How to make Dauphinoise Potatoes

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Today we're going to be making Dauphinoise potatoes. Welcome back to our kitchen where we show you how to make delicious family friendly recipes. Dauphinoise potatoes is a classic French side dish that goes great with your roast dinner it's a really impressive way to serve potatoes. I've got my oven preheating to 190 C or 375 F and we're going to start by lightly greasing a baking dish. I'm using a 32 by 18 centimeter oven proof dish. Now pour 480 mil or two cups of double or heavy cream into a large saucepan add 480 ml or 2 cups of full fat milk and three garlic cloves that have been peeled and lightly squashed, add those into the pan and bring to the boil once, it's reached a boil turn down the heat. Now we're going to peel some potatoes, I've got a kilo and a quarter or 2 and 3/4 pounds of flour white potatoes here I'm using maris pipers, once they're peeled you want to thinly slice the potatoes using a mandolin or the slicing attachment on your food processor, they need to be around three to four millimeters. Add the sliced potatoes to the saucepan and stir to coat in the cream and milk bring back to the boil, then simmer for six to seven minutes stirring occasionally until the potatoes are tender and just cooked. Make sure you keep an eye on those potatoes so they don't catch on the bottom of the pan so while they're cooking I'm going to mix the other seasonings, I've got a half a teaspoon each of salt and black pepper, 1/4 of a teaspoon of white pepper and a pinch of nutmeg, mix all those together now the potatoes are tender scoop half of them out of the pan with a slotted spoon and arrange them in the baking dish those potato slices will want to stick together in the pan so just use a knife to pull them apart slightly to make sure that we've got sauce in between each of the layers of potato and you can discard that garlic as you come across it. Sprinkle over half of the salt pepper and nutmeg mixture and 50 grams or half a cup of grated Gruyere cheese, spoon on the remaining potatoes, and pour over just enough sauce so the potatoes are coated, sprinkle on the remaining seasoning and another hundred grams or a cup of grated Gruyere cheese. Place in the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes until the cheese is golden. And there you go that's how to make creamy dauphinoise potatoes, an impressive side dish for your roast dinner.
Channel: Kitchen Sanctuary
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Keywords: Dauphinoise potatoes, dauphinoise, dauphinoise potatoes recipe, potato gratin, how to make dauphinoise potatoes, gratin dauphinois, easy dauphinoise potatoes, scalloped potatoes, potato gratin recipe, pommes dauphinoise, potato dauphinoise, gratin, how to make potato dauphinoise, easy potato gratin, recipe, best dauphinoise potatoes, potato recipe, dauphinoise potato recipe, perfect dauphinoise potatoes, thanksgiving side dishes, roast dinner side, potatoes for roast dinner
Id: qpijizY2gDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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