making an edit on CAPCUT desktop editor for the first time!

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hey guys it's Lauren right off the bat here are all of my socials and you should go follow them if you don't already so on my channel I'm always getting requests to try different editing apps and the app that's definitely most requested is cap cut but today I'm going to be trying something out that I didn't even really know existed until like 3 days ago maybe I'm just on the wrong side of Tik Tok but guys why are we not talking about this cap cut has a desktop editor for computers this is so pivotal for me you don't understand because I feel like one of my biggest struggles when I try out mobile editing apps is just the fact that it's like physically hard to edit on a phone so for today's video I'm going to be trying out cap cut on my computer and I'm going to treat this exactly like I would if I was editing on After Effects I'm going to go through the process of adding and cutting clips and then adding my key frames and graphs but my main goal with this video is to really try to leverage the cap cut effects and cap cut effects and features that are exclusive to the app and can't be found on After Effects because at the end of the day guys different doesn't automatic Ally mean worse and I think it's possible for anyone to make a bomb edit regardless of what they're editing on so please keep in mind that I have never tried this app out before so obviously I'm not going to be as well versed in it as I am on After Effects but if you do happen to be a cap cup Pro I hope you can watch and laugh along also quick reminder to follow me on cap cut here is my username oh here is my username you guys should definitely follow me I hope to post some things on there all right guys enough said let's get into the video that was dumb because I just have to open open it again to start the video all right guys this is what we're working with right now don't mind this picture I was just testing some things out earlier I do not know who that man is but here is the cap cut desktop editor and it's kind of giving Final Cut Pro if you guys have ever used that that's what I use to edit the very video you're watching right now so there's basic which is like manipulating position scale and then 2D rotation you can change the opacity and then there's cutout which because I am a cap Cut Pro member thank you cap cut I can use and I have not turned this on but let's see wo wait oh that eight that's really good this I haven't checked out I guess these are other masks okay but yeah there's this whole other sector for animation which at first I was like I don't want to use any presets like I kind of want to do all my own key framing but like high key A lot of these are really cool like oh wait you guys don't even know the audio Primadonna Girl Marina and the Diamonds the part that goes would you do anything for me buy a big diamond ring part and I'm editing junk cook as you can tell but yeah like look that was really good there's also AI effects which like guys I'm sorry let me try this out real quick I'll do random beautiful face fantasy girl kneeling crying long unkempt I'm interested in seeing what that is oh oh I'm just not sure it fits the theme of my edit right now so I'm going to undo but cute okay then there's a whole other world here there's text audio stickers effects wait guys there's so much option I'm overwhelmed W they have a whole category dedicated to butterflies 2019 Lauren would especially be eating that up then there's transitions movement glitch Distortion slide split Mas I feel like I could utilize something realistically in every single one of these categories but we're going to need to narrow it down ooh there's a cube damn kka really has been on their Zoom lately because wow okay so let's craft out the vision for my edit so first I want to add some motion tile to this that probably be in effects split yeah here we go nine screens what I need to do first make the composition ratio 43 pre-m add nine screens and then we'll go back to 1 one period I ate the I ate that up can you enter a compound clip I'll undo the compound I forgot to add my text because I want to add my my Watermark by Lauren of course are there text effects ooh wait no I want the pink text and I'm Pro so I can do it okay my beat hits right here I'll remember that cuz I'm going to do a mid graph why not key frame scale 0% put that here and then let's see if I can figure this out highlight right click no right click show key frame animation there we go okay and then the little oh the tiny little grer wait this is cute it's like a wee popup okay do I easy ease them here then or do I just click gra okay so this is a value graph I know how to manipulate this or you can Kink it in different ways free curve Auto curve what's the difference I forgot how to do midg grph with value I always do it with speed this there we go yay wait and I'll do some overshoe and then I'll push them a little bit further apart like three frames okay create compound clip nine screens okay I'm actually going to scale it out and then I want to do position pan in so I'll like drag it here and then towards the end over here no that looks bad okay I want to add like a fisheye effect towards the edges cuz I always do that with this type of motion tile that would probably be in Distortion oh here o wait yes yes absolutely I like the chromatic aberration though nice touch wait these position key frames are weird wait I'm also going to mess around with the scale it's going to start off zoomed out and then like here where it says by Lauren zoom in and then Zoom back out period guess that's a really shallow curve oh I think that was smooth though maybe I just don't need these weird panning key frames maybe I could do something with the rotation instead take me way too long to figure this out okay I'll have the rotation key frames follow the same path as the scale ones and then the middle one will be like tilted to the right the the black hole might not be right for this specific opening though so let me see if there's something else yes yes yes do your thing cap cut now we need to work on the first transition of the edit I know I want to do like a null slide from this clip to this clip so I'm going to do it I think in a cap cut like efficient effective way I'll put them next to each other there's a gap I don't care it's a stylistic choice and then I'll pre-m them okay so I'll increase the scale to 150 no needs to be more hold up hold up they don't love you like I love you okay I don't even know where the bead is hold on bring the bead in I'm just on a Beyonce cake today I don't know so we'll add position key frames here and then here with this one going to the left to the left I just I had to guys then we'll go to of course not undo comic clip show key frame animation and do a cute little mid graph okay that's nice I'm back I had to take some time off just to work work on the edit on my own time and become more comfortable with like cap cut effects techniques how things are structured on the timeline because some things have been really tripping me