How To Make Money On Twitch Without Streaming

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hypothetical for you let's say you live in a town with 9 million burger joints do you if you have an interest in food and you want to start a business do you set up the 9 million and first burger joint no no that sounds like a terrible idea but for some reason twitch streamers tend to think that this is a viable business model there are 9 million people streaming on twitch right now yet every day a large chunk of new streamers buy expensive gear build expensive pcs buy nice cameras and they set up a stream they flip it on and they play video games hoping that they're going to build an audience and that's a viable business model but the truth of the matter is those other 9 million burger joints they've already built a pretty significant following most of the people in this town already have their favorite that they've been going to for decades and realistically over the last couple years there have been more new burger joints than new customers so you want to know who's really making the money in this town it's the guy selling tacos i've said it a million times i'll say it at least one more time if you're trying to stream on twitch you're trying to turn this into a career you're a business owner and you need to treat this like a business so let's talk about different ways that you can start monetizing today things you should be doing to treat this like a proper business outside of going live and hoping people give you money because that is not a viable business model hey look if you end up finding this video helpful in any way please hit the like button subscribe to the channel love to have you here also if you're looking for video game music i don't know if you know this but we collaborated with hunter thieves and we released a product called hype tracks right now it's 90 different tracks with more coming in the near future all dmca free all safe to use in your youtube videos and in your content all of them perfect high energy tracks for all your high octane gameplay they're available to you is completely free on spotify apple music or even 24 hour streams going on youtube and twitch so go ahead and check those out links in the description down below guys i run a youtube channel all about live streaming live streaming at one point was about 50 of my revenue for most streamers it's at least close to 100 of their revenue i'm here to tell you that especially as new streamers who aren't making a living off of streaming that shouldn't be your goal one it's just bad business as someone who has had a social media career crash and burn diversify i'm gonna give you diversification ideas in this video like specific ones you can go do now and two maybe this is a little bit of my pride talking but at points where i had people gifting a lot of subs and giving a lot of bits it didn't feel like it was real business revenue to me it felt it felt a little bit more like charity this is not an objective thing this is my opinion you don't have to agree with me and that's fine but it was important to me that i found business models so there was an exchange of value for money and that i was a real businessman so we're going to go over all the different sources of revenue in this company we're going to make a pie chart and sam or scott when you guys i'm going to make a pie chart here and we're going to see exactly how much each of these sources contributes to my overall revenue making business here let's go from smallest piece of this pie to the largest because you can see these these are not evenly sized pieces here the very smallest one this may surprise you is my live streaming ribbon i'm actually very proud of this that i managed to make this such an insignificant part of my income that if i have to take a week off from streaming like i did last week i was out of town and i had surgery on my eyes which is why i'm not wearing glasses anymore or if i have a bad month maybe my viewers are taking a hit because of kovid and they can't donate money i don't have to ask for any of that it is simply a little extra icing on top that in the grand scheme of things doesn't change my business model my personal youtube channel where i live stream and make videos which by the way you should subscribe i'm posting a new video this week or next week that i'm really excited about anyway that channel brings in 1.5 of my overall revenue it is my smallest contributing factor to the businesses revenue and this isn't even just live streams this is also ad revenue on the videos that i've posted some of them have tens of thousands of views so thank you to anyone over there who has super chatted or super thanked these videos oh i guess actually that doesn't count that goes to these videos there's a reason i've been able to make my channel memberships 99 cents which i'm really stoked about and it's because this stream only takes up this small of a slice it just doesn't matter that much i'd rather you guys be able to have all the emotes and all the badges and all the things you want without spending five dollars let's go to the next one it's a two-parter so we're gonna have to grab two different slices on this one well the first one a little bit larger let's start with brand deals brand deals right now are the second largest slice of this pie and by the way this i didn't mention it before this is the month of june this is what i'm basing this off these slices actually fluctuate quite a bit in june we were actually so focused on kind of reworking some of the back end stuff uh brainstorming some potential new shows that we ended up only posting five videos they were all sponsored but sponsorships in the month of june contributed a total of 10.6 of the business's revenue now you notice that sometimes we have long-term sponsorships going on like you've noticed on this channel for about a year and a half now we've had a great relationship with a company called which you you know the one-stop shop for all your stream aesthetic needs that whole thing lots of times long-term relationships like this include commissions and so i actually put that in separate as the next slice commissions on this channel for the month of june added up to about 1.7 of the total revenue of this company next one amazon affiliate links two percent of this company's revenue this one actually used to be considerably higher but if any of you have been an amazon affiliate for at least a year now you