Every Discord Server Making Asset You'll Ever Need | Emoji, Logos, Role Icons, Headers & More!

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server makers often have to put a lot of work into making their server the best it can be creating even a decent server icon can be a hassle adders require lots of practice to make even finding the right fonts colors or words for naming rights can be a challenge as someone who has developed a server for their YouTube audience for almost six years I can tell you that I'm still learning at an improving day by day for example it's taken me a while to crack roll icons but with this new download I think I finally have them nailed alright so I'm here to introduce you to my server making assets pack and I'm making this video not as a product placement more as a guide of how to use a product if you've downloaded it and if you haven't then maybe encourage you to get it because there is a free option available and I haven't made like two percent of the product free and then the rash I have to pay for I've done I'd say an even split so the basic tier which is the three one that gives you all the essentials for free and then there's a super option and that super option is a paid option it currently goes for 15 and it gives you all of what's in the free tier plus a lot more like server Banner templates which can also be used as invite backgrounds pre-made headers roll icons and way more emojis than the normal pack and by the way I'm constantly updating this pack now the files I'm going to extract today this version is currently work in progress so I'm going to give you a quick tour today so you can see how to extract the files which I know you can do on iOS you just press it in your files and it will convert it into a folder and I'm going to be doing this on Windows 11. and I'm going to show you how to edit the header template for example so let's get on with it oh by the way this product download is available on my gumroad page now I have a link in the description for that and as you can see on this page here it gives you a breakdown of exactly what's in this pack and I'm going to be using the super version for this example but I'm going to make it clear exactly what's in super and what is in the free version so you don't get confused and if you do there's always a breakdown here on my gumroad page now this is most likely going to be out of date by the time I even post this video so I wouldn't use this as a guide now I'd go to the product page and look at this whenever you want to so you get the full up-to-date version of it and it gives you a breakdown down here what's in the pack now I'm going to show you how to download it you might not know which version you want at the moment let's say when you're done watching this video you want the basic version all you have to do is name a fair price so logically put zero here because it's free but you can put whatever you want but if you want the paid version Don't just put 15 here I've had a customer do this and I've had to basically assign them to the correct version because what they've done is put 15 here and said I want this what you have to do first is select the super version if that's what you want so make sure you don't select basic and put 15 expects into automatically get super because that's not how it works you need to click this one first and once you've selected the right one I want this by the way thank you for all the download so far really appreciate it so let's just click I want this it will take you to a page that looks similar to this and you can put a discount code in here you can get to itself if you use a code in my Discord server and you'll want to put your email address here so this will be where the download gets sent make sure you read the terms and conditions first it's just a quick user room in here just saying this product is not affiliated with or sponsored by Discord I want to make that very clear this is not an official Discord resource this is simply my own creation I made it as a way to help you guys out with your server making Journey please do not consider for one second that I work for Discord or anything because I do not this is simply a fan creation and if you're planning to download or bias pack please assure that you are not going to claim any item here as your own creation even if you've read it in this video I recommend clicking again just in case I update it or anything and another chat box here I understand that I'm purchasing the correct option just so you don't select the basics here expecting to get everything that's in the super version Country I don't know if that matters but there you go and then you click pay and once you've done that you should get an email and you can click a button that says level up your server or something like that and it will take you to the download page where you can download this product and when I release an update if you go back to that email and click the same button again you should get taken to the exact same download page but it should have the new version on it and by the way if you get the super version and I'll release an update you'll get the new one for free I won't charge you extra for a new update so if you want an update you'll have to download the pack again and once you've got the download it should look something like this server making assets pack the one point something whatever version it is and it should say which tier you have here basic or super now first what you're going to want to do is right click this click extract all you might need to show more options or do something like extract here or extract files you might need WinRAR seven Circle something like that but you shouldn't need it on Windows 11 so extract all and you can say where you want the folder to be extracted to and Shout files when complete and then extract there you go sort of making us back the 1.2 super gonna want to open that double click so in this first folder you have from the intro to the pack and disclaimers first I'm going to go over the file types so there's a PNG for each image and there's also a PDF if you prefer to read it that way but they should be exactly identical but the meat of what's in this pack is in the server making access pack folder so let's go in that and what you've seen here some of it may be in