wife and I have been able to create over a million dollars online on our own I've been full time since 2010 it's because we've played this approach it's the long game I'll admit that some people are gonna tell you you can go direct link them from here there and you can make hundred thousand dollars a day bla bla bla I'm telling you that's a lottery ticket and that is not how the game works for most people I've taught this to thousands of people I have hundreds upon hundreds of friends who are all making money building true lifestyle businesses because they're following this approach this is how you create lifestyle income that you can buy houses on you can pay mortgages on you can fill up your 401 k's on or whatever superannuation z' if you're in Oceania or whatever that retirement fund is for you I'm building a business right now to pay for my older self and they'll let me live the life of my dreams now been living in 20 different countries over the last four years growing our business my wife and I together so that is how we work the actual tto approach to making money with Clickbank as an affiliate now let's jump on the computer here and you're gonna see exactly how to find and analyze the best products on Clickbank so let's go in there right now you can see here I am at right now and we are gonna click up top on the affiliate marketplace link now there's a few statistics you're gonna learn how to analyze the data that Clickbank gives you but before we get into the actual data you got to remember that affiliate marketing works best when you help your users purchase the things that are going to solve their problems so if you're in the golf niche for example you should already know that you're looking for golf based offers there's two ways to find offers related to golf number one you type it up top here in the find products area number two you come down here and you choose sports so all the categories are down here on the left and you'll find when you open them up the subcategories will open up and you can see here is golf right here what I've done is I've gone into the sub category at this point these are all of the different offers that are related to golf now they automatically sort by popularity we'll talk about your other options I use here on the sort results by and then it automatically starts by high to low so they're showing you the most popular golf offers that they have with all of their affiliates and Clickbank has a lot of affiliates we need to look at the data now you need to learn how to understand to read this page in a way that is going to help you really understand what is a good offer and what is a rubbish offer so the first number you'll see here is the average dollars per sale this is a cumulative total of any recurring and upsells that are involved in the vendors funnel so they take the average amount of money that every single affiliate makes when they make a sale totaling up all of the $1 offers trials the trial offers the upsells the recurring or rebilling factors all of that comes into this number here so this is a lifetime value for a sale that's what that number is then down here you'll notice we have an initial dollars per sale this is your front end value so for this specific product users make on average thirty five dollars and sixty five cents excuse-me affiliates make on average thirty five dollars and sixty five cents on the first sale then there's a rebuild but the rebuilds not really that much right because it's only about four dollars higher is what they earn on average there so the average percent sale is essentially what the percent of the sale that you earn as an affiliate the average rebuild total for some reason these numbers do not match by any means it's one hundred and four dollars here and thirty nine dollars here so I as an affiliate and a little curious as to why there is such a discrepancy there because if I'm making thirty five dollars on the front end and a hundred and four dollars on the back end my average dollars per sale should be much higher than this then we have the rebuild percentage that's the number of people on average who rebuild and then we also have the gravity number now the gravity number is it's a weighted number which means mathematically it's a little difficult for me to explain but the way it works is as more affiliates more different affiliates sell a product the gravity goes up when you sell a product that same day the gravity goes up by one on day two the day after you just sold that product that gravity number starts to go down point nine five point 9 0.08 and it's an 8 week running total now I tried to explain that in a way that helps you understand that it's not a direct number of affiliates promoting its this doesn't mean there's 19 affiliates promoting this offer right now it means that over the last 8 weeks there's been with that weighted average it comes to 19 it generally means there's a lot more than 19 people promoting this product at this point in time you want to see gravity gravity is good gravity means other affiliates are making money with this Clickbank product which means there's a high likelihood that if you have an interested audience of people and you've built trust with them you can also earn income with this offer now when the gravity gets too high when you see gravity in 150 200 and 250 or above range that can be a symbol that it is an extremely competitive product and unless you have a lot of trust built and you have your own audience that you're bringing to the table it's probably going to be too competitive to go after with cold traffic so building a list