3D Still Life In Maya & Arnold Renderer - Tutorial

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[Music] welcome back guys today we are going to be creating a 3d still life inside of Maya and it is a kind of a elegant looking render so you can create amazing things by getting the idea of how you can create this kind of still lights I do have a couple of references when I build this and I just want to show you and these are all the images that I took for references you can pretty much create any object or utensil you want you can search for a couple of examples just so you can get some idea I'm going to start off by creating a simple wineglass and then try to create a random stuff like that simple glasses maybe a jar or something like that and just move on with it so there's not like a correct way of doing this you can create pretty much any type of random object by your own imagination so let's start off by creating a simple wineglass why and yeah let's go so I'm going to take a simple cylinder and for now as you can see the subdivisions on this is too much I don't mean that means I need to start pretty low maybe eight and I'm going to turn off the caps to zero that way I have more control on the face all right so we have a simple cylinder let's scale this down way down like to somewhere like this and let's start modeling this now I'm going to go to right click on this and go to face moon and select this space and simply ctrl e to extrude this or you can also click on this icon either you can also go to edit mesh and extrude alright whatever works for you and I'm just going to bring this up once it's extruded as you can see you are extruding this and I'm just going to hit R to scale this and I'm going to select the bottom piece to scale this uniformly if you select any either point it will kind of scale down on that axis so make sure you are selecting the middle path now the way to model a simple wineglass very quickly is going to the front mode and I'll tell you why because from the perspective view as this from the perspective view you are getting kind of a 3d look and not exactly getting the overall proportion on this you can always go back and change your Polly's and vertices and so on but it's better to start of something like this all right so I'm going to stay on the face mode and hit ctrl e to extrude one more time and I'm going to extrude this scale this down and ctrl e and it W and let's move this right about there right and I'm going to ctrl e let's move this up bring this right about here ctrl e let's move this up something like this ctrl e and I'm just going to keep scaling this and let's say ctrl e and ctrl e it's something like this so as you can see we have something like this which is not exactly what we were going for and I'm just going to add one more segment into it so I'm going to select my edit sorry insert edgeloop by simply going to the mesh tool and insert edgeloop and this will kind of allow us to add any edge loop you want anywhere and I'm just going to select the edge mode double click on this and then please give this I think it's looking good I'm going to delete the top face and we have something like this if you press 3 you get pretty smooth look right now we have a lot of adjustment to do with this so let's start off by I'm just going to simply delete some of these signals and maybe this one as well and I think the rest is pretty good let's queue this down to something like this and I think now it's looking quite good so if you hit 3 on your keyboard you get pretty smooth going on and there a couple of problems with this mesh right now and the first problem is obviously the bottom part as you can see it's getting a little bit chamfered so to fix this we are going to add a couple of edges into the corners and what this will do is simply restrict those edges to kind of go soft on the on those areas so I'm going to hit 1 once again and I'm going to go to mesh tool select insert edgeloop and I'm going to add an edge here now what this is doing is if I hit 3 again as you can see the curviness is only happening from this edge to this one so I am kind of restricting this edge to go beyond this area to get even more smoother so if I move this as you can see going even smoother on this area and so you can pretty much adjust this now to fix at the bottom part what we are going to let me just turn off the grid what you can do is simply go to a face mode select this face extrude this and scale this down do this process a couple of times and just little bit you can close this if you want you can simply merge them and now if you hit three you get pretty nice look so I'm going to add a couple of more edges around here just so we have a cleaner look right about there some here and some here I think it looks pretty good and apart from that I'm going to add some edges on the top so we have pretty clean look on the top so I'm going to just increase the overall size on this and we just increase this years as well and maybe like this all right so I think it looks pretty clean now and as you can see it's pretty thin right now so what you can do is either you can simply extrude this inside something like this and then maybe flip the normals and normals is something that shows the face of the polygons so now you have pretty you can say closed overall look so what I did there was a simple extrusion for example if you delete this face and you have a hollow object something like this what you can do is simply click on extrude and you can pretty much create the depth outside or inside now I the reason I didn't create the depth