Exploring ALL the Toy Story Character Rigs! (Free Download)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today is a very exciting day for the 3d animation community because for the first time we get to animate toy story characters at home now technically it's not the actual models and rigs that they used at the studio making the movies but pretty close pixar uses their own proprietary software meaning that they coded it themselves it exists only at pixar you can't get it anywhere else that software is called presto and the models and rigs that exist within it cannot be transferred to any other software well i mean you can just download it and take it but somebody did the next best thing heading over to agora community if you haven't seen the interview about agora community there's a link up here that you can click on to watch it we talk a lot about a new animation education learning platform and that's where these rigs come from so heading over to their website which will be linked below you can see if you click on the assets page once you make an account if you don't already have one it's free just jump in there's a forky woody buzz lightyear rex and andy's room rig but you can download the rigs here for free now in this video as i kind of dig into these rigs i'm going to show some tips and tricks that if you are going to work with these there's some stuff that you may want to know either when you're first starting or as you work with these characters or with the set so keep watching and i will also put chapter markers down below if you want to skip to woody buzz things like that in case you're new here hi i'm sir wade i do a ton of animation stuff here on the channel for maya animators blender animators really just for anybody who's interested in art and animation in the animation industry and if that sounds interesting to you hit that subscribe button down below it's free and you can always change your mind later and if you have any questions and you want to talk about it live a link to my twitch stream down below where i'm live twice a week if you don't already know this site is designed to be an animation resource a hub of knowledge and information for free for anybody to watch and learn animation there's a ton of curated content that is all super high quality from people who know what they're talking about some of my videos are on the platform as well as some other content creators for animation and plenty of people who don't actually make youtube videos have content on here as well and of course there is the asset section which has all the rigs that we're downloading today and possibly the coolest thing about it is the reviews if you'd like to get your work reviewed for example if you make something cool with the toy story characters and you want to have someone from the industry give you feedback on it you can book review right on the site they're in 15 minute intervals you can always go higher you can do different kinds and all the information is on the page i'm one of the reviewers so if you want me to review it there's that but there's plenty of other amazingly talented artists on there to give you feedback on your work and if you're curious as to whether or not you actually want to do that there is a section where you can watch some of the animation reviews to sample the goods and see which reviewer will be right for you now obviously when you download these files make sure you actually unzip them i always get that question in my videos like it's not opening i can't do anything with the file make sure you unzip it from the folder before you try to do anything with it now we'll start off with the set when you bring in the toy story andy's room set for the first time it might not have any textures and that's because you need to reconnect the textures and just tell your computer where to find the file easiest way is to go to window general editors file path editor and then from there just pick the category that has all the texture files missing repath it to where you unzip the folder with that you can turn on the textures and you can also turn on the lighting this little thing will allow you to control the light so that'll change the light angle and you can also adjust the intensity now notice here it's actually changing how bright or dim the sunlight from the window is coming in but you may not see that right at first because to enable shadows in your viewport you need to go to lighting shadows and i have a video on this kind of stuff but if you want to make your viewport look like a render and not actually have to render really just turn on anti-aliasing and if you want ambient occlusion and you can just play blast straight from here without ever having to render and it will look great but as far as andy's room is concerned everything in here can move which is super cool the drawers open the chair moves if you wanted to you could adjust the pivot of things like the chair that way if a character starts to like spin it from a certain spot you have control over that so don't forget the ability to change the pivot but it's super cool every single book in here you could pull out and animate all these different things you have a lot of options so if you have a character climb up this thing and try to jump up here to you know rescue wheezy from a yard sale have things like the board games kind of flex when woody puts his weight on it if woody's the one climbing up like in the movie and so on looks like the door opens to the black emptiness of your soul the bed has some really nice fabric detail in there you can't really tell once it's got all the lighting effects and stuff but it's going to look really nice if you have a character walking on the bed you're going to want to do a little bit of cfx work is taking little footsteps on the bed it should hopefully be pushing in the cloth but that's a topic for another day the only other thing to talk about in the room file itself is this little camera rig built in so there is a toys cam at floor level it's locked by default