E25 - How to Edit Dialogue for a Movie Scene - Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

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everybody this is chin fat welcome to my channel and in this episode I mean dialog editing and kind of how it's shot and how it is at it edited together after the fact I'll introduce you to several techniques here but first of all I want to talk a little bit how I want to kind of show how a scene of dialog is typically shot got here is the scene a little bit of description here that was a that was shot and we're gonna be editing this and has a little bit of a description of a gurney being taken out with the dead person on it and we have you know we have Brian talking to a police detective Paul and they're having a little conversation after a while Brian's dead wife is being wheeled out in this scene so uh as we look at the scene here we've got Paul's line we've got Paul's line then we've got Brian thigh and then Paul's line and then Brian's line and so on for the rest of the scene here it's kind of short CNN shows a short scene kind of a basic scene just uh just to give him the basics of this dialogue editing okay saying that let's go and Photoshop here I'm just gonna talk about how a scene like this is typically shot and this is just a simple one it's a scene between two people having a dialogue and we'll have Brian's standing here put B for Brian and Paul the detective standing right here we're looking this is looking straight above them looking down on their heads so we're going to kind of show how to do how this scene is basically covered typically you do a wider shot that is called an establishing shot so here's our camera out here and you'll see this when we get to the dialogue that we have an establishing shot that covers the entire script and this is also called a master shot so I'm gonna go back to our script here and what we'll see is this master shot that is also a wide shot covering the entire scene from beginning to end it's gonna cover from the beginning here till the end of the scene once again a short scene but but that that master shot covers the entire scene and what you kind of got to know about this is unless wireless mics are being used on the individual actors which is a typical situation these days but you're gonna have one single microphone and that microphone is going to be placed kind of somewhere in between these guys here not really pointing at one mouth or the other and you're just gonna be getting kind of their audio and it's gonna be like what they call reference audio it's not going to be necessarily usable audio you're just going to use it to maybe missing clips with better audio later on right now because this is getting that microphone is gonna be picking up both of these guys but the audio is not going because it's not pointing close to one of these guys's mouths here so that is our establishing shot and then we will see that the camera goes on and what's called an OTS over the shoulder of Brian to Paul to the detective here and I see that over the shoulder and what and and pretty much this entire script is shot once again all the way through on a close-up of Paul and while that's being done now this is kind of important to note as well since these guys did not have wireless mics on them there was a boom microphone that was pointed directly at Paul's mouth is just like a inches above his head right out of the shot of the other of the camera and is pointed directly at Paul and it stays on Paul the entire time so what we've got on this shot on this close-up is this Paul will turn and speak and say his line and then after that Brian will say his line but Brian's lion will not sound very good but Paul sounds really good and then Brian speaks and it's not very good and then Paul speaks and his lines really good and that way from beginning to end we have an entire entire audio we have an entire visual and good audio coverage of the character Paul then what happens is the camera moves over here and they do an OT s over the shoulder - Brian and this one is also a close-up now the microphone is pointing toward Brian the entire time and then we get all Brian's good audio from this point of view now I go back to our go back to our script and that shots going to have Paul speaking but his audios not gonna sound very good then Brian's will sound really good Paul's won't sound very good then Brian's will sound really good so with that let's get into the dialogue editing concept here so let's look through our footage here I'm gonna open up this bin increase her thumbnail size here and what we've got is here is our wider shot that has the entire scene that is our master shot right there and then we have the two takes with the detective but this is the better take here is take two so under take two we've got the over-the-shoulder where we see Brian's face and then we see Paul the detective right there speaking and then we cut to the reverse angle where we see Brian speaking and the microphones on him and that's over the shoulder of the detective so the very first step that we're going to be doing it naturally a lot of people will want to start on an establishing shot a shot like this here loss but this audio remember is not going to be as good because the microphone is a little wider shot in the microphone it's a little further away and it's pointing down not at one person's mouth or the other but just slightly out of the screen here so it's going to be a reference audio and it's going to be the temptation to cut to your establishing shot first so I'm gonna ask people you to do this you ignore that you ignore the establishing shot and what you do is you go to the script and you start looking at who you're going to add it to first so what I'm gonna do here is the general rule is we edit to whoever's dialogue is speaking first and then we will edit to Bryan's shot and use his audio edit to Paul and use his audio edit to Brian use his audio and so on and we're going to remain on those shots for the duration of his entire line this is just an audio rough cut we can go back and cut visually later then we cut to Brian's down his for the entire shot so let's get into that concept here and it's a bit counterintuitive to do this but it really pays off in the end so I'm gonna go to the detective I'm going to grab his take to here I'm gonna double click on that