How To Make Halloumi or Helim at Home

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well welcome back to a nother in the little green cheese video tutorial series this time we're going to be making halloumi and there's my finished product and the ingredients you'll need are 8 litres of whole milk non homogenized 2 mils or half a teaspoon of liquid rennet which is diluted in 60 mils or 1/4 cup of non-chlorinated water some cheese salt and some dried mint leaves and there is the pot set up so a little bit of water in the bottom pot and there's the two essential ingredients milk mint salt and there is the pot and I've got it mostly filled with milk now just pouring in the last 2 litres or 1 quart sorry that's 2 quarts okay now I'm using a non homogenized milk so that's cream line milk I'm not sure what it's called anywhere else but we just call a full cream milk and it has been pasteurized and it has not been homogenized now if you are using homogenized store-bought milk you will need to add at least 2 maybe 3 mils of calcium chloride diluted in some non-chlorinated water now I don't have to do that so we're going to bring the temperature up to 32 32 degrees Celsius or 90 Fahrenheit and then once we've made sure that's at the right temperature the target temperature we're going to be adding our rennet now there's no culture in this recipe because the final cheese doesn't need it if you did add an a mesophilic culture the process and you'll see here we go as we go along it would actually kill the mesophyll the culture anyway so I need to add it at the start so now we've added the rennet we're going to stir that for about a minute so we're going to let that now rest so stir that in and rest for 40 minutes so that can set pull your thermometer out as well and make sure it's covered okay 40 minutes is elapsed and we're going to check for a clean break now you simply do that by making sure your hands are clean stick your pinky in and when you pull it up the milk splits just like that lovely okay we're going to get the curd knife out now I'm going to cut it in two it's about half inch cubes and said it's about half inch or twelve Mills 12.5 mils it's a little bit faster than double speed we get through this little bit quicker we cut up one way than the other and we're just cutting it diagonally there no that's that's is cut as it's going to be I shouldn't stay there too much we need to let that rest for about five minutes let's put the lid back on now we'll make the Kurds the cubes have a better body strength what if you want to call it okay five minutes is up we're going to now stir the curds gently and we're going to bring up the heat to 40 degrees Celsius which is about a hundred and four Fahrenheit and we're going to do that over a 20-minute period then I'm putting the heat on there we bring that up as I said 240 degrees Celsius and as we go along any really big cubes we're going to cut here you can see a little bit of time as a lapse there and the Kurds are a lot smaller they've shrunk quite a bit and because we're only stirring for 20 minutes they're not going to shrink a lot however a lot of whey is expelled in that 20 minutes so we finish that now we're going to let the Kurds now rest and sink to the bottom so it makes it easier to pour off the way into the colander that we're going to use in a minute so let that rest for 10 minutes pop the lid back on and then we're going to move over to the sink area okay we'll bring the pot over and run that now we know we have to retain the way so I've got a pot underneath this colander collecting all that way it's not coming down the sink because it's an ascent in us it's essential part of the process to use the way a little bit later on so we've retained all that way into the pot and there's the curd lump so we're going to make a there's a little simple press that I've designed here just two chopping board so we move the curds on to the chopping board this is just how they do it in Cyprus where the cheese has come from so we just fold the cheesecloth over and we're trying to make a even sort of square type thing it'll turn out a square once is pressed so we're just making sure that surface is nice and flat so it's not going to be lumps into the the curd fold all the excess over so then we then put a board over the top like thus and this is how we're going to press it so I've got two two litre milk cartons filled with water that's about four kilos on top that we're pressing so we're pressed for ten minutes and then we take the board off and we simply turn the curd mass over and that just helps expel a little bit more wine to be like a pancake at the moment let's be a little bit gentle the curds have knitted together so it's not that much of an issue so pop the board back on again and put the four kilos of weight back on now you'd leave this for 20 minutes so 20 minutes has elapsed you pull that off get rid of the top board the sink and now we're going to remove the curb mass from the cheesecloth like a big pancake there we go on to our clean wooden board I'm just going to go and get the curd knife I'm cutting it about ten centimeters wide that's what I'm using my Finken tea I measured the finger before and it's about ten centimeters that's about four inches so do the