the Super version like server banners or invite backgrounds so if you've got the basic it might look a bit different to this but let's go over the first one so we're going to sort by name we're going to go in that order colors so in here you get three folders gradients invisible colors and roll colors so in gradients you have two documents here here's a list of gradients and here are the color codes here this color over here is on the left and this color here is on the right and these gradients are good for making server artwork like headers or a server icon so yeah that's the gradient and invisible colors and this will give you a bunch of different colors based on the Discord UI and you've got a bunch of different colors here not just for Royal dividers or invisible banners but also for making invisible embeds well not technically invisible and better but making the color strip invisible so yeah there's quite a few in there and this one here royal colors this will basically give you a bunch of colors but I like to use or else I may not exactly use these exact Rock a little bit if I was to make a roll I make it something like what you see here you might be wondering why I have this in the pack basically a lot of people have asked me before how I make my raw colors like how I come up with the royal colors it's not really rocket science so I decided to put this in the pack anyway in case you want that so that's it for the colors now next up emoji right the first one is dividers here we have a bunch of lines basically in different colors now most of these emotions will be available in 12 colors but there's the exact same colors now if I zoom in it has like a weird grain in here but that's just this uh photo view this should be a solid yellow line right here now if you're wondering how they work if I go on my Discord server no you can see here I've got this like purple line here these are basically dividers I'm not sure if I've actually ever seen anyone use these before unless I remember incorrectly but these basically help you divide different sections of an embed or just a normal message doesn't have to be anything bad add some nice color to it and basically how these work is fire like here this is like a single Emoji here and if you just link them up basically you just want to paste in this Emoji a dozen times and it will form a line if you connect them without spaces but if you don't want these vibrant colors here there's also three colors over here this one here is like a dark gray this one here is a light gray and this one here is probably the most subtle it's the closest to and in bed obviously asked dependent on what device you're viewing it on again the weird like inner Shadow however it's just this photo view it doesn't actually look like that it's just a solid color yeah and in some of these folders you may see some guides so it gives you a breakdown here as I was saying these are basically sequential emojis used to form a line This basically breaks down what dividers are and how to use them now if we go back out let's go to invisible space there's a whole guide for this invisible character it's actually one pixel it's good for indenting text because you can use invisible characters for that kind of thing but on my iPhone for example these invisible characters for some reason just disappear so or indentation you may expect to see in in a bed just doesn't work so it kind of messes up depending on what device you're on but the empty Emoji everyone's going to be able to see it but obviously they're not going to be able to see because it's invisible but it will indent that's for everyone that's just more of like a tweak nah lists so the first one here bullets most of these are exclusive to the paid super version if I say paid option or super that's the same thing paid version is called super now in the base of that you will have access to these 12 here it's just one style this is like a round bullet point available in those 12 colors that you saw with the dividers the exact same colors but in the super version you have access to all these have access to information bullet points you have access to letter of bullet points and you have number bullet points and all that and different shapes and like arrows and all that so at the moment there is 252 emojis in here most of these emojis are the same just different shapes and different colors and sub entries these are also technically bullet points I wasn't sure what to call them so I don't think they actually have a name in the basic version you'll have access to these 12 here the same shape Style Just 12 different colors and in the super version you have access to all these different variations of like dotted lines curved lines or whatever now if I open this guide over here this is exactly what I like to call sub entries and I actually paired this in with the empty Emoji so right here where my mouse is there's an empty emoji that indents this a bit further so basically expands on the bullet point is what I like to think of some interest now the final set of emojis responses and others currently they're sturdy in here so you can use these to react to stuff like maybe for a feedback Channel if you like someone's suggestion you could put a thumbs up right here or a down hour or whatever like yes and all that you can use these like an embeds or announcements or just normal messages says new like for a new announcement or something new channel whatever so it's got a bunch of different ones in here so responses are like these ones here like the the cross the track mark and all that and some of these emojis here are specifically made for the server Maker only for the server owner to use or admins or whatever like to make announcement messages but some of these are off the users as well for this pack is tailored to the server makers so that's why there's some emojis in here a standard member would not actually need to use now you can see here there's a subtle outline if you're on dark mode and on desktop you won't see this outline but basically it's designed for if you're on light theme then that outline will basically separated from the background because it may be hard to see like with this Star Emoji here it's obviously a white star so you won't be able to see that on light mode but because there's a subtle app outline to it you'll