one and I'm gonna move through here and wait so we hear action so right there even though we're not gonna this is not going to be the visual we're using we're gonna be using this for audio I'm gonna put I for endpoint play through it let Paul say his line we'll be finished here very soon mr. Parker I'm very sorry for your loss stop because the next line belongs to him so I'm gonna hit over outpoint let's play past that just to show you what else happens in here thank you Emily had been sick for a long time but and his audio is not as good it still sounds pretty good but it's not perfect audio so I'm gonna cut to the other shop so I'm gonna go ahead and drop that into my timeline I'll hit period to drop it out of my timeline and there's my shot there once again this is just this line of Paul saying we'll be finished here very soon mr. Parker there we go now we're gonna cut to the other angle let's go back to the script and look at the next line and now after that I'm very sorry for your loss Bray and says thank you Valerie's been sick for a long time I'm just glad she's finally at rest so let's go back to Premiere double-click on this shot once again I am NOT cutting to the wider shots I'm using the good audio clips not the ones with the bad audio double-click on this one and let's find that same line okay and right here let's play sorry for your loss the detective finishes his line I'm sorry for your loss now I'm gonna hit I for endpoint because that's where Brian's line is going to be end thank you Fowler had been sick for a long time I'm just glad she's finally at rest stop oh for outpoint period drop it in because if we play past this once again this is his next line I guess that's the way and we're not going to use that we want to use this shot the close-up of the actual detective saying that so let me do that a couple more times here I'm just glad she's finally arrest there's the end of his line I for endpoint and right now I'm not really worried about matching necessarily I'm just worried about getting the good audio in there we can do the matching later I guess that's the way to look at things still it must have been hard to wake up right there and even that little breath at the end that audio belongs to this guy so I'm going to leave it on there right here listen stop it out point and if I play past that you'll hear this guy yeah say yeah so I'm not gonna include that it's just all this guy's audio even if there is a single line like this guy saying yeah we're gonna cut to him for ya then cut back the detective for his line and so on drop that in and let's do this one more time wake up and find so let's grab this guy's yeah in point yeah and that's it he just has those two lines so I just grabbed yeah yeah out point period drop it in and let's grab the last line yeah and there's a second yeah and then we go back to the detective detective for in point well again we're just about done here let us know if there's anything we can do for you and drop that in okay so I've gone ahead and gotten the rest of the edits in here let's kind of look through the scene and I'll show you what we've got so far what we've done here is we've gone and gathered all the good audio where the microphone is pointing directly at the actors and grab their lines but this is not how it's going to visually look in the end I started at the beginning here what we finished here very soon mr. Parker I'm very sorry for your loss thank you Fowler had been sick for a long time I'm just glad she's finally at rest I guess that's the way to look at things still it must have been hard to wake up yeah there we go so we got this whole back-and-forth going from beginning to end but once in a while you know you're probably going to want to cut to somebody else visually for a reaction to what the other person is saying and we're not gonna have to and we don't want to stay on one person for that entire is entire line right now what we were doing it was gathering the good audio placing it in there and that is your first step of editing dialogue now we're going to go through and start fixing this visually this is where I'm going to introduce you to some terms that are common with dialog editing few different things we'll be doing here is showing you how to match reaction shots and then how to do L cuts and J cuts and also another common technique that's called back timing let's get started on that I'm going to get the very beginning here and like I mentioned at the beginning we probably want to start on that establishing a shot to show what's going on and then as we play through we're gonna then we'll cut eventually cut to this close-up shot of the detective speaking so let's go to a wide shot here and let's do a back timing technique I'm gonna grab this white shot here double click on it and here's where the shot starts and as I was it placed through it will pan over and really revealed these guys speaking to each other as they see the the gurney being taken out so one way we can match this is what we can do is this guy has a line we're going to use that reference audio and I'm gonna play through it I'm gonna get the beginning of this guy's line as a matching point we're just and right there it's just begin we're just well I'm gonna arrow back til he until I get it right on the frame when we hear his first little voice command right there I can hear the whoop right there and I'm on the very first frame of the other whoop I'm going to hit I for end point right there I'm going to kind of decide where I might want it to cut back to the close-up so let's go to the end point play the rest about finished here mr. Parker maybe about right there I'm guessing we can change that later and put an out point so down here in the timeline now now with this end point here I need to match I need to find a matching end point here so let's play through here and find that same point I'm going to arrow to the right until I hear that very first syllable right there so right there is one on my timeline I can if I want to be safe if I accidentally move my playhead I could put I for an end point on my timeline as well now I don't want to bring audio down so I'm going to turn off my source patching for my audio I'm also going to tell it to put place video on the second channel let's activate that track there but this is my source patching for my video one track that's gonna put it right