How to Make Maya Start Faster

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this is Malcolm 3 for 1 in this video we're gonna look at how to make Maya start faster Maya takes forever to load which is super annoying so let's get into it so I recently updated to Maya 2019 I usually stick on the older versions as long as I can because I find they usually break stuff in the new versions but what I noticed as soon as I upgraded well I've actually noticed this for a long time is Maya takes forever to load it takes like 400 years to open the program I want to say this started happening around Maya 2015 or 2016 I can't remember but my used to load like pretty fast and now it just to the person using it or an artist or whatever if something takes more than a couple seconds it feels like minutes or hours or or 400 years whatever it doesn't matter so we're gonna look at some plugins that you can disable that will actually make my load significantly faster and I've found for my work I'm a texture artist and a modeling artist and I found for me personally I almost never use these plugins or I've never used them professionally in like the last 18 years okay and then I'm just gonna go to my programs and find Maya so open my 2019 so click it and now my is loading and this is actually my custom logo that I have in here we'll do another video about how to replace the my loading screen with whatever image you want so that's just my little custom one here ok we're loading reloading reloading reloading or loading still loading still loading we're still loading so it's pretty slow we're still loading if you can believe it okay there we go I think ok so say ok and I've got control ok so there were actually loaded into the program now so that was brutal I don't know how long that took but I actually thought it had frozen or I forgot to click on the screen or whatever but it was still loading so you can see just how slow it is probably extra slow on a fresh like preferences and everything but it doesn't matter whatever we do here it's gonna speed up every subsequent load anyways so I'm just going to maximize the Maya here so I just load it one more time and then I'm just gonna disable this guy so highlight what's new actually like that feature but show it start up I don't like that say ok and part of Maya that loads by default is a bunch of plugins that you may or may not want to use and some of those plugins I never use or rarely use and if we disable those we can actually make the program load a lot faster so to do that you go up into Windows and you go through settings and preferences and then you go to come down here to the plugin manager and launch that little guy and so this is all the plugins that Maya comes with by default and some of those are loaded automatically and some of them aren't and so what we're gonna do is gonna come in and turn off some of the most expensive plugins that take the longest to load so the slowest one by far is the Bifrost plug-in that's like a visual effects particle thing that I never use because I'm not a visual effects artist so you can actually just come up here and you can just type by F and you can see here's all the advice stuff and I'm just going to turn off the auto load for all of these guys and I'm going to unload them in the current session as well so that's basically going to make it so the next time you start Maya these won't automatically load with the program it's also going to break any of the Bifrost menus that's okay you can come into here at any time and reload all this stuff and then the menus will work fine so long if I frost mash is also a pretty slow on so search for mash turn off auto loaded and loaded mash is actually really cool I've just started using this it's kind of a slow to use but it's pretty powerful so maybe we'll do a video in the future but again I don't use this often it's very rare that I use this plug-in but I open my every single day multiple times a day so turn it off and we'll see what happens and then the last one that we want to do is called x-gen and i've never used this I've read a couple tutorials on it and it looks cool but again I've never used it in my professional career and then so here it's complaining it's saying like well if you turn that off the Shelf is going to be like all corrupt and that's fine say ok and say ok and if you need that use x-gen in the future you can just rename it and the shelf will reappear ok so we've got our 3 worst offenders turned off so let's just close the plug-in manager and now we can just close Maya don't need to save was that down still looks like it takes quite a while to close down but we'll see how it starts up ok that was kind of brutal actually how long it took to close ok and we're ready to restart Maya and see the magic so back to my programs Maya 2019 click it here we go this part is probably gonna always take the same amount of time it's like once the interface loads and you're just kind of stuck there waiting and it kind of tricks you okay so we're going here we go and that's it we're done so that's way faster like the first time I did this I thought it actually froze and so now we're like already ready to move around and do stuff so very helpful save yourself a lot of time because that'll add up during the day and also it's just really annoying so if I need to use those plugins I'll just rename them later and use them and then turn them off again when I'm not using them because mostly I'm just doing modeling and texturing stuff that can save you a bunch of time if you don't have to wait for that load every time and if you really want to speed things up and you're not rendering anything in Maya you could actually also turn off the Arnold plug-in as well I do this quite a bit because I would like render and unreal or marmoset or something I'm not doing any preview renders here so you can go for Arnold I think let's see no it's not called Arnold it's called m2a I believe yeah so this is the Arnold plugin so if you're not ever gonna render anything or render very infrequently this guy takes a while to load as well same thing force that whatever close that guy down but that one's a little bit more controversial because it's a built in renderer that ships with my eye so I think you're gonna get like some annoying error all the time not going to hurt anything it's just going to be annoying but disabling that will also make Maya load a little bit faster as well and what we should have done when I opened my eye was actually of the script editor open with history turned on so we could see when it the exact moment that it finished loading but we'll just do that right now I've also disabled Arnold so maybe we'll see a little bit of speed up there as well so open this guy up wait for it to load here we go and here it's loading and you can see when this thing stops spewing then it's done that's it so it actually loads really fast now and then here's that same test with everything rien abled so load that stuff up all those expensive plugins re-enabled still got the script that are open you can see all the spew happening there and then it gets to here and you think it might be done but that is actually not done see it said successfully imported Arnold stuff and then here it's still going it just takes a really long time okay so now it's done so when the result comes up so I noticed this the last time I did had said result like 140 and that's 177 so I think that's the Delta in time differences so we saved like 37 seconds or something so that's quite a bit of load time maybe that's not seconds maybe it's milliseconds I'm not sure but this definitely took longer to load with everything enabled so definitely unload those plugins if you are not using them on a regular basis thanks a lot for watching this video without viewers like you this channel would not exist if you liked this video and enjoy the channel please support me by purchasing something from the online store each purchase goes towards creating more video content and keeps the channel ad free see you next time have a world-class day
Channel: malcolm341
Views: 12,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya, autodesk, time, saving, tricks, secret, secrets, tips, 3d modeling, 3d modelling, easy, fast, tutorial, workflow, pipeline, best, mel, script, malcolm341, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, video, quick, free, beginner, learning, how, to, learn, polygon, polygons, hotkey, hot, key, use, save, tool, plugin, tools, load, faster, start, open, open faster, start faster, load faster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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