whether it's low gravity or high gravity is key because you then become the trust factor you become their trusted adviser and the reason they click your links look at the sales page and potentially purchase is more because of the trust that you bring to the table than just the offer itself that's how you add value as an affiliate to this equation so we again are sorting right here by popularity I'm gonna switch to sort by gravity this is how I personally like to look at what comes back from the the kind of data from within Clickbank and you can see so when we search by gravity high to low it's also the best product so what would I do at this point well I would go in and do a little more research about this vendor I would do more research about their offer you can see right here they've got an affiliate page sometimes they don't link you directly to the offer itself you actually have to go sign up on their site through their affiliate page and they'll have their offer on a different website that's linked to here it's a way to try to help them stop other vendors from swiping their sales copy so when I find an offer that I'm interested in based on the number my next step is to go review the actual offer I will go sit and watch their entire sales video I will purchase the product for myself I'll purchase their upsells I'll take screenshots of every step in the funnel I want to know are they ethical marketers are they going to represent me well is am I going to lose brand value by accidentally promoting a spammy product on Clickbank because you will find there are so many spammy products on Clickbank but there are a number of gems there are some diamonds in the rough here on Clickbank so it really takes a lot of research for you to sort through all the rubbish to find those gems that are actually going to help your audience solve their problems if you notice I'm keep coming back to that you have to actually help your audience solve their problems your goal is to be a trusted advisor that's what affiliate marketing works best so now I'm gonna scroll down a little bit and talk about some of my observations on this specific product then we'll look a little broader at a few different ways to look at the data so scrolling down I can see monster golf swing there is a thirty dollar average per sale you can see here's the link here an average sale of 3005 so no real rebill even though they say it's a rebuilt product it doesn't seem to be rebuilding much thirteen point two five on the gravity to let you know how I know if it's a rebuild product this little icon with the two arrows that means that it is a rebuild product the up right there means that it's got pitch plus which is a one-click upsell inside of the funnel I like to see these two icons personally I like knowing that they've got one-click upsells I also like seeing that they've got the the recurring billing because that means when I make a sale I potentially make more income over time but it's always a question of how well does that convert what is their lifetime customer value and those numbers are hidden down in here so as we scroll down in the golf section you can see the gravity is quickly dropping five point nine six five point five five four point four three I'm personally not interested in products that have a gravity of 0 to 1 0 to 2 I'm open to products that have gravity in the 3 4 or 5 range I really like I feel gravity between 5 and 50 I feel like you have an opportunity to stand out as an affiliate it can often be an undervalued product offering because a lot of people when they scan the results here inside of Clickbank they only go for the super high gravity products and they will really go aggressive on the pay-per-click so it just really ups the competition but when you take a content marketing approach you build a relationship you build trust through the email you have a way to stand out that those folks never ever have a chance so as I said I want to do a little bit more searching and I'm going to show you how to use the advanced search feature so I just clicked advanced search up here and obviously you can use keywords right like you can enter keywords that are relevant to your audience that's a great way to search I'm gonna turn off this category focus and I'm gonna go to all categories and you can see it's all categories all subcategories on the set of 250 now what's really cool is we can come down here to gravity I can check that box and I can say I want higher I want gravity that's between let's say 4 and 75 so now I'm setting like gravity parameters between 4 and 75 I want to also put my average dollars per sale up higher than $100 so this is a way to really start to look around at the Clickbank marketplace and see essentially which products have a solid but not over-the-top gravity and have a high dollar per sale right high average dollar per sale so you can see here we've got Clickbank University up top personally I bought the course I went through it I was thinking about promoting in doesn't affiliate I don't think it's worth it so it's not one I could personally get behind but that's my approach that's why I bought that product I went through their sales stuff I was looking for products to promote I went through I watched it I went through the videos like man that's there's not enough value there for them to charge what they're charging so I made the decision to pass on promoting that to my audience I'm now teaching this stuff myself to build more trust with you so when I do make a recommendation you know it comes from an honest and integrity place so now you see there's John townies