same again so I'm hoping to get nine pieces of halloumi out of this I move it a little bit right there that's better the Lummi itself is about five centimeters before centimeters thick after all that pressing so I'm just having a look this is the first time I've made the halloumi so it looks lovely it's all press it's not falling apart not a bit excited and had to inspect every single piece but it's just the way it is here we are now over on the stove I've got this little rack so I just got a baking cooling rack and I've got some sushi mats over the top that's all been sanitized and you'll see what I do with that the second so I've just put the pieces of illuminating special and what I'm doing I'm heating the way up now and I'm bringing it up to 90 degrees Celsius and at around about 90 degrees you start to get all the remaining curds start to float to the top of the way so you can just skim those off and you'll see that in a second now I've actually you can see the other pot I've skimmed off a lot of the curds that were floating that's a bit like ricotta so I've got it up to 97 degrees Celsius which is about 200 Fahrenheit maybe 2 5 so we're going to plonk the halloumi in there now and this is an essential part of the of the process this is what makes the halloumi resistant to melting so once we've got it in the boiling way or close to boiling way put all those in there now haven't added anything to the way at all I've just saved it from when I drained the curds before and just put the Lummi in there whilst I really held in yet it's just blocks occurred so that's going to stay in the hot way for 45 minutes around 45 minutes and you put the lid on turn the heat off you don't want it boiling away now it actually took about between the first piece popped up at about 45 minutes then I had to keep on I had to heat it a little bit more and the the other pieces started to float so they all they all floated to the top so I'm going to pull those out in that little tray there I've got cheese salt and mint flakes so dried mint and it's going to pop in each piece of halloumi and just roll it around there a little bit and then I'm going to fold each piece of halloumi over in half this is apparently how you do it I know you can't see that very well with some other pieces in a second that you'll be able to see perfectly well I'll just move the salt out the wine a second I'll get clever so they're a bit rubbery now the pieces of halloumi there we go move the sub tear the Y in the mint put it where you can see you again so bit rubbery you just fold it in half press it down a little bit and then it stays in place you turn it over all states of it I've sped it up so we can see that I do for all the pieces now I have seen the exactly the same recipe however you can use fresh mint and put that in the fold and then fold it over that's quite acceptable as long as the the cheese is salted of course however that that that method that cheese's consume straight away what we can do with this halloumi once we've sold it and minted it and all the herbs like that we can actually vac pack it later on each piece individually and then we can use it at any given time so I would say that it would last in the fridge at least six months no problems at all anyway it won't last that long because we'll eat it all before that for sure so these are all fairly the same sort of shape made into an easel here I left 10 by 10 square centimeters once you've folded over a bit thicker just good and I'll slow that down so we can see the last piece fish that out I've just got enough salt and mint left so do the last piece thing two hands for beginners I think air there we go and none left like there are only nine pieces every go and we'll put that aside so I will just put a little bit of extra salt and and them in flakes just the remaining stuff over the top of the halloumi just make sure it's well salted that'll stay and and that'll keep for longer and once I've vacuum packed that it'll make a brine and that'll keep really well and the salt will go all the way through the cheese no too salty and we can add a little bit more mint some more mint flakes as well no harm in that like a good minty cheese especially halloumi it's how it's supposed to be done and remember that I did put this on a rack this is on a baking rack with the sushi mats on top so this is draining away all the time there we go perfect and that's finished halloumi so just going to let that rest for about an hour there it is it is a close-up shot there and then I cut some pieces up and put them in the frying pan and this is how you're supposed to eat it and a lovely gold Brown there and it absolutely taste a delicious there was enough saltiness and you could certainly taste the mint enos as well so there's halloumi you can keep that in brine or you can vacuum pack that now for storage thanks for watching and see you later
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 344,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloumi cheese making, Halloumi (Cheese), Helim (Cheese), halloumi, how to make halloumi cheese, halloumi cheese, Cheese (Produce), How to make cheese
Id: PPNQmV7roos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2013
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