up but I think I got the hang of it I added a lot more stuff so here's what the edit is looking like right now and low key like why did I pop off I kept going back in and like readjusting the key frames and graphs for this first part and I think I got it like actually on beat this time but more importantly than that I was exploring the X and guys this is some dope stuff like I use this star transition between these two clips and it's really smooth you guys can tell I've really been going crazy with the effects but I'll explain what I have so Cinema adds the borders to the intro Play Pendulum is like wiggle so it kind of just like shakes everything then I have this effect rainbow sparkle which literally looks like a coloring like this is it with the rainbow sparkle keep that in mind without and then I have another Sparkle effect that's to add like the sparkles on the border here I have dreamy glow which is another like yellow lighting effect and then I've been using the hell out of this wide angle Distortion cuz it gives like that cool like fisheye effect on the edges and there's also this effect angel that looks a lot like Sapphire Edge Rays from After Effects my favorite effect is probably this shake right here like bro it's called darken flash but it just looks so good there's an effect called Electro and then it just Fades into velocity I'm still figuring things out but basically I want this circle to like zoom out towards the end and then it'll go into this transition which is like a circle opening up so I'm first just going to have this circular picture slide in the process is becoming like muscle memory I'm so proud of myself I'm going to push it to the side as you can tell I added some more Sparkles and glitch to this part then we'll go to my key frame animation add Kinks to the graph and then I'm going to do a mid graph how's my posture great right yes all right and while it slides in I'm going to add key frames for rotation and scale then at the very end I'm going to rotate it to the right and then make its scale really tiny and then of course edit my graphs wait no not a not a mid graph I'm just so used to Mid graphs it is just an out graph and the background Fades to Black in time it's all good okay okay for this little zoom in part I know what I'm going to do don't come at me I mask this on my phone but when it says buy a big diamond ring for me we're going to have junk cook in a diamond so I guess it'll start rotate it to the right and then I'll have the scale at zero and now we will edit the graphs you know this is so similar already to my existing editing process that I'm like the key is really just giving yourself time to like look at the layout check out the effects get familiar with the timeline like this capcut timeline we're besties now okay ooh that looks cool okay we're going to add our nine tiles scale up and then it's sliding down so this should start up position key frame there and then we'll go to our key frame animation not not the X the Y that keeps tripping me up cuz like on After Effects you have to manually separate the dimensions of X and Y for position but here they're already separate which I honestly think is very convenient cuz there are a lot of times where I am having to separate the dimensions and I'm like why don't they just come preparated I think when it says ring I'm going to manipulate the position scale and rotation of the diamond so that it lands on his hand yeah I'm going to use scale to zoom this clip forward cuz like his hand needs to be bigger in the center of the screen for this to work diamond ring okay per now I just need to work with these key frames I'll get the position to be here maybe even a little tinier scale and now I have to do four graphs yay I'm so happy I'm going to try to do this so super fast the time is 12:51 let's try to get it done by 1253 okay let's [Music] go period done it's 12:52 like that is actually wait why did I eat why did I eat okay what I did forget to add is like my extra panning key frames to my velocity but I also want to add like a flicker effect I would think it would be in light effect but you never know maybe Sunset yes yes immediately yes immediately yes let's add our scale key frames I usually put it past the end of the clip which is what I'm going to do here as well I'm going to have this one start a little bit more zoomed in and then zoom out and then for this third clip I have it start zoomed in and then I'm going to zoom it out beautiful love it okay and I definitely want to add some more light effects to this part maybe repeat Shake okay I kind of liked it what you guys aren't seeing right now is probably like 30 plus manage of footage of me trying out every single one of these effects like on camera I'm like oh it doesn't really like matter which one I choose like you know I'll just choose the first one that looks nice and then the perfectionist Tendencies off camera are like Lauren if you don't find the best of effect out of every single one of these you're a flop but yes I've looked long and hard and I think the repeat Shake is the best for this specific clip and now I'm going to try to add a cool light effect maybe a rainbow flood it adds some texture why not why not wait now I'm should I try like compounding all of these clips does that work yes it does okay period I don't know how that's going to help me but maybe it will what could I do let me add my next clip so I can have a more like solid vision looks so cute here ooh Kaleidoscope cool but not what I'm looking for wait axis Ro did you guys see that that yes yes oh my God period I'm kind of gagged like I'm gagged by my own creation oh that's an interesting angle but anyway wait now I'm like did I choose the right one did I like this is oh my God bye they also have like a radial effect there's so much going on I'm loving all of it but I'm also an incredibly indecisive person like I'm so indecisive all right guys I'm not going to make you suffer if you're watching the rest of my indecisiveness I'm going to go finish the rest of the edit and you guys will see the finished [Applause] [Music] product [Music] do all right what do we think guys did I do a good job using cap cut desktop for the first time comment down below what you think I genuinely had so much fun using cap cut today like there are so many different features and effects that are already on the app and that are being added on a weekly basis so I don't know it's just cool to see the app progress and develop and also so many people use cap cut now and I can see why it's really simple and straight to the point but it also allows you to have a lot of creative freedom in terms of how you set up your timeline and how you utilize effects so yeah if you haven't already I really recommend trying out the cap cut desktop app because personally for me it brought a whole new experience to cap cut editing all right I hope you guys have a great day or night wherever you are and bye
Channel: lauren
Views: 248,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1pMxq7hxigA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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