How to make dried meat at home

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hi everyone autumn here welcome back to this episode of wild bush and grit and today we're going to make some dry meat and you may ask yourself why dry meat right why why do we need to do that well there's of course uh multiple reasons first which is the most obvious one it tastes delicious but mainly i do it because of its packability and the fact that it has a long life on the shelf you know it's not something that will go that quickly so for me dry meat has reduced in size and weights my backpack takes less space i don't need to carry a cooler and it's you know concentrated pertain that you need on the trail you know anyway enough talk let's walk the talk now so of course the first thing you'll need is some meat here i'm using denison this is the back strap this works with whether you have beef or pork no worries and the second most important ingredient that you need is salt here so here i have of course pickling salt i'm going to use and this is a suggestion a little bit of brown sugar so to help with the color you know it's purely aesthetic it doesn't even it doesn't even add much to the taste it's really for presentation and you know that you can skip the sugar okay so the first thing you need to do on your meat is to remove any any fat so you need to clean all these little bit of fat up your meat to have a better product because the fat will go rancid and the less fat you have the cleaner your product is going to taste so remove all these tiny tiny pieces i process my venison and i've already had like a good so i don't have too much to remove here [Music] okay so that's pretty good then you can using some paper towel here you can pat dry the meat make sure it doesn't have no excess moisture on top okay so that's nice okay so i'm gonna transfer the meat to the corning ware and i'm going to use my a little bit of brown sugar and i'll just work on the other side and that's it so make sure you rub it across and you try to have a little bit of sugar on all unknown parts okay so that's good next salt [Music] do [Music] and so now you know we're going to put this in the um the fridge for about 24 hour uh for a piece this the calculation the rough calculation here is the salt will go through one centimeter of meat every 12 hour okay so if you have a piece of four centimeters and uh it will take about 24 hours to get through the first centimeter yeah because you have you know the salt goes from the bottom and and from the top right two centimeter from the bottom two centimeters from the top that will make your four centimeter and that will roughly gives 24 hours so once the meat has dried we're going to continue with the next steps so i'll see you tomorrow ah crap didn't work once again see you tomorrow all right it worked this time uh cool so 24 hours later here we are as you might already noticed by the color things has changed drastically now you can see that the meat is much harder than what you know what we had originally so what we need to do from from here is to we need to clean the meat from all the salt that is left and i'm going to do that so i'm just crimping it up a bit here but i'm gonna i'm going to give it a bath in clean water and i'm gonna make sure that you know we're getting rid of all the uh the salt on the surface shouldn't be too hard so you realize that no it's [Music] much smaller much thinner it's also very very firm you know pretty good here we're going to pat it dry good next what i'm going to do is let it dry for a couple of hours you know about three three hours i will just let it at room temperature and i just let the excess moisture we have on the outer skin [Music] uh well on the outer shell of the meat i will just let it air dry this is why i'm using a grid a grill this is why i'm using a grill so making sure that air circulation is good all around it and i'll see you in about three hours drying it here it kind of has lost its color i was hoping a sugar to help kids a little bit but whatever now we're going to add some [Music] spices [Music] you need to make sure that all sides of your meat are well coated with the um your miniature spice you know the if you have like you know some crevices you can sprinkle a little bit of spice inside of it you want almonds and cranny fill up all nooks and cranny with your spice it's going to make a very nice even crust look at that smells wonderful all right so next you're going to need a really really clean piece of cloth uh you know you can use your top your kitchen towels or things that but make sure it's clean and second don't use any don't use any fabric softener you know you don't want any uh laundry smell on your india so how do i want to do this i think i'm gonna fold it once like this and then i'm just gonna roll it and there we go and next you just wrap it with some string i got some you know the inner strains of the power chords you know power chords have like uh what is it seven five strings in them and that's just just let's start with [Music] [Music] this [Music] i actually forgot how to tie my rose and i just remember how to do it that's not the proper way so it still works this is not proper as i tied it up i'll make sure that i have like a loop here so i can hang it in my uh in the fridge okay [Music] all right so it's been three weeks and let's have a look at what it is the salt has done its job and the timing and the waiting period also allowed the uh the drive me to actually multiply so now you should be getting two pieces instead of one i'm kidding i made a second one in the meantime so let's have a look this is the first one that i did the one that i filmed and let's have a look at what we have here let's go back upstairs and see all right so this is how it looks after three weeks it kind of banded not sure what happened here but let's see oh wow depending on how you do it you might have some mold on the outskirt which is uh completely normal it's called psyllium and it's it's you know they're it's good bacteria they're here to protect your stuff so let's cut this it's really hard and see you know we still have a little bit of redness in the middle and kind of dark on the outskirt it's really cool oh wow it's wonderful [Music] look at that isn't it [Music] oh yeah oh yeah so this is great food for the trail and you know camping i would vacuum seal it and bring it to me with me and this can you know it will stay it will stay a while you know without refrigeration so that's a pretty perfect all right thanks for watching see you around folks bye [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Wild Bush & Grit
Views: 8,583
Rating: 4.9330544 out of 5
Keywords: how to make dry meat at home, how to amke dry meat at home, dry meat, preserve meat, salted meat, how to preserve meat in salt, dry cured meat, curing meat, curing venison, how to cure venison, cured meat, cured venison, drying meat at home, curing meat at home, how to cure meat at home, preserve meat without fridge, dry cured meat recipes, preserve meat using salt, preserve meat in the wild, dry venison sausage, dried beef, cured venison backstrap, cured meat process
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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