how to make homemade natural weed killer for lawn and Garden with vinegar

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hey your phonetics welcome back to Bermuda grass central woof BYD guys if you don't know who I am my name is Michael Bowman and I have a YouTube channel called Bermuda grass central guys on this channel we talk about a lot of things mostly Bermuda grass but in the meanwhile there are other things I talk about like how to kill weeds how to fertilize how to cut your lawn dissin today we're gonna talk about how to make an all-natural weed and grass killer for your lawn I guess the best out of this channel make sure you hit that description button ding that notification bill every time be white deep blows the video you will be notified by you too [Music] [Applause] question all the time guys byd is that all you put down on your Bermuda grass it's those toxic herbicides no guys there are natural ways to go about doing this one reason I don't do it because the natural this doesn't last as long but the natural is probably the better way to go if you're conscientious about planet Earth so in this video guys I'm going to show you how to make an all-natural weed and kill for your lawn and for your flowerbeds curb cracks all that good stuff I'm gonna tell you the pros and I'm also gonna tell you the cons that's why I'm making my way over to this table I need for those of you who've made your own natural we'd kill to go ahead comment below let everybody know what you used process how much you had to measure all that good stuff guys cuz this channel is built on good information and I want you to be a part of so comment below guys tell me exactly what you use how long did it take for it to die all that good stuff so let me go ahead and get right to the mix I'm just gonna get straight to this these are the ingredients that you're gonna need you see right there we've got a regular table salt salt know by the way known as the sponsor these are just products laying around the house guys and you saw when I went into my cabinet I bet literally got this stuff don't be looking in my pantry but yeah easy stuff that's not gonna be enough I got another bottle right there like so out you salt regular table salt survive somebody says something about using that but this one and instead of getting one of those calendars I will suggest it the industrial body you get in for like three or four dollars at Home Depot didn't have to go to the store majority you guys will have these things at your home maybe not that spray bottle now I will suggest that you get in and dust or a spray bottle and if you're gonna use this specifically for natural weed killer take a sharpie write it across the top so you know exactly what it is but these items guys were just picked up in the home I didn't have to go to the store but the cost of this is Neal guys it's very Neal so let's go from this way to this way we got table salt we got some just detergent that's gonna act as a surfactant you can use any one guys I don't care antibacterial or regular you can use I got this up professional sprayer we got the glass measuring cup and I told you once before I bought by glass because it doesn't stain that is for lawn care guys that don't use it to cook with so understand that even though all this stuff is natural you'll see this glass and some other videos and I don't want you saying dyd use a mama glass and they're gonna keep gonna kill everybody no I'm not gonna kill everybody that was specifically for this guys I got this formal back here it's a good thing and a half right there we got the all-natural vinegar now this one is a optional that's apple cider vinegar guys if you got it use it if you don't then use up all right I'm going with the this one right here cuz it's cheaper I don't want to you know use up the one that cost the most but all that both of them do the same thing guys what we're gonna do I'm gonna show you how to mix this stuff in how to spray your weeds you guys before I start this mix there are a couple of things that you may need to know now using a natural weed killer light vinegar this stuff is not systemic what I mean by that is when I spray this on the weed it's literally gonna kill the leaves now this would be the formula without the salt when I add that salt it becomes a grass and we killer all right so you need to know that and now I'll tell you why in just a second the vinegar once sprayed on that it's gonna kill the least even if you spraying it on your regular grass you need to be careful guys because you can burn the grass also now the good thing about it being natural is the grass a bounce back but so with Louise because technically you hadn't went down into the root to kill them when you add that salt and you if you look up some of that herbicide that you're spraying on your weeds those fancy names it's another word for salt now the content is so high in that yeah it becomes systemic it goes down in the plant kills it from the top all the way down to the root when you spray this vinegar by itself is just gonna kill the plant when you spray the vinegar and the salt it's gonna kill the plant and some of the root and more than likely if you put too much down it's almost like a pre-emergent and nothing growing back in that spot for a while so you gotta be careful when you do this process so okay y'all fanatics look this is not hard guys if you look at this this sprayer right here there are some numbers on the side and it has the measurements on the side so you can actually see the amount of ounces that you're putting into it now the first thing we want to do is go ahead take this off and guys this first formula it's going to be just a vinegar with a surfactant well we need to do is at 15 ounces or 16 ounces of vinegar to this now you can fill it all the way up but uh guys we're gonna use some of this later on so I'm not gonna use the whole bottle for that but simply just add you little 15 ounces to it well 16 all right got that done make sure you put the top back on these things as soon as you do it remove the funnel now as far as the surfactant guys I don't suggest that you put it in here because you're gonna have some residue of your surfactant in there just go ahead and take it straight from the bottle try to eyeball it put maybe ounce in there so we got an ounce of surfactant in there close that back up and we'll put this on here and that's it shake it up a little bit don't shake it up till it's foam all up and shake it up just a little bit and mix it up and that's your regular mix that right down is going to kill weeds without so much damaging the grass by adding this salt but when you spray this whenever it hits it's going to kill the leaf surface all right so let's go ahead and find a few things we want to spray okay guys here's a weed grass that I don't want my lawn alright now have the spray bottle and hopefully you can see that all right now before you spray this make sure you have the nozzle to sit what you want to be so it won't come out in the stream you want to come out in the mist form so hopefully you can see this okay okay y'all for next I'm gonna spray it and remember you don't have to put a lot on now you got some surfactant on there there is a strong possibility it's gonna kill that grass that got hit all so now that's one of the