auto webinar 403 for sale he's actually promoting an MLM in the back end of this that just got shut down earlier this month and this is what I mean when there's there's a bunch of scammy stuff going on in the world of affiliate marketing to know that he's selling a front end product to essentially try to get people on an MLM that the Federal Trade Commission literally closed down for being a scam just this past month that's the kind of challenges you run up with in Clickbank because there are a lot of shady things and if I put my name on that product and all of that went down that reflects poorly on me you have one chance to build your reputation online and it's it takes a lifetime to build your reputation online one mistake and it can all come crashing down in an instant so I say that very specifically because I really want you to truly understand that what you promote is a reflection of you so really honor that and honor the user who's on the other end these are real people they're trying to solve their problems they're trying to achieve their goals on or that and really truly help them the best you can now you can see we're getting into online dog training at this point that's really cool to see a gravity of 68 average dollars per sales 127 so you can see it's a $20 front-end sale or $20 fronting Commission and a really high average rebuild really high average rebuild percentage the numbers on this product look great to me the fact that it's in the dog training niche is great to me I use the vegan dog food niche as an example all the time it's kind of one of my it's almost like a joke but it's actually a real niche this is the kind of product you could promote to a vegan dog food niche saying hey dog food is a great way to help your dog be calm but if your dog needs training help check out this program that I personally bought and gone through I found it really good for helping my dog be a better more obedient dog that's how it works really well you can see there's a Forex offer here gravity of about 27 $105 per sales so this is a big-ticket product there's no rebuilds there's no recurring it's just a one offer sale with a pitch plus which means an upsell in the funnel but that's a really good average dollars per sale learning Spanish totaled money magnetism this is a dating offer here so you'll notice the offers are all over the place unless we put in some sort of a search parameter based on either the categories or the keywords I want to go back to the main market place I want to show you if you want more information from Clickbank directly on how to actually analyze the data what all those icons mean so when you're here on the main Market Place search there's this stats link you click that stats link here and you'll notice it opens their support and here it's gonna kind of redirect me on the page and it brings you in to where they show you how to understand the market place statistics so this is even more information for you I believe there's a video in here somewhere that even tells you and these are all of the different categories but one more quick search here let's do what else can we do on this example let's do let's do pets okay so now I've just searched pets up top I wasn't able to find the main category right away you can see below the stats per sale the category home and garden animal care and pets so that's where I find it now I'm gonna go back into the advanced search and I want to search Animal Care and pet so I'm gonna delete this here into all categories and it was home-and-garden and then the subcategory was animal care and pets I want to set the results per page up over 50 I like as many as I can I'm gonna set the gravity to show me at least the gravity of two and I'm gonna leave everything else open I don't mind how much the money how much money comes in from the offers I'm just looking at all of the offers starting at a minimum of a gravity of - so I'm gonna eliminate everything that has a gravity of zero I'm gonna eliminate anything that just flat-out doesn't or won't sell and instantly it brings me the results based on popularity so the most popular offer right now is doggy Dan's online dog trainer we already saw that but you can see brain training for dogs cats praying no more secrets to dog training so I'm noticing the dog training thing is huge the cat spraying thing again what I would do in this situation is go ahead and change it out by gravity take a look at how it looks by gravity see doggie dance is crushing it right so every way we're analyzing this same thing doggy Dan's is doing really well so if I'm in the pet niche at all or there's relevance to the pet niche I'm going to go watch their sales video I'm gonna go in I'm gonna buy the product I'm going to look around I'm gonna do reviews on this product and hopefully I fall in love with the way they sell it the content the marketing on the front end and the product itself and I can really get behind it and align my brand my wife and I for example found a product on here that works really well for us we've probably made 250 300 thousand dollars with that product over the last five or six years once you find an offer here that works you can run this offer for the lifetime of your list for the lifetime of your affiliate marketing business it's really really powerful so all the effort and the energy for you as an affiliate marketer is all front-loaded you got to do all the research and you got to buy in and look in and really make the analysis upfront but once you find something that works it can get put inside of your autoresponder sequence it's something you can mention