be able to see it on the right mode offer you probably can't see on this video because it's very exciting but on desktop dark mode you won't see the outline classic for emojis don't hear fonts here I give you a bunch of different font recommendations currently it's 16. so basically fonts I use for Server artwork and stuff like that server logos because it's not always easy to find the right font but because I've made thumbnails for my videos and all that kind of stuff for years now I've got a good collection of fonts that I like to use so that's why I've got that here a lot of people ask me what fonts I use in my thumbnails or server artwork so that's there for that and bear in mind some fonts may be licensed so I might not be able to show them in here and I cannot provide downloads because of legal reasons I cannot put downloads to these fonts in this folder but there's a bunch of recommendations in there now headers so in here there's our header template in here I'm going to get an edit that but I'm going to show you what it looks like quickly when you've edited it if you don't know what has I have a video on that but I'm going to open this header 10 minute here so I'm going to show you exactly how to edit it as you can see this is a PSD so you won't need Photoshop you'll just need something that can open psds and can edit them I'm going to be using Photoshop this this is what this has been designed for and in here there's a bunch of pre-made headers as well these are exclusive to the super option the template itself is in the basic version so you only need that if you want to get the template obviously you can get it in a super version as well these are generic so it won't have like the server name so anyone can use these enjoy your stay for the welcome Channel slash information Channel whatever if you don't want to say welcome then I've also got ones that literally say server info right here so an introduction to the server so if you're not edit the PSD here then the pre-made headers have got you covered but you'll need a super version for that and even if you can edit psds you may still want the pre-made headers here just so you have to do the work so let's open the header template I've already got Photoshop open so that won't take long to open so here we are in the PSD so I'm going to enable the background for now this says hide on export this just like a preview here so you can see what it would look like on Discord if you want to see what it looks like on light mode then just disable that layer there and as you can see there's an outline here may not look so good on the video because of compression and all that but there's an outline here so you can see it on light mode because if I get rid of that stroke you cannot see the subtext at all let's see exactly how this works so main text put whatever you want here so I'm going to put Nexus for example let's say my service called Nexus and the subtext you just want to click that with the text store or you can double click the icon over here and I'm going to type in welcome to so this will be for the information Channel saying welcome to the server welcome to Nexus and as you can see the slot commit is quite wide but I made that so for example I've got a very short name here if I had a longer name like gym server it should most of the time fit the text but if it doesn't you can always just press a c talk the crop tool drag it over like that it doesn't have a drop shadow so you don't have to worry about that getting cut off so I'm just going to drag that over there and there you go and I made the background preview a bit longer than the actual document just in case you do have to expand it obviously you don't want to export it with that now so we're going to edit the logo you can just get rid of the logo entirely if you don't want that I recommend selecting the text group and dragging it over there and making the document a bit shorter but I'm going to show you how to change that there's actually a guide right here showing you how to change it but I'm going to do it in video form right here so if you're on Photoshop what you want to do is right click the logo layer here and click replace contents and I actually say in here if you don't have the option if you're not in Photoshop then you may need to add the logo manually if you cannot find the replace image option so I've inserted my logo here I've replaced it I just put this image here for an example because I can't find a better one and as you can see it's actually a bit smaller than the previous one so if that happens what you want to do is you're going to want to click this chain link here that will basically mean you can scale the logo without setting the layer mask so if I click that I'm going to drag that right there I can hold alt so it centers may need to hold shift it so you don't ruin the aspect ratio but I don't need to that person and I'm going to expand it now as you can see when you get here it does this kind of weird thing it just stops that's because of the layer mask so I'm going to drag it right to there and there you go now if you don't want this layer mask you can right click and disable layer mask now because my logo is round it will still be round but if you have a square logo then you don't want it to have a circle crop for some reason disable that and it will look Square mine doesn't because it's a round icon oh yeah and you can change the color of this gradient if you want so just want to expand that double click grainy overlay or just right click and click blending options if you want to go to grain overlay and you can select whatever color you want here and you can go to that colors folder that I put in the pack and go to gradient so you can use one the gradient set if you want but I'm going to keep it how it is for now and now once you've got everything ready you just want to hide this background layer and then you're going to want to export it all you have to do is go to file export as Photoshop and go to export as well you can go to save as and then change the file type to PNG make sure you select PNG because if you select jpeg it'll have a black background or something like that you'll want this to be transparent that's the whole point of this header so make sure you export it as a PNG if there's an option to like enable the alpha Channel