down here on my video to track in my timeline and my audio is disabled so it will not be dropping out in hit period it drops it in and now this matching point where it says what here and what here is matched up so now I can back time this I'm going to drag this and trim it backwards and now we will be on the wide shot and what I cuss to this shot his audio will start speaking but it will be from but it will be from the clip below it let's move this aside it'll be the audio from this clip undo that but it will hopefully kind of match to this wide shot let's see if that works so play through it watch his lips we'll be finished here very soon mr. Parker and actually that matches pretty well there so let's so now I can actually what I like to do is I like to keep everything nice and clean since it match I'm going to select this hold down option and arrow down and drop it down into this timeline and now I can trim this okay basically what's called a J cut the audio here belongs to this clip and it's forming the shape of a J right there so that is a J cut we'll talk a little bit more about those here L on J cuts here in a minute now I can trim this I can arrow up hit shift T to go to my trim window I had an episode on this last episode if you wanna watch the trim window I'm gonna tilt over this so you can kind of see what's see it's a little closer and I can decide right there I don't like that her face is kind of blocking this guy's and that's that's where we end so I'm gonna find a good matching point here I'm going to do a roll at it and it's not going to be affecting my audio here and just to make sure that it's not going to be moving my audio or if I come out here I'm gonna lock my audio track there tilde backup tilde over this and I'm gonna grab my role edit here in the middle and drag this back and see how we have that nice little head match as well when he turns his head I could decide to cut there if I wish or I can do it before her head cross let's see how this looks we'll be finished here very soon mr. Parker and that matches I like that so it just depends on what you want to do so let's play through here and decide where the next edits going to be your loss Thank You Valarie been sick okay and I like that cut there after you see after he finished his line I do kind of like that hard cut therefore your loss thank you but here we're on this shot for a long time here so I may wish to do some sort of reaction shot where it cuts to the reverse of the detective so let's show you another little technique to do a reaction shot that's kind of a cool little technique and we want it because watch what happens when we cut to the other angle here is we see Brian's face so if there's any lines Brian speaking and we cut to the reverse saying oh we're gonna see him talking as we cut to this guy's reaction shot let's do this I'm gonna hold down option I'm gonna select this and I'm going to drag it up one holding down option and drag that clip up and it duplicates this clip now I can drag this and back time it over the previous clip for a reaction shot but this is no guarantee that's gonna match lips let's try this out I'm gonna go at the end and trim it over and it's back time to a reaction shot let's see how that looks I've got it over Brian's audio thank you I've been sick for a long time see now the lips are off so I'm gonna show you one other kind of advanced technique this one usually works if you're not if you're seeing it what's called an over-the-shoulder clean instead of a dirty shot this is remember the shoulder dirty because you can see Brian's face you can see I'm talking if it was a tighter shot like an extreme close-up we might not see Brian's face and you can get away with that a lot easier so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna option drag both the video and the audio here I'm gonna select these two right click and we're gonna do a quick link I'm gonna link those two together and now when I grab this and drag it to the left Australian both audio and video out I'm gonna use these waveforms to match I'm gonna use my tilde over this to kind of show this and make this a little bit bigger so you can see what I'm doing here I'm gonna hold down option I'm gonna hold that option and scroll over these make them a little bit bigger but I really want to see the audio here so let's take a look at the audio I'm gonna do plus plus plus to zoom up and look right here you can see the waveforms here this one here is kind of supposed to be matching up with that one there so all I really have to do to get this reaction shot to match is get these waveforms to kind of line up so I'm going to select this clip hold down option and an arrow to the left by the way when I say an option on a Mac its option on a PC its alt so just to clarify if I'm saying option or alt that's exact same thing and I'm going to arrow over to the root to the left and as I do that look what it's doing it's nudging this clip over so I can get those waveforms to match up and that looks fairly matched here here these are two different shots that the actors saying the exact same line so let's zoom out here now that I've got that matched up I can actually hold down option select that audio delete the audio cuz I don't need that cuz I just want this good audio here and now I can back time.this and now watch what happens when we play through when it goes to the reverse angle the audio that doesn't really belong to the shot actually matches up watch this thank you dollar I've been sick for a long time it works but the but the continuities that cuts back and forth that matches up but the continuity doesn't match I'm going to select this clip now they've got the audio kind of matching I'm gonna option and arrow down and we can use your trim window to get these edits where we need them so I'm going to hit shift T to go to my trim window on this edit right here on this first edit and let's get this one matching up and I'm gonna roll edit tell his face is matching directions right there is kind of matching stick maybe right there because it's face is facing in the same direction in both shots let's see what that looks like dollar had been sick for a long time and right there it looks at the detective and then it cuts back on us and the continuities not not matching cuz from one shot he's looking in the detective when it cuts back and the other one he's not