COOK WITH ME | Jamaican Fish Soup

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foreign [Music] hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel welcome back to a new video today we're going to be doing some cooking I was just getting ready to make dinner I said you know what let me just pull up my camera and record because the recipe that we're making today is a fall winter staple of mine because because nothing hits like some fish soup in the fall and winter time and you guys know when I cook my food bring out the pasta because my inner Caribbean girl just need to come out because food is one of the ways that I stay connected to my culture and one of the ways that I share my culture with you guys so whenever I cook Patois Patois and um yeah so today I think I'm gonna make some fish soup um I think I have all the ingredients I'm hoping but if not we're gonna freestyle as usual so use whatever you have in your fridge I'll just make sure that the ingredients are listed out for you guys and with that being said let's Jump Right In we're gonna need three carrots you're gonna need scallion you're gonna need some potatoes you're gonna need a pumpkin however this is completely up to you I know some people don't put pumpkin in their fish soup but I happen to like it eat some green banana if you're gonna need some peppers um just one but I like my soup spicy so meat other use too another thing that's missing from here is time time is so important to Caribbean dishes but I just don't have any and I forgot to buy it so let's just get started on cutting up the veggies we're gonna do circles [Applause] [Music] let's get this nice and neat to the side now I'm going to jump right into the scallions now the scallions you don't really do much with we're just gonna break it and put it over here um that's probably too much but it's for the aesthetic now we're just gonna get right into peeling the potatoes we're gonna take the skin off then we're gonna slice them um in Hope however small you honestly like them I kind of like to do like a rough cut doesn't really matter up to you now on to the bananas now these bananas you guys they're very um stainy like they have a lot of stain with the banana you're just peeling off the skin see I cut mine way too deep honestly I mean I think I've ever used that one there I'm just gonna make it do a new one only because I don't really need two whole bananas in my soup in fact I don't really I'm not a big fan of the banana but I do like um the look it gives the soup if that make any sense and we're just gonna cut this in round shapes [Music] it's half body pepper because again I love my food spicy so I'm just gonna cut this one up so it can like boil out and cook in this is this good it's fine it's just a little so so I'm gonna just slice up my Peppers so it can just add a lot of spice to the soup and I'm gonna just put this one in whole hopefully it doesn't pop because yeah so we have to abandon the pumpkin unfortunately because I cannot cut this darn thing I mean the knife is stuck and I don't know what to do so may I just said you know what just make the soup without it and yeah my knife is stuck in oh gosh okay so here we have the fish and I washed the fish with lemon juice and vinegar and now I'm just gonna hop right into seasoning we're gonna add a ton of black pepper Adobo seasoning you're gonna do a little bit of um like an all-purpose seasoning blend here I don't know where I got this but it's actually so good we're gonna do some Trader Joe's everyday seasoning we're gonna do some garlic I'm doing like the bottom of the scallions just there I'm gonna throw the sprigs of scallion just in here like that basically just give this a nice like a rub down and don't worry it's not gonna bite you let's give it a nice little rub down just kind to make sure that all the seasonings are getting in here started on our dumplings we're going to use some flour now dumplings are literally my weakness okay my weakness and I am a little fitness journey so I don't want to you know really indulge I'm gonna add a little bit of water and we're just gonna give it a little stir I just like to get it pretty much doughy before I start kneading with my hands I like to just do this part first [Applause] and now we're just gonna need and basically you're just gonna knead it until it's it's like you're able to mold it so it's really a matter of feeling and as you guys saw I did not measure anything I like to eyeball it to get my small board here so the dumplings we're going to be making are called Spinners and they kind of look something like this you can kind of make them you know when your soup is ready for it but I just like to do it beforehand and just put them down and honestly I don't know if you're consider these Spinners because I'm kind of big but these little skinny dumplings are what we're making and trust me when you get one of these in your bowl it's a joy it's truly a joy so I'm gonna just make a couple [Music] foreign [Music] so let's clean up our workspace right now I'm just going to give the broth a nice little spin it's almost it's it's ready it's nearing the point of coming to a boil so that's good I'm actually going to go ahead and add in my carrots right now um just because they are probably the thing that's going to take the longest to cook we're just going to give this a nice like a stir okay guys the pot is going crazy it has come to a boil it's been also like 10 minutes so let's start adding in the other ingredients I'm gonna actually throw in the dumplings and literally just take them off of the board and drop it into the water [Music] so yeah a little stir we're gonna cover it for an additional 10 minutes [Music] all right let's turn this down a little bit and check on it all the seasoning is floating to the surface as expected but as you can see the the dumplings are all floating so that means that the dumplings are ready um now I'm gonna add in the potatoes and the rest of the okra I don't think I'm gonna put all these potatoes in should I yeah I might as well I just don't want the pot to be to pack up and now I'm gonna go in with my fish tea mix this is basically a seasoning packet and we just want to make sure that we stir this in real good also I'm going to add a pumpkin flavor soup mix only because I do love that pumpkiny flavor of the soup but this pumpkin so I'm just gonna use a little bit of this just a little bit you guys or a lot I don't know I try not to put the entire pockets in it because I don't want it to ruin the flavor like the fish tea flavor but honestly you guys we're gonna just put thinner so let's open the pot right now um wow wow it looks so good I'm gonna bring you guys close in just a second so this is what the broth is looking like right now I'm gonna also sample it again just to make sure yes it's nice I'm just going to now add the fish into the pot [Music] and honestly we're just gonna leave it in here and let it do its thing it's going to quickly cook not the dog clean cut with an eye fish anyways uh basically just um who was I saying basically just leave the fish in the pot don't play with it too too much or if you want you can't just like peel it off it's really up to you I would say just leave it like that right now the stove is on like a it's like a medium heat only because I don't want it to cook out too too fast I'm gonna put the lid on so when your soup is ready it's going to have a consistency like this um obviously if you want your soup to be a little bit thicker feel free to cook it down I'm gonna allow mine to cool down a little bit more also just to kind of give me that that really nice texture I'm gonna take out the Scotland pepper because I did pop it in the pot the fish chunks look like this right now if you were to let it sit in the pot longer it's going to mush out and just be like it's gonna be okay some people do love their soup like that but I like to actually have fish pieces to eat um so I don't want it to be completely mushed out and this is basically where I like to leave things I'm going to turn the stove off yeah this is pretty much it now it's time to serve all right let's get started on serving it's so hot it's so hot it's so hot okay ow all right so the soup is all done this is what it's looking like so let's serve so we're just gonna make sure that we get a good amount of fish broth dumpling basically everything to make here you know your dining experience as pleasant as possible no I could have allowed this to get a little bit thicker but the way I'm hungry let me just saying how long come come I'm gonna do that all right time to eat guys I'm so excited you have no idea I'm extremely hungry so oh my goodness so good but yeah let's go ahead and try a dumpling also the dumplings are really soft so you're able to just cut it but you know obviously you can pre-cut them foreign Ty this better not be permanent because I just wore the skims for the first time you guys know skins is not cheap anyways [Music] um I know the deal dinner time equals family time I just made some fish soup and I was thinking about you okay maybe I leave some food I would have saved it for you in the Tupperware you took you know somebody only have two so far Society so spicy I'm gonna save some feel I have is everything in a fish banana okra what else in there dumpling all right guys so I'm gonna close out this video here because I really want to just sit down and properly enjoy this and then I'm gonna clean up I already started to tend to clean up so it's not much left to do love that and then yeah I'm just going to decompress for the evening and then get some editing done because I really want to edit this video for you guys so you can get get it out ASAP and yeah that's pretty much it for right now and I'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Octavia B
Views: 75,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZrCsXLfch-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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