How to Make Interactive Google Slides with Pear Deck

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in this video I'm going to show you how to significantly increase engagement in your classroom by making interactive Google slides using a program called pair Duc if I ask students to raise their hand in response to a question I'll be lucky to get maybe 50% participation and when I call on a student I only end up hearing from that single students perspective only hearing from around half of my class simply isn't enough in order for all students to learn teachers need to be using a variety of active participation strategies to engage students in different ways pair deck isn't incredibly easy to use Google slides add-on that you can use to transform your Google slides from a one-way lecture to an interactive conversation with your students pair deck is a clear example of how education technology can increase engagement and participation and make your class a more equitable space for all students I can honestly say that whenever I use pair deck I consistently get nearly 100 percent participation from my students this is my YouTube channel for the new EdTech classroom where I provide practical ideas and tips for how to transform your class with education technology using pair decks students can respond to short answer questions that you asked respond to multiple choice questions answer numerically in math class and even drag icons or draw an image to respond to a question first I'm going to show you what interactive slides look like from a teacher perspective as well as a student perspective so you get a sense of what it would be like to use it in the classroom then I'll show you how to use para deck to set up interactive Google slides as well as talk about some of the most important settings that you need to know to get started using it in your classroom in order to effectively use interactive Google slides you're obviously going to need to have students on laptops it can also work to have students working in pairs as the teacher I have the ability to advance the slides that my students will see on their screen so you can see on this slide that I've written that question that my students will respond to now let's look at what that would look like if I were a student here you now see what the Google slide looks like on the student they're going to see the question that they need to answer as well as a box where they can record their response so let's see what happens when I have a few student answers to these questions on my teacher slide I can now see that four out of the four students that are currently in this slides presentation have responded to my question in order to see their answers I can click show responses if I want to get students attention and ask them to stop responding to the question I can hit the lock screens button and that will lock the students Google slide presentation so that they're no longer able to respond after students have responded to the question I'll project these answers in front of the class and then we'll have a quick discussion about what people notice I've also used this as a way for students to take notes based on what they've learned from their classmates so that they can build off each other's knowledge on this next slide you'll see that I'm asking students to read an article to answer the question that I'm posing as you can see on the student facing slide the website URL has been pushed directly to a student's Google slide so they can now read the article that you want them to read and respond to a question or discuss the article now I'm back on my teacher facing slide and I'm going to ask students to respond to a question in multiple-choice form here you can see what the multiple choice options look like as a student later I'm going to show you how you can customize the answer choices that students see when I click show responses we can now see as a class how we responded to a question multiple choice questions can be used in all kinds of ways like checking for understanding seeing what students already know or providing them with a choice about where they want to go next in this teacher facing slide I'm asking students to respond to a question numerically here on the student facing slide you'll see that a student can input a number into their answer box when I click show responses the dots represent the numbers that my students enter similar to multiple-choice a numerical answer can be used as a check for understanding in a math class or for a question that would require a numerical response in another subject I've set up this question to have students draw their response as an answer here on the student facing slide you'll see students a variety of different drawing tools that they can use to sketch out their answer to a question now when I choose to show the answers I can see and project all the drawings that students drew on their slides on this teacher facing slide I'm asking students to drag an icon to the box that represents their answer choice here you can see I've set it up so that students can select from either a thumb up or thumb down that they can drag to the box to represent their answer and back on my teacher facing slide when I select show responses we can see where everyone dragged their icon you can use this for a quick check for understanding or as a way for students to vote on a particular issue or topic here's another example of a slide I created for students to be able to drag an icon this is a model of how I could use the draggable icons as a way to give students choice about where they want to go next a student would drag their icon to the choice that they have selected and then when I go back to the teacher slide and show the answers we can all see where everyone in the class voted in this last slide I'm going to close out the lesson by having students write a short answer response here you'll see that I also inserted a timer to let students know how long they would have to construct their response for this exit ticket you'll see at the bottom of the slides that it shows how many students in the class have responded to the question you've asked I'll often use this as an added motivator for my class I'll say to them hey we have just a couple more people that need to respond to really