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crazy guys it's just raining crazy and I'm just not going to be able to go outside and get anything much done today what is a girl to do so all I'm going to do I'm just going to go ahead go ahead and make some fish cheese stuff in it I'm just going to make it nice and mellow so let's go okay guys let's move on to our ingredients to make our fish tea so I'm going to keep this fish tea really really simple it's a reason why it's called fish tea you don't need to put a whole bunch of things in it because then it's going to be fish soup and we're making fish tea sap the fish that I'm using is the want you could it's your choice if you want to use fish with bones in it I'm going to use the fish with no bone and that's because my daughter is going to be drinking this and I don't want her to swallow any bones so this is what it looks like it for me pick my fish make them fill it and then this is what it looks like all right so that's the fish you could use even fish head if you want to use that now let's go over what I'm going to put in here on my plate here I have potatoes I have pumpkin thyme cha catet pepper I'm going have some carrots here and I'm going to put okra in here I'm going to add scallion and this has a little bit of onion in here red pepper green pepper now you don't have to add red pepper and green pepper in it I choose to put it in there for color and Flor um also I'm going to be using my fish flavored soup using my Creo seeds of course I'm going to add a little bit of salt to it so let's get all this ingredients together oh another thing I have to tell you guys I'm going to put dum in here but I'm going to put in this little over here guys I have a pot hot boiling water you don't want to start putting anything into that pot if that water is not hot and my pumpkin the pumpkin is going to give it color and flavor going to add my Cho my thyme add my carrots I'm not going to add anything else like the potato and the ochra and the pepper and the fish I'm not going to add it in there yet because I want those to go in when the vegetables half cook but I'm going to go ahead and add this we're going to add my pental seed so drop that in I'm also going to add a little bit about a half a teaspoon of salt now if you want to add more salt you can go ahead and add it so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to let this cook for about 20 okay but do not add the fish in there yet because if you put the fish in there now the fish are going to mash up mash up you won't have any fish when you s in here and let that cook for like 15 to 20 minutes and then I will come back and I'll show you the next step okay so this is our next step the soup has been cooking for about 15 to cooking for 15 to 20 minutes that is exactly what it looks like as you can see the color is just perfect from the pumpkin it gives it that really really nice color that I'm looking now I want to go ahead and add the rest of my ingredient the first thing that I'm going to add is my fish tea I'm going to put my potatoes I'm going to also add my o curls in going to put my Scotch bunny pepper in and now it's time for me to put my fish in cuz I don't want the fish to mash up mash up I want to actually have fish in my PL I'm going to go ahead now and add my dumplings in just want to make little dumplings like this I'm not going to make anything fancy so I'm just going to add a few of those in here because you can have soup without some kind of dumpling in it so the Irish potato is going to give it a nice little texture i' not put no yam and all that right I just had two potatoes in there now guys this is the time you want to give it a taste test just to make sure so you have enough salt content in there all right but that's basically it I'm going to let this boil for like another 20 minutes I'm going to come back and I'm going to check it and see what it's doing looks like so I will see you back in 15 20 minutes so the soup has been boiling for about 20 minutes and so that's what it looks like and this is all the fish is still the way I want it to be I didn't let it cook out all right you want for make sure so you have fish in your plate got my Scotch bed pepper right there didn't burst and my my okro is still whole you don't want the thing mash up mash up right it and I'm going to let you guys see what it looks like on a PL so I'll see you back so there you have it guys my fish tea is all done give this video a thumbs up don't forget to like And subscribe share share and don't forget as always from my kitchen to your enjoy drowning in waves in the ocean of time giv up what has been my well you're the hardest to leave behind it I won't question I just f seing for how beautiful I'm going to let this cook for a good 30 minutes on medium heat cover it up nice and make it simmer and when it done simmer a time we eat so see you back in a few minutes so this is in with your foundation full coverage you know like bam and last but not least the last thing I tend to go for in my makeup collection is this palette right here let me show you what this baby look like it has a whole bunch of concealers I believe it's $10 for this palette
Channel: How to cook Channel LLC
Views: 161,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7cjx3HCFHQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2016
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