once a month you can do blog post reviews so it can actually fit inside of your content marketing levels you can create Pinterest pins that go back to the review of the product and you can literally start driving traffic from Pinterest to your blog post that reviews it like a pre-sale page and that could even take people directly over so there's a lot of ways that this can be expanded into your brand once you find the right offers on Clickbank and that's the goal here so I feel at this point we've really covered it it's there's no magic in researching the actual offers right what I like to see is that there's a decent average order value I like to see that and what that means for me is very different for you right I don't need hundred dollar products by any means for for me to get behind the product and be excited about promoting it I need that product to really help my audience solve their problems and to be delivered with excellence so it makes me look good in the eyes of my audience when I promote it that's personally what I'm looking for so the gravity number is a great way for you to see if it's working for other people because that which is working for others has a high likelihood of working for you as well if gravity gets too high hundred and fifty two hundred two hundred fifty that can mean that there's some very intense competition it doesn't mean you shouldn't go after these but it just means if you're trying cold traffic it's really probably going to be out of your reach because the big guns are in the market at that point in time but if you're growing your audience through content marketing you're growing your list you're growing the relationship you can promote absolutely anything I want to see a minimum of gravity I like to see a good amount of gravity 20 30 40 is a great number to me means it's working for a lot of people but it's not over the top it's not being spammed out by people who don't get affiliate marketing then what I like to see is the recurring income I love making recurring income residual income I call it mailbox money it's when you set up the infrastructure like I was telling you about the offer my wife and I integrated to our main brand eight years ago it is still generating daily commissions for us to this day I haven't touched that offer I haven't touched the content I haven't touched the email for that in years nor has my wife so it's one of those things if it's got recurring billing it can actually keep paying you out after you do the work though remember that even if it doesn't have recurring billing the fact that you're using content marketing and that Pinterest pin can drive traffic to that blog post for years that blog post that ranks well on Google can drive traffic from Google for years so even if it's a one-off product the fact that you can get traffic showing up day in and day out month in and month out for free or earned is probably better way to put it because you're now ranking for best dog training course and when your blog post shows up for the keyword phrase the best dog training course and you review all the dog training courses and you focus on what was that when Daddy Dan's or doggy Dan's and that's where you focus on as the best one for the user who found you through the search engines that system can create recurring income for you even if the product is a one-time sale because Google once you rank will drive you traffic day-in day-out like clockwork my wife and I get over eight million visits to our website per year most of that comes in based on the efforts we put in the past right in 2010 2011 2012 all the blogging we did back then still generates kind of new traffic for us today they see our pop-ups they join our list they go through our follow up sequence they get our jab jab jab hook series we build the trust and when we make our well-timed and well-placed affiliate offers we get a very high conversion because we've built trust first tto traffic trust offer that is the absolute key and again if you haven't seen my my big post on how to do affiliate marketing the right way I go a little bit deeper into the kind of the clouds level the higher level this is a bit more zoomed in I also talked about some of the other affiliate networks you can be a part of because Clickbank is one affiliate network out of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds I reviewed at least seven of them in another video here on YouTube I'll have that video my free course on affiliate marketing show up here on the end screen give me a thumbs up if you like this leave me a comment below and all the other relevant links will be in the description for you so you can move forward learn how to become a successful affiliate marketer so you can create the life of your dreams it is possible for you I figured it out my wife figured it out we have no special education a lot of hard work takes more hard work than most people are gonna tell you but it's worth it in the end I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have please engage however you prefer to engage and I look forward to seeing you on the next video until then be well Ketchikan
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 39,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money with clickbank, clickbank affiliate marketing, best clickbank products, best clickbank products to promote, affiliate marketing, make money with affiliate marketing, clickbank, clickbank gravity, clickbank products, affiliate marketing funnel
Id: eW0GueZJrWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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