How To Make Minecraft Fun Again..

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do you ever find yourself playing Minecraft and just being bored doing the same thing over and over not having any fun at all well my name is Farzin I'm gonna help you have fun in minecraft again I'm gonna give you some tips and tricks on how to have fun based on my survival world far z craft so sit back get some inspiration and enjoy the video the first thing you have to do to not be bored in Minecraft is have a place to write down all your ideas whether it's in your world on your phone on a notepad write down your ideas this is my idea room I have every idea I have on my plate in this room this is important no more going on minecraft and just mining and doing things the game wants you to do you need to think of your own ideas and get creative write down things think of other things to build on top of those things or near those things make a giant system of things you can do in your world and keep adding to it start getting into redstone this is a redstone clock I built on my own I am terrible at redstone but when you start using redstone start figuring things out it makes the game so much more complex and fun it's a sign of Minecraft you really don't know about so start doing redstone projects start learning how to make things work with redstone start building walls around the place you live in it makes the experience of Minecraft way more immersive and they look pretty cool too and it helps they're pretty easy to make start grouping buildings together and calling them towns or villages this is my shopping village it's no more than six or seven buildings all in a small area with the road it's a small build it's easy but once again it's so immersive it's so fun to build you can put villagers in here you can actually sell things with chests and anvils it's a lot of fun and again it's just very immersive it makes your world way more fun too speaking of towns don't limit yourself to land this is a village on the water it is a little doc village fishing village it's really cool it's very unique build something just like this build a bridge build houses often use logs to Pillar down into the water it's a great looking build that you will definitely enjoy building speaking of building on the water use the ocean to your advantage build boats build mob farms build mansions build tons of things on the water it just looks different than on land it looks better it looks cleaner it just looks tropical have fun use the ocean to your advantage stop building blocky houses start using finer details this house here is one of the better houses I've ever made it was difficult but it was so pleasing when I finally got this done finally perfected it learn how to make cool roofs cool interiors cool little details on the outside learn how to detail your builds don't build everything in plain sight and make it so grand make things hidden this little room here is a glass structure I have covered in leaves and it's just a cool little hidden room nothing too special about it but it's just different it's fun to build it's fun to practice hiding it camouflaging it and you can always link it back down to other builds like I did here make an aquarium or a pond for your fishes and if you don't have fishes go get some fishes go get some tropical fish from the tropical ocean biomes find them bucket them up and put them somewhere in your world to put them on display don't just make one brewing stand make 50 make a giant Roma for brewing make it look big and grand it's so easy to just want to place down one of these stands next to a crafting but if you make a whole room for it it definitely looks amazing make XP farms practice learning how to farm mobs I have two of them just in this cave alone it's a fun project that will get you tons of XP hence really cool enchantments make a map room this isn't even done yet but it still looks really cool build a giant room full of maps from every little coordinate you have in your world and just put it on a wall it looks awesome even helps you plan out future builds make an assorted chest system don't just put your chests all over the world make a room for it sort things out just make it neat one of the biggest turn offs in Minecraft is having chests and chests and chests full of dirt and cobblestone start building lamps or streetlights these lights only turn on at night thanks to daylight sensors use daylight sensors to your advantage and start making cool builds in the night do you have any weird divots or craters in your world building them this is a little hidden village I made use these craters to your advantage don't just patch them up but use the change in terrain to your advantage and build something cool down there do you like sports build something sports related build a field build the giant ball build a model of your favorite player or build these little things I made to represent players which look awful by the way but build sporty things it's a nice change up in Minecraft when you take real life and put it into the game make yourself a stable and find cool pets and put them inside I have llamas I have horses and I have skeleton horses it's a cool place to store all the new friends you've made in Minecraft speaking of friends make a place for your other pets to stay this is a hotel I made inside we have one floor for every kind of animal we got birds we got cats we got dogs a pet hotel is just unique and and just fun enough to build any day of the week build a clock tower everyone does not want to build a clock tower and I don't know why it looks so cool in the middle of your town it can be redstone or it can be fake make a clock tower it just looks awesome it's unbelievable how many people do not build it trust me build a clock tower build a sanctuary for rare mobs I live nowhere near where turtle spawn so I got a couple of them made a little home for them now I have turtles in my area piggybacking off my last point find new mobs find new mobs to play with this is a skeleton horse you saw Turtles back there there's rabbits here find new mobs that you don't usually interact with and name them keep them as a pet farm them but interact with more mobs change your world type change your world to amplify it there's a tutorial on how to do this in the playlists but when you change your world type and put it on amplified after it being normal it just makes things go crazy it is awesome it adds some variety and spice to your world trust me on this you want to go amplified if you're bored of Minecraft theme your builds based on holidays I built this whole Christmas area on Christmas I built this turkey over there on Thanksgiving I built a little graveyard somewhere over there in the distance on Halloween build things on holidays it makes your world a little more interesting build a base in the nether it looks really cool it's totally different than anything else you've ever built before and it's kind of a challenge because of all the Pigman and gasps but build a base in the nether and the final tip I have for you is a build and mega structures build something giant build something that will take you forever to make in my case it's this giant treehouse which is about halfway done but they old something that will take you a while small projects finish off too quickly make something that takes weeks months maybe even years like this in my case but take your time and really dedicate yourself to a big project I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you found some love for Minecraft once again anything I talked about in this world will most likely have a tutorial in the playlist down below go check it out from that note guys make sure you just try different things in Minecraft do things you're not used to doing and regain the love for one of the greatest games ever made make sure to LIKE subscribe dwell that's good stop and I will talk to you guys next time so until then good bye [Music] you
Channel: Farzy
Views: 156,758
Rating: 4.8765101 out of 5
Keywords: Mine, Craft, Minecraft, Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Redstone, Diamond, Farzy, fun, cool, xbox, amazing, series, games, wow, how, to, tutorial, best, update, again, how to make minecraft fun, minecraft fun, minecraft inspiration, showcase, minecraft tutorial, how to build a house, minecraft mod showcase, minecraft lets build, gameplay, minecraft house tutorial, house tutorial, mining, minecraft pocket edition
Id: Wgl5T32k4LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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