Bitmoji Classroom Tutorial

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Such an awesome way to make a virtual classroom!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sass_sports πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jollyjew πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi guys I am going to show you how to make these fun little virtual classrooms with your bitmoji now to start off make sure that you are using Google Chrome I think that some people are experiencing errors because they're not using Chrome because Chrome is Google operated it links up better with Google classroom Google me Google slides obviously so that would be my first suggestion you also need to have your bitmoji ready this is something that you can do now or you can set up your virtual classroom and then do your bitmoji and add it later but the way that you would do that if you don't have a bitmoji is you need to get the bitmoji app you can't do it on a computer but this is where you would get it from or you can find it in the App Store it's free download the app and create your person now once you've created your person that's on your phone or whatever device you made it on but to get it on to your computer you need a Chrome extension so I'll add a link to this in the description for the video but basically when you get here all you do instead of saying remove to Chrome it will say add to Chrome and you'll add the extension what that does it only takes a minute is it creates this little bit moji icon at the top if you can see that right next to my picture hi if you click on that there it has all of the same bit no geez you would find on your phone or on your iPad all you do is copy them and then you paste them wherever you want them so that just has a permanent little home right there so again you can make your bitmoji now or you can finish this tutorial and come back to it and make it later after you finish designing your classrooms okay so you're going to want to now open a brand-new Google slide presentation I know that we are all at different levels of experience so if this is not something you are incredibly familiar with but you do know how to get to Google that makes it very easy I'm going to move my picture over here if you see this little image right here with the nine that's a little array if you click on that it's all of our Google app so you can just click on slides when you get to slides you just click on a new one it'll take you right here so we don't need our text boxes for this so I'm going to go ahead and just click on them and hit delete and get rid of them completely so now we get to do my favorite part which is the background so what a lot of people have been doing is finding images online and inserting them as an image but what happens is it gets moved around and miss shaped and the kids when they have access to the slides can move it around too but when you insert it as a background it becomes in moveable you can't move it around at all so I go through the background I click Choose image and you can see these are the magic words that you want to search for your background floor and wall background because when you search you get these options so you look through you pick which one you like and all you do is click it once insert and it'll put it right in your slide and you'll notice I can click but it doesn't move at all if you are like me and you're a little extra and you think well I don't like the options there and I want to have more than one room you can google search for my background which I've already done over here and you can see there's so many more you can just save the image or I screenshot them and upload them from your computer instead of doing the Google search so that's just another option to get this floor and wall background here but we'll just stick with this one for today so let's move on to adding some different materials and pieces of furniture to our classroom so to add any images to this picture here so we have our background you'll do it the same way as you would add any image by going to insert and image the only difference is we don't have these images on our computers so you will quick search the web it's going to pull up this little sidebar here and you in this sidebar and you move myself again I keep getting in the way you are going to want to type the word Oh transparent before anything you search this will remove the background from almost all the images now any search is not perfect so you'll still find an image you love and insert it and it'll have background but play around with it so I do transparent couch image so let's add a couch and I'm looking at these and you can tell some of them are real pictures some of them are cartoons it just depends on the look that you are going for and again you can still type the search into a regular Google search which I've already done and look through the ones that they have here I love this couch I didn't see this one earlier it doesn't Oh we'll see if it's transparent for these when you take them from Google you'll just hit the copy and then when you go back in here you will hit paste and it's transparent so I'm just going to resize that make sure all four legs are on the floor and push it back a little bit further perfect so I won't go through all the painstaking processes of adding all different pieces of furniture but that's how you do it if you wanted to pull from the side over here you would click on an image hit insert and it would just drop it right in there for you and then again you can resize it now here are some important things so let's say that I wanted to insert a floor plant these are actually a hard to find I am a plant person so let's see so you can see some of these options and you search things they