The BEST Fish Soup - A Caribbean Fish Broth (Broff) - Lane Snapper Catch & Cook

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[Music] I sorta wanna fofola fish broth so what I'm going to do I'm going to show you how mean that is our red fish lean snapper red snapper row for to check it out so I want to polish we try to serve Sean [Music] how the VRA [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] regret God hey guys welcome to episode of poolside mission as you can see today we are in the kitchen again you know that catch and cook for you guys if you guys remember this specimen right here red fish or lean snap oh we call them red fish ensuring that is the one I caught on a trip buddy cries out we win us with cow Moos suggest one of them except what maybe between a pound and a half baby so we could even make in this guy so we're gonna cook at that guy in a fish broth fish broth internetwork as basically a fish soup traditional trinny fish rods so the ingredients are at normal 20 fish probes is a lot of provisions so where does I have right now I have guys nose paralysis machine I have some arrows have of course my favorite sweet potato is not provisioned but it's part of the usual fish broth some green things we bananas my favorite in any soup not sure you might like it but this is a must for me any kind of soup even fish bro plantain of course you must have yeah pork rolls in addition to that well my wife she loves macaroni in fish broth for some reason so I couldn't find macaroni right now so I substitute for some pasta shells hope it does the job after that I bought a lot of seasonings a traditional bandana shado Beni Oh culantro sigh what child compute Amato's garlic onion course a hot pepper of course couple of limes so I'm going to show you guys a quick overview of the stuff I have on Villa where they'll show you I'm going to set up repair the provisions and the assistance I'm going to show you the whole part of cuttin off except for making resistant you know what others about so when I get that done and I'll catch you back when I start poking me fish bowl fish soup ultimate fish soup comes [Music] hi guys the first episode I organized a green season to season it fish and also this soup so that's gonna be chopping up the bond Anja decide to peel the garlic put it in a blender and of course piece of hot pepper goes in there as well and we're gonna make that season pretty quickly hi guys so this is magenta green season in three two one all right so next step in this repair any fish so we took me fish you red snapper lean snapper if we washed it with lime listen I am juice squeezed out wash the fish give us a good wash no we're not gonna chop off the fish too small it's not for this type a ticket else not buddy meters kind of soft so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna cut it in half so it's a two-person soup get it up how she got it below how she drew like the head so I'm even on head because snap I had cheeks somebody best meat you could ever get so the fish cuts in half when I gonna season with some GM all-purpose seasoning this has salt in it already so you no need to add any extra salt need to put too much because of course the soup will have salt in it as well but inside I did make some small slits in the fish so what is seasoned will get a chance to go into all the cracks and crevices don't rub it in there and then to this we're gonna add the green system is a good stuff here guys generous generous and all that in as well side right so we're gonna let this fish marinade in this wonderful concoction until while we cut up all the provisions etc then official be lasting just gonna get like at least half an hour 4 to 14 minutes of nice marinade so perfect so let's go to chop not the other stuff okay guys about two hours later I just get in few minutes later everything is chopped up provisions if she was my favorite provision sweet potato the ghettos machine equal regular potatoes as well but no need for it we have the okra we have you see that plant in there havin if you have a try plant and in soup before but I love it so try it if in a behalf carrots very healthy or like I said tomatoes onion garlic mint oh and lots of this green season it so once this please I'm gonna shown KD pottery : train a dress for some oil put your aromatics which is the garlic onion Demento and also the tomato couldn't let that cook up a little bit then I'm gonna add the okra then I cook up all of it then we add the other stuff so I'll show you that process no this is my vision everybody else like the different vision this is how I'm gonna do it so we're gonna get that last thing that we're gonna be the fish and your macaroni so don't put together deport now and start cooking alright guys I see what's at stake a little bit hot I don't know a little bit of vegetable oil is for regular vegetable oil soybean oil it is just about medium a little higher than medium I'm gonna add in all of this stuff here the onions garlic tomato pimento let that give it a quick [Music] there's gonna be got to like up with the minutes smells wonderful this is the onion started in the bit brownish and trainee hello does not require spirits broth are not small piece of water right that is he [Music] about a minute on there no I'm gonna add my provisions Vanessa such a pop of us is another stage a little bit and again what's a new pot seasons she's gonna cook this for like a minute again are we gonna add some hot water to talk the talk all right guys it's been about a minute you'll notice I added oli provisions and together I mean somehow have the perk of times but what I've tried to do I try to cut the softer ones in bigger chunks that makes sense so overcook salmon or smallest equal for all of them so