outside because you already did an adjustment on the outside area so I didn't think extruding that outside would be a good idea anyways so what you can do is pretty much extrude this inside or outside and these black faces that you're seeing right now is called something reversed normals that means the polygons are facing in the wrong direction if I show you the normals right now let me just go to windows and I think it was in the display yeah display polygons and face normals as you can see these are our normals and I'm going to select these faces and put a face and different small ones and now as you can see it perfectly showing you the overall faces now they are all on the outer direction where they all should be they shouldn't be on the inside part so make sure you always check your normals before doing anything and if you don't like this black areas that you're seeing right now you can simply go to lighting and turn on the two-sided lighting that will just get rid of those black shadow areas but I suggest highly to keep that off if you are working with polygons which has a lot do with normals let's move on so I'm going to turn this off face normals and I hope you got the concept behind this and I'm just going to add a couple of edges on the top okay so I think we are good to go it looks pretty nice and now from here we can move on now I'm going to speed up the process but to create a multiple class I am going to name this wine glass enter okay so I'm going to just speed up the process now I will try to create some random shapes just like this and I'm just going to duplicate this biting in come told B and moving this along and maybe just change the shape on this just a little bit okay and now I will just randomly try to create more stuff if you have trouble creating any stuff something like that you can simply slow down the video I just don't want to take the whole time explaining how to do the modeling and stuff I'm pretty sure you guys know how to do the modeling path [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we are going to create a simple food which is going to be an simple apple and this is really going to be a very simple object now to do this what we are going to do is go to the vortex mode select one vortex and if you double click on the your movement you have some couple of options and you will see this soft selection the shortcut key for this is simply hitting B on your keyboard and as you can see it selects it turn this on this option calls off select and what this does is simply gives you a kind of a follower for creating a simple a very smooth kind of follow going on now if I move this for example without if I hit a normal selection if I move this as you can see this is pretty rigid right and I cannot kind of manipulate this that much but if I hit B and or you will see this fall off that means yellow is kind of the strongest point and slowly at its goes red that means it's going to be a kind of a fading a really kind of that so the way to understand a simple fall off is the more yellow the color you see is more stronger area that's affecting and more reddish or black Evi you see is more the least affected area that means from one value it's going to the zero value so the more yellow area that you have is going to be affected the less area will be completely black or maybe between the right color so I'm going to decrease the area to somewhere like this alright and if I hit three on my keyboard I can see this smoothness going on so let me lose and I think this is looking quite good time keep it right here I'm going to decrease the overall follow up on this and if you don't know how I'm changing the overall size of the brush you can simply go to the vertex and if you hit B and hold the B on your keyboard and you can move the left mouse button and simply you can change the size so hold B click left and simply drag and that's it so you can change the size anyway so we have a simple Apple going on I'm just going to turn this off I'm going be to turn this off him let's scale this down something like this and I think now it looks good so let me just I'm just going to change one edge here and I'm just going to decrease it something like this and I'm just going to create a simple you can say stem for this let's bring it around here and I'm going to snap it over here by simply hitting movie on my keyboard I can snap this to any vertices I want on this object and I scale this down I'm going to change the axis to eight and gaps to zero again let's bring it around here let's give this down and I think it looks good now from here I'm going to simply select this face and extrude this and maybe rotate this to suffer like this and simply speed is down no it looks pretty hideous so go to mesh tool insert edgeloop and add some edges to this and simply go to the vertices against like this vertices and kind of manipulate this around and I think it looks good now let's give this way down alright so I think it looks pretty cool now and if we hit three on this we get something like this now I'm into it shift I and that will just enter in the isolation but that means I'm only concentrating on this part so I'm going to select the face and I'm going to delete the bottom face and that will just help the overall topology to get can if i linearize the next thing i'm going to do is simply select this edge or you can simply select this face and simply hit bevel you can click on this icon you can also go to mesh to so you edit mesh and bevel and you can also click on control V the hotkey so I'm going to click on this and as you can see you getting