How To Make Hash Browns the RIGHT Way

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hey everybody and thanks for watching and today we're going to be cooking hashbrowns they've got to be crispy on the outside and soft in the middle and this is the first episode in a series that's going to be dedicated entirely to the great British breakfast the fry up okay so three medium potatoes will give us about three medium-sized hashbrowns four crispy hash brown you want to make sure you use a potato that's suited to either roasting or frying we want to coarsely grate the potatoes then it straight into a bowl of cold water and then we're going to give it a good rinse under the tap okay we're going to dry the potato off in a nice clean tea towel we're just going to spread it out thinly and then gently roll it up in the tea towel now the key to this isn't squeezing the life out of it we just want to gently push down to get rid of the excess moisture we want to keep a little bit of water so that when the potatoes cook the first time they will also steam so we'll get the potatoes into the pan we're going to give them a quick mix around and then get the lid on and we're just going to leave them to gently cook we're gonna check them about every two minutes just give them another turn and taste the potato we want it to be cooked but not completely falling apart they're gonna take about six to eight minutes to cook through as soon as the potatoes are ready we're gonna get them out and onto a plate and leave them to cool down I'm gonna season with some sea salt and some freshly ground black pepper and then next I'm gonna lightly dust the potato with corn flour we don't want to add too much at this stage because otherwise we're going to end up with a really stodgy hash brown at the end so just lightly coat it and then gently turn the corn flour through the potato when I added the potato to the bowl I noticed it wasn't quite enough corn flour so I'm just adding another light dusting I'm giving one egg a really good whisk up with a fork because I want to gently add it to the potato if I don't whisk it up well the whole Lots going to end up disappearing into the bowl and we don't want a really wet mix we want to add just enough egg to bring the potato and the corn flour together so that when we shape it into the patty it doesn't fall apart I'm going to shape these in a non-stick ring mold that I've put on a piece of parchment paper but you can absolutely shape these by hand the key is to use the parchment paper because we're going to let them rest in the fridge for 30 minutes and we don't want them to stick to anything I'm applying just enough pressure to the potato so that it all sticks together and forms a really solid shape so that when we cook it nothing's going to break up right and that's the three of them finished and ready for the fridge they're gonna rest in there for about 30 minutes I'm gonna shallow fry these in vegetable oil it's at about 180 degrees C you could saute them in butter you could deep-fry them but this method works the best for me carefully remove the potato from the ring mold and the parchment paper and gently lower it into the hot oil as the potatoes already cooked we're really just looking to get some nice color on the outside so it's crispy on the outside and nice and soft on the inside now we're dealing with some really hot oil here so when it comes to turning them just be extremely careful and take your time I didn't have a spare large pan but ideally you'd cook these all together in a larger non-stick pan and here I'm just continuously basting so we get a nice even color throughout the cook now we've got the lovely gold and crispy finish on the outside of the potato cake that's what's going to give us that great texture on the outside so we just let it gently drain on a piece of kitchen paper and don't try this straight away because it's going to be extremely hot and now the crispy test crispy on the outside smooth in the middle this is the perfect thing to go with an English breakfast
Channel: Culinary Exploration
Views: 68,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howtomakehashbrowns, hashbrowns, potatohashbrown, howtocookhashbrowns, hashbrownrecipe, crispyhashbrown, mcdonaldshashbrown
Id: qLIjC9YtTSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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