or something you're going to want to do that so that's the header template obviously save the PSD if you want to come back to it but I recommend saving it as a new file rather than overwriting the template itself just so you don't have to download the pack again so anyway that's it for headers so enroll icons you have a bunch of different folders here I'm actually going to go in this because this is exclusive to the super version so I'm not going to show you what they look like but I think they look pretty nice they're definitely the best Royal icons I've ever made I'm not saying that just to promote the products it's actually taken me a while to get good looking roll icons but I think I've made some really good looking ones with this pack there's about 72 or so at the time recording there's a bunch of different variations so it's more like 46 with a much variations as it is there's a link here to a video guide this takes you to one of my previous videos showing you how to upload Royal icons now bear in mind you need at least level 2 in your server level 2 server boost if you don't have that you won't be able to upload or even manage roll icons and to just view them in Channel you won't be able to see them if you have below level two so as much Royal icons in there for Bots like different type of Spotlight mini game Bots music Bots it's hierarchy for like staff and owners and members and all that leveling for different level worlds basically 5 10 15 and all that two different styles in there at the moment and they're special here the VIPs boosters and one for a giveaway bot as well this isn't going bot because it's actually designed as a special icon you can use it for like a vrp it also works for a giveaway bot if you want to use it for that so there's all that in there also exclusive to the super version server banners or invite backgrounds these are templates right here okay at the moment there's two Styles but in this version 1.2 there will be four Styles so you get some examples of what they look like in here and you get the banner template here and you can also change the color in here so I'm going to show you how to edit that because if you know how to edit how to template you know how to edit them and note in here these can be used as server banners which bear in mind require boost level 2 in your server or they can also be used as a server invite backgrounds either way bear in mind there'd be crops when you upload them of course and invite backgrounds require level one so the reason I put these in the super version is because you will need to have certain boost levels in your server so most people probably won't be able to use these but if you do meet the reliable requirements then there you go now we'll get into the second to last one server icons so in here you get some pre-made letters but I'm going to get into that in a minute so templates who have two Styles at the moment let me show you an example what it looks like so in this template you can edit the text and all that that's style two right here a more simple version so again you want to edit those in Photoshop or whether you can edit psds with but if you can't do that or you prefer not to then I have you covered with pre-made letters this is also in the basic version there's a bunch of different files here so at the moment there's the whole alphabet so 26 letters available in three different styles as you can see here so that should be 78. I definitely didn't just think or send it to now these are all grayscale because if I have to export every single letter of the alphabet and 12 different colors that will be 12 times 26 and I don't want to know what that is but that will take quite a long time I don't plan to make color versions but if you do want color versions you're going to have to edit the templates now the final one thesaurus this is super option exclusive so you'll need to pay for the pack to get this so this is basically a collection of words it might sound quite weird basically people previously a lot of people like they've asked me for how I get my raw colors they've also asked me how I name my roles now frankly it's just imagination and at the moment in the update I'm working on there's about 600 words so you must like never run out of names for us so that's why I made this just to help you with creating roles and all that and it also helps with making server names Channel names categories and all that I'm going to give you a quick preview here but I'm just going to open the raw file here which will just be the words without any like PNG specialist but here's a quick preview so this is just a raw file with all the different words in it I'm going to show you the whole thing as you can see the scroll bar it's very small because there's quite a lot in here but these are just a small preview of the words that are in this so there you go so if you want that you'll need the super version so that's it for the server make it assets pack if you want the free version or the paid version just add to my product page in the description below it's on my gumroad and don't worry you don't need credit card details or anything like that unless you're getting the paid version obviously so if you do purchase or download this pack really appreciate it thank you for the support and I hope it helps you level up your server constantly updating this pack to make it the best it can be and to fix any issues or stuff like that with the pack so like quality of life patches anyway I've done enough talking for today thank you for watching hope this video was helpful and until next time I will see you next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Aeno
Views: 30,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aeno, AenoOfficial, discord server, discord, how to make a discord server, how to make a good discord server, discord tutorial, discord server banner, discord server tutorial, discord servers, discord banner, discord server setup, discord banner tutorial, discord roles, how to grow your discord, how to make a discord server better, how to grow your discord server, ways to improve discord server, emoji, role icons, emojis, headers, logos, invite, background, splash, role name ideas, fnaf
Id: J4ja7mChWoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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