HOW TO MAKE MEXICAN PIZZA (Taco Bell Could Never!!!!)

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hi guys and welcome back to my channel today i'm going to share with you guys how to make my version of a mexican pizza in case you just want to learn how to make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and i'll show you how alrighty guys so let's get started with the ingredients so for this recipe we're going to need two pounds of ground beef small flour tortillas refried beans 15 ounces of tomato sauce mexican style cheese a half of a small white onion one roma tomato one tablespoon of minced onion one tablespoon of corn starch a half a teaspoon of sugar 2 tablespoons of white vinegar garlic salt ground cumin oregano onion powder garlic powder cayenne pepper chili powder and paprika and your favorite toppings so these are ingredients now let's get started alright guys so first we're going to start by prepping our meat so we're going to dice one tomato all right so once we have our tomato we're going to do the same to our onion all right so once we have our onion tomato we can begin cooking all right guys so in a pan we're going to set it on medium-high heat we're going to add a little bit of oil and we're just going to wait for that to heat up all right so once our oil is hot we're going to throw in our tomatoes and onions and we're just going to saute them for a couple minutes all right so after a couple minutes we're going to throw in our meat we're just going to break it down a little all right so now we're going to add our spices we're going to add one teaspoon of cumin one teaspoon of onion powder one teaspoon of paprika one teaspoon of chili powder one teaspoon of cayenne pepper one teaspoon of oregano and two teaspoons of garlic salt that's our taco seasoning all right so once we have our taco seasoning we're going to mix it all together and continue to break down your meat and we're also going to add a little bit of salt so as far as the going to be to your liking it's going to be fine for me so just continue cooking your meat alright guys so once our meat has browned and some of the oil came out of our meat we're going to add our one tablespoon of corn starch just mix it this is just going to thicken up the meat [Music] so just dissolve it like that so just make sure that you don't get no clumps all right so once our coarser has this all with our meat we're going to mix it all together and finish cooking it for about five minutes all right so after five minutes our meat is done so now we're just going to turn it off cover it and set it to the side so now to make our sauce we're going to grab our sauce pan we're going to sit on medium heat we're going to add our tomato sauce three quarters of a cup of water our vinegar our minced onion our sugar we're going to add a quarter teaspoon of oregano half a teaspoon of cumin one teaspoon of garlic powder two teaspoons of garlic salt a half a teaspoon of onion powder two teaspoons of chili powder one teaspoon of parrika and one teaspoon of cayenne pepper just sprinkle it and now we're just going to mix it all together and we're just going to wait for that to come to a simmer okay guys so once our sauce begins to simmer we're going to lower down the heat and let that simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes just make sure that you keep a eye on it so like that or salt doesn't stick to the pot all right guys so once our sauce is ready this is what it should look like so now you just want to try it and see if it needs anything and if it does then just add it um if you want your sauce to be a little more spicy just add cayenne pepper so now our sauce is ready so we're going to start working on our tortillas okay so now we're going to fry our tortillas so i'm going to use my command set it on medium-high heat i'm going to add a quarter cup of oil so we're just going to wait for it to heat up and then we can begin to fry our tortillas okay so while we wait for our oil to heat up we're going to grab a toothpick and we're going to begin to poke our tortilla so just poke it all around the tortilla and this is going to prevent from bubbles to form on the tortilla which will make your tortilla not even when we're making our pizza so just do it on both sides all right so once our oil is hot we're going to place the tortilla and begin to fry it so fry it for a couple minutes or until the sides of your tortilla is golden brown make sure that no bubbles form so just flip it and do the same to the other side all right so once both sides are golden we're going to place it on a roasting sheet and we're going to repeat the process and just add oil as needed we're going to be using two tortillas for each pizza so once you have your tortillas ready we're going to place them in the oven all right so we're going to place them in the oven for five minutes alright so after five minutes we're going to remove the tortillas from the oven and now we are ready to build our pizzas okay so we're going to start by spreading a small layer a thin layer of beans so just spray them like that then we're going to add our meat and just spray them so just spread your meat evenly okay now we're going to grab our other tortilla and we're going to spread our sauce place it on top of your meat so we're going to add our cheese and i love cheese so we're going to put a good amount just spread it on your pizza there okay so now we're going to start topping our pizza with your favorite toppings i'm going to grab some tomatoes and if you have kids right now is the perfect time to build your own pizza i'm going to add some black olives some chile serrano okay and some green onion and that's enough for me so now we're going to put it back in the oven for about three minutes or until the cheese completely melts cheese has melted and now our pizzas are ready to be enjoyed alright guys so now we are ready to enjoy our delicious mexican pizza i'm just going to cut it hear that super delicious and of course you can cut it in half again and share it i'm so ready all right guys so now we are ready to enjoy already guys and now for the best part the taste test i am so ready so delicious everything is just perfect so easy to make guys and your kids are going to enjoy it as well the best alrighty guys and there you have it how make some delicious mexican pizzas i hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with your friends and family and if you regret this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias and if you're new to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys on my next video bye [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 661,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taco bell, taco bell mexican pizza, taco bell mexican pizza recipe, mexican pizza, pizza, taco pizza, beef pizza, claudia regalado, taco bell recipe, homemade mexican pizza, homemade pizza recipe, taco bell mukbang, taco bell menu, taco bell menu items, claudia regalado tacos, tacobell mexican pizza, mexican pizza recipe, texmex pizza, tacobell recipe, Tostada (Dish), cooking, mexican recipes, make mexican pizza, make taco bell mexican pizza, how to make a mexican pizza
Id: 1efvtI5mJKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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