this balance you can change the amount of fraction how much babiness you want on this I'm going to change it to somewhere like this and I'm going to increase some segments all this maybe a couple all right so I think it looks pretty good I can change just a little bit and maybe add two more yeah so now if I hit 3 I get this pretty smooth looking kind of first time so let's I'm going to select this and this and let's duplicate this so ctrl D and move this around I'm going to select this and hit ctrl G to group this you can also go to edit and click on group and group this I'm going to call this top of one and I'm going to group this as well let's call this Apple 2 sorry and let's call this I don't know obj one I know what to call this I don't know what to call this as well this is all random stuff and let's call this our I guess that makes sense so we have all these objects completely lined up now now I'm going to create a simple backdrop for this just so we have a very interesting looking background and create a simple thing let's scale this up and let's decrease the subdivision on this to 1 and 1 and I'm going to select the edge here hit ctrl e move this up and I'm going to it control you one more time and just pull this backwards you don't have to do this I just like to make an S shape background and the next thing we are going to do is give a kind of a pretty smooth look to this backdrop so I'm going to select this edge and this one and I'm going to hit bevel so now you have pretty nice but I will going on select the fraction and increase the segments and there you go so now you have a pretty smooth looking background going up now the only thing that is left is to simply adjust them or align them properly let's go to the front view and I'm going to move this up let's align them around here and I think the bottom part is kind of a line now we are going to go to the top view and just simply adjust how these are kind of interacting with each other so let's bring it over here let's bring it around here [Music] okay so I think it looks pretty neat and clean now and the one thing if you cannot select the whole group all you have to do is hit the up arrow on your keyboard and it will select the whole group if you are selecting an individual element you can separate so it B or top out on this and there you go I'm just going to give a little bit of interaction to this I'm going to rotate this server like this and we put it some back those are them so let's put it right about here and I'm going to bring this about here alright so I think it looks pretty good but you can also do simply rotate this glass I'm going to go to the side view at 4 on your keyboard to turn on the wireframe and if you hold down J you can rotate this in some every 15 degrees which is very nice so although we don't need 90 degrees 15 degrees actually so this I'm going to keep it right about there and I'm just going to rotate this something like this just to give a kind of a dramatic look to this I mean now it looks pretty good and I'm just going to check here alright so now I think it looks pretty good now and as you can see I have already camera set up here and if you don't like this camera I can select and take another camera here I can move this back and I think it looks pretty good now we are good to go for the final scene I've already set up on HDR I'm asked for this you can also use an HDR to set up the lighting I'm not going to get into the lighting stuff it will be the in time consuming and I'm sure you all can do some lighting so I'm going to slick the main camera I'm going to call this and let's turn on the film gate let's move this somewhere like this maybe four let's bring this back so I'm going to rotate on the x-axis and we like this alright I think it's looking quite good 725 min sorry 6.5 very perfect yeah and I'm just going to move my camera on the right side just to follow the rule of third on this right so I think like it looks pretty good I'm going to lock my camera here and let's stand on our IPR to see what we have okay so as you can see it looks pretty good now so we can get into the shading and overall process for this now we are going to create two types of materials for this the first will be a simple matte black with a little bit of glossy finish on this and the second will be a good material so I'm going to start off by creating a simple material let's take a stand surface and focus on the surface let's call this matte black and I'm going to make the weight to one and metal next 0.5 roughness will be 0.5 I'm going to make this completely black and I'm also going to add a little bit of wood in this and will be the roughness of 0.3 so we'll see how this material is looking so I'm going to select all these objects and I'm going to apply the existing material matte black so all have think I'm going to leave the stem as it is for now let's see so I'm going to select my mean shape and I think I think it looks pretty good although I do want a little bit more roughness on this I'm going to select my where is it where is it my black and maybe increase a bit of roughness on the coat all right I think it looks pretty good maybe 0.5 on this yeah perfect so I think it looks pretty good let's close this and from here I'm going to select a certain type of areas where I want a certain type of colors so what I can do is I can go to the front view and I can simply go to the face mode and select any random face I want for example this area and I can right click on this and assign a new material go to Arnold style surface and select gold would appreciate and cool and that's it so now we have two materials going on which looks pretty good and let's stop this here I'm going to close this and I'm also going to movie change the blackness on this to compete compete maybe like five percent like that and here I'm going to do the same with this one as well I mean to go to a face like this face existing material gold alright I think it looks pretty good now and okay so I'm going to turn this off now and I'm going to do the same with this so just select a random area you want to add that type of shading and I'm going to make this cool as well and I have this wine glass and let's like the top one and add an existing gold so ruled perfect I have this I'm going to do the top view and I'm just going to if you cannot select the face on this you can simply click on one face and double click on the other one to select the whole rim on this and you'll be good - otherwise you can also select the other one and you can hold shift and upper bracket to kind of increase the selection on this whatever works for you so I think I'm going to go with this one and let's good yeah perfect and for this I'm going to select the stem and add existing material gold this will be cool as well and let me just select this and maybe rotate this and I'm going to change the overall orientation on this if you double click on your rotation you can change the orientation from the object to the world and now I can simply move this something like this perfect now I think we have this guy remaining so I'm going to select something maybe like the middle part and add the cold material perfect I think we are pretty much done with this scene and I'm just going to add a little very into this Apple so I'm going to select this and this face and our existing core material now the one thing is remaining and that is our floor the backdrops I'm going to assign a new material to this let's select and send a surface and let's call this backdrop I need to make three backdrop with a liberal of metalness 0.3 and the roughness will be around beautifully and let's see it looks pretty good I'm going to decrease the overall color on this alright so there you go this is how you can create a still like let me just crank up the overall test resolution on this and update the whole scene so you miss so it looks pretty good you can try random stuff create different kinds of abstract art with this it totally depends on you what kind of look you are going for I don't think I like those two strips on the apples so I'm think I'm going to get rid of that and maybe so which one was that and it's like this and I'm going to add a good material as well and the other thing I want to add is adding a little bit of GUI in here all right so I think we are good to go here let's turn on the IPR and this looks pretty cool so if you have any doubt regarding anything that you saw in your piece feel free to ask me and these are all random shapes I totally created them on my own you don't if you like you can create take these references I took these references for the overall inspiration behind the still life so go through this create a pretty complex structure to go with a pretty interesting and unique look this was just a simple video demonstration that's why I didn't bother to kind of create a complex structure for this or anything like that but feel free to experiment with this kind of technique or the shading overall apart from that if you have any trouble doing the lighting part I can just simply change this intensity is you know and we just take a simple sky dome light on this and decrease the overall intensity on this maybe like 0.1 just to fill the area and as you can see looks not good so I'm going to pause this and you can go to lending and take a directional light and it's close this for now and so so we'll perspective you there is a direction light is going to subscale is up and I think I'm going to keep it something like this you can also turn on the light to see how your scene is looking let's bring this up again so now you can see how your the overall I can get rid of the sky dome light and and I think the direction light is doing pretty good job so I can have a direction light and maybe an area light so I can you know properly manipulate the overall II yeah otherwise if you don't like directional light you can also go with Arnold's in your light I'm going to scale this up now and maybe rotate this bring this right about there this is maybe exposure to food and now we'll see this yeah so I think this looks pretty good as well so you can try having multiple area lights to go with your render and whatever works for you so again I hope you enjoy this video if you have any doubt feel you please feel free to ask me and if you do create any renders using this method please feel free to send me I'd love to see your work and again enjoy the video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reimagine Fx
Views: 11,303
Rating: 4.9289341 out of 5
Keywords: adobe, autodesk, maxon, aftereffects, motiongraphics, maya, cinema4d, c4d, arnoldrenderer, octane, redshift, sidefx, simulation, motionreel, showreel, 3dmodeling, zbrush, davinciresolve, indianvfx, realflow, turbulencefd, amarshinde, reimagine, dailyrender, abstractrender, modern, 3d modeling, 3d animation, maya tutorials, maya 2020 tutorials, game development, mh tutorials, trending, games, gaming, 3dcoat, keyshot, autodesk maya, game design, 3d industry news, 3d industry insider tips, with me, stayhome, staysafe
Id: 26oLVWLG30A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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