don't come up with a lot of different choices that you can use so that's why I've gone to Google for a lot of my options but we have this here now let's say we wanted to show that the plant was in the corner but it's behind the couch right now however many images you add the last one that you add is kind of in the front so if you actually right-click this image you can do order send to back which will put it as far back as the background or let's say you added the couch last and it went in front of it and you wanted the plant in front you would go ahead and click on this right click again if it will let me and do rotate or order and spring to front so you can play around with that I have a comedy slide where there's a microphone so I always send the microphone to the front and then I put my bitmoji behind it so it looks like I'm actually behind it another feature that I think is really important is the flip option so when you put in let's do another a lot of people are putting laptops out of laptop a laptop image and they are putting them on a table somewhere let's say let's use this one insert but let's say I had a table here and the table is going the other direction you can easily flip the images by right-clicking again and in rotate you hit flip horizontally so right click rotate flip horizontally and it'll rotate that way so that's how you add just basic images from google searches and from what they have already on here on Google slides now I have a lot of wall art that I want to show you the first and easiest thing to do is a whiteboard or a bulletin board that's as simple as just adding in a square let's say I wouldn't put a whiteboard here this was my classroom but we're just saying for example it defaults to the white background all you need to do is make that border about let's say eight-point to make it look like a bulletin board and then you want the border to be black and there you already have it I also add in little picture frames which is even easier so what I've done is I've gone into my teacher paid teacher account and I've looked at some of the pictures and decorations that I've purchased I just screenshot them and then I insert them from my computer shrink them down and put the border on it's so easy let me show you I actually went and I pulled up the teacher paid teacher posters that I had purchased these are amazing and I just wanted to show this to you guys I actually don't know her but Ashley Mackenzie made these posters and they are adorable I have them in my actual classroom but regardless what you do is you just screenshot and I have a Mac so that's just command ship for lets me grab a specific section and I'm just gonna grab the poster exactly how I want it shown like this and it's going to just create a screenshot and back here I will hit insert image and this time I'll do upload from computer it's my only screenshot today that's how you can tell I haven't really started my work yet for the day but I will go ahead and hit open and it's going to be huge basically what you'll do is you'll make it the size that you want your little poster and most of mine are not even readable but because we have them in my classroom my real classroom the students recognize them and it kind of brings them that sense of their own classroom here so I would probably make it a little bit smaller and then again I add the four-point black border on to make it look like a frame but if you have Brown themed room you could make it Brown but there you go it looks like you have a little range poster on the wall another thing that I do is I put my videos on I post a video for my students every day and I also have a pet hedgehog which is a fun fact and so I've created a hedgehog movie theater where once a week we have a news showing and I'll put a youtube link there too let's say I wanted to make this screen right here into a TV what I would do is first I'd take a screenshot of what image I want to be shown on the TV so the example I gave was my Wednesday video it's my morning video to my students so I am actually just going to grab this about there and it's okay if those pieces in the bottom get in because we're showing that it's a video because it's on the TV so for this I will again go to insert image upload from computer and I will find that picture and put it in now I'm just going to shrink it down try to make it fit so it's just a little bit smaller so it's a little bit of light around the edges now it's going to need to be cropped quick trick to crop is just double click your picture and drag that little guy up to where you want it so there I have my video in the screen but when you click on it it doesn't do anything so what I did is I took the link from the YouTube video that this screenshot is from while I have the picture clicked and it's clicks I have this blue box around it I click on this little link button right here you can also do insert and then go down to link and if I have the picture highlighted or already clicked all I do is I put my youtube link in here and I hit apply now your students will need to be taught that they need to click on the picture in order for them to be able to see it so for my the first time that I did this I showed a slide before that that said when you open the next slide on the real picture of me click on the real picture of me so then they knew that when they got here they had to click on this to get to my YouTube video you need to make sure that you screenshot your finished classrooms before you add any personalized information in there what I mean is this this slide is great for Wednesday because it has my Wednesday video in it but what you want to do before you add any information in there so here I have my blank classroom all the furniture in place things that I don't ever need