reasons why I took that toothbrush was painting that stuff on there so I can pacifically target the weed and not everything around it but this is all natural we're doing probably not gonna happen overnight we're gonna have to check back in a couple of days to see what happened okay y'all for next look what we have here some more pour that came up go ahead and hit that also got a kind of wet there you know we'll check back with that to see how that turns out like I said guys this process does not happen overnight may take two or three days so you actually start seeing yelling and burning the leaves remember this is not systemic it's not going to get down into the plant and kill the root off with this basic concentration now you are fanatics if you have an area in your yard that you want to try the salt and vinegar air mix then go ahead I'm trying on that little area right there this is the area that I know nobody's gonna be on guys so I'm gonna just drench it I'm not so much concerned about that because this whole particular area I got a long project coming up where I'm gonna put some bushes and shrubs on down on this wall but yeah small area like that go ahead and test don't do your whole freaking yard with the salt and vinegar test it in an inconspicuous area if it works out for you then you can use it but by adding that salt guys now this is turned literally into a grass and we kill it it's gonna kill everything that it landed on and hopefully it'll get down until the soil systemically wise and kill it down to the root okay guys we got a area in a pine straw bed I'm gonna go ahead and treat these now what's awesome I'm gonna go ahead change the spray tilt so I can get at that Rick Streamlight spray going straight to the good I'm aiming at the bottom of it so it helped get down in there yes I do smell vinegar okay y'all fanatics and look we have a oh this area is right here on the border of the pine straw bed so I'm gonna go ahead and spray all this we'll see how this this works out okay this is for the smaller landscape right now these are the curb cracks right here the reason I'm showing you this guy is because when you spray it with that glyphosate that stuff lead down to the drain now I'll just be tell you the truth eighty percent of your landscape was the spraying needs I don't give a what nobody says that's what they do they spray that herbicide on these curb cracks and everybody does it homeowner does is it supposed to be done No so here's your alternatives we're going to go ahead and use the all-natural vinegar and salt mix and guess what you do I get a look closer so what you do is just spray spray that curve crack real good get it nice and wet and just let it sit there that's it okay y'all for next for the people who have it any curb crack yeah I got one right there and that's poor right now that's poor spray that I'm gonna get it real wet now let me show you something else about this real quick next now when you're treating that curb cracking is right down next to your grass you want to stay at least six to twelve inches away from that because what happened if you overload that crack and that fluid runs down to crack and go out into the grass you're gonna have a burn spot right there so never spray any herbicide a week hill all the way to the end you want to stop like I said 612 inches away from it that way you won't get that burn on the corner this is 24 hours later you can see it's dying off I try to get as close as I can the life is being drained out of it that's that's one of them let's go check out the patch you're financing like I said we sprayed this one with the salt and vinegar concoction and this is 24 hours later and yeah as you starting to wilt its Gail look closer starting to wilt in an area right there and right there so so it is working it is more they are F and X and this is 24 hours of the curve crank you can see you can see look at it and let's say this is the vinegar and salt solution right here I can't long tall solution you see try for driveway crack 24 hours later this is the vinegar and salt ain't that thing that was eight for Emma porn at the time concrete on the driveway hey guys 24 hours later you can see the damage that this is just vinegar and surfactant the vinegar and dish soap you can see what kind of we does burn the leaves but it's not systemic so it's not gonna go all the way down to kill the root all the way down but it does kill the top go so okay you are fanatics maybe action question well dyd how much money am I gonna have tied up in this this is guys that spray bottle don't buy it on at Walmart they don't sell it in store but they sell it online don't order online go to Home Depot if you're gonna get that pacifically and I'm only reason I'm saying it guys I do suggest in a duster strength bottom they may sell them at Walmart I'm not sure but this is what I have for the video got at Home Depot $3.30 the dishwashing liquid and that's a big bottle right there guys only three bucks the Heinz vinegar and you don't have to get high as you can get the cheapest one they have and guys though that it's gonna be 5% if you buy it in the store that's the mixed fibers in the vinegar is gonna be like 5% alcohol they have 6 or 7% then they have horticultural vinegar don't buy that because it's just too strong for your grass so stick with the one in the store little all-natural that's 5% that's um two dollars a freaking bottle and the salt was a dollar bottle so really you only got 9 bucks and 30 cents Tyler Phineas that's not a bad deal at all so okay you are fanatics like I said that was an all-natural mix nothing hard about it now I'm books and tired of in it it's not like a synthetic herbicide that's just gonna kill everything systemic go all the way in kill everything at the bottom but it's not toxic stuff that you got around the house that you can use and I'm pretty sure if somebody else say yes toxic this and that that may be fine but this is the least amount of toxicity that you can have if that's a word so guys hopefully this video helped you if you did like I said so hopefully this video has helped somebody making an all-natural we kill and grants kill for their lawn guys this video has been helpful help byd spread the words if you are a true writer dye yard fanatic what I need you to do right now is copy paste this link put it in your social media your Twitter your Facebook spread the word guys don't leave the page without copy pasting and put it in your social media help byd spread the word so once again yard phonetics you're tuned into bermudagrass central with byd this is Michael Bowman and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Bermuda Grass Central 🌱
Views: 275,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade natural weed killer vinegar lawn garden, homemade naturual weed killer vinegar lawn garden, vinegar, weed killer, natural, natural weed killer, will vinegar kill lawn weeds, how to naturally kill weeds in my garden, garden weed, best homemade weed killer, kill lawn weed naturalin my bermudagrass, natural weed killer for bermuda lawns, weed killing with vinegar, vinegaar weed killer, year round natural weed killer, how to make weed killer, diy weed killer
Id: RHhqL9lu03g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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