now it's been cooking for a minute the kettle has been offered hot water just enough to cover all of these provisions wasn't use hot water guys Johnnie Cochran process continues castor and we gotta let this cook it's really heat slightly above me so now this provisions I'd say too low maybe 25 40 minutes cook time hotels and I would be LLS so mean about 15 minutes will give it I'll check we have to add the plantains the carrot and macaroni as well as a fish stove so when it does let it go for a while then we'll come back to that this point in time since we have so much green seasoning yes Troy elevates the guy's has just been about 12 minutes it's checking it we're gonna add some of the other stuff now what I'm going to add adding carrots you know pretty big cut as well as the plantains get that in there of course some green seasoning again it's gonna be around wells what guys as I can see this for another room any pot so we need to add some more water so once again what's important so we're gonna let this go for maybe like about eight to ten min second then add in macaroni fish and one of the ingredients yes so we're gonna add in macaroni fish and that should be it but before that there's something called golden read I was not yet these things I'm not gonna put much traditional girl has a lot more this but I just go in very slight on us [Applause] last thing the queen of yours fish which has been marinating for quite a while not a good source from the fishbowl can you fish to go under the water like the way they're supposed to be right now this should be cooked for about 15 minutes again and all brought small as done and there's no trick I like to go as well the years and never eat tomatoes but some are settled like tomatoes I like to train all tomatoes here no so we had somebody stop grab some no extra healthiness we good to go dear I'm gonna cover it down I said maybe 15 minutes I'll check it after about seven eight make sure you fish the key no key and should be good to go as a six or seven minutes south pass I make a check minute all right make sure he fishes on the water smells fantastic no we must come in a fellow just pull a green season again we have dressing up but find out you can be official too [Music] am i cooking relevance when you cook kids everything looking good parents alright so that should be able to ten minutes again look away back down we have fish brought red teats alright so what we could do now test for salt and pepper then put much pain it's definitely an ads in that right needle salt so when our poverty all-purpose seasoning fossa other with extra salt I also want to add a piece of rocker panels this part is optional but me and I'm I've liked that also had a knot in the end there you want to test out so many provision as well to see they're in or almost cook it should be just about cover yeah that's about just almost about done so we're gonna leave it uncovered for the next five minutes or so that should be the end of our probe guys just before we turn off the heat since me and my wife like lime gonna squeeze alignment it my name was real juicy super squeeze half for now but you didn't next one to use so chop the heat see how best I could plate up this I'll show you guys the finished product okay guys so here we have it a masterpiece of a fish broth yes all extra garnish couple pieces of save I spawned on yeah so you can see it and of course life West Indian Caribbean Trini fish brought redfish Orleans Napa cooked to perfection the fishes are so fish guys waiting last just started to mash up I love it but it's just about perfect the plantains the macaroni free wife - in a doll sweet potato carrots you name it tap rail goodness inside here so Kerry to dig in 100% choice decent fantastic in what a green season relation app - so guys that was the fish broth check it out named snapper fish broth okay so I hope you enjoyed that video fish broth is finished nice big hearty bowl of fish bone in front of me know something all need to sit slightly fair all right so final thing is it is this lots of season in here so I'm sure it's going on it's not be separable jumpers provision spoke perfectly lots of play was in there guys was a must a some piece of my favorite plantain yes Papa lasting other things that we say fish so pretty cook they have the birthday boy all right guys spaz it trinny fish broad Caribbean fish Brooke fish soup as the same as a traditional we have cooking fish soup and trying to mingle and you can have fish good work typically and a veces red fish only it's not pursue this kind of me like so usually pick it or maybe fillet it and fancier it but I subtle of broth so much of fish soup so much amazing the best fish nice uno and this red fish in this soup it's fantastic never tried before guys you need to berries to me hardest thing is the property provisions etc pretty actual cocaine and being happy soup is very easy so if you guys enjoyed this video I definitely enjoy head right now thanks a lot for watching you can add up dishes your meter make you know message my below we try it again so now go enjoy my my who were soup thanks for watching guys or about always keep fishing hey show on [Music] you guys it's a funny fish brought there [Music] native snowfall since you know the coloration of it everything in the plantain go out gaedola - you my mother my friend [Music]
Channel: KoS M
Views: 52,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish soup, fish broth, broff, trinidad and tobago, lane snapper, red fish, ground provisions, eddos, yams, sweet potato, dasheen, plantain, green fig, Caribbean cooking, fresh seasoning, catch and cook
Id: dhw1CxKLtvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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