make sure that I get that 100% and it works pretty much every single time once I'm ready to end the session I can click end title it so that I can find it when I'm in my pear deck account if I click publish student takeaways when I end the session you'll see that I have a link to their responses that's now in my Google Drive that I could choose to share directly back to Google classroom for my students to see or I could give them to my individual students student takeaways is also just a way to hold students accountable for what they wrote and how they participated in the interactive Google slide session all right so let's say that you're starting from scratch and you have yet to setup paradigm here you can see I'm on my Google slides home page going to go to add-ons I'll go to get add-ons here you'll see that there are lots of different Google slides add-ons that you can choose from pear deck is right at the top I'm going to select it click install and then it's going to happen create an account once you've created an account you can go up to add-ons you'll see pear deck for Google slides add-ons select open pear deck add-ons and here you'll be given the different choices for the types of questions that you want to add to your Google slide you'll notice that on the teacher Google slides I created that I set them up with questions that students could actively respond to this is definitely an important part of how you create your Google slides when you're making them you're gonna have to think about the fact that you're asking students interactive questions you'll see on the right-hand side that all the different question types are available to you so on this slide if you want students to respond in a short answer question select a text select update slide and now it's added that interactive question that you saw in the demo in order to assign a website for students to go to click the website button and then you're going to enter the URL that you want to push out directly to students after you enter it you'll see that a preview of the website comes up below and that's the website that's going to show up on the student facing slide when you're using paradigm select update slide to put the website in your presentation on this slide I'm planning to have students respond in multiple-choice form to do that I'm going to click the multiple-choice button and here you can select the values or answer choices that you want students to choose from here in order to answer this question students will respond with a number to add a numerical question to the slide I'll click number and then when students respond they can choose any numerical value on this line I had students drag their icon to the choice that best represented their answer you can add a draggable by clicking the draggable button it is also important to note that the dragonballs are part of a premium product account you will have access to the premium features when you first sign up for a trial account to add an icon click on the draggable button here you'll be given some different choices for the icons that will show up on student computers you can a color and also the size of the icon lastly to add a drawing which is also a premium feature click the draw button and this will add the drawing tools that you saw in the demo in order to begin the interactive google slide session you're going to go up to present lesson then students will go to join PD calm you'll give them the class code that they need in order to enter the session when you're ready to begin click start class and then the slide that you are seeing on your screen will also appear on your students computers now let's say that a student comes into class late or didn't get the code the first time around that's not a problem they can still see the code at the top of the slides presentation throughout the entire thing if you're just going to use pair deck with your students in your classroom I would suggest that you go to the settings and change it so that it requires student logins this way you'll be able to associate responses that students make to their email which is going to make it easier to keep this peridot private to just your students it's also going to help you keep track of who responded in what way and will allow you to share the students work back with them if you want to go back after the presentation is done to look at how students responded click review sessions select the session that you want to review and there you'll see all of your students responses to each of the questions that you asked on the Google slide you'll notice on this one all the students have random icons and names that's because I have a demo presentation setup for anyone to join that can be a useful feature if you're using pear deck with a group of people that you don't know for example if you're presenting at a conference or to a group of teachers and you don't necessarily want to have everyone have to log in with their email in my classroom interactive Google slides have just become a part of the suite of active participation strategies that I use to make sure I'm engaging my students and asking them to participate in different ways in order to ensure I'm hearing from all voices in my classroom if you have any questions about how I use pear deck to create interactive Google slides please ask in the comments below thank you so much for watching my video too yet if you found it helpful please hit the like button and share it with other teachers that you know and subscribe too channel and hit the notification bell to make sure you don't miss any of my weekly video updates thanks so much and have a great week
Channel: New EdTech Classroom
Views: 202,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new edtech classroom, increase student participation, Sam Kary, how to increase student engagement, increase student engagement, student engagement, google slides with students, google slides tutorial for teachers, education technology tutorial, pear deck tutorial for teachers, pear deck tutorial, pear deck google slides, pear deck teaching, how to use pear deck, how to make interactive google slides with pear deck, pear deck, pear deck interactive google slides
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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