to move you will want to screenshot this we're pretending this is my finished beautiful classroom create a new slide and then if you remember how we did this before to add a background you'll add that image of your made classroom into the background so this time instead of the Google in this image search we're going back to upload browse and as you guys can see I am just the screen shot Queen I will open that up and what this does is once I delete these text boxes if it makes it so that when you send this out to students they can't move anything around all of this is in place so now you can just duplicate this slide and make as many of them as you want and you can put your screenshot for your Tuesday video here on Tuesday and make a new slide and insert your Wednesday video this just makes it so that your work is safe but just please the warrant that every time you screenshot it and reuse it every screenshot your words get blurrier so if you look at this first one you can almost read this sign it's still a little blurry but when you get to our screen shoppers it's a little bit more buy the next one you wouldn't be able to read it so just keep that in mind so now that we have finished that we can talk about adding in different things like your bitmoji or links so let's just start with link okay so I fixed up our classroom because it was driving me absolutely insane looking at it but let's practice adding some links if you saw what I had posted the other day on one of the Facebook groups I have a link here and when I click on it it actually takes me directly to the Google Doc and this is also super easy to do so if I go back into here instead of putting a picture here we can put a text box so right here right next to the picture and the shape icon we have text box you can also do insert and do text box from there and whatever is easier for you and you just go ahead and you would type your now since here announcements and if you wanted to add a link all you do is you click insert and you have to be inside the text box I've tried this when I don't have this little blinky line and it doesn't work but insert and we go to link again we're going to put a link here and it lets you use or create your own what the link looks like I don't know what that's called but let's say for example if you saw on Thursday I posted my comedy show slides where I had students who were able to share a joke so I made a joke Google Form that they can access at any time where they can tell me a joke and the answer and they can be featured on her joke slide so what I would do is I would hit Send and I would get the link for this Google Form and when I go back into my slides I would put that in the link box and text I would say click here to submit a joke and when I hit apply it creates that link for you and when I click on this we can test it out it'll take me right to this Google form the last thing I want to show you is adding in your bitmoji this is what it's all about right so we have our announcements which are just to tell a joke and let's go ahead and now remember you need to have your bitmoji already created by now and you need to have the Google Chrome extension if you don't have that yet I don't need to go all the way back to the beginning of the video so if you've done it correctly you're in Google Chrome and you have this little bit moji icon here if you click on it it'll show you your person I've changed mine and I've put her into slippers and some sweats because it reflects my remote learning but what you can do is you can flip through if you want them sitting you can type in sit there's only a couple obviously we're not going to use all of them but you can choose one we can put me right on the couch I sit copy in it and then paste paste there we go and I can put her on the couch now just like what you can do with the other objects that you have in the room so you can resize her you can also rotate and have any flipping or you can also rotate it and have me flip horizontally so I'm facing this way okay so that's how you add your bitmoji there are some that work and some that don't to make it most realistic realistic you want a head-to-toe image but you can be creative so I will try to link all of the slides that I have created that don't already have my bitmoji in them like this one unfortunately for some of mine I'd screenshot the background images with my bitmoji in them for example this one does in t'v so I will link below some of the backgrounds that I've created that don't have my bitmoji built in and you guys are free to use them as much as you want I hope this was helpful I think I covered anything if you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll see if I can get back to this it's it's been pretty entertaining for me to make these so I hope that you guys get some joy out of it I know it made my my students really excited to see it and I didn't I was doing it so my only suggestion to you is if you go ahead and you do this the way that I've done it and you're going full in start day one with some slides that start like this where you walk them through how to use each slide in its purpose so here they knew to click on the video otherwise this just looks like a picture right and here they know that this is a link same here they know that this is a video because I've told them in this previous slide what to expect so I hope you enjoyed this guys I hope this was helpful and I hope you have fun see you later
Channel: Katherine Panczner
Views: 1,289,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, bitmoji, googleclassroom, teacher, homeschool, googleslides, googleteacher, remotelearning, classroomcommunity
Id: s-P_WdQWPc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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