remember the email that was sent out saying uh that commission rates were taking a huge slash i think they cut down the commission rate to less than half what they were and we've taken a pretty huge cut on that which is fine because diversity right that's what that's the point of this next one youtube ad revenue itself these are the ads that we don't sell we don't sign but the ones that youtube puts on itself lots of times i will try to place them in proper positions we usually have about two mid rolls per video but for the most part they're controlled by youtube this made up 7.7 percent of the revenue in june it's a good chunk this one also fluctuates quite a bit it's gone up to about 15 and even down to about five depending on the popularity of the videos in any given month sometimes great stuff comes out sometimes it doesn't sometimes you can't control that but what's this fat boy slice that's taking up 76.5 of this pie that is more than three quarters of the pie that is stream beats string beats is a product that i am incredibly proud of and not just because of the revenue that it brings in but because it's something that i feel significantly changed the industry it was the first time i took an idea that was weird and it was new and i'd never seen anybody do it create music commission music and then give it away for free and just by making it safe it just it took sales it took sales it took wind is that even a thing i took a life of its own i ran and it's been absolutely crushing it it's been really cool to see the impact it's had on my business as well as the impact on you guys as streamers and and now we're you know collaborating with 100 thieves and we got some massive releases coming for you in the next couple months and within the next year this pie should have probably three more slices on there at least i have a tendency to add more slices than i can usually handle talked about it in other videos i get a little ambitious sometimes but one of those being merch right now we're working on our very first senpai merch drop senpai series 1 we're calling it with teespring or i guess they're called spring now and i'm very excited about it it's merch that i'm going to be very proud of and who knows we might i'm considering releasing like a teaser item early maybe we'll call like series zero or something let me know in the comments down below if that's something you'd be interested in merge is something i've been wanting to do for a long time and i probably could have made a lot more money in the meantime but i wanted to do it right and because of what i've got going on here i was able to kind of put it on the back burner until i could do it right and so uh yeah stuff coming soon super important the reason that i have split this pie into so many slices is because i've had a failed social media career before most of you guys know my wife and i had a music channel long before this and we started like seven eight years ago we grew it up to a couple hundred thousand subscribers unfortunately you can't really monetize covers and so literally we had one slice of pie on here it was brand deals which you can see only amounts to about 10 of my revenue right now and as a relevancy struggled because we made mistakes which everybody does especially your first time in this field those brand deals stopped coming in and that's all we have during that time i had to learn to be a little bit more creative and branch out a little bit more rather than just making the content i was comfortable with and i wish i'd learned it earlier this is why we're making this video during that time between the death of that channel and the rise of this channel which was about two years i was a freelance content creator i made youtube videos i made facebook videos i ran facebook ads i made twitter videos for a handful of people uh from a friend of mine now who i've mentioned a couple times i do real estate investing with i was contracted to work for a third party political campaign company called november inc and i worked with them for about two years i had to work for multiple people because none of them really paid out that strongly but while i was doing that i decided i wanted to diversify as i was starting this channel and i wanted to do a better job this time of being financially responsible and this time around as you can see from the pie chart i did a little bit of a better job so i want to give you specific things that you can do literally the moment you stop watching this video you can start setting up and you can start making money based on this career i have three main things i want you to do today tomorrow this week this month whenever you have time i want you to start on them brainstorm them and start doing them now number one set up multiple passive revenue sources let me go over a couple of those for you they're going to be more but i'm going to give you four specific ones you can literally set up today number one a merch store did you know that there are plenty of websites that allow you to set up a free merch store you upload your image it shows you what it looks like on the shirt or the pants or pillow or whatever and then when people buy it the website takes care of everything the producing the product they're shipping the product they take a cut you get a little bit of the profit it's never huge but it's money that you didn't have to work for and just a heads up this is not going to make you a lot of money the moment you set it up you might get one or two sales make a couple extra bucks the point is you get this established and the moment you start finding that growth you already have that funnel there you don't have to scramble to get it in order while you're also focusing on keeping that momentum rolling which i promise you will be a stressful moment have it there so you're ready to make money when your audience is ready number two amazon affiliate links make those links have it be relevant to your audience what you do and have them placed in a place where it is easy for people to find whether that be in your panels on twitch in the description of your youtube videos whatever you're doing have amazon links there about two weeks before this channel took off because there was one video i've shown this graph a lot i'm going to show it again there was a point where this channel took off about two weeks prior to that point a friend told me hey you have a lot of amazon links in your description why are you not making them affiliate