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[Music] up [Music] so [Music] hey y'all welcome back to another episode of what we eating it's your girl sandune and today i'm going to be making beef very easy to make so let's go ahead and get started all right so i have two pounds of ground meat bell pepper onion tablespoon salt pepper cumin and i'll just talk through it okay y'all know how i do all right so i'm gonna go ahead and cut up this onion and i have one small onion so we'll just let that chop it up all right so i'm just giving this onion a good rough chop it doesn't have to be really small just give it a good chop [Music] okay and in leroy castle it's called leroy for those of you that are new subscribers and thank you go ahead and turn it on let's um i have a little bit of olive oil in my skillet so i'm gonna let that warm up and then we're just gonna put our onion in there and i'm gonna go ahead and chop up this bell pepper too while we're at it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now i just want to add my veggies into leroy my cast iron skillet get that added and just let that cook a little bit let's turn my fire down to about seven you just want to let those fizzy soften up some [Music] okay so now there's a veggies that put some now what i want to do is get my ground meat and i like i said i have about two pounds of ground meat and i just want to add it to my veggies i'll build that onion and let that cook [Music] okay i'm gonna wash my hands [Music] okay so this ground grounds [Music] of your you want to meat it up a little bit [Music] i love cooking in a cast iron feel it to me it just gives your hey food a different taste for me everybody might not think like that but i do that's why we call him leroy [Music] okay now while the meat is cooking i have some enchilada sauce what you want to do is just pour some of that in the bottom of your dish that you're going to put your enchiladas in just pour some of that in there at the bottom just like that maybe about half just like that and that's all you need to do [Music] okay so my meat is still cooking so i just want to go ahead and add my tablespoon of cumin salt and pepper i just want to get that mixed in there and let that cook with it [Music] okay so i'm gonna go ahead and add one package of taco seasoning i just like to add that to my enchiladas you don't have to but that's what i like to do gives it that extra flavor [Music] just mix that up really good in there and my meat still looks a little pink so we're just gonna let that cook a little bit longer [Music] already smelling so good let that cook some more i also have a block of cheese and i just want to grate some cheese to add into my mixture so i'm just gonna grate this up real quick okay [Music] [Music] okay so now that that cheese is grated i just want to add some of this cheese it's probably about a half a cup so that's about a half i just want to add it into my mixture you can always add more and the rest of this cheese i'm just going to add on top of the enchiladas i'll probably add a little bit more because i want it cheesier [Music] all right y'all so now what i want to do is go ahead and roll up some of my enchiladas so i just want to place some of this mixture [Music] inside of the enchilada inside of the tortillas and i'm using flour you do not have to use flour you can use corn corn is amazing with this too but i wanted to go with flour today just roll it up and then you come over here and you just want to make sure you place the fold side the opening down okay and i'll do a few more and place it down okay and i'm gonna go ahead and finish getting these rolled up [Music] all right so the enchiladas are already rolled up i have them rolled and the rest of the enchilada sauce you just want to pour on top okay now the rest of your cheese i ended up using eight ounce block to put in my meat mixture and this is um some more cheese that i grated up and you just want to place on the top of there and also you want to cook these enchiladas at 375 degrees so you want your oven preheated you know while you're cooking [Music] okay and these are going to go into the oven for about 20 minutes at 375 degrees i'll be back all right y'all so the enchiladas have been cooking for 20 minutes at 375 degrees and they are done so what i want to do you don't have to do this you can add cilantro but i'm adding just a little bit of parsley just to garnish it a little and these are so easy to make and i just fix these with some spanish rice and pinto beans there you have it y'all [Music] all right i do want to thank all my subscribers um if you're new to the channel thank you thank you thank you and until next time please like subscribe and share [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you
Channel: Ava Dews
Views: 2,658
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Beef
Id: NlxTUFBw2Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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