so shift T and let's grab our roll out of here and get see if we can get that mash right there they're matching he's still look in the same direction right there is where I'm gonna leave it now let's play through this shot and see how both those edits look so here's the full a tit dollar had been sick for a long time I'm just glad she's finally at rest well I think I don't like is it cuts to the detective and it it's very short Etta so I'm gonna extend that a little bit let's do this and go to the opposite direction let's extend that Etta son right there he's looking over toward the detectives and there he does a little look over then look back so his face is kind of matching maybe about right there let's give that a try we've been sick for a long time I'm just glad she's finally at rest I guess and there we go that worked let's show another instance of either do using an L cut or a J cut now what an L cutter - J cut is is where you extend the video over another Clips audio or vice versa and it forms a shape of what's called an L or or a J so watch this if I grab this edit right here and right now I'm just gonna hold down control so it does a quick roll at it I'm gonna grab this I'm gonna luck the audio so it does not change my audio and I'm going to grab this here holding down ctrl or command on a Mac and dragging it over this here forms a J cut and look what happens and look what that looks like wrist I guess that's the way to look at things and the matching doesn't work but you get the audio is playing before we do the cut and an L cut is the opposite it's where you grab the cotton put it put it a little and you drag it backwards and then it cuts to the other person before the audio finishes when she's finally at rest those things don't match but see right here I want to do a J cuts let me get back that work that back to where it was but the audio is not matching when it goes over the shoulder so since I'm doing a J cut which is going to be this direction right here I want the audio over the shoulder here to match up when the detective starts talking in which it doesn't look at things and it doesn't match up perfectly so I'm going to do that same little trick that I did before I'm gonna borrow audio from this clip here and if I drag that out you'll see what happens is these audio waveforms do not match notice there was a longer pause right here then the Edit actually happened so so what I need to do is grab so what I need to do is I need to grab all the footage here and move it down to match with that pause if I like that possible let's do this I'm going to select all this footage down I'm gonna hold down option and arrow this to the right until I get those waveforms to match let's extend this a little bit more and make sure that matches properly and it looks like I could probably send a little bit more to the left right there and get it to match right about there so now I'm just gonna grab this clip and I'm going to extend it to the end of this clip and we have that kind of longer pause I'm going to bring this back here and now I can get rid of this audio clip that I used to perform that at that time matching there but now what I've got a problem with here is you notice he says he says rest kind of twice here so what I can do is either I can cut off that extra audio or I can roll it at the audio to the Audio over I'm going to lock my video hold down ctrl and I'm gonna roll edit this over and there I got blank audio there now but now that visual timings going to match I do an l-cut let's give that a try unlock my video lock my audio so if there's audio alone and I'm going to land on this edit here arrow up shift T go to my trim window so we can have visual matching and I'm going to grab a roll edit and drag this over and right there spaces in the same direction let's give that a try and see how it goes and now I've got a J cut going there and let's play through it a twist I guess that's the way to look at things and notice that his lips actually match up now we cut to the other camera and even though the audio is borrowed from the other shot they match up watch his lips very closely I guess that's the way to look at things still it must have been hard to wake up and so then it will be doing this sort of process all the way to the end playing through it and seeing where you want to cut in early into somebody else's shot to show a reaction shot or you're just doing a plain reaction shot covered by another one like right here I'm gonna grab this shot hold down option and drag it up to duplicate it drag it over and drag this over we just created a reaction shot cuz this is kind of a long shot to stay on one person so let's see how that looks still it must have been hard to wake up and we got a reaction shot the lips didn't really match there so we'd have to do the same process as we did before and those are the basics of the dialogue there I'm going to perform a few other edits on this and then we'll watch that then I'll come back and we'll watch the seeing how it kind of flows together visually alright so I'm back I've done the rest of the visual edit on this so first of all I did my audio rough cut and then I went through and I did some back timing reaction shots and L cuts and J cuts are the three kind of major things here and let's take a look at how this whole thing looks will be finished here very soon mr. Parker I'm very sorry for your loss thank you Fowler had been sick for a long time I'm just glad she's finally at rest I guess that's the way to look at things still it must have been hard to wake up yeah well again we're just about done here let us know if there's anything we can do for you Thank You detective alright guys so that's it if you have any questions please post them but this is kind of the basics on editing dialog
Channel: chinfat
Views: 30,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Premiere Pro, Software (Industry), Adobe Systems (Award Winner), Project, Effects, After, Industry (Organization Sector), Episode, 2015, creative cloud, cc, Episode Part, tutorial, project, setup, Setup (Film), Film (Media Genre), 2017, sequence, editing, video, video production, masks, animation, ingest, ingesting, rough cut, rough edit, graphics, text, title, titling, dialogue, sound mixing
Id: C00G7lWqIUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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