links you might as well be making some money off of it i thought you know i might make a couple extra bucks and i spent an evening a couple hours and i went through every single video and i replaced every link with an amazon affiliate link and then i completely forgot i had done that until about a month later channel had been running pretty strongly for three or four weeks now i went back and checked i was like oh yeah i set these up i wonder how those are doing maybe i'll have 50 60 bucks in there i had 1200 bucks in there 1200 bucks i didn't have to work for and during the next month those links continued to make me money every single day and you know if i can just give you a couple real numbers here before amazon slashed their commission rates there was a point where i was making 500 to 700 a day on amazon links when i had 100 200 maybe 300 000 subscribers on this channel if there is any reason to think of to put links somewhere just do it i mean keep it keep it classy you don't want to be the guy that has links everywhere because then no one's going to click any of them but put them there have them use them a couple other passive revenue sources you can set up here do you have a skill you can teach can you set up like a skillshare or a udemy account can you create a course on something that other people want to learn and just put it up there and let it make you money forever make a skillshare course if you have a skill that you can share do you have access to a really cool tool that other people don't have maybe you have a 3d printer set up an etsy shop have some 3d models that you can just click print and then it makes for you and you ship off and you make some money get creative i see way too many small streamers with one source of revenue which is subs bits twitch revenue that's it i know most of them are capable of adding at least one more to that okay action item number two this is something that makes me really sad i see a lot of streamers buy expensive equipment and they use it while they're streaming and making no money and then they don't use it for anything else if you stream and you buy a nice microphone or you buy a nice camera use it you want to know what i did with my streaming camera when i had less than five viewers on twitch i filmed a friend's wedding if you have a day off work take your camera outside learn to take pictures learn to take video learn to edit utilize the equipment that you have and turn it into a side hustle not only are you making extra money in the process you're developing skills that are going to help you with your content creation career start a side hustle with the equipment that you invest in for your stream put that stuff to use be effective or efficient or whatever the word is and action item number three this is the kicker this is what's actually going to help you grow assuming you have the self-discipline to do it this is what separates the boys and the girls from the men and the women all right that side hustle money you need to invest it and wait let me finish that money you're making on the side hustle only goes back into things that make your side hustle stronger that make you more money and i don't mean like fun really cool gadgets that make streaming more fun like you know fancy lights or a stream deck or all those things that are great tools i don't think a stream deck has ever made anyone an extra dollar if what you have to do is start a separate bank account and put all that side hustle money in there and consider it a loss that's what you should do put it into things that are going to make you more money for example maybe there is a skill you need to learn that's going to give you more opportunities like learning to edit better or maybe buying transitions or color filter packs for your photography or maybe there's some equipment that will actually help you make more money like for example this 24 to 70 telephoto lens maybe you need to get more zoomed in shots for portrait photography or filming weddings from farther away you can't do that with that sigma 16 mil that you use for streaming can't film a whole wedding with that single lens one of the decisions that i've mentioned before i've made that i'm really proud of is when this channel had gotten up to making about sixteen hundred dollars a month in ads i hired sam i hired an editor and paid him 2 000 a month i paid him more than the channel was making i paid him a little bit out of my twitch money as well as all the youtube money because i wanted to make better videos i had the audience for it i had the growth for it it felt like the right decision instead of buying a fun new camera or that gaming monitor i always wanted i hired an editor and this decision is something i still live by today anything that i don't need to spend on my business and goes to me i put almost a hundred percent of in investments a lot of that right now is real estate investments i've started a separate bank account and even a separate llc for these real estate investments and any money that i transfer into there i never pull out i expect that to be gone and it is money that is continuously being invested i consider it a loss because at some point in the future when eventually this channel dies hopefully not anytime soon i want to have this nice nest egg there that i've been building for a decade that i can use to support myself and my family so guys look do yourself this favor and myself because i'm asking for some engagement here on this video to help boost it in youtube's algorithm leave a comment down below of one thing you're gonna do this week to start moving and expanding your sources of revenue that can be something as simple as setting up a stream elements merch store it can be something as advanced as learning how to edit wedding videos and posting on facebook saying anyone getting married i'd love to do your wedding for cheap set up that taco stand be the smart business person guys i hope this helped i hope this was interesting if it did if it did if it was leave a like and leave a comment down below i really appreciate you guys i hope to see you next time and as always happy streaming
Channel: Senpai Gaming
Views: 189,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, elgato, starting, new, dmca, copyright, strike, strikes, copystrike, algorithm, learning, start, make, videos, first, gear, lens
Id: wLos-UDDWtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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