How to Make Dialogue Sound Better in Premiere Pro

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I'm Mike and I'll show you how to make dialogue sound better in Adobe Premiere Pro CC get involved in one of my upcoming audio production courses they open every couple of months for enrollment and I always accept a maximum of twenty students each time so I can provide personal one-on-one coaching to each and every student if you'd like to learn more about the world of audio head to mr CFM slash learn so here we are in the sequence I've got a bit of video and I've also got some audio I've recorded on this quality microphone and synced up to the camera audio so I've got a quality condenser microphone recording that is the first step to getting good quality audio get yourself a good shotgun mic or condenser microphone anything that is better than your camera's internal microphone assuming you've already done that I'll show you how to make the dialog you've recorded sound better with a few simple steps these are the processes that I apply every time I'm producing a video with dialogue in Premiere Pro so you've got your video on V one channel you've got your audio on the a1 channel you can actually just drag you can grab this little bit here and drag this open if you want to see the waveform a little bit clearer and then I'd suggest going to into the audio workspace up here so click audio it's gonna bring you up a mini mixer here with all of your audio channels in focus now I can see that my dialogue is on audio one so I'm looking at a one channel and at the top here you'll see just a little tiny triangle here show/hide effects and sends this is what we want to do pop this open and then here where it says FX next to these five little places here this is where you can insert different effects to improve the quality of the voice so right now it doesn't sound bad it's just a raw recording from my microphone let's have a listen in one of my upcoming audio production okay so that's fine but it's a little bit quiet if you look at the meters I accept a maximum is speaking between minus 15 and minus 12 now I can definitely increase the amplitude then I can add a maybe a little bit of EQ followed by some dynamics processing let me show you those steps step by step first of all I'm going to go into the effect selection drop it down amplitude and compression and I'm gonna go for amplify this will simply maximize the audio and a bit more so as you can see I was speaking between minus 15 and minus 12 so I'm gonna be pretty conservative here double-click mic amplify effect and I'm gonna increase this by 10 dB let's play the audio back now when you put it by the way into the left channel you'll see it automatically makes it 10 DB Plus on the right channel as well this is just a simple gain increase on your recording so if I close this down now you should see the meters a little hot and one of my upcoming audio production classes I accept a maximum of it's actually running a little bit hot it's it's a bit too close to zero for my own comfort when T students for enrollment every couple of months if you're in all those saying that it's not peeking if it was speaking these two red lights at the top would light up I'll show you how that would work if I make this say 15 it'll definitely post it ahead of there you go you see if you this is what you don't want red lights up there if you've got that you're peaking so take them down but I think 10 DB boost is good enough for me now this is the next step where I might need to move the amplified down a bit this is where I had a little bit of EQ filter an EQ parametric equalizer and this is one of my favourite effects to just increase the clarity of the audio that you've recorded so here I can sweep through I can add on some high end and I can take off some low end and I'll show you how I'll do that first I'll take the low end off with a high-pass filter clicking HP there and changing this to be 48 DB / Oct and that'll make a nice sharp roll-off we're rolling off bass frequencies we don't need becoming audio production classes I accept a maximum of 20 and you notice as the more I move that up the thinner my voice gets so I want to just set that at the point where it's starting to get thin and then roll it back there strikings for enrollment every couple of months if you're interested head over to Emily okay so around 70 Hertz is where I'm gonna leave that then I'm gonna roll up some high ends I'm gonna change the shape of this because if I move this up this is a rather broad curve so I'm gonna change the shape of that curve using this icon and then I'm gonna just roll on a bit of high frequency as well to make it crisp one of my upcoming audio production classes I accept a maximum of 20 students now you could obviously hear the change I was doing an extreme example there so you could hear the changes but you just want a very subtle increase there in the high end audio production classes I accept a maximum of 20 students for enrolment every and I think that's enough now let's look and see if we're picking yes we are so that's an indication and that will always happen when you increase the decibel level of certain frequencies in EQ you can have increased the overall audio sound so amplify back into there and I'll take that down by a couple of DB down to 8 DB boost let's have a listen coming audio production classes I accept a maximum now we're doing nice with sitting below 0 dB so next we move on to the wonderful one of my favorite ever effects in Adobe Premiere Pro CC it is the dynamics effect this is just absolute magic you can do so much with the dynamics effects and this is the third part in my simple chain amplify EQ dynamics that's all you're gonna need to make dialogue sound better so inside dynamics don't worry about the gate or the expander will maybe cover them another time in a future video if you're interested by the way in what gates and expanders do let me know in the comments and maybe I'll cover it in a future video but for now we're looking at the compressor and the limiter first we're gonna set up the compressor which will simply compress down the high bits of your voice so that everything is a nice block and it's kind of easier to listen to we don't want to go too nuts here so let's start off with a threshold at the default of minus 20 and in order to make the compressor work we'll need to push the ratio up at a ratio of 1 the compressor will not work I explain compressors in more detail on other videos in my channel but for now we'll just increase this slowly up to a ratio of two and see how that affects things my upcoming audio production classes I accept a maximum of 20 you can see that's already really working the compressor quite a bit even a 1.7 so I'm gonna leave in there I'm not even going to talk about attack and release as we'll cover them in another video but suffice to say the default of 1 millisecond 50 milliseconds are absolutely fine for most dialog cases now we're gonna use the limiter as the final icing on the cake this is the last step in the how to make dialogue sound better video inside Adobe Premiere Pro so with the limiter I take that to enable it and the threshold is minus 1 what this means is it will limit your audio so that it cannot go higher than minus 1 DB and watch how it works as I start to increase the makeup gain which is the amplitude of your signal after you've finished adding all these processes you'll see that it'll make louder and louder until he hits the limit this red light comes on and you'll see that the bars will stop here and won't clip into above 0db let me show you how it works students for enrollment every couple of months if you're interested and there you go you see that the red light is starting to come on at a makeup gain of 9.8 if I push any harder it's gonna distort and sound terrible listen to what happens it head over to MRC FM / learn it's also bringing up a load of my noise floor as well you're hearing more echo from the studio so really what you want to do with this is you want to set the limiter - 1 DB is a good threshold release you can leave right there at 50 milliseconds but you want to push the make up so it's just tickling the red limit and then maybe just drop it down slightly like a slant in one of my upcoming audio production classes I accept a maximum of 20 students for enrollment every couple of months if you're interested head over to MRC okay so I'm just getting a slight tickle on the red light there when I met at an 8 DB makeup so that is absolutely perfect and now I really feel like we're ready for prime time with this audio so just to give you a before-and-after let's first of all listen to what I've just done take part in one of my upcoming audio production classes okay so we've got there now I'm gonna go through and disable all these effects by clicking the cross through the power button here and we'll have a listen to the original sound take part in one of my upcoming audio production classes again we'll put all the effects on and let's put them on one by one I accept a maximum of twenty students for enrollment every couple of months if you're interested head over 2mr so it makes the dialogue a lot louder a lot easier to hear particularly of you doing interviews or something of that type it can really really help just to follow these steps amplify EQ dynamics compressor and limiter and you are gonna have better sounding dialog in just a few minutes inside a Adobe Premiere Pro CC [Music]
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 180,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro audio, how to fix audio, how to make audio sound better, sound mixing, audio mixing, how to get better audio, how to get clean audio, how to get good audio, better audio for videos, better audio for youtube videos, how to edit audio, how to make my audio sound better
Id: cSceBAQkwSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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