so you don't accidentally move it but it looks like it's designed for you to see where the camera is you can't actually animate the camera from this you have a main controller here and then you have this other one which controls the angle of the camera you can animate manually constrain it to a character put it on a track i have a video on camera stuff so you know go crazy except don't go crazy i take that back i'm not gonna say that when it comes to cameras don't go crazy with the camera when in doubt just leave the camera in place this video will talk about it but like don't go crazy with the camera you'll make people sick and they won't be able to watch your stuff now probably the most important thing i'd recommend after doing all this with your room scene just save this as a new copy of the file so just go to file save as and where it's you know publish version one change this to custom version one that way you don't have to do all this stuff the next time you open the file if you're not set to this project and the file just automatically knows where to look for its textures and your display layers are in there and all that kind of stuff it'll make it easier for next time but let's bring in some characters starting with the og let's get woody a reminder to reference your characters and not import the characters this is version i think like zero one of the characters so if any changes are made if any fixes are are done to these files you want to be able to easily swap copies of the rig so referencing it allows you to do that without losing your animation data if you have imported your rig you then have to like take all the animation data copy export it and bring it back to another rig it's a mess just reference your characters and everything else now same process for all the characters will apply if you haven't set your project to one of their directories all the characters will come in blank you're gonna have to do all the texture stuff yourself so i'm not gonna keep showing it just know it's going to happen looks like woody's ground is just a little bit of below the actual floor planes how cool is that that is a great looking rig while this isn't the actual one like from pixar animation studios it's probably really close because i believe the original model came from the kingdom hearts 3 game and then was cleaned up and rigged and if that's true then that means that this design was approved by pixar to be close enough to be in the game all right main route control you can turn on a visibility control that's that i will touch that in a second settings control the cog pivot zero ah you can change woody to follow pivot zero so if you turn this on and then move it it looks like it's going to move woody um interesting so it's a control that can exist even above the global control very interesting there is a rig scale option so if you want to go crazy and make woody life-size you can do it now there's a lot of stuff in this eyeball control there is a whole set of visibility controls which if i take all of these and turn them off you can see that you can turn on and off different parts of the rig and it looks like the settings cog has some other stuff not really sure what these do i can see that you can turn the geometry off here if you wanted to for some reason you can select the geometry by default so probably the best way to do this is to go to geo lock yeah and now you can't accidentally grab the geometry so i would do that as well technically you could have put it in a display layer which is what i normally do but it's built on the rig so that's an option as well ik feet you have your roll control there you have a lock mid what that does is it locks the knee as a kind of an ik knee the good thing there is if you want his knee locked onto something as he's climbing you can the problem with it is that you then have to worry about scaling because it'll stretch or squash different pieces of the geometry and it's very easy to go off model so be careful with that you also have a spin mid which looks like just the knee turning type of thing center bank is that roll with the foot center roll rolls from the middle of the foot spin front is your toe spin outer is that kind of left edge of his shoe here it's been entered probably the opposite spin ball and i feel like you know you can kind of get the gist of what these are doing and then bank if you need to just kind of twist his foot okay then you also have controls here you can use to move his foot that one does the top half oh that's nice that is a nice one just do the top half of the foot so give that option as well that's cool now these feet options all work great if woody's you know running around like he does but it gets picked up or something you don't want to have you know the body and the feet all in ik and you're trying to animate them all together that's pain so the settings hog back here looks like yep fk ik so you can switch him to fk limbs then if he gets picked up you can have his legs just kind of flail and flop around like that so there's your fkik switch looks like they're not quite in the exact same spot by default i bet they'll change that for the next version of this rig but there's also a sub visibility ooh this looks like benbows so if you need him to have like wiggly legs you have a little bit of interesting texture stuff here but if you need him to have a certain kind of curve looks like this will allow you to do it you can't push it too far with those those boots but if you need a little bit more noodle arm to push those poses and exaggerate those shapes you have these kind of sub controls hidden in there okay middle control so this is his body rig is a little heavy i'll say that so if you're on like an older laptop it might be a little rough let's see you do have an fk and an ik spine so this is your ik spine and then there's his little like hip control so you control the body that way or you can switch it to fk which is more rotation based interesting there's more of these pivots in here and then you can looks like you could probably lock him to the cog pivots i'd be interested to see how other people use that but but you've got these different pivots so you can lock woody to use those instead if you wanted or something you can animate his little sheriff's badge that's cool this looks like his fk arm and shoulder i don't know if he has like a shoulder exactly maybe you have to translate does he have a shoulder i don't see his shoulder it looks like his collar oops let me switch that to fk okay so now i have the clavicle so i guess technically that would be his shoulder and then this would be his arm so if you needed him to shrug i guess you'd you push this up maybe move it like that technically you can even scale it if you need keep in mind with woody's elbows it looks like you can see how it's supposed to bend it bends like that and technically you could twist this you can cheat it obviously it looks like his arm also has the same thing so if you need those newly wiggly arms you can use this as well ooh okay so the fingers have you know your regular fk but there's actually this little settings cog you can turn them to ik oh that's awesome so that means if you place the fingers down and then woody moves his hand okay by default they're just set to be hand space ik and then this is how you would angle them but if you come in here for the fingers you can actually change the space so maybe the fingers follow his arm which is going to mean we need to move this to not look so weird there we go as you can see the hand doesn't affect it so you can set what the fingers actually follow play around with this and see what you've got looks like the left clavicle is the thing that if i move this that's interesting you can set the fingers to be locked in place that's super awesome and if you don't need it then you just set these back to be their own to just be set to themselves or not even have them ik in the first place and then you're back to normal fingers like you used to so you have some cloth controls to mess with intersections looks like he's got a few neck controls which is good because he does have kind of a long neck now as far as his head we've got a hat so that can come off and it's actually really cool looks like there's like a main hat animation control so if you had him jump like you know running in his hat we're just kind of flopping on his head you could use this oh this is just great for like posing you could just have it you know that way you don't have to like try to constrain stuff it's just easier to move it then you can change the space so if you don't want it following him in the first place like here it's attached to his head but maybe it's just lying on the ground you could set the space of the hat to something else to world space for example so that when woody moves it's just its own object in world space separate from him then there's these pivots that look like you could have him grab his hat with either hand or tip it forward tip it back so there's a way to do it manually or with the controls that's cool all right we have the eye thingy which you can do the same thing change the space so if you want his eyes looking in a specific locked place you can do that ooh okay i love the fact that they made these scalable this is a big deal this is so rare to see but when i worked at dreamworks there were these controls on the larikin's rigs which became bilby the short film and they were able to smear the eyes when they were darting really quickly they could really cartoonify and push the eyes and the pupils and that's usually not a possibility because it's like a texture baked onto the eyeball itself but these it's actually a separate piece of geometry so you can have a very scary woody ore or you can you know scale and do some interesting stuff just don't do it just to do it but it's there in case you know how to add that brows work just fine controls for all the different pieces okay and then there's like a lid piece of geometry okay so this is like a muscle control that's interesting ooh careful with those uh i definitely want to mess with the cheeks it looks like because there's a little bit of it's looking a little creepy don't know if you can push this as far i mean if you move a bunch of stuff i guess if you move the cheeks up it kind of works ah careful with that one thing you'll really have to keep in mind if you're going to use these rigs is everybody has seen these rigs in action everybody knows what woody looks like and how he moves and how he acts and how he shows emotion on his face same with buzz so if you're going to use these characters make sure you look to the movies as a style guide you're not copying from the movies because you want to animate your own stuff but use it not as reference because you don't use animation as animation reference but use it as a a character guide that's something that makes these characters kind of hard to animate this is actually something that i experienced when i was animating hiccup when i worked at dreamworks and i was doing this as a demo as like a demo reel test shot one of the hardest things was i couldn't just do whatever i wanted and follow my own reference i had to also make my acting choices fit within what hiccup would do as a character which was kind of a there's a level of expectation with these characters of how they move that you have to follow you can't just do whatever you want they have to still fit that character's brand of movement if that makes sense be careful or you will make something that is very very cursed so please animate responsibly it looks like there's controls for all the other stuff there's little props on his hip his little gun holster there's even like an ik to these little things what has happened oh oh no it stopped responding okay well hopefully that's unique to my computer um i encourage you before you start animating and after you've saved anything you've been working on to try this for yourself and just see if it's a recreatable bug or if it's just something that happened to me and i feel like woody pretty much covers the way these rigs are going to work but i will quickly just run through buzz rex and forkey to see the differences because i know there are a few that's interesting and the buzz file there's a little thing over here whoa what the there's a little thing over here called blob rotate blah blah why are you reading this is this an easter egg was this meant to be here i don't know but it looks like he controls his little star command thingy so i feel like that's gonna get patched in a future version i don't think that's gonna stay there i'm not really sure what's going on i can turn off the visibility but i feel like you're gonna need it to animate this little thing on his wrist okay buzz looks like he's got the same thing going on you'll have to be careful with the face because it looks like it's really easy to kind of get stuck in the cheeks so um be sure to move the cheeks and try to avoid any weird pinching here i don't know if i mean i'm assuming these rigs were made to do acting shots because they have a full face rig but there's a few things here that i think will probably get some updates in the future but i see this little arrow i have a feeling i know what that does yeah that's great okay so buzz has his little helmet thingy okay so the settings going on the back looks like it's the wings okay so that closes that and then those oh okay i wonder if there's a control to move his little laser button if he pushes that i wonder if there's a way to actually have it push in it doesn't look like it let me check the sub visibility no i don't think so you can see buzz has a totally different kind of anatomy than woody he has the ball joints for bending and moving versus kind of fabric folds that what he has in his arms and knees now if you're participating in the anim challenge or if you're just going to use these shots for something on your demo reel two thoughts for you number one don't copy anything from the movies because then you're just kind of tracing it's kind of the same idea of like you wouldn't put a drawing on your portfolio that you traced in the same way that you wouldn't put an animation that you copied on your demo reel however thought number two copy a scene from the movie not for your demo reel and not for the challenge like don't put it anywhere unless you're just like saying like oh look i tried to recreate and you're very very clear about your intentions because you don't want to make people think you're plagiarizing but there's nothing wrong with like pulling up the movie and pulling up the rig and trying to recreate it just to see if you can challenge yourself technically to match the animation to something that a pixar artist has created but again just so that we're clear not for your demo reel not for anything you're going to show people as your animation you don't get to claim it if you do that because it's not yours it's someone else's creative ideas so i don't want to harp on that a little bit but it's not a bad exercise but don't get in the habit of just doing that all the time because you need to also develop the skills to come up with your own creative ideas so you know a balance the forky rig has a readme so use the 4k rig hashtag and there are studio library poses for him that's going to be really helpful it has to do all those shapes so if you want to kind of get some starting poses wow he's really really large then you can just use the studio library plugin for that now i already really like the way that forkey is rigged by comparison he's got some really interesting differences so he's not rigged like the other ones he has you know his main control and a scale control so you know you could here's your body tilt that's kind of fun there's a little body squishy thing okay that's great so you can have him kind of bounce little controllers for his popsicle stick feet oh and he's even got the oh it's got bonnie's name at the bottom and then this thing you can have slide up and down because he did that in the movie so that's super cool you can have it spin around if you need these are kind of like his shoulders uh looks like you could translate them if you really needed to but you are going to get a little bit of weirdness probably just use this as the shoulders and but from here you have these things i really like the way this is done i i don't think i've seen a rig that handles this in this exact way but i really really like this that's great so you can have a specific shape you can move the hands and it'll kind of respect that that shape and you kind of have these like finger sections that you can animate or you can do the specific little bits if you want to just do the pieces so there's a lot of customization here i love this it's kind of a head and neck control so you can use this to move the entire eyebrows it looks like it will stay on the geometry that's super cool so it'll actually kind of move around the spork itself and this is a great way to think about eyebrows because eyebrows have kind of a connected flow to them so doing this with forky will be a lot of fun okay so then we have the googly eyes and you can scale them for effect that's fun what does this do i think that spins it so then what is this okay so that's how you move okay cool so this actually stays inside the google eye that's great and you can scale it ah i see oh so if you want to like spin his eyes you could animate this but then you have to try and animate it in a circle you could just spin this and that'll work as well so you have two different ways of doing the eyes i love that okay i really like this rigger whoever rigged this actually whoever read this let me let me find him and give him credit i don't know how to say your first name boostly lousely balkley i'm not sure i'm sorry if i'm not saying it correct but uh hey give this guy a follow i want to see this number go up everybody this is great go watch this and get some ideas of how to move the character and how this works you can see them spin the arms and pop the mouth around that's great and the ace ventura anyways back to back to the great job the reason i freaked out but look the geometry is wrapped in controllers so you can animate these like mouth things you can just grab the pieces is it the same thing as just grabbing the little sphere no it's not interesting mouth rib mouth so you can animate this and this and you can do shapes but you can also use these to further shape it i wish i saw this in more rings that's a great way to do this okay yeah so where buzz and woody are much heavier characters and rightfully so they're way more complicated in every way 4k is a really light rig so if you are on an old laptop and you're like oh i need something fast that i can just animate like on my laptop at home and whatever i would recommend maybe trying a forky shot you can go a little bit more cartoony really push you know try something fun there he won't be as heavy on your computer it won't take as much work for your computer to actually process him i'll also video coming soon in the next couple of weeks on kind of a computer pc building guide if you're going to buy a new computer or build one so make sure you're subscribed and if you're enjoying this video if this is helpful in any way please hit the thumbs up it actually makes a difference with youtube showing my content to more people so thank you what is this extra extra arms oh so if you really want to get specific with the arms you have even more controllers okay i was wondering if that's super cool okay so there's extra controls for the arms oh there's even even more extra control so you can get really specific that's crazy there's so many levels to that that's great an extra mouth ooh look at that okay you can get really dialed in this is great so if you are gonna polish a really good forky shot you can block out a ton of stuff with just the basic controls that are in there there's not a lot of controls but if you need more controls they're in there and they're not complicated like it's very intuitive of exactly how they're going to work and you just grab them and move them 4k might be my favorite rig that i've ever reviewed because he's just so simple and i love these little floating spheres i like this so much more than the control rings i'm so used to and obviously he's got some of those but like i love this the only thing i would say is i'd love to be able to kind of move the position of these if necessary because if i move this here like i could cover it now it's not hard i can just grab it and move it but at a glance i might forget it there it will show up if i do this it's like the only thing i can think of is maybe a way to yeah maybe like a way to just shift it over or something non-destructively i don't really know if that would work with rigging maybe not i don't know and at first i thought when i opened these characters that if i had picked a rig it was gonna be woody or buzz but now i kind of think i might want to do a forky shot and not to forget rex there is a rex rig i'm not gonna spend a lot of time on him because i feel like he's kind of covered in all the same way he looks like he actually has a shoulder control whoa that's cool so he actually is built like a toy he has he actually has a shoulder has a little like ball joint in there i kind of love that so he's actually constructed like a toy he's got his little side pieces i think his tail is supposed to have a slice in it are you supposed to have two pieces i could be wrong i don't really remember that's fun okay so the retreat is actually a lot of fun there's a lot of little fun things you could do comedically with this character one thing i'll say is like maybe don't like stretch him if you want to stay true to the original character now it kind of looks like the crocodile from peter pan with this maybe if you like take these and stretch them out yeah it kind of looks like the crocodile from peter pan but just keep that in mind if you are going to try and animate rex remember the material he's technically made of he's a plastic dinosaur he can't bend and flex like that so maybe you could do it like over a frame or two for an exaggeration or some kind of smear or something but but if you do have him kind of bend his tail or bend his body or do something like that it's not gonna feel like the wrecks we know anyways go forth animate with these toy story rigs have fun i hope this video was helpful again a link to agora community down below where you can grab the rigs for free you can also check out a bunch of educational content or book reviews if you do some cool work and you want to have people look at your shot and if you specifically want me look at your shot i am also one of the reviewers on there and i have my own kind of studio dailies type thing every week where i do kind of group review stuff that's down on patreon but yeah i cannot wait to see what you guys make with these rigs make sure you tell your friends to watch this video as a guide that way everybody kind of knows how the rings work and some of those tips and tricks for setting up the environment and things like that but again if you have any questions we can always talk about it live down on my twitch channel twice a week links below for all my links as well as agora but anyways thank you for watching have a great rest of your day and i will see you in the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Sir Wade Neistadt
Views: 42,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy story rig, toy story rigs, toy story download, woody rig, buzz rig, forky rig, rex rig, 3d rig, free rig, free 3d rig, free maya rig, maya rig, maya rigs, fast rig, fast maya rig, animation rigs, character animation rigs, toy story animation, 3d animation rigs, animate toy story, animate pixar, pixar rigs, disney rigs, toy story challenge, best animation rigs, free maya characters, pixar demo reel, animate like pixar, woody, buzz lightyear, forky